8 Reasons Why Your Girlfriend Blocked You (+What To Do)

Your girlfriend blocked you without you knowing why? You want to know what you should do about it.


In this article, I will share some of the possible reasons why your girlfriend blocked you and what you can do about it.


I know it’s driving you crazy right now because you have no idea what she is thinking and why she blocked you in the first place.


The first thing you have to know is that when your girlfriend reaches a point of blocking you, it’s mainly because she doesn’t want to be in touch with you.


She knew that blocking you everywhere would be the only way to stop you from texting or calling her.


Without wasting time, let me share why she blocked you and what you can do about it.


This is why your girlfriend blocked you;

1. She doesn’t want to talk to you.

If your girlfriend blocked you, this is the first reason why she did it.


why she blocked you

She doesn’t want to talk to you. Your girlfriend knows that if she blocks you there is no way you can get in touch with her.


There could be so many reasons why she doesn’t want to talk to you.


You will learn all possible reasons in this article as you continue reading.


If you used to text each other on WhatsApp lots of times and she blocked you through that channel, this is clear that she doesn’t want you to get in touch with her.


Your girlfriend knows that cutting off the only way you communicate frequently is going to be a hard thing for you to get hold of her.


Also, it can be that she knows that by blocking you, it will straight ring into your mind that she doesn’t want to hear from you.


She blocked you knowing that you would understand that she doesn’t want to hear from you.


If you did something that she was not happy about, this can explain why she did it.


But if there is nothing you did, and she just blocked you for no reason, there is something more going on that you should know about your girlfriend.


For now, what you have to know is that she doesn’t want to communicate with you and that is why she blocked you.


She is cutting off the communication between the two of you. Blocking you is the only way she thought of.


2. She is mad at you because of something you did.

Your girlfriend blocked you because she doesn’t want to talk to you. One of the common reasons is that she is mad at you.


She doesn’t want to hear from you because it would light the spark of argument between the two of you.

Especially if she is truly mad at you.


It can be that you said or did something that annoyed her and that is why she decided to block you.


She knew that blocking you would cut off the communication, since you know that she always wants to talk to you and she suddenly blocks you, this will make you realize how mad she is at you.


So, take a moment and ask yourself, did you do something to piss her off?

Did you say something that made her want to block you?


Think of the recent interactions that you had with her, the communication, and maybe something you did that could have made her mad at you.


This is something that you did and that is why she blocked you.


If you did something that she didn’t like and that is why she blocked you, then you already have an idea of how you should start working things out.


But if you have no idea what you did to make her angry, you are still in the dark. You need to dig a little deeper to find out why she blocked you before you can think of a way to change the situation.


Your girlfriend getting fired up and blocking you after a tricky incident between the two of you is a solid reason why she did so.


But if you guys were on good terms and suddenly she blocked you out of nowhere, you have to keep reading this article.


3. She doesn’t want you to know what she is doing online.

Let me take you out of the box for a little bit. Your girlfriend blocking you might not have anything to do with your relationship.


Has it ever occurred to you that your girlfriend is hiding something from you?

Maybe she went out with her friends somewhere and she doesn’t want you to find out?


Also, it can be that she is doing something that she doesn’t want you to know about and that is why she blocked you.


This might be a solid reason why she blocked you.


She is your woman, you know her better. You have been around her. And you have an idea of the kind of friends she hangs out with.


Your girlfriend knows that when she goes out with her friends, she will start posting things online that she doesn’t want you to know about.


That will be for the moment you are blocked.


Also, there is a possibility that she just wants to post something online to her friends or fans that she doesn’t want you to know about.


This can be a possible reason why she blocked you in the first place.


Your girlfriend knows that blocking you will prevent you from knowing what is going on.


For instance, if your girlfriend wants to post another guy on her status, and she knows that you are going to get mad at her for doing so, she will just block you for that moment.


She will block you so that you don’t know what is going on with her status online. This can also apply to any social media account.


Blocking you can be a perfect way to prevent you from knowing the activities she does online.


If you think this could not be the reason, continue reading, you might find the perfect one.


4. She blocked you to get your attention.

Your girlfriend can block you just to get your attention.


It’s something lots of girls do when they want attention from their boyfriends.


Especially if you have been too busy for her, you rarely meet her, text her, or call her.

She will just block you everywhere so that you wonder what is going on.


Have you been giving her the attention she wants?

Have you been talking to her?


If you have been too busy chasing your goals to the extent of forgetting her, this could be the main reason why she blocked you.


She knows for sure that when she does it, you will be filled with so many questions.


You will want to know why she did it. All these questions you might have about why she blocked you, will only lead you to her.


And this is what your girlfriend wants you to go through.


It will be hard for you to know exactly why she blocked you unless you get closer to her.

You meet her in person since there is no way you will reach out to her via the Internet or calls.


All this rush of you trying to find out why your girlfriend blocked you is what will make you start paying attention to her.


You will give her attention since you want to know the main reason why she blocked you.


Whether you like it or not, she will be the only person you will be thinking about.

