13 Signs She Wants To Leave Her Boyfriend For You

When a girl wants to leave her boyfriend for you there is a way she will handle you. The way she will talk to you and handle herself in front of you will just give you the impression that she wants you around.


What you should know is that even if she is in love with her boyfriend she can still give you a chance.


You will be once like an option to her but eventually, you will hold the largest percentage of her heart.


For you to know if you are going to be her choice you will need to understand how she talks to you, handles you, and perceives you.


You need to check out signs for you to be able to know if she is going to leave her boyfriend for you or not.


Without noticing these signs that I am about to share with you, just know that you won’t get a chance with her.


But if she shows you these signs it’s a sure thing that she will leave her boyfriend for you.


Signs she will leave her boyfriend for you;

1. She complains to you about her boyfriend.

This is the first sign you will come across when a girl wants to leave her boyfriend for you.


signs she will leave her man for you

When a girl wants to leave her boyfriend for you she will start sharing with you about her boyfriend’s issues.


She will tell how bad her boyfriend is and how broken and complicated their relationship is.


This is just to let you know that you will have a chance with her if you can build a better relationship with her than the one she has with her boyfriend.


The main reason why she tells you about her boyfriend being bad is just to show you the reality of the relationship she is in.


She wants you to understand that she is only considering you because her relationship is a mess.


Her boyfriend cheats on her, treats her badly and he doesn’t even care about her.


When a girl starts telling you the negative side of the person she loves this is just a sign she is tired of him.


She has been holding off this information from everyone but decided to tell you about it.


If you expressed your feelings for her and she told you that she is in a relationship but she would think about it, later on, she starts complaining to you about her boyfriend, this is a sign that she wants to leave him for you.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: Do This


Her boyfriend is not better and her relationship with him is a mess. She is thinking of giving you a chance and that is why she is complaining to you about her boyfriend.


On the other hand, she wants you to know the situation of her current relationship with her boyfriend simply because she doesn’t want you to conclude that she will jump from her current boyfriend to you without her relationship having issues.


She wants you to know that she doesn’t have a choice and that is why she is considering you.


This is one of the sure signs that she will leave her boyfriend for you.


2. She feels jealous when you hang out with other girls.

When a girl wants to leave her boyfriend for you this is another sign you will come across.


She won’t directly tell you that she is not happy when she sees you hanging out with other girls.


The moment she notices that you are busy with other girls she will start overreacting.


Suddenly, you will notice that she is mad at you and she won’t even tell you why she is mad at you.


When you ask her why she is acting differently she will start to hide it.


One thing you should know about women is that when they are interested in you they won’t allow another woman to hover over you.


Women are known for their jealousy.


Every woman who is in love is usually jealous. Though some women try to hide.


If a woman isn’t interested in you it won’t bother her when she sees you kissing another girl at the corner.


She won’t care about what you or who you talk to.


The only thing she will do is to mind her business.


The moment you notice that she gets jealous whenever you talk to other girls this is a sign that she will leave her boyfriend for you.


She knows that you know that she has a man. You expressed your feelings to her but she kept you hanging.


You concluded that you don’t have a shot with her and that is why you are free like a bird when it comes to interacting with other girls.


You thought that she wouldn’t find it a big deal because she has a boyfriend, but now she is showing you that she is bothered when you hang out with other girls.


This is a sign that she wants you for herself and that is why she is jealous.


The truth is that if she never had an intention of taking you in her life and dumping her boyfriend after, she wouldn’t have been stressing about you hanging out with other girls.


She wouldn’t have said a thing when it comes to who you choose to hang out with.


This is a sign that she wants to leave her boyfriend for you and that is why she doesn’t you to get your attention divided to other girls when she is about to offer herself to you.


3. She wants to get to know you better.

The moment a girl wants to leave her boyfriend for you, she will start to want to get to know you better.


You have shown her that you are interested in her. This caught her attention, but the issue is that she has someone else by her side.


If a girl is in a serious relationship that is on a good bearing (stable relationship) she will never bother entertaining another guy.


Whenever another guy approaches her she just distances herself from him.


