What Does It Mean When A Girl Texts You First?

She keeps texting you first! You wake up early in the morning you get her texts, afternoon and evening the same issue.


You are trying to understand what it means because it has been rare for a girl to text you first.


If a girl texts you first, there is something you should know about her.


She is the one initiating the conversations with you, is there a chance she is in love with you?


You will know the answer to this question as you continue reading this article.


What does it mean when a girl texts you first?

When a girl texts you first it means that she finds you an interesting person, she wants to keep the conversations going since she believes you can all get on the same page.


You can’t conclude that she is texting you first simply because she is in love with you.


There is no way you can just use this as a sign that she wants to be with you.


You have to observe a lot of things before you tell yourself that she is in love with you.


If a girl always texts you first, there is a reason behind it, you just have to observe the conversations and how she handles you when you are around each other.


So, let me share further details of why she texts you first for you to understand deeply what it means.


This is why she texts you first;

1. She finds you an interesting person to talk to.

She texts you first because you are an interesting person to talk to.


when she texts you first

You always keep the conversation entertaining, you make her feel good about herself and you seem so good to her.


This is the main reason why she keeps texting you first.


If you were boring, not good to her in any way and you kept on making her feel bad about herself via the texts, I don’t think she would have been texting you at all.


So, when a girl keeps texting you first, you should know that she finds you to be an incredible person.


If you have known each other for a while but she always texts you first, she finds you to be someone worth keeping around.


A girl wouldn’t keep on texting someone she doesn’t find interesting.


For a girl to keep communication going via the texts and she is always the one initiating them, it shows how great she finds you.


Most girls won’t text first always because they are afraid of what the guys might think about them.


They usually don’t want guys to realize that they like them.


2. She wants to connect with you.

When a girl texts you first, and she never stops, this is another reason why she does it.


She wants to keep the communication going because she knows you will eventually connect.


The moment you connect, you will also find it easier for you to text her first.


If she approached you and told you that she wanted to be friends, she wants to keep the friendship going.


Talking to each other every day will make you feel comfortable sharing with her anything you feel like.


She knows that the more you keep talking, the more you will open up to her and this will strengthen your bond.


If it’s friendship, it will grow and you will end up being closer to each other.


She knows that if she keeps texting you first, there is no day you will forget to talk.


And that is why she always texts you first.


So, when she texts you first and you talk for hours about the things you all care about, she talks about her past, and the problems she has been through and she encourages you to do the same, she clearly wants to connect with you.


It can be that she wants to be friends with you, or she wants to be more than friends.


That is why she is seeking this connection by always being in touch with you.


3. She wants to get to know you better.

If it’s when you have met, you exchanged numbers and now she keeps on texting you first.


why she texts you first

She wants to get to know you better. The more you keep talking the more she will get to know lots of things about you.


This girl is curious about you.


When she texts you first, you keep the conversation going and mostly she is asking questions about you, how you live your life, and what you do, know that she wants to get to know you better.


She can’t wait to know you later on.


She is interested to know the kind of person you are.


When a girl wants to get to know you better, it’s either she is interested in being around you or it’s because you have a greater image out there and she wants to know why that is so.


So, when she asks you lots of questions about you; the things you like, what pisses you off, your favorite meals, and many more other personal questions, she wants to get to know you better.


4. She wants you to know that she cares about you.

She wants you to know that she cares about you and that is why she texts you first.


When you wake up early in the morning you see her texts, in the afternoon and evening the same.


She knows that doing this often will make you realize that she cares about you.


Anyways, you should also be keen on observing the conversations between the two of you.


What she says in her texts can tell you much about what she is hoping to achieve when texting you first often.


She knows that when you notice that she cares about you and you find her an interesting person, you will want to be around her.


So, if her intention is to get closer to you as a friend or more than a friend, it will be easier for her to achieve that goal.


If she texts you first and asks about your day, the things you did, the struggles you went through, and how she can help you out, this shows that she wants you to realize she cares about you.


5. She wants your attention.

Some girls will text you often just to get your attention. You have to know that this is something common.


Girls like to be given attention. It’s the attention that makes them feel good about themselves.


It can be that she doesn’t have anyone to talk to who will give her the attention she wants.


This is why she keeps texting you first.


When a girl realizes that you like her and you find her an interesting person you will always text back when she texts you first.


The truth is that when you like a girl and she ends up texting you first often, you will know that you are on the same page.


You will think that she also finds you to be an amazing guy and that is why she wants to keep talking to you.


This is enough for you to leave everything behind and keep texting her too.


You have to be careful about this, when a girl texts you first it doesn’t necessarily mean that she wants to be with you.


It can be that she texts you first because she doesn’t have anyone to talk to who will give her attention the way you do.


She may be texting you first now, but when she finds someone else better than you, she will suddenly stop texting you.


So, make sure that she is not using you for attention.


6. She wants to keep the communication going.

She texts you first because she wants to keep the conversation going. It can be that she feels good talking to you.


she always texts first, what it means

The way you talk to her makes her feel so important and that is why she doesn’t want that to stop.


She knows that as long as she keeps texting you, the communication between the two of you will always keep going.


And this is what she is trying to achieve now.

She wants to talk to you every day.


She thinks that when she stops texting you first, you won’t bother texting her and this will just end up cutting off the communication.


And that is why she took the initiative to keep the communication with you going.


Do you think she is in love with you or does she just want to be a good friend to you?


You will know that as time goes by through the kinds of texts she will be sending you.


7. She is in love with you.

There is a possibility that she is in love with you and that is why she keeps texting first.


It’s just like with us guys, when we find a woman super attractive we can’t stop ourselves from texting her.


We always keep the conversation going so that we get to connect with them, express our feelings to them, and make them feel comfortable around us.


She is texting you first because she is hoping to achieve the same.


You should not just conclude that she is in love with you if she keeps texting first if the conversations you always have with her are dry.


If she keeps asking questions about your past relationships, things you are interested in seeing in a woman, the type of woman you would want to date and so many other personal questions, this should let you know that she loves you.


She is just stalling so that you also open up to her or she will end up telling you how she feels about you.


It can also be that she searching for an angle that will make you start expressing your feelings for her.




The reasons I have shared why she texts you first are enough for you to understand her motive behind the texts she sends.


If she always texts you first, don’t just conclude that she wants something more from you.


You should take your time observing the conversation before you conclude anything.


For now, if she texts you first and you are interested in her, keep the conversation going and pull closer to where you want her to be.


If she was only texting you first to use you for attention you will know and if she wanted something more from you, that will also be revealed over time.


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