And you will want to make things right.


This is what will get you to give her the attention she seeks.


The moment you get around her and try to find out why she did so, sweet talk her and try to explain yourself about what you have been doing, you will be giving her what she wants.


You will know for sure if you don’t give her that attention again; talk to her, be around her, make time for her, and be there where she needs you, she will end up blocking you again.


And you have no idea if she is going to unblock you or not.


This is just a trick to manipulate you into giving her what she wants from you.


This might be one of the reasons why she blocked you.


5. She wants to get rid of you.

Your girlfriend will want to get rid of you if she is just tired of you. She will want to erase you and move on with her life.


She knows that if she cuts the communication and there is no way you can get in touch with her, she will get rid of you.


This is especially if you just met online or you met somewhere once and you don’t know where she stays.


She knows blocking you everywhere will be the only way to get rid of you.


Another case; can be that she can’t tell you that she doesn’t want to talk to you anymore or she doesn’t want you around.


She couldn’t confront you at all and that is why she took the easy road of blocking you everywhere so that you don’t understand the decision she made.


Your girlfriend knew that blocking you would get rid of you from her life. You will stay longer without getting in touch with her and eventually, you will let her go.


In some cases; a girl will just ghost you completely, she doesn’t text you or she doesn’t reply to your texts.


She is hoping that you will give up on her and walk away for good.


You should conclude that your girlfriend wanted to get rid of you by blocking you if you were sure that your connection had an issue.


Maybe the two of you weren’t connecting at all, it was hard to be around each other and the spark wasn’t there.


But if there was a spark of love between the two of you and you know that there was nothing wrong that could make her want to get rid of you, there is something more going on.


You won’t be able to figure that out now until we get to the part of what to do about this situation.


6. She wants you to know that she can do without you.

Sometimes a woman can block you just to prove a point to you.


she blocked me everywhere

If in any way you made your girlfriend think she is an attention seeker by what you said or did, this could be the reason why she blocked you.


She blocked you to let you know that she can do without you.


Your girlfriend blocked you knowing that it will prove to you that she doesn’t need to be in touch with you at all.


She can do just fine on her own without you breathing down on her neck.


So, if there is anything you did or say that dared her to make such a move then this could be the reason why she did it.


The moment your girlfriend blocks you but you still meet up from time to time, hang out and she doesn’t bother to unblock you even when you talk about it, she just wants to prove a point.


This is a situation that I came across through some of my friends in college.


Your girlfriend can do something to show you that she can do it.


Especially if her ego is too big than her head!


So, if you still meet up with her and everything between the two of you is normal and she doesn’t bother unblocking you, this could be the reason why she did it.


7. She doesn’t want to see what you post online.

This can be another reason why your girlfriend blocked you. If she doesn’t want to see what you post online she can take such action.


For instance, if your girlfriend is jealous and insecure, she will block you so that she doesn’t see the pretty friends you post online.


It can be that you have female friends that you post online, and talk great about on your status, and deep down this hurts her.


She will block you so that not see those kinds of statuses.


Also, it can be that you usually post your female friends on their birthdays, she doesn’t want to see the captions or the pictures, she will just block you.


So, if you know that you post things that make your girlfriend mad at you this could be another reason why she blocked you.


Think about it, can this be something that you keep on doing?

Has she ever complained about you posting your female friends on social media?


8. She blocked you because she wants some space.

You may be asking yourself so many questions why she blocked you, but this might be the reason.


It can be that your girlfriend blocked you because she wants some time with herself.


She wants some space from your constant texts and calls.


Maybe she thought telling you the truth about it would make you mad at her, question her decision and this would not have ended well for her.


She did it just to have peace of mind.

This is another possible reason why she blocked you if you can’t find out why she did it.


Anyway, if this is the reason, she will end up unblocking you after a while.

There is nothing to worry about here.


If this is the approach your girlfriend took to give herself some space, your relationship needs a ton of work.


Now, let us now talk about what to do about this situation.


What to do when your girlfriend blocks you;

1. Calm down and find a perfect angle to handle this.

This is the first thing you should do if your girlfriend blocks you.


what to do when your girlfriend blocks you

I know you may be mad at her for doing this. You want to take it all out on her.


You may end up saying or doing things that will make this issue into a big fight.


So, you have to calm down before you think of doing or saying anything.


Don’t start saying words or doing things that will let your girlfriend know that you are affected by what she did.


If she knows that blocking you made an impact, she will keep on doing it just to get control of you or manipulate you in some way.


Even if your girlfriend is not toxic, she is a human being. There might be a moment when she wants something so bad from you and she might use the same tactic just to manipulate you.


Don’t ever try to show your girlfriend ways she can get hold of you completely no matter how much you love her.


Things will not always be the same; this is something you have to understand.


So, calm down and think of a way you are going to handle this issue maturely.


She blocked you, she didn’t cheat on you. This is something you should know.


Don’t make a big deal out of it. You will only be able to get to the bottom of this problem when you are calm.


