My Girlfriend Wants To Talk All The Time: Do This

If your girlfriend wants to talk all the time, it can be frustrating because you also have important things to work on.


Your girlfriend wants to talk all the time because she wants too much attention from you.


You have to find a way to make her understand that it’s not necessary for you to talk all the time.


But how are you going to make her understand that without making her think that you don’t want to talk to her?


Leave that part to me, I have been through what you are trying to solve right now.


The fact is that you won’t be able to give your girlfriend what she wants unless you give up everything you are working on just to keep talking to her.


You should know that your life doesn’t revolve around the relationship. There are a lot of things you should work on.


You have goals to chase and things to work on right now. Talking to your girlfriend all the time won’t be possible.


Without wasting time, let me share how you are going to handle this situation.


This is what you should do when your girlfriend wants to talk all the time;

1. Find out why your girlfriend wants to talk to you all the time.

If your girlfriend wants to talk all the time you have to find out why that is the case.


my girlfriend wants to talk all the time

Don’t just start telling her that she is annoying without knowing what she is going through.


It can be that there is a problem that is bothering her, she has no one to talk to and that is why she wants to talk to you all the time.


She knows that talking to you all the time will help her to escape the problems she is dealing with.


Your girlfriend may be using you as a distraction from what is going on in her life.


You have to find out if she is doing alright before you take any action.

Some women will not easily open up to you about what they are facing.


It will be up to you to observe them and understand what they are going through.


If you have been dating for a while, you know her better. Take your time to be around her and find out what is going on.


Especially if this is not something she used to do earlier when you started dating.


2. Help her to work out any problems that she is facing.

After you have found out why she wants to talk to you all the time, you have to figure out what you should do about this issue.


If it’s true that she wants to talk to you all the time because there is an issue she is facing, you have to be there for her.


Help her solve the problems she is dealing with before you think of dismissing her for wanting to talk to you all the time.


I know you find it annoying that she wants to talk to you all the time when you have important things to work on.


But if she is struggling internally with some issues that make her want you around, you have no choice but to be there for you.


In a relationship, you have to be there for each other. You have to sacrifice your time and be there for your girlfriend and fix the issues she is going through.


But if she is not going through any problems, she only wants to talk to you because she feels like it, that is when you should find another way to stop her.


It won’t be possible for you to talk to her all the time. You have important things to work on in your life.


It can be that she wants to talk to you all the time because she doesn’t know what you are working on.


She thinks that you are always available to talk to her.


That is why you should do what I am about to share with you in the next section of this article.


3. Let her know your schedule.

If your girlfriend wants to talk all the time, it’s possible that she doesn’t know your schedule.


she always wants to talk

Especially if it’s when you have started dating, you don’t know each other and you haven’t shared what you are all doing.


There is this rush between the two of you, but it’s too much for your girlfriend and that is why she wants to talk to you all the time.


So, if you haven’t shared your schedule with her, it’s time for you to do it.


The main reason behind you telling her your schedule is to make her understand what you are dealing with during your daily activities.


If she is an intelligent person she will understand what you are trying to tell her.


She will figure out which time you will be available and that is when she will be talking to you over texts or calls.


But if you have described your schedule to her and she doesn’t seem to understand what you are trying to mean, you will have no choice but to tell her what it means.


Let her know that you are busy during the time she wants to talk to you. You won’t be available to talk to her all the time.


You will talk to her when you are free. And let her know the time that you will be able to talk to her.


If she is a mature woman, she will understand you and that won’t be an issue at all.


4. Give your girlfriend reassurance.

I know you may be wondering how giving her reassurance will change anything.


Your girlfriend wants to talk to you all the time because she is insecure.


She thinks that talking to you all the time will make you focus on her only.


Your girlfriend is afraid that if she doesn’t talk to you all the time you might lose interest in her.


Lots of thoughts are running in her head and that is why she can’t stop herself from wanting to talk to you all the time.