She won’t even be interested in knowing any details about him.


All she will do is avoid putting herself in situations that might make her cheat on her boyfriend or leave him.


The moment a girl tells you that she is in a relationship after you have expressed your feelings for her, but she ends up telling you that she is down to get to know you better, this is a sign that she will leave her boyfriend for you.


Why would she be interested in getting to know you when she has a boyfriend and she is happy?


She only wants to get to know you better because she is considering you as a prize.


You are a potential candidate and that is why she wants to get to know you better.


When she decides to break up with her boyfriend to be with you she will have the right idea about the kind of man she wants to date.


If she wasn’t thinking of giving you a shot, she wouldn’t have wanted to know anything about you.


She would have been ignoring you and giving the vibe that she wasn’t interested in knowing a thing about you.


But the moment you find her asking you a lot of personal questions, she is so invested in listening to every story about your life, this shows that she is considering leaving her boyfriend for you.


4. She wants to hang out with you most of the time.

When a girl is in a relationship and her boyfriend is around most of the time she will choose to be with him.


signs she wants to end her relationship for you

You won’t get the chance to walk around with her. It will be impossible for her to accept any invitation you might give her.


She will invest all her time and energy in her boyfriend. That is her man, she has to be there for him.


You will call and text her, and she responds to you but she won’t bother showing up on any dates you will ask her out on.


She might make so many excuses not to see you at all. This is all because she is busy with the man of her life.


Read also; How To Tell If A Girl Is Making Excuses 


What she will always tell you is that she has plans with her man and it won’t be possible for her to see you.


The moment you notice that a woman gives you most of her time and she doesn’t even feel guilty about it yet she has a man, this shows that she is about to give you a shot.


A woman will never choose to spend her time with you if you don’t mean anything to her.


It’s hard for a woman to just show up on any date that she is invited on when she is in a relationship.


A girl who has a boyfriend will be an island for you. Getting hold of her will always be impossible.


If she is spending most of her time with you even when her boyfriend is around, this is a sign that she wants to leave her boyfriend for you.


She is giving you more time than her boyfriend because you mean a lot to her.


You are not just anyone.


She will leave her boyfriend for you when she feels that you are the only guy she wishes to spend her time with.


If someone’s girlfriend is always coming over to your house, hangs out with you every time, and always shows up when you call her, it’s a sign that she will leave her boyfriend for you.


Read also; What To Do When A Girl Comes Over To Your House


5. She starts prioritizing you over her boyfriend.

This is another sign you will come across when a girl is about to leave her boyfriend for you.


When a girl cares about you, she will do everything she can to show you that you matter to her.


Everything she will do when she is around you will be intentional.


It doesn’t matter where she is supposed to be, she will always choose to deal with your issues before others.


The moment she knows that you need her help, she will always show up first and fast no matter what she is doing or who she is with.


You will notice when a woman starts prioritizing you over her man.


Most of the time, she will be around when you need her. She will clearly show you that you are the priority over her boyfriend.


When there is a situation that requires her to be around her boyfriend, she will choose to be with you and make sure that you are okay before she leaves.


She will always put you first over her boyfriend and friends.


If you have noticed that she has been making you a priority over her boyfriend, this is a sign that she will leave her boyfriend for you.


The part about her making you a priority just shows that you are more important than her boyfriend.


You hold a bigger part of her heart than her boyfriend does. And that is why you are at the top of the list.


6. She includes you in her plans.

This is another sign you will see when a girl is about to break up with her boyfriend for you.


A woman who is planning to walk away from her boyfriend to be with you will start talking about her future with you.


This does not only apply to a woman who is about to leave her boyfriend but also to any woman who wants to stick with you.


Any girl who is in love with you and sees a future with you will always include you in her plans.


So, if you have a girlfriend somewhere who talks about her plans but she doesn’t talk about you being in it, just know that she is not planning to stick with you.


She is only with you for the moment but she will walk away from you when the time is right.


Maybe she is just stringing you along because you are available at the moment.


The moment someone better other than you shows up, you will be dumped. That’s the reality!


If she has a boyfriend but when you listen to her talk about her plans she uses “We” instead of “I” This is a sign that she is including you in her life.


