My Girlfriend Keeps Saying She’s Ugly: Do This

If your girlfriend keeps saying she is ugly, you need to do something about it. What she keeps saying can end up affecting your relationship in one way or another.


What you have to know is that your girlfriend is insecure about her body. This is the main reason why she keeps saying she is ugly.


You need to change your girlfriend’s mindset and in turn, make her feel proud about how she looks.


If your girlfriend keeps saying she is ugly, it will stick in her head that she is not someone who deserves to be with you.


It won’t benefit you or your relationship in any way, in fact, it will keep on adding serious problems of insecurities in it.


Your girlfriend will be super insecure when she believes that she is ugly. Whenever she comes across you talking to someone else it will always raise negative feelings.


This will all start because she doesn’t think she is beautiful enough for you.


Her self-esteem will be lower, she won’t be confident, and going out on a date with you will be hard for her. She believes that she is not beautiful. The only thing she will want to do is hide herself from the world.


It can cause a huge problem in your relationship and this will end up even changing how you feel about her.


Without wasting time on the introduction talking about what issues it can bring to your relationship, let me give you a clear path on how you can handle this problem.


This is what to do when your girlfriend feels insecure about her body;

1. Compliment your girlfriend when tries something new.

If your girlfriend keeps saying she is not beautiful this is something you have to do. Especially if it’s something you don’t do.


You need to compliment your girlfriend whenever she tries something to impress you.


Don’t wait until she asks you to tell her how she looks. You have to take your time and notice the tiny changes she makes on her body just to make you happy.


When you keep on complimenting your girlfriend, she will feel that she is good enough for you.


There is no one else she is trying to impress other than you. She will get satisfaction when she realizes that you are happy with how she looks.


And she won’t go anywhere else seeking attention.


Read also; My Girlfriend Pays More Attention To Other Guys: Do This


She will stop saying that she is ugly because you appreciate the efforts that she puts into making herself shine in front of you.


You have to ensure that you don’t overdo it. If you exaggerate it, she will realize that you are only doing it to make her feel good.


This will make her feel so pathetic.


“Even my boyfriend realizes how ugly I am, he keeps on complimenting me just to make me feel good but that is not the case”


Don’t compliment her in a way she will realize you are only doing it to ease her mind. This will only continue to make the matter worse.


If she tries on a new outfit, changes her hairstyle, does her nails, or does anything that intends to change her body, give her some compliments.


The way you compliment her should also reflect your actions. Give her a sincere compliment. Look at her in the eyes as you compliment her.


Hold her close, touch her body, and make her realize that you mean what you say.


This is one of the ways to make your girlfriend feel secure about her body.


2. Treat your girlfriend like a queen.

The way you treat your girlfriend also has a huge influence on how she perceives herself.


Don’t expect your girlfriend to feel good about her looks when you keep on mistreating her.


If you don’t handle her in a way that makes her feel you find her attractive, she will always say she is ugly.


What you have to know is that ladies think about their bodies and how other people look at them.


Some go to the extent of performing surgery just to please their guys. We have others do it just to get the attention they need so badly.


The moment you treat your girlfriend nicely, you get closer to her, you get down on her, you spice up the romance, you give her the attention she needs, this will make her feel secure about her looks.


You will never hear her say she is ugly because you appreciate her body in a way that she wants you to.


You give everything you have, focus on her body, and make her feel like a queen.


But if you treat your girlfriend badly, you don’t give her attention, you don’t romance, and you don’t seem to recognize her in front of your friends and family, this will only keep making things worse.


This will only confirm to her that she is ugly and that is why you don’t bother to treat her the right way.


The tiny things that you may be ignoring now are what your girlfriend needs to feel that she is beautiful enough for you.


So, if your girlfriend keeps on saying she is ugly, this is something you should change. The way you handle her says a lot about how you perceive her.


Treat her like a queen and she will feel she is the most beautiful girl she has ever existed on earth.


