7 Reasons Why She Doesn’t Want A Relationship 

She doesn’t want a relationship. You are trying to figure out why that is so. 


I know it can be so confusing especially when she acts like she is interested in you but she doesn’t want to be with you. 


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


In this article, I will share some of the reasons why she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you. 


You have to know why she doesn’t want a relationship with you if you want to turn things around. 


Sometimes a girl will reject you not because she is not in love with you but because of so many things that you couldn’t comprehend. 


Read also; Will A Girl Reject Me To Test Me?


Before a girl admits a guy into her life, there are several things she checks on. 


So, if she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you, there is more to it, and it’s not only about how she feels about you. 


Without wasting time, let me share what you should know about why she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you. 


This is why she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you; 

1. She is not in love with you. 

If she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you, this is the first thing you should know. 


why she doesn't want to be with you

Love is the first thing that pulls people together. If there is no love there is no way she will consider letting you in her life. 


What you need to know is that her feelings for you are not strong enough to overpower everything else. 


She doesn’t love you that much, there is no drive to push her to allow you into her life and that is why she doesn’t let you in. 


When a woman is in love, everything else for a man is usually very easy. 


She will be ready to do anything for you without you even asking.  


But if she doesn’t love you or the love she has for you isn’t strong enough for her to prioritize what she feels for you over the other things, she will not let you in. 


If you thought that she was in love with you, you were wrong. 


She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you since nothing is pushing her towards you. 


Love makes up the feelings and drives an individual to do the unthinkable when it comes to relationships. 


A woman will be overprotective and super jealous because she is so much in love with you that she can’t handle the thought of you leaving her for someone else. 


She will be obsessed with you, everything she feels is right for you she will do it all just to make you stick around. 


That is the power of love.


So, if she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you, the love she has for you isn’t strong enough. 


A woman who is already in a relationship will cheat on her man or worse, completely leave him for someone else because of how she feels about the guy. 


So, if she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you, it’s because she doesn’t love you enough to let you in her life. 


2. She doesn’t want to commit to a relationship. 

This is another reason why she doesn’t want a relationship. It can be that the thought of being in a relationship is something she can’t think of right now. 


She knows that relationships come with so many responsibilities and commitments. 


A woman knows very well what she will have to give up to build a strong relationship. 


She doesn’t want to be in a relationship because she is not ready to put all her energy into something that will make her lose touch with other things she cares about. 


It can be that she is too busy figuring her life out, she is working on her career and other things that mean so much to her. 


She knows that the moment she focuses her intention on maintaining a relationship, allow herself to relax, it will be hard for her to achieve anything at all. 


Right now she doesn’t want a relationship because she is not ready to commit to it. 


Focusing on a relationship will make her leave out other important things that matter to her. 


Also, it’s possible that she doesn’t want to be with you because she knows it will be hard to give you all her attention. 


This is all because of what she is dealing with in her life currently. 


Read also; If She Told You Not To Wait For Her: Here’s Why 


Commitment isn’t something easy. Not everyone will want to commit to a relationship. 


For a woman to commit to a relationship she has to be super in love, ready to stick to one person and settle down. 


Some women think that committing to a relationship is like locking themselves in a jail; they want to be free not locked. 


3. You don’t match her expectations. 

She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you because you don’t match her expectations. 


When a woman wants to be with a guy, she will observe everything about him. 


What you need to know is that women have their fantasies. We have those who want a guy to be of a certain type. 


A guy who can give her something that other guys haven’t given her.


Expectation is something strong and not so many people pay attention to it. 


For men it’s different. As long as you are attracted to her, you forget about other things and go right for her. 


Women measure different things before they let a guy into their lives. 


If she doesn’t want to be with you it’s because she has measured and observed you and concluded that you can’t give her what she wants. 


It can be that kind of life she wants to live, you don’t match up to the skills she needs from a guy and so many other things that she thinks are important to her when it comes to a relationship. 


You may not be of the right age, maybe she prefers older men. 


As I told you earlier, women measure so many things before they decide if you are the guy they want to be with. 


This is especially true for mature women. They know what they want and they will always look for that in any man that approaches them before they decide to let him in. 


If you met her expectations and she knew that you could give her what she wanted, she wouldn’t have rejected you at all. 


Read also; Will A Girl Reject Me To Test Me?


She would have given a chance a long time ago. 


4. She fancies someone else more than you. 

You are asking yourself so many questions about why she doesn’t want to be with you. 


she doesn't want a relationship with me

She doesn’t want you in her life yet she seems pretty nice and caring towards you. 


This leaves you hanging without an idea of how you should approach her to make her your girlfriend. 


I told you earlier that a woman who is already in a relationship will leave a guy for another guy because of how much she feels for the new guy. 


There was this one girl with whom we connected for a while. I asked her to be by my girlfriend and she said yes. 


After some years we went our separate ways because of our studies. We met later after 4 years when she was in a very serious relationship. 


A guy she even introduced to her family. I expressed what I felt for her and told her to leave the guy. 