She is including you in her future simply because her boyfriend won’t be there with her anymore.


It will only be the two of you.


When a woman talks about her plans and she includes you in them this shows that she intends to stick with you unless something otherwise happens.


It’s just like when a woman says she wants to have kids with you. This shows that she has put her mind into developing a future with you.


Go east, go west, you are the guy she wants to have kids with. So, know that you are going to be with her for longer than you anticipated.


She won’t leave you.


If someone’s girlfriend talks about her future with you this shows that she wants to leave her boyfriend for you.


7. Sometimes she ignores her boyfriend when she is with you.

This is another sign you will come across when a girl wants to leave her boyfriend for you.


how to know if she will leave her boyfriend for me

Her boyfriend is no longer more important than you. Your value just went higher than her current man.


The moment you notice that a girl ignores her boyfriend when she is with you this is a sign that she values you more than him.


You hold a higher bar than her boyfriend and that is why he ignores him when she is with you.


If she chose her boyfriend over you she wouldn’t let his call go miss.


She would be busy replying to her boyfriend’s texts and calls when she is around you.


But she is not doing that because she wants to spend ample time with you and enjoy the hours you have together.


So, when someone’s girlfriend starts ignoring her man just because of you it’s a sign that she wants to leave him for you.


8. She starts comparing you to her boyfriend.

The way a woman perceives you says a lot about how she feels for you.


If a woman starts comparing you to a madman, know that you are not that different from him.


She is comparing you to an insane man because your values are closer to each other.


Would you compare gold to an iron bar?


It’s impossible to make such comparisons because one has a higher price than the other.


So, when a woman starts comparing you to her boyfriend this clearly shows that you aren’t that far from her boyfriend when it comes to your value.


You might even be better than her boyfriend and that is why she is in the process of filtering who is better than the other.


If she has put you on the comparison chart, know that you have a shot with her.


When a girl compares you to her boyfriend and suggests that you are better than her boyfriend, this is a sign that she will leave her boyfriend for you.


What you should know is that women always want to be with a better man.


If you are better than her boyfriend in so many ways, she sees that and appreciates it, she will leave her boyfriend for you.


Be a little bit patient, she will come through.


When you taste honey, you won’t even want to drink water again.


This is the same state as her. You are the honey and her boyfriend is a cup of water.


Soon she will realize that.


9. She starts opening up to you about her entire life.

A girl who is not your friend and you aren’t that close in any way will hardly open up to you about her life.


It’s harder for women to open up to men they aren’t close to.


A woman has to be comfortable around you to open up to you and make herself vulnerable in front of you.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


Women hold lots of things in their hearts because they are usually afraid of how people might perceive them.


They care about maintaining their public image.


A girl might be dealing with thousands of problems but she won’t tell you about them when she realizes you might use that against her.


When it reaches a point where a girl opens up to you about her life and lets you know the worst side of her yet she has someone she can talk to about all those issues, this is a sign she will leave her boyfriend for you.


If a girl starts opening up to you about her life know that she is ready for you to get to know her better.


She is opening up to you about her life because she also wants you to be ready for her.


This is her preparing you to hold her when she falls into your arms. She doesn’t want to leave her boyfriend for you and then you tell her that you can’t handle her because of what she is going through in her life.


When a woman shows you the worst part of her life and the good ones, she is ready to let you in her life.


It’s rare for a woman who wants nothing to do with you to let you know about things that can destroy her.


10. She lies to her boyfriend about her whereabouts when she is with you.

She spends lots of time with you more than her boyfriend.


signs she wants to end a relationship with her man for you

Most of the time when her boyfriend calls and texts it is usually when she is with you.


Her boyfriend wants her to go and meet him but she ends up lying to him about her whereabouts.


She is with you at your place, but she tells her boyfriend that she is at work.


The moment you catch a girl lying to her boyfriend when she is with you this shows that she does not care about him.


She lies to him about her whereabouts so that she gets to spend more time with you.


She doesn’t care about him at all and that is why she lies to him and continues to hang out with you.