3. Let her know that you are in love with how she is.

Apart from treating your girlfriend like a queen, you need to express your feelings and thoughts about how you perceive her.


what to do when your girlfriend feels insecure about her body

She wants you to talk. It can be that it has been a while since you told her how beautiful she is.


You now have her in your life, you are comfortable around her to the extent of you talking words you wouldn’t dare to when you were fighting to win her in your life.


The words you used when you wanted her so bad in your life, you should keep on using them if you want her to feel secure about her body.


You see your girlfriend as a mature beautiful woman who is so stunning, say that aloud to her. Let her hear you say these words.


If you have noticed that your girlfriend’s body is growing into shape, say it out loud to her. Let her hear you telling how amazing she is becoming.


These are the words that you aren’t saying to her and that is why she keeps saying she is ugly. You can change the words she utters about her body.


You have the power to change how she perceives herself.


The only thing you have to do is let her know how much you love how she looks. When she least expects it, just describe her body in a sexy way.


Let her know how her body drives you nuts when you see her.


Talk about her eyes, cheeks, ears, neck, and legs.


The moment she realizes how much you are into how she looks, she will stop saying that she is ugly, she will feel completely secure about her body.


4. Advise your girlfriend to stop comparing herself to other girls.

Your girlfriend keeps saying she is ugly because she compares herself to other girls.


She looks at her friends and just concludes that she is not beautiful enough. It can also be that she looks at the pictures of your ex online and she ends up concluding that she is ugly.


You have to advise your girlfriend to stop comparing herself to other girls. She is saying she is ugly because she thinks other girls are better than her.


What she says about her body, is exactly what will stick in her mind.


So, sit down with your girlfriend and talk to her about it. She is not a kid who doesn’t understand what you may try to tell her.


You have to let her know that comparing herself to other girls will only make her feel insecure about her body.


Let her know that you are with her and not the other girls because she impressed you. So, she shouldn’t be looking at other girls and think she is not good for you.


You should have your way with words so that your girlfriend doesn’t feel like you are commanding her to stop comparing herself to other girls.


Most of the women compare themselves to other women out there. Some use that as a motivation to keep on working on their bodies while others it to ruin their self-esteem.


So, your girlfriend’s self-esteem is ruined because she doesn’t think she has a chance to look like the woman she is comparing herself to.


When she listens to you and actually stops comparing herself to other girls, she will start appreciating and loving her body the way it is.


This is what will stop her from feeling insecure about her body.


5. Teach her ways she can love and appreciate her body.

If your girlfriend keeps saying she is ugly this is something else you can do.


girlfriend feels insecure about her body

You have to teach her how to love and appreciate her body. The moment she starts loving her body and appreciating it the way it is, she will stop feeling insecure about it.


The question is, how can you teach your girlfriend to love and appreciate her body?


It’s easier said than done! There are several ways of teaching your girlfriend to love her body, it will be up to you to do it the right way.


These are the five ways to  teach your girlfriend to love and appreciate her body;

  1. Ask your girlfriend to start taking good care of her body.
  2. Show her ways she can build her self-esteem and confidence.
  3. Let her know that her body is the key to her existence in this world.
  4. Help your girlfriend fight the negative feelings she has about her body.
  5. Ask your girlfriend to stop comparing herself to other people.


The above ways are amazing to teach your girlfriend to love and appreciate her body. Let your girlfriend work on these ways every single day.


As time goes by, she will start to change how she perceives her body.


When your girlfriend starts loving and appreciating her body, she will start developing high self-esteem and she will be super confident.


The way she interacts with other people out there will change. You will be proud of the person she will become.


Her change will also impact your relationship positively.


This is what will stop her from feeling insecure about her body.


6. Take your girlfriend out on dates frequently.

If you haven’t been taking your girlfriend out on dates, this could be one of the reasons why she says she is ugly.


She will conclude that you don’t want to be seen in public with her because you are embarrassed of her.


It can be that you are busy, or you are chasing important things in life. You are working on your projects. There is no time to take your girlfriend out on a date.