Since she was in love with me more than the guy she is dating currently, she told me she would do it. 


The only thing she told me was that she would feel bad for breaking his heart. 


She pitties him, but she doesn’t love him more than she loves me.  


What I want you to learn from this short story is that a woman will let you in her life even if she has someone else as long as she loves you more than him. 


She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you because she loves someone else more than she loves you. 


If she is being friendly to you, don’t confuse that with how she feels about you. 


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


Do you think she cares about you?


No, she is just being nice to you because you are a good guy to her. 


You give her the attention she wants, you make her feel good about herself but the truth is that she loves someone else more than she loves you. 


This is why she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you. 


If she had no one else in mind, she would have given you the chance because women don’t like to be lonely. 


They love the attention and little things that make them feel special and wanted. 


She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you because fancies someone else more than you. 


5. She doesn’t think you can give her what she wants. 

She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you because you can’t give her what she wants. 


It can be that she wants a guy to give her a luxurious life. You are no way closer to that. 


You are struggling financially. It is even harder for you to clear your bills. 


She thinks to herself; what can this guy give me? He can’t even afford the cup of coffee I have at Starbucks. 


What she thinks is that you will add a burden to her life because you will end up completely depending on her to give you everything you need. 


This is just one side of things.  


Maybe she doesn’t want a luxurious life, she wants a simple one. 


You are not simple, you are super complicated because of your whole lifestyle. 


What you do puts you out of her radar. She knows it will be hard for her to get hold of you. 


She wants a man she can influence, you seem far out of reach and hard to hold around. 


She knows better that when she lets you in, she will have to submit to you because you are above her and you have it all figured out. 


That is not something she wants. And that is why she doesn’t want to be in a relationship. 


What I am trying to explain to you here is that when a woman notices that you can’t give her what she wants, she will never want to commit to you. 


If she wants security and stability and she sure knows that you can’t offer her that, she will not let you in. 


This is something you should keep in mind. She might not tell you the truth because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, but this is the harsh truth. 


6. She wants a casual relationship. 

You are focused on wanting something serious with her because you need her in your life. 


She is incredible. This woman is smart, gorgeous, and captivating. She leaves you wondering where you can find another one like her. 


The way she handles herself makes you feel that she is the woman you need in your life. 


You see the future with her and think of so many things you can do with her. 


All this happens because you are in love with her and you want her to be with you. 


You want a serious relationship with her. She has to be yours, you tell yourself. 


She doesn’t want a relationship with you but she is super nice to you. 


The surprising part is that you even invited her over to your house several times and she lit you hit it. 


Read also; What To Do When A Girl Comes Over To Your House


You thought that she wanted to be with you too so you shot your shot. She responds that she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you. 


She calls you over to her place, she lets you hit it and she is always there when you call her. 


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Asks You To Sleep Over


If this is the case, she doesn’t want a serious relationship with you. 


She wants a casual relationship with you and that is why all of this happen. 


The truth is that she enjoys what you do together, but she does that only for fun. 


Read also; When A Girl Says She Just Wants To Have Fun: It Means?


A woman who wants a  casual relationship with you will never want to be in a serious relationship with you. 


When you talk about commitment, plans with her and even moving in together, she will leave you hanging. 


You are not on the same page. 


7. It just doesn’t feel right for her to be with you. 

She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you because it doesn’t feel right for her. 


You are a great guy to her but she doesn’t feel it will be right to be in a relationship with you. 


It can be that you have been friends for so long, you have been so close to her and she feels that changing the tides will make things weird. 


You have been like a brother to her, she has shared with you the worst and best moments of her life even the embarrassing ones. 


She feels you are so close to her to the extent that you will only make things weird when you date. 


The way she sees you is that you are more of a friend to her and not someone she wants to be with. 


You are a guy she wants to open up to when she needs comfort and some bits of advice but not a guy she wants to let hit her. 


The way she perceives you makes her feel that it’s not right for her to give you another title. 


It doesn’t turn her on when she thinks that you are her guy because of how you were connected before. 


This is another reason why she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you. 


If there is something that makes a woman feel that the relationship with you won’t feel right e.g. if you dated her sister or best friend, she will not let you in no matter how she feels about you. 


This is what you should know. 


For a woman to agree to be in a relationship, she needs to feel comfortable, safe, and doubtless about the man she is about to open up her life to. 


If there is any odd feeling that will affect how she connects to that guy, she will never let him in. 




She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you, the only thing you should do is just move on from her. 


The harder you keep on pushing yourself, the worse it will get for you. 


You will hurt yourself and there is no way she will want to be with you. 


Move on and find someone else better than her, there is always someone better. 


You just have to accept the fact that not everyone will be interested in you. 


Hold yourself together and focus on improving your life and find someone who is going to appreciate and love you for who you are. 


 Related reads;

  1. Ghosting A Girl Who Rejected You: Is It Okay?
  2. What Does It Mean When A Girl Texts You First?
  3. When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: Do This
  4. What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You? 

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