If she has been lying to her boyfriend more than once when she is with you this is a sign that she wants to leave her boyfriend for you.


It will reach a point where she will tell her boyfriend about the two of you and she will walk away from him.


If she wasn’t thinking of leaving her boyfriend for you she wouldn’t have been lying to him about her whereabouts.


She is lying to her boyfriend about it because she feels guilty.


Also, it can be that she wants to leave her boyfriend in style without him knowing what she has been up to.


Why would she lie to her boyfriend about her whereabouts when she is with you?


You are an affair for now but not too long she will leave her man and you will be the main deal.


She wants to break up with her boyfriend at her terms and time and that is why she is lying to him right now.


If you see this sign when you hang out with her it’s true to say she will leave her boyfriend for you.


11. She allows you to get intimate with her.

Don’t confuse this with what she feels for her boyfriend.


Maybe she is using you for your body or that might not be the case.


A woman who wants to leave her boyfriend for you will start by cutting off the connections with her man and start creating new ones with you.


So, if she is pushing you to be intimate with her it’s one sign to let you know that you aren’t far away from winning her heart.


If she is giving you her body when she has a boyfriend just know that she considers you more of a man than her boyfriend.


She doesn’t value her boyfriend anymore. Her body is yours to explore and enjoy and that is why she allows you to get intimate with her.


When a woman doesn’t respect her boyfriend and gives herself to you because she considers you to be better than her man, it sounds scary.


It can be a red flag too. You will end up concluding that she is not what you think she is.


Remember before she gave herself to you, you strived to show her that you wanted more than what she could offer.


Back then it was friendship but it turned out to be more.


She complained about her boyfriend to you and told you how terrible her relationship was.


It was harder for her to connect with her boyfriend, the more you got closer she felt the urge to show you that she is ready to move on from him.


She allows you to get intimate with her because she wants to let you know that she will let you have the whole package.


When a woman allows you to be intimate with you and shows you that she wants more than what you are having and yet she is in a relationship, this is a sign that she will leave her boyfriend for you.


It’s just a matter of timing.


12. She assures you that you will have her.

When a girl assures you that she will leave her boyfriend for you this is a direct way to let you know that you will get her.


She is assuring you that she will be with you because she wants you to calm down and be patient with her.


It is also one way of telling you that you should let her take her time to plan the breakup.


If she assures you that you will have her, it’s just a way to make you certain that she will eventually leave him for you.


The moment a woman assures you something it clearly shows that she has put her mind into it.


She is sure that she will leave her boyfriend for you; very soon she will let you have all of her.


13. She took you in even when her boyfriend was still available.

Don’t look for the signs far away. Remember that you approached her when she had a guy and she gave you a shot.


signs she wants to leave her boyfriend for you

You asked for her number though she had a boyfriend but she gave it to you.


Read also; She Gave Me Her Number But Has A Boyfriend: Why?


She let you express her feelings for her though she had a boyfriend.


Does this make sense to you?

Do you understand what it means?


This shows that the moment you approached her for the first time she knew that she could be with you and that is why she gave you an easy time even though she had someone.


The truth is that if she didn’t want anything to do with you she wouldn’t have given you even the chance to express yourself.


So this is a sign enough that she was ready for anything that would end up emerging between the two of you.



When a woman wants to leave her boyfriend for you she will make it pretty easier for you to see that.


She won’t give you a hard time at all when you try to express what you feel for her.


The moment she notices that you are a better option than her boyfriend because you have something to offer, she will give you a shot.


But if she isn’t interested in you and she is not thinking of ending her relationship with her boyfriend because of you, you will notice that by the way she will handle you.


You should also understand that when a woman decides to offer her body to you when she is in a relationship it doesn’t mean she will leave her boyfriend for you.


Some only do that because they are on heat and want to cool off some steam. You seemed the kind of guy who could handle that.


Maybe she might use you just for fun but she will never walk away from her boyfriend.


Read also; When A Girl Says She Just Wants To Have Fun: It Means?


Anyways, if a woman is ready to cheat on her boyfriend or leave her boyfriend for you, do you think she won’t do the same to you?


Think about it.


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