When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: Do This

When a girl says she will think about it, this can drive you crazy. She hasn’t told you when she will give you her answer.


The moment a girl tells you she will think about it, there are several things you should keep in mind.


What does it mean when a girl says she will think about it?

When a girl says she will think about it this means that she wants you to give her time to come up with an answer to your request. For now, she is not sure whether she should say yes or no about the proposal you have given her.


She doesn’t want to rush to give you an answer since she is not sure what she should tell you now. 


The good thing about this is that she is taking your proposal into consideration. If you asked her out and she told you that she would think about it, there is a possibility that she might end up saying say.


When she tells you she will think about it you shouldn’t come to the conclusion that she will give you a positive answer. 


You have no idea if she is going to say yes or no. So, if you don’t want to be hurt when a girl says she will think about it, don’t have so many expectations.


Expecting too much from her is what is going to hurt your feelings. So, it’s a good idea you keep yourself at a neutral point.


What to reply when she says I will think about it

The reply you will give her when she says I will think about it should encourage her to be quick when it comes to responding to your request.


what to do when she says she will think about it

You have to show that it’s not a big deal at all. Show her that you are not worried if she is going to take longer to give you the answer.


Don’t say something that will make her give you the wrong answer before she even fully considers it.


When she says she will think about it, this is how you should respond, “take your time, you don’t need to rush anything,”


“No worries, when you have my answer let me know about it”


You just have to let her know that you are okay with her taking her time to think about your request. 


Don’t give her a response will show her that you are impatient. Sometimes a girl might tell you she will think about it and the next day she will give you the answer you were hoping for.


So, when she tells you that you give her time to think about your proposal you should respect that.


Don’t try to push her to give you her response immediately when she wants to think about it.


If you force her to give you the response when she is not ready, she might give you an answer that you were not hoping for.


What to do when a girl says I’ll think about it;

1. Give her time to think about your request.

When she says she will think about it, you have to give her time to think about the request.


I know you are impatient. You want to know whether she will let you in or not. The worst thing you can do right now is to push her to give you the answer.


You have to be patient with her no matter how quickly you want the answer.


If she has given you a specific period you should wait for her to come up with your answer, don’t bother her if that time hasn’t passed.


Let her take her time to consider everything you told her before she decides to let you know how she feels about it.


If she has not given you a specific duration, you should just let her take her time. She knows that she has your answer and when the time is right she will let you know.


What you have to know is that if she takes you seriously, respects you, and acknowledges you as an important person to her, she will not keep you waiting for longer.


She will give you her answer within a short period. If she was not serious about you and she never paid attention to anything you were telling her, you will never hear from her again.


2. Focus on something else that matters.

If she has told you to give her time to think about it, you should focus on something else that matters.


You have a life that you are working on, it won’t be beneficial for you to spend days focusing on her yet she has kept you on hold.


The problem with us guys is that when we are into someone, we get glued to them to the extent of forgetting the important things we are working on.


So, take caution, don’t spend your days thinking about the outcome. I know it’s hard for you to take your mind away from what she is going to tell you.


The more you keep thinking about it, the less focused you will be. You will leave other things hanging because you can’t wait to hear what she will tell you.


This is where the problem kicks in. It will be hard for you to spend a day without texting or calling her because you want her to give you the answer as soon as possible.


You might even find yourself pushing her to give you the answers when she is not ready at all. When she notices that you don’t give her time to think about what she has to tell you, she will conclude that you are not mature enough.


She thinks you are not good enough for her and she might reject you for a petty reason.


So, focus on something else if you don’t want to find yourself in the situation that I am talking about.


If you have something you have been working on, go hard on it and forget that you are waiting for her to give you the answer.


3. Limit your communication with her.

If she told you she would think about it, this is something else you should do.


she said she will think about it

You should limit your communication with her if you want to have the upper hand. 


Don’t show her that you are desperate for her. If you expressed your feelings, she listened to you and told you she would think about it, that is all.


Control your conversation with her. Rarely initiate conversations with her.


Some guys usually find themselves expressing their feelings over and over when the women tell them they will think about it.


So, if you have done everything when it comes to expressing yourself and you know she got the message right, don’t keep texting and calling every time to express your feelings again.


There is nothing wrong if you text her and say hi. Don’t make the mistake of talking too much to her when she says she will think about it.


You might end up ruining your chance with her. Don’t be surprised when you mess up at the last minute.


When you limit your conversations with her; she will know that you are a mature person, you have important things you are working on in your life and you are an understanding guy.


This will give you the upper hand.


This is what you should do when she says she will think about it.


4. Remind her when she is taking too long to give you her response.

If she told you that she would think about it and it has been over one month she hasn’t said a thing to you, there is nothing wrong if you remind her.


Text or call her and ask her about your request. It can be that she forgot about it; also shows that she never took you seriously when you were expressing your feelings.


Talk to her politely to remind her about your issue. 


If she took you seriously when you talked to her about your proposal and she knows what to tell you, she will give you the answer.


But if she never took you seriously; when she said she would think about it she was just playing you, she will pretend she doesn’t remember what you talked about.


If she pretends she doesn’t remember what you talked about, it’s best if you just walk away from her. 


She clearly doesn’t have an eye for you, and if she were to give you the answer, she would have disappointed you.




When a girl tells you she will think about it, give her time to consider your request. She is not sure what she should tell you right now.


She needs time to think of the right answer to give you. 


Give her time to think about what she should tell you, don’t force her to give you an immediate response because you might not like it.


Show her that you are not desperate. This is what will give you the upper hand. She will know that she is dealing with a mature guy and not just a kid who doesn’t know what he is doing.


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