How Does A Girl Feel When You Block Her?

A girl will feel it too when you block her, in this article, I will share what a girl feels when you block her.


What you have to know is that what she will feel after you have blocked her will depend on how she feels about you.


If she was interested in you it’s going to hurt her more compared to when she doesn’t feel a thing for you.


If you know how a woman feels when you ignore her or stop giving her attention, blocking her is going to cause more pain compared to what she feels when you ignore her.


What you need to know is that women like attention. The moment you stop talking to them it’s just going to raise different kinds of feelings.


These feelings might even make a woman hate you so much like you cheated on her with her sister or best friend.


Without wasting time, let me share what a girl feels when you block her.


This is how a girl feels when you block her;

1. She will feel rejected.

This is how a girl feels when you block her.


when you block a girl what does she feel

The moment you block a girl she will feel rejected. If she is interested in you and she is in the process of winning you over, this is how she will feel.


She will conclude you have blocked her because you don’t want anything to do with her.


If you wanted her in your life, you wouldn’t have blocked her. The fact that you don’t want to talk to her anymore, will make her believe you don’t want her in your life.


This is something that will hurt and stress her especially if she was so deep into you.


When she feels rejected and she doesn’t know why; it will keep her on her toes searching for a reason why you blocked her.


She will try different ways to get hold of you just to know why you blocked her because it feels like a rejection to her.


If she knows your place, you might see her very soon because she wants answers to why you blocked her.


She will feel rejected; if she had feelings for you it won’t be easy for her to accept that you can block her like that without telling her why you did it in the first place.


A girl will want to know why you did it.


2. She will feel worthless.

When you block a girl she will feel worthless. She will conclude that you blocked her because she isn’t an important person to you.


If she already had insecurity issues before you even blocked her, it will get worse for her.


She will start confirming to herself that she is not attractive enough and that is why you blocked her.


You blocked her to get rid of her because she is not good enough for you.


She will feel worthless and this might affect how she interacts with other people.


When a girl feels worthless she will start to go deep into her insecurities about her body and everything else in her life.


So, when you block a girl, this is what she will feel.


If you want to make her feel worthless and crash her ego, this is a perfect way to do it.


You have to understand that she would feel this way if she had feelings for you.


If she doesn’t feel anything for you, she never noticed you and she never cared if you texted or called, blocking her will never affect her in any way.


3. She will feel you are tired of her.

When you block a girl she will feel you are tired of her and that is why you did it.


You don’t want anything to do with her and that is why you blocked her.


The conversations you had with her were tiring and that is why you blocked her.


She had nothing special she added to your connection, the only thing she did was drag you behind.


This is how she will feel when you block her.


When a girl feels you are tired of her; it will hurt her.


What she will do instead is try harder to get hold of you and tell you how she is going to fix things with you.


She will start doubting herself and what she used to do and say to you.


This is the moment she will revisit everything in her head and start unfolding all the mess she did.


4. She will feel you have lost interest in her.

Just like in any other case, when you stop talking to a woman she will think that you are no longer interested in her.


When you block a girl she will feel that you have lost your interest in her and that is why you no longer want to connect with her.


There are several things she will do when she thinks you have lost interest in her.


If she thinks you have lost interest in her yet she still wants you around, she will figure out ways to get hold of you.


She will try things to bring your interest back.


That is why you will notice she starts acting super nice to you, gives you her time, gives you the attention you deserve, and even buys you gifts.


When she feels you have blocked her because you have lost interest in her and she is tired of fixing your broken relationship, what she will do is just let you go.


She will find someone else to occupy her. She will make peace with the fact that your relationship will never be the same anymore.


This is how a girl will feel when you block her.


Read also; 7 Things That Will Happen When You Block A Girl


5. She is going to feel relief if she isn’t into you.

If you blocked her and she wasn’t into you she will feel good about it.


when you block a girl how does she feel

She will feel that you have given her a chance to breathe and focus on the people she wants.


When you block a girl and she feels relief, she will never bother finding a way of getting back to you.


She doesn’t want anything to do with you. Don’t expect her to say hi even when she meets you in the streets.


If you were closer, the friendship would end because you blocked her.


This is because she wasn’t into you at all.


You blocking her is the reason she wanted to push you away.


She will feel free because you won’t be there to disturb her and answer your texts pretending she is okay talking to you yet that is not the case.




When you block a girl who is not interested in you it won’t affect her in any way.


She will be happy that you have blocked her; you reduced the number of texts she has to reply to in her DM’s.


But if you block a girl who is interested in you, it will affect her so badly.


You will make her question everything about herself and her connection with you.


Other girls will even decide not to talk to you anymore when you meet in person because of how much you hurt them.


So, don’t block a girl you are interested in thinking it’s the best way to get her attention.


She might think you are no longer interested in her and she will walk away to someone else.


Related reads;

  1. 7 Reasons Why She Doesn’t Want A Relationship 
  2. Will A Girl Reject Me To Test Me?
  3. 7 Things That Will Happen When You Block A Girl
  4. Ghosting A Girl Who Rejected You: Is It Okay?
  5. I Have Many Female Friends But No Girlfriend: Why?

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