17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly

I know you may be asking yourself if she is interested in you or just being friendly. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if a girl is interested in you especially when she is too friendly to you.


If you have been friends for a while, she cares about you, helps you out when you need her to and even be there for you during your lows and highs.


It will be hard to notice the tiny things that will show you how she truly feels for you.


In this article, I will make it all clear to you if she is interested in you or just being friendly.


It’s important you know the signs because they are what will let you know whether you should make a move on her or not.


Without wasting time, let me share the signs you should check out for you to know if she’s truly interested in you and not being friendly.


Signs she is interested in you and she is not just being friendly;

1. She is touchy when she is around you.

This is the first sign that she is interested in you and not just being friendly.


signs she is interested in you

I know you may be thinking that she is just flirting around. She is not serious about you at all.


What you have to know is that when it reaches a point where a girl is super touchy when around you it should let you know that she is interested in you.


She is trying to show her feelings for you through actions.


If this is the kind of a girl who gets nasty around you without even caring who stares at her, and she only does this when she is around you; this means she is interested in you.


You should also observe the way she touches you, the way she does it, and how she expresses herself when she does it.


Those girls who are not shy, will comfortably touch you in a flirty way and show you that they are into it.


So, when a girl is touchy around you in a romantic way, this is a sign that she is interested in you and she is not just being friendly.


What you have to know is that it’s impossible for a girl to be flirty around you if she is not comfortable around you.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


The part about her being comfortable enough around you shows how great your relationship with her is.


If she is flirty around you only when some of your guy friends are around, she doesn’t do that when you are just the two of you, this should let you know that she isn’t interested in you.


She gets flirty around you just to make some of your guy friends jealous.


It’s clear that she is just using you to get someone else, her interest is in someone else.


This is also another thing you have to observe keenly before you conclude that she is interested in you.


Continue reading to know all the signs before you conclude she is interested in you or she is just being friendly.


2. She constantly initiates conversations with you.

Does she constantly start conversations with you?

Does she keep on calling you even when you have nothing important to talk about?


Does she text you at midnight just to ask you if you are still up?


The way she communicates with you is one of the greatest signs to show if a girl is interested in you or she is just being friendly.


A woman who is interested in you will feel the need to constantly talk to you.


It doesn’t matter whether she has something to tell you or not. She will just start a conversation with you out of nowhere.


She will always text and call you first most of the time.


Read also: What Does It Mean When A Girl Texts You First?


The part of her initiating conversations with you is one big thing you should observe to find out if a girl is truly interested in you or if she is just being friendly.


A woman who is just friendly to you is not interested in you; it’s probably true that she has her eyes on someone else.


There is always someone even if you don’t know him.


A woman who is not into you is just friendly, it will be hard for her to constantly start conversations with you.


She will only talk to you when it’s convenient for her. This woman will never text you in the middle of the night or call you and talk about the nightmares she had.


The rate at which she will initiate the conversations with you will be lower.


This is a woman who isn’t interested in you.


So, look out for the things I have talked about her before you conclude whether she is interested in you or not.


The context of the conversations she has with you doesn’t matter. She can initiate conversations with you and just tell you about her past and the troubles she had during the day.


She will tell you random things about what she is interested in.


Don’t be surprised when she even tells you about the dresses she is planning to buy.


All this is just to talk to you, get closer to you, and eventually connect.


You still need more proof than just initiating conversations. Continue reading to know the rest of the signs.


3. She always wants to hang out with you alone.

This is another sign she is truly interested in you and she is not being friendly.


She always wants to hang out with you alone. This is the woman who finds you alone.

The company of you she always prefers it’s just the two of you.


She doesn’t invite her sister or friends to come and hang out with you.


The moment she wants to spend some time with you, she makes it just about the two of you.


If this is something you notice from her and she does it frequently, this is a sign that she is interested in you.


She is not just being friendly with you, she is super into you and you should take this as a point of you making your move on her.


A woman who is not interested in you will never want to hang out with you alone.


What would she be seeking by always spending time with you alone when she is not interested in you?


She will only want to hang out with you when her friends are with her and when it’s time for you to do the activities you always enjoy together as a group.


When she hangs out with you she doesn’t let things be about the two of you, she just talks and does things around you that don’t connect to what she feels about you.


If you notice this, just know that she is just being friendly and she is not interested in you.


4. She invites you to her place alone.

A woman who is interested in you will always want to be around you just to show you how she feels about you.


signs she wants to be with you

She will prefer the privacy of the two of you to crowded places.


When a woman invites you to her place alone several times, this is a sign she is interested in you and she is not just being friendly.


Read also; What To Do When A Girl Wants You To Visit Her


She knows that when you are with her at her place, it will be an opportunity to drive you nuts.


This is something that will push you to make a romantic move on her if you are also into her.