The only time you get to be available is during the night hours. So, most of the dates you go out with her are just in the night hours.


You have never been out with her during the day. To add on, it’s rare for those dates to happen too.


When your girlfriend thinks of this scenario, she will end up concluding you don’t find her attractive at all. You rarely go out on dates with her and when you manage to take her out it’s during the night hours.


You always give her excuses that you are busy but that is not the case. She thinks to herself.


“He doesn’t want to be seen in public with me” 

“My boyfriend is embarrassed to be seen with me in public, I am ugly, that is the only explanation.”


You have to make the effort of taking your girlfriend out on dates during the day.


If you don’t completely take her out, you have to do it!


Take her to the town center, coffee shops, malls, and the spots she likes.


Hold hands in public, kiss her, and even get nasty with her around her friends and your friends. This is enough to make her realize that she is beautiful.


This will stop her from feeling insecure about her body. And she will stop saying she is ugly.


7. Post pictures of the two of you on social media.

Have you ever posted your girlfriend online?

Do you have pictures of her on your social media?


she keeps saying she is ugly

Do you take photos together when you go out?


These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself if your girlfriend feels insecure about her body.


There is always a reason why she feels that way.


So, if you haven’t been taking photos with her, you rarely post her on your social media and you don’t even have pictures of her on your phone, what do you expect her to conclude?


Your girlfriend will conclude that you don’t find her attractive and that is why you don’t do it.


With the digital world right now, Instagram and facebook taking over the world, women care so much about their social media appearance.


Your girlfriend sees other girls being posted by their boyfriends online, but you have never done it.


The act of her comparing herself to the other girls she sees online arises and she starts feeling insecure about her body.


“My boyfriend has never posted on his social media account because I am ugly”


Also, it can be that you posted her on your social media accounts and you then deleted all the pictures of her and the two of you together.


If she notices you have done that and you haven’t given her a good explanation, she will end up feeling insecure about her body.


So, take a minute and look at your social media account if you have pictures of her or not.


If you don’t want to post her on your social media accounts because of trolls, give her a good explanation so that she doesn’t feel you don’t find her attractive.


8. Stop complimenting and looking at other girls too much.

If you make other girls sound super beautiful in front of your girlfriend, this is something that is going to make her feel insecure about her body.


Do you have the habit of complimenting other girls when she is around you?

Do you call other girls sexy when she is with you?


Do you look at other girls when she is with you?


Answer the questions above, if it’s yes, you have to change that.


You have to stop complimenting other girls when your girlfriend is around you.


What you are trying to do here is make your girlfriend feel secure about her body.


You will be able to do that when you stop complimenting and looking at other girls in a sexual way.


The look that you give a woman you admire in the streets, stop that when you are around your girlfriend.


She might not tell you that it’s something that affects her, but deep down she feels degraded before you.


She feels that you don’t find her body to be good enough to compliment, you don’t find her attractive enough to focus on her and that is why you look at other women on the streets even when you are around her.


You have to stop complimenting other women on social media by commenting and liking their pictures.


Let your girlfriend know that she is the only woman you find attractive though that may not be the truth!


This is what will make your girlfriend feel secure about her looks.




What I have shared with you in this article will help you make your girlfriend feel secure about her body. If she keeps on saying she is ugly, you will never hear her say such words.


You also have to stop acts that make your girlfriend feel that she is not attractive before you.


Don’t call your girlfriend bad names or compare her to an animal even when you are joking.


You have to understand that anything you say or do when your girlfriend feels insecure about her body can negatively affect her connection with you.


Let your girlfriend know she is the most beautiful girl you have ever been with, compliment her, and make her feel special around you.


Observe her body and handle it the way she expects you to. This is what will make your girlfriend feel secure about her body.


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  2. Why Your Girlfriend Wants You To Date Someone Else
  3. My Girlfriend Wants To Talk All The Time: Do This
  4. Why Your Girlfriend Blocked You (+What To Do)
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