A lot of women won’t admit that they are insecure. When you ask them if they are jealous and insecure they won’t admit that that is the truth.


This is true especially if your relationship is new, it’s when things between the two of you are lighting up.


You should expect something like this.


I went through this with my girlfriend and I solved it by giving her my reassurance.


You have to let your girlfriend know that she shouldn’t worry about anything.


Let her know that you will always be there for her, you will always love her and no matter what happens she will always be the priority.


This is what will calm her down. She will stop worrying. When you aren’t talking she won’t start thinking that you are talking with another girl somewhere.


If you want to stop her from wanting to talk to you all the time, this is what you should do.


Simply express your feelings for her, let her know that she has nothing to worry about and you will always be there for her.


Keep giving her reassurance every time you think she is worried about losing you.


This is something that will help you keep your girlfriend calm.


5. Find ways you can keep your girlfriend occupied.

Your girlfriend wants to talk to you all the time, she probably doesn’t have anything important she is chasing in her life.


she wants to talk all the time

If she were a doctor or an engineer, do you think she would want to talk to you all the time?


She would have been so busy, talking to you all the time wouldn’t have been possible at all.


I have to give it to you, your girlfriend is idle, she doesn’t have anything important that she is pursuing in her life.


This is the reason why she wants to talk to you all the time.


As her boyfriend, you have a duty to keep your girlfriend occupied. You have to help your girlfriend be the best version of herself.


You can do that by helping her get something important to do that is going to build her as an individual.


There are lots of skills she can learn online that will help her be someone incredible.


Find a skill that you can encourage her to learn, and put her up to it.


Make sure she does it, she commits herself to it. Let her know the benefits that she will gain by learning such a skill.


You can also ask her to start learning a foreign language, it will keep her busy and she won’t have the time to want to talk to you all the time.


As long as your girlfriend is an ambitious woman, she will do what it takes to keep herself occupied if she has no idea where to start.


And she will thank you for opening her eyes.


As she keeps learning and growing, she will be an independent woman. She will change for the better.


But if she is lazy and is not willing to change that, it will be impossible for you to keep her occupied.


She will want to be free all day and do nothing hence wanting to talk to you all the time.


6. Let her know that it won’t be possible to talk all the time.

If you have tried everything I have shared and there is no change, you will have no choice but to be honest with her.


Let her know that it won’t be possible for you to talk all the time.


Open up about the things you do, and the things you are putting at stake by talking to her all the time and see how she will respond to that.


You are a man, you have a life to build. So, it won’t be possible for you to give her what she wants.


Face her and tell her the truth. Let her know that your life doesn’t only revolve around the relationship.


You have things to do, you have goals to chase, and a future to build. Your girlfriend should understand that.


It’s a good reason why it won’t be possible for you to talk all the time.


This is enough to make her stop what she is doing.


If she won’t listen to you and make a big deal out of this, you will have no choice but to break up with her.


This shows that you aren’t on the same page, she is not a woman who will allow you to grow in life.


She will want to take control of your life. There is nowhere you will go with this kind of person.


There is more to life than the relationship you are building. Your girlfriend should be the first person to understand that.




If you have opened up to your girlfriend why is it not possible to talk all the time and she doesn’t want to listen to you, she insists on talking to you all the time, you will have no choice but to break up with her.


She is a woman who will waste your time, there is no love she has for you.


A woman should let her man grow in every way, what your girlfriend is doing is limiting you.


She wants your attention and not your love. She might be using you for attention.


Make your girlfriend understand what you are doing in your life. She will understand why it’s not possible to talk all the time.


If she doesn’t understand you, she will make a big deal out of this and she might even start paying more attention to other guys just to get the attention she wants so bad.


Read also; My Girlfriend Pays More Attention To Other Guys: Do This


When you notice that, break up with her, she is bad news bro.


Make use of these tips and wait for significant change.


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