She wants you to visit her at her place on purpose. It’s not that she wants you there to discuss her businesses.


She wants you there to connect with her romantically, have a good time together, and even push you into expressing what you feel for her.


So, when a woman constantly invites you to her place, she gets closer to you, allows you to sit on her bed, watch some Netflix with you while on her bed and even prepares you something to eat, it’s true that she is interested in you.


She wants you to make a move on her in bed and that is why she allows all these things to happen.


This is a surefire sign that she is interested in you and she is not just being friendly around you.


A woman who is not interested in you will never do these things I am talking about here.


She will hardly invite you over to her place except when there is something for the two of you to talk about.


Even when you get to her place, she will be distant from you just preventing any romantic atmosphere from covering the place.


She will quickly want you to leave when you are done talking or doing what she invited you to do.


Take some notes on how she handles you when she calls you to her place, there is more to it that will show you if she is interested in you or if she is just being friendly.


5. She brings you gifts when you least expect them.

A woman who is interested in you and is not just being friendly will bring you gifts when you least expect them.


It’s not even your birthday but she will be bringing random gifts just to make you happy.


You have to know that women like it when you appreciate them for what they do.


Read also; If A Girl Cares About You Does She Like You?(How To Know)


So, when a woman is super into you, she will do things to make you keep on complimenting her and showing you that she cares about you.


She knows that when she keeps buying you gifts you will understand that she is trying to express what she feels for you.


She spends money on you, she values your connection and how you perceive her more than the money she spends on you to buy you those gifts.


If she buys you random gifts now and then, this is a sign that she is interested in you and she is not just being friendly.


It’s one way of expressing her love for you. There is more to what she does than what the surface portrays.


Read also: What Does It Mean When A Girl Gives You Money?


6. She talks about her past relationships with you.

This is another sign that she is super interested in you and she is not just being friendly.


A woman who wants to be with you will always want you to know her preferences.


She will want you to know everything she likes and hates so that you know how to handle her.


For a woman who is interested in you, it will be easier for her to open up about anything that is bothering her.


She will talk about her past relationships, the people she dealt with, and the things that happened in those relationships.


The aim of her talking about her past relationships is not just to make you feel jealous or push you away.


She talks about these past relationships to make you aware of what she expects from a romantic relationship.


She wants you to learn from what she tells you about her past relationships.


Also, it’s one way of telling you that she has no one else in her life.


Furthermore, she will talk about what she wants when she enters a new relationship and the kind of guy she wants to be with.


All the details she will share with you about the kind of guy she wants to date will mostly match with yours.


She is telling you that you are the right person to be with, it’s up to you to make the move.


If she has someone, you will always hear her complaining about how bad the guy treats her and how unhappy she is in that relationship.


She will tell you about the bad things happening in that relationship so that you give her some advice on what she should do about the situation she is in.


This is just to make you think of making a move on her. If you are interested in her, she knows you will use this to your advantage to pull her to your side.


This is what she is trying to do. When a woman does this, it’s clear that she is interested in you and she is not just being friendly.


7. She gets jealous when other girls are all over you.

This is another sign you will come across when a girl is interested in you.


She will get jealous when other girls are all over you. You will notice that by the way she behaves when you pay attention to other girls when she is around you.


In some cases, she will get mad when you pay attention to other girls while she is around you.


For instance; when you compliment another girl in front of her she will not be happy about it.


She will start pointing out flaws in the girl you have just complimented.


When you keep texting and calling someone other than her, you will notice that she wants to know who you are talking to.


She will just ask you random questions just to find out if you are talking to someone important or a friend.


When a woman is interested in you she won’t allow you to have many female friends.


She will want you to make her your favorite. In some cases; she will even tell you there is no need to have female friends when she can help you out with everything you need.


So, when you notice that she gets super jealous when other girls talk to you or you talk to them, it should let you know that she is interested in you and she is not being friendly.


She knows if she lets other women be all over you, they will end up snatching you away from her.


Some girls will just walk away from you when you pay attention to other girls.


She will come back when you are done talking to them.


This also shows that she is jealous and it’s a sign that she is interested in you.


8. She ditches her friends for you.

What you need to know is that women value their female friends so much than they even value their relatives.


signs she is interested in you and she is not just being friendly

If a woman can ditch her female friends to spend time with you this is a sign that she is super interested in you.


It’s rare for a girl to just leave the plans she had with her friends just to help out with something you are dealing with or spend time with you.


So, if you notice that she lies to her friends so that she can be with you this is a sign that she is interested in you.


It’s not that she is being friendly. If she was just friendly to you she wouldn’t have been leaving her friends behind for you.


In most cases, you will find that she prioritizes you over her friends. If she has anything going on, she will be ready to leave it behind for you.


