She Blocked Me And Then Unblocked Me On WhatsApp: Why?

She blocked you and then all of a sudden she unblocked you on WhatsApp, what is wrong with her? Why did she block you in the first place? There are so many possible reasons why she blocked you on WhatsApp and then unblocked you.


Some of the things you are going to learn in this article will blow your mind completely.


A girl will never block you for no reason. It’s only that you don’t know what is going on and that is why you are asking yourself so many questions.


Read also; Why Your Girlfriend Blocked You (+What To Do)


When a girl blocks you and then unblocks you on WhatsApp, there is a message she is trying to portray.


What is this message that she wants you to read?

Was it necessary for her to block you for you to receive this message?


You will find All these answers in this article as you continue reading.


This is why she blocked you and unblocked you on WhatsApp;

1. She wanted to get your attention.

She blocked you and then unblocked you on WhatsApp because she wanted to get your attention.



she blocked me and unblocked me on whatsapp

It can be that there is nothing wrong between the two of you. You didn’t do anything to annoy her to the point of her blocking you.


She blocked you and then unblocked you because she wants your attention.


You may have been so busy with other things to the extent of forgetting her.


Furthermore, you no longer communicate with her the way you used to. Your texts are dry.


Not as exciting as they used to be. She has been wondering why you no longer pay attention to her the way you used to.


She yearns for attention but she can’t get it.


It can be that you are always online but you never talk to her for long.


She posts statuses talking about you but you don’t even view them at all because you are too busy.


The only way she knew she would get your attention was if she blocked you and unblocked you.


She knows that when she blocks you and unblocks you on WhatsApp you will want to know why she did that.


This will force you to talk to her and find out why she blocked you in the first place.


You will have no choice but to talk to her in person or text her through WhatsApp and find out why she did so.


This is what she wants you to do. The process of you getting back to her, talking to her about what happened, and the information she will share with you, will all remind you that you have forgotten her.


You will start paying attention to her again because you won’t allow something like this to happen again.


When a woman blocks you and then a few hours later she unblocks you, this is enough to drive you nuts.


She wants your attention that is why she blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp.


2. She didn’t want to talk to you then.

Women are complicated people, if you spend all your life learning about them you will never be able to crack the code.


She might tell you that she doesn’t want you around, but when you make a move on her, she will give in.


You may ask her how she feels about something you did in the past, she might say it doesn’t matter or it doesn’t bother her, but later on, she will get mad at you for it.


She will tell you that she is fine, and you will find her crying later.


This is how hard it is to understand women. You can’t pretend to know what they want.


She blocked you because she didn’t feel like talking to you. She woke up on the wrong side of the bed, she was angry at you for no reason and she decided to block you.


Mood swings might have happened then when she blocked you. Later on, when she was okay and missed you, she unblocked you because she wanted to hear from you.


Also, it can be that she blocked you because she didn’t want to talk to you. She was angry at you.


You did or said something that annoyed her, she decided to block you on WhatsApp, but she unblocked you when she was calm.


She knew that talking to you at the moment when she was mad at you would have only escalated things.


Additionally, talking to you when she was angry would have increased the tension and there is no way you would have controlled her temper and that is why she blocked you.


She unblocked you later when she was calm and ready to talk to you.


On the other side, it can be that she wasn’t angry at you, you never did anything to hurt her feelings and she wasn’t experiencing the mood swings either.


She blocked you because she just wanted some space from you. You might have been too much for her to handle.


Or you may have been telling her things she didn’t want to hear at the moment and that is why she blocked you then.


She now unblocked you because she wants to talk to you.


3. She didn’t want you to see what she posted on her WhatsApp status.

When a woman wants to post something on her status that she doesn’t want you to see, she can either choose to hide you from seeing it or block you completely.


I know it sounds sketchy telling you that she blocked you because she didn’t want you to see what she posted on the status.


She knows you better than I do, maybe you are so jealous and overprotective.


When you find out that she is posting someone else on her WhatsApp status you will make it a big deal.


She blocked you because she didn’t want to explain to you why she posted another guy on her WhatsApp status.


It’s impossible to see someone’s WhatsApp status when they block you.


I am not telling you that she blocked you because she wanted to hide something from you.


It can be that what she wanted to post was not for your eyes to see. She needed a little bit of privacy and that is why she blocked you.


It’s also possible that she was posting someone else that she didn’t want you to see.


The captions she wanted to use would have made you question how she feels about the person she posted.


And you would again ask yourself what she feels about you.


So, if she wanted to post something or someone she didn’t want you to see, this could be the reason why she did it.


After the people she wanted had viewed the status she decided to unblock you.


You have no idea what was going on at all.


This is one of the possible reasons why she blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp.


4. She did it to control your temper.

She texted something that made you angry at her. You were on heat and she knew that if she let you continue texting you would have texted things you didn’t mean.


The only thing she had to do was to block you because you would have made things even worse.


If she is your girlfriend and she knows that you are a short-tempered guy, this could be the reason why she blocked you when you were angry at her.


She did it to protect you from yourself and from ruining the relationship.


So, if you were angry at her and you were texting her mean things on WhatsApp and she decided to block you, this is because she wanted to prevent things from going sideways.


5. She did it to remind you of what is at stake.

She blocked you and then unblocked you to remind you that she can get rid of you anytime she feels like it.


she blocked me and unblocked me on whatsapp

If you have been doing things she doesn’t like, she has been telling you about them but you don’t want to change, she blocked you to remind you of what is at stake.


She wanted you to know that she can block you and move on with her life and you won’t do anything about it.


It’s kinda a threat to you not to do anything that is going to hurt her feelings.


She knew that when she blocks you and then unblocks you, it will remind you that she can do what she wants when she doesn’t want you around and you can’t change that.


So, if you were doing something that she wasn’t pleased with, this is one of the reasons why she decided to block you in the first place.


It can be that she realized you were not taking her seriously. You did what you felt like without even caring what she felt.


She blocked you and then unblocked you to remind you that she can dump you anytime. You shouldn’t dare play with her feelings.



When a girl blocks you and then unblocks you, the first thing you have to do is find out why she did so.


If there is anything wrong between the two of you, this is the moment you should work on it.


Blocking you is one way of telling you that you need to work on some issues before things go too far.


You need to meet her in person and talk to her. If you did anything to make her angry at you, you need to apologize to her.


If she blocked you and then unblocked you because she wanted attention from you, you need to be there for her.


Show her that you are willing to work things out and ready to fix any conflicts.


If you teach her to be without you, one day she will block you and she will never bother unblocking you.


That is when she will cut you off and find someone who is going to give her what she wants.


Related reads;

  1. How Does A Girl Feel When You Block Her?
  2. Is It Okay To Ask Your Partner To Block Someone?
  3. Ghosting A Girl Who Rejected You: Is It Okay?
  4. 7 Reasons Why She Doesn’t Want To Come Over (+What To Do)
  5. What Does It Mean When A Girl Brings You Food?

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