My Girlfriend Wants To Go On A Trip With A Male Friend 

Your girlfriend wants to go on a trip with a male friend, should you let her go or not? 


That is the whole question here, your girlfriend has made it clear that she wants to go on that trip. 


This is a big ask here. There are several things you have to consider before you say no or say. 


If your girlfriend wants to go on a trip with a male friend and you are totally comfortable with it and you trust her to the fullest, you can let your girlfriend go on this trip.


There is nothing wrong with letting your girlfriend go on this trip with her male friend if you are okay with it. 


The whole situation will turn according to your wish. Your girlfriend can go on this trip if you allow her. 


But if you won’t allow her to go on this trip, she will have to cancel the trip. 


The question for you here is this; do you feel comfortable letting your girlfriend go on a trip with her male friend? 


Do you trust your girlfriend enough to allow her to go on a long trip with a male friend? 


Why would you let your girlfriend go on a trip with a male friend in the first place?  


How did it start until now your girlfriend wants to travel with a male friend.


It can be that you trust your girlfriend to do the right thing, but you don’t trust the guy who wants to go on a trip with her. 


You feel that the guy will take advantage of the situation and you might end up losing your girlfriend or something fishy is going to happen. 


If your instincts tell you that you can’t trust the guy friend that your girlfriend wants to go on a trip with, don’t allow her to go on a trip with her. 


But if the male friend that your girlfriend wants to go on a trip with is someone you trust, he is also your friend and you know for sure that he respects you and the relationship you have with your girlfriend, you can allow her to go on that trip. 


This guy will not do anything fishy because you actually know each other. 


she wants to go on a trip with a male friend

As long as the guy never hits on your girlfriend there is nothing wrong with that. 


You can let your girlfriend go on a trip with him because there is nothing bad that is going to happen to break up your relationship with her. 


If your girlfriend wants to go on a trip with a male friend, and your instincts don’t want to let you allow her to go on that trip, you should trust your instincts. 


Don’t let her go because you might end up losing her to the guy friend she wants to go on a trip with. 


Anyway, that is just a general opinion, and how other guys responded to this question. 


Let me be honest about this topic.  


I can’t allow my girlfriend to go on a trip with a male friend, especially if the trip is going to last for two or more days. There is no way I will risk my relationship at all no matter how much I trust my girlfriend. 


There are some situations that can’t be based on trust.  


Imagine you have a goat and you put it in a lion’s den and you expect it to survive.


You will be lying to yourself.


There is nothing like a guy friend wanting to travel with my girlfriend. 


I will never allow such a thing.  


There is a chance that the guy friend your girlfriend wants to travel with has a crush on her. 


The guy friend might take control of the situation and things might not be what you expect. 


No matter how much you trust your girlfriend, you should never put her in a situation that might make her cheat on you. 


Allowing your girlfriend to go on a trip with a male friend, is like allowing her to sleep in the same room with her ex. 


Can you allow that to happen? 


There is no way I will let my girlfriend travel with her guy friend. My girlfriend will only travel with me.


You have to understand that there are a lot of things that are going to happen when you let your girlfriend travel with her guy friend. 


Your girlfriend might end up letting her gut down and things can go sideways. 


You won’t blame her for that because you kept her in such a situation. 


Let her know that you can’t allow her to go on a trip with her male friend unless you are with them on that trip too. 


The moment you let your girlfriend know that you won’t allow her to go on a trip with her male friends and she starts making a big deal out of this, this should let you know that there is something going on. 


girlfriend wants to go on a trip with a male friend

Your girlfriend should understand that what she is requesting of you is something harder and dangerous. 


Don’t put your girlfriend in temptation no matter how much you trust her. 


The guy friend she has, let him be just the guy she says hi to when she comes across her on the streets and not the guy who wants to go on trips with her. 


You should take care of your relationship. 


If the trip that your girlfriend wants to go on with a guy friend is work-related there is no problem with that. Your girlfriend is in a situation that you can’t handle here. 


But it’s a leisure trip, there is no way you should allow your girlfriend to go on this trip. 




If you tell your girlfriend that she is not supposed to go on a trip with her guy friend and she gets all fired up this should let you know that there is something going on. 


It can be that your girlfriend is cheating on you with her guy friend right in front of you but you have no idea that it’s happening. 


For me, I will never allow my girlfriend to go on a trip with her male friend no matter how much I trust her.  


If you trust your girlfriend to the fullest, and you think that she deserves to go on that trip with her guy friend, let her go, but you should know that you are putting your relationship in jeopardy. 


You are putting your girlfriend in tough situations that might be a result of her cheating on you. And you will be the cause of all of it. 


If you know the guy she wants to go on a trip with is someone who has a crush on her you shouldn’t allow such a thing to happen, no matter how much you trust your girlfriend. 


Related reads; 

  1. Why Your Girlfriend Wants To Travel Without You
  2. My Girlfriend Keeps Saying She’s Ugly: Do This
  3. Why Your Girlfriend Wants You To Date Someone Else
  4. My Girlfriend Pays More Attention To Other Guys: Do This 

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