2. Find out why she blocked you.

You have to find out why your girlfriend blocked you if you want to solve this.


Especially if you have no idea why she did it, you will have to dig deeper before you do anything.


Knowing why she blocked you will give you an easy way to handle this issue.


You will know where to start since you have the cause of the whole situation.


But if you have no idea why she blocked you, it will be guesswork and it will take you ages to work out this problem.


If you know why she blocked you, the only thing you should focus on right now is solving the problem between the two of you.


You can find out why your girlfriend blocked you by getting closer to her.


This will force you to meet her in person, that is if she is willing to meet you at all.


But if you fought and she decided to block you, you would have to wait a little bit for her to be ready to talk to you in person.


Read also; When Your Girlfriend Is Acting Distant After A Fight: Do This


It will be hard for you to get closer to her if she is still mad at you.


If you can get closer to her and have a conversation with her, this is the chance you have to make her open up.


Find out why she blocked you. She is your girlfriend after all, it shouldn’t be hard for you to make her open up.


Ask her why she blocked you. When you know why she did it, that is when you will have a clear path of what you should do next.


3. Resolve any misunderstandings between the two of you.

If your girlfriend blocked you because of misunderstandings between the two of you, this is what you should do.


She will not unblock you, the negative tension won’t ease up unless you fix the issues.


If there is something you did to make your girlfriend block you, face it head-on and work this issue out.


Work out your problems with your girlfriend, sit down, and discuss how you are going to make it up to each other.


The decision to block you she made isn’t a simple thing. She was mad at you.


If you have to apologize, do things to cool off the steam, or make it up to her by fixing your old issues, just do it.


As long as it’s not something that will hurt you, just work your issues out with your girlfriend.


This is the time you should be closer to her, be the romantic and responsible guy to take your relationship back to normal.


Without solving this problem, it will affect your relationship and next time she won’t just block you, she will dump you!


4. Try to understand what she needs from you.

Did your girlfriend block you because she needs something from you?

Does she need your attention?


You won’t know her needs until you get closer to her. That will force you to fix your relationship.


A great relationship never happens within a single day. It takes time to build a strong relationship.


Take your time with your girlfriend and find out what she cares about the most.

She blocked you because she thought you didn’t notice what she needed from you.


Your girlfriend wanted you to wake up and think once about what is best for her and your relationship.


A woman will not face you and tell you what she needs. It’s up to you to be around her, take care of her, observe her and that is when you will be able to understand what she needs from you.


The moment you understand what she needs, you work towards her needs and she notices that you are trying, she will unblock.


She will know that you are ready to work things out with her and you want to fix the relationship.


She blocked you because she felt you didn’t understand what she needed from you.


Now it’s time for you to make the best out of your relationship.


Let this be the reason your relationship will be great.


5. Let her know what you feel about what she did.

She blocked you because she wasn’t pleased by what was going on, right?


why she blocked you

Your girlfriend took the action of blocking you because she considered her feelings.


Now, that you have a chance to express yourself, let it all out. Be honest with her about what she did.


Let her know how you feel about what she did.


It could be that she doesn’t think it was a big deal at all.


I know I told you earlier that you shouldn’t let her know that what she did had a great impact on you.


Express yourself but not in a way you will show that you felt isolated and vulnerable.


Phrase it in an angle that will make her feel she did the wrong thing even if you were on the wrong side.


I mean turning the cards on her, but not directly.


When she notices that what she did hurt your feelings if she cares about you at all, she will apologize for doing it even if you made a mess.


Let her know that there are other means of working problems out in a relationship and not blocking each other and cutting the communication.


6. The last fix of this issue will depend on her response.

If your girlfriend tells you that she blocked you because she doesn’t want anything to do with you, this should tell you that she no longer loves you.


When it reaches this stage, the only thing you will have to try is to talk to her about why she feels that way.


If she wants to work things out with you, that will be portrayed by how she will handle you.


But if it’s clear that she doesn’t want you around, and she blocked you to get rid of you, you will have to let her go.


And that is why I say, her response about why she blocked you will decide the fate of your whole relationship.


If your girlfriend told you that she blocked you because of something you can work out, and she is willing to work things out, put your effort into it.


This is what you should do when your girlfriend blocks you.




When your girlfriend blocks you, you will have no choice but to find out why she did so and then work out the problem.


But if you have an idea why she did it, you will have to face her and resolve your misunderstandings.


If she blocked you because she doesn’t want you around, she is no longer in love with you and she clearly says it or demonstrates it, you will have no choice but to let her go.


You can’t force someone to love you when they don’t want to be around you.


What I have shared with you in this article can help you work your issues out with your girlfriend.


Related articles to read

  1. 7 Things That Will Happen When You Block A Girl
  2. Should I Block Someone Who Blocked Me? (+When You Should)
  3. She Blocked Me And Then Unblocked Me On WhatsApp: Why?
  4. Is It Okay To Ask Your Partner To Block Someone?
  5. How Does A Girl Feel When You Block Her?

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