If She Says She Misses Me Does She Like Me?

When a girl says she misses you does it mean she likes you? Does it mean she wants to be around you?


In this article, I will share what it means when a girl says she misses you. It’s in the same article that you will be able to know if she truly likes you or if she is just playing around.


So, without wasting time, let me share what it means when a girl says she misses you.


What does it mean when a girl says she misses you?

When a girl says she misses you it means she wants to be around you. It has been a while since you connected. Also, sometimes it can imply that she wants to spend some time with you.


when a girl says she misses you

The moment a girl says that she misses you it’s mainly because you have an incredible relationship with her.


You have been there for her, you care about her and you always consider what she feels.


When she says she misses you it’s mainly because you have been away for a while, or distracted by other things and you have not been giving her the attention she wants.


She is telling you that she misses you for you to realize that she needs you close.


Furthermore, she misses how things used to be between the two of you.


When she says she misses you, it’s because she wants you to realize that she hasn’t forgotten about you and the good times you have been having with her.


So, does it truly mean that she likes you when she says she misses you?


I know you are asking yourself this question because you have been closer and you are still trying to find out if she has feelings for you or if it’s just empty words.


Let me share something with you that will open your mind when it comes to what she says.


If she says she misses me, does she like me?

When a girl says she misses you it doesn’t necessarily mean that she likes you or wants something romantic with you. Many use this phrase to express that they just miss hanging out or connecting with you since you have been unavailable.


Before you conclude that a girl likes when she uses the term “I miss you” there are so many factors you have to consider.


The first thing you have to check on is your relationship with her. If she has never shown you that she is interested in you in any way when she is around you, it won’t be true for you to conclude that she wants you because she said she misses you.


When a girl says she misses you and there is no romantic connection with you and she has never shown you that she wants to be more than friends with you, she said that because she was just being friendly with you.


She is friendly to you. That doesn’t mean that she wants you.


If you have been friends for a while and there has been a distance between the two of you, when she says she misses you, it means she can’t forget about the good times you had together.


She still wants you to be in touch and hang out with her. The way things used to be when you were available.


It can be that you stopped giving her your time and attention, she misses that and that is why she wants you around.


You should only conclude that she likes you if she shows you that she wants to be more than friends with you.


There is a difference between a girl being friendly to you and wanting something more.


If a girl is friendly to you, she will never show you that she wants something more from you.


She will always keep her boundaries on the friendship side, she won’t flirt with you, ask you to hang out with you alone, often initiate conversations with you, get touchy when around you, and even show you, her flaws.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


It’s possible that she says she misses you because she wants your attention because she knows you are into her.


She knows that when she says she misses you, it will push you to start conversations with her and even ask her out on a date.


It can be that she even has a boyfriend but she says she misses you.


You have to be careful not to fall into the trap of slavery.


If a girl has never shown you that she is into you and she suddenly says she misses you, it’s only because there is something she wants from you.


She knows you are into her and you will feel privileged when she says she misses you.


she says she misses me, does she likes me

The thing is that you will be ready to embrace her and listen to what she has to say to you.


So, when a girl suddenly comes out of nowhere and tells you that she misses you yet you have never been that close, it’s a favor she wants from you.


The only thing that made her text or call you is because there is something she knows you are the only one who can give it to her.


Other girls will tell you that they miss you just to get your reaction. They just want to see how you will react.


It’s not that she truly misses you, she says it just to get a reaction from you to determine how you feel about her.


So, when a girl says she misses you, it doesn’t mean that she likes you, there could be several reasons why she used that phrase.




When a girl says she misses you and shows you that she is interested in you by how she handles you, it means that she wants to be around you because she has a thing for you.


But if she says she misses you and the only way she has been handling you is like a friend, she is just being friendly to you but it’s not that she feels something more for you.


She says she misses you because you are a good friend to her, you have been there for her and given her the attention she truly needs.


When a girl says she misses you and afterward asks a favor from you, she uses the phrase to just lure you into submitting to what she wants from you.


She knows that since you are into her when she says she misses you, it will soften you and you will be open to any suggestions.


It’s kinda like she is trying to manipulate you and that is why she said she misses you.


If you want to know if a girl likes you or not, don’t mainly focus on what she says around you.


Focus on how she treats you and expresses herself before you. A girl can say she doesn’t have feelings for you but act differently around you.


A girl can say she doesn’t want to make out with you but act ready to get in bed with you.


Girls are complicated, to get them right, you need to focus on what they do and not what they say.


If she shows you that she wants you by the way she handles you, when the words come out of her mouth, they are just complimenting what she does.


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  2. What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?
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  4. When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: Do This

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