When a girl ditches her friends just to spend time with you or help you with other issues you are dealing with, it’s a sign that she is interested in you.


She is putting you above her friends, you have a special place in her heart and it’s not that she is being friendly to you.


9. She gets mad at you for forgetting about her.

This is another sign you will come across when a woman is super interested in you.


When a woman is into you will want to be around you. She will want you to realize that you should always include her in your plans.


If you are going to the gym, she wants you to inform her so she can accompany you.


She will do everything she can to make you include her in your plans.


It doesn’t matter what you do, she will either want to do it with you or accompany you for the ride.


If she doesn’t play football, she will want you to go with her to the pitch so that she can watch play.


Cheer you up and pretend to be your personal coach. Don’t be surprised when you find her so immersed in what you do.


This is a sign that she wants you to include her in what you do.


She wants to show you that she can support you in whatever you do even if she doesn’t do it.


The moment you keep planning your events and things to do in your daily schedule without including her things won’t be great between the two of you.


When you go to the gym without her, she will start getting mad at you for not informing her about it.


If you go out for the weekend without including her in your plans she will get so angry at you.


So, if you have noticed that she is always angry when you don’t include her in your plans, it’s a sign that she is super interested in you.


She wants to spend much time with you, support what you do, and get to connect with you.


A woman, who is just being friendly, will never sacrifice her time to this extent.


When you forget to include her in your plans and schedules she isn’t even bothered about it.


10. You are the first person she talks to when things are tough.

She has friends and family but you are always the first person she talks to when things aren’t working out.


It’s not that she tells things about her situation because she knows you will sort her financially, she does it just to let you know about it.


So, if you are always the first person she opens up to when things are tough on her side, this is a sign that she is interested in you.


She perceives you as an important person to her and someone she can be free and open up to about anything that is bothering her in her life.


This woman is super comfortable around you and that is why she does this.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


If you have noticed that you are always the first one to know when things are tough on her side and she expects nothing from you but your advice and comfort this is a sign she is interested in you.


You hold an important position in her life and that is why she tells you first when things are tough on her side.


It’s rare for a woman who isn’t close to you, you don’t share any significant connection to share with you the tough situation of her life.


Most of them will keep the issues to themselves or talk to their family members about the issues that are bothering them.


If you are the first person to know what is always going on in her life, she is not just being friendly to you, she is super interested in you.


11. She introduces you to her friends and family.

This is another sign she is interested in you and it’s not an issue of being friendly.


Don’t worry about how she introduces you to his friends or family.


When a woman introduces you to his family or friends just know that she feels so proud of you.


She is so happy to have you by her side, you are a great guy to her and that is why she wants the people who are closest to her to know about you.


When a woman feels proud about you yet you have no significant connection, she may perceive you more than a friend.


She is interested in you and that is why she goes to this extent.


A woman will introduce you to his friends or family when you are that important to her life.


We have guys who are in a relationship but they aren’t introduced to their girlfriend’s family or friends.


Yet you are here just friendly with her and she takes you to see his friends and family.


Dude, she is into you there is nothing to hide here.


I know when she introduces you to his friends or family she may refer to you as a friend, but it’s only because you haven’t made the effort to express your feelings.


She doesn’t know if you are interested in her or not and that is why she doesn’t want to introduce you as her boyfriend.


It’s up to you to make your move and let her know that you feel the same about her.


So far, if she has shown you many of the signs you have read in this article, it’s sure that she is interested in you.


After you are done reading this article you should let her know that you are into her also before it’s too late.


Read also; 5 Reasons Why She Wants You To Meet Her Parents  and 5 Reasons Why She Wants You To Meet Her Friends


12. She keeps joking about dating you.

This is another sign she is interested in you and she is not just being friendly.


sign she is interested in you and she is not being flirty

When a girl keeps joking about dating you this shows that she is interested in you.


A girl will never joke about being with you if she is not interested in you. She will never even talk about relationships when she is around you.


You will just be the simple guy friend she says hi to and that is all.


But if a girl keeps on joking about dating you, jokingly calls you romantic names and even sometimes she pretends to be your girlfriend, this is a sign that she is interested in you.


She is showing you that she is ready to be with you. She may not tell you that she is ready to be your girlfriend because she is waiting for you to make your move.


Most girls are too shy to approach guys, what they will do is just use signs and it’s up to the guys to figure things out.


So, if she has been joking about dating you this is a sign that she is interested in you.


She wants you to make your move on her. The jokes she is making right now are a way of showing you that you should make her your girlfriend and see how things will go between the two of you.


When a woman keeps joking about a single thing for a while; that implies that she wants the same thing to happen.


It’s the same thing when a woman jokes about breaking up with you; she is just figuring out a way to call it quits with you.


Take this as a sign and make your move on her, she is not just being friendly, she is interested in you.


13. She offers to help you with your family issues.

A woman who is interested in you will want to be involved in your life. She will want to know almost everything about you and the people you care about.


signs she is interested in you and she is not friendly

She will be super close to your family members and the people you befriend just to learn more about you.


When you tell her that you have issues in your family that you are working on, she will be ready to help you out.


For instance, if you want someone to babysit your brother because you have an interview; she will be ready to help you out.


She will ask you to let her take care of your brother because she wants to connect to your family too.


When a girl offers to help you with any family issues, she is not just being friendly to you, she is interested in you.


This shows that she wants to be involved in everything you are working on.


She wants to get closer to you and know every detail of your life.


This is all because she wants to understand how she can handle you when you get closer to each other.


So, if a girl offers to help you out with your family issues, this should let you know that she is interested in you.


She is not being friendly or caring, she wants you to let her in your life and be everything you need her to be.


You have to make your move.


14. She dresses and shapes her body to impress you.

A girl who is interested in you will always dress to impress you. She will dress exactly the way you would like to see a girl dressed.


She will ask you about how you want your girl to be dressed. You will notice that she will dress the same way you told her to.


When you tell her that you don’t like her to wear certain types of clothes, she will always avoid them.


She will dress to impress you. Whenever you meet, she will even ask you what you think of her outfit.


When you notice that she cares so much about her appearance whenever she is with you, it’s because she wants to make you happy and look attractive to you.


She wants you to find her attractive so that you can get closer to her and focus on her and not the other girls you come across in the streets.


It can be that you have asked her to come to your place because there is something you want to give her. She will come pretty shaped and amazing.


She will dress nicely, smell great, and be the way you like her to be.


Sometimes you will even notice she dresses in a way to get your attention.


So, if she always dresses to impress you, it’s a sign that she is interested in you.


You will notice that your compliments will always mean a lot to her.


If you find her attractive, that is enough for her and she doesn’t care what other people are going to say about how she looks.


When you come across what I am talking about in this section of the article, it’s a sign that she is interested in you and she is not just being friendly to you.


15. She doesn’t allow other guys to flirt with her.

A girl who is interested in you will want you to know that you are the only one who owns her.


She will never pay attention to other guys at all.


You will find out that she is so mean to guys who try to hit on her on the streets.


When she is with you, she is all flirty and nasty but she changes completely when she is around other guys.


It doesn’t matter if it’s her guy friends or guys who are into her.


When you notice that a girl doesn’t allow other guys to flirt with her yet she lets you do anything with her, it’s a sign that she is interested in you.


She allows you to talk dirty and even get flirty with her but she doesn’t let other guys do that with her.


This is a sign that she is giving you the keys to the house. You are the owner.


The only thing you have to do is make your statement and the entire house will be yours.


16. She doesn’t put limits on you.

A woman who is interested in you will never put limits on you.


When it comes to you, the door is always open.


She doesn’t talk about boundaries with you or anything that will put restrictions on you.


Some girls will tell you not to call them at certain times, some will tell you not to call them names, some will tell you not to say certain words to them and so many other things that will prevent you from getting to the romantic spot.


When a woman doesn’t put limits on you, she allows you to do and say whatever you feel like with her, it’s a sign that she is interested in you.


She wants you to know that you can have anything you want from her because she is all yours.


It’s up to you to make the territory yours. If you notice that what I am talking about is true, she is not just being friendly to you, she is interested in you.


17. She clearly tells you that she is interested in you.

Most women are shy and usually find it hard to approach men or express what they feel to them.


signs she is interested in you

But in some cases, women tend to express their feelings when they notice that the guy doesn’t connect the dots.


Right now you are reading this article to know if she is interested in you or if she is just being friendly.


It’s because you have no idea if she wants a romantic relationship with you or just friendship.


When a woman is interested in you and she has tried everything to show you that she wants to be with you but you don’t connect the dots, she will face you and share what she feels about you.


So, when a woman tells you that she is interested in you and most of the signs in this article check out, then you should know she means it.

She wants to be with you.




Before you conclude if a woman is interested in you or not, you have to observe her.


Don’t find only one sign from this article and conclude that she is interested in you.


But if you find out that almost half of the signs are real with your situation regarding the two of you, it’s a sign that she is into you.


When you find that a woman is interested in you and the feeling is mutual, you should make your move on her.


She will open the doors for you and let you in. But don’t expect her to play it easy.


Some women will play hard to get even when they are interested in you.


This is all just to get you to know that they aren’t cheap and to remind you that you have to commit when you start the journey together.


Related reads;

  1. Should I Be Friends With Someone Who Rejected Me?
  2. 6 Reasons Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You
  3. How Does A Girl Feel When You Block Her?
  4. If She Says She Misses Me Does She Like Me?
  5. When A Girl Compares You To Her Boyfriend: It Means?

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