When A Girl Compares You To Her Boyfriend: It Means?

When a girl compares you to her boyfriend does it mean that she fancies you? Maybe she thinks you are better than her boyfriend? Why would a girl compare you to her boyfriend?


These are some of the questions I will answer in this article.


What does it mean when a girl compares you to her boyfriend?

When a girl compares you to her boyfriend it means she is weighing to see if you can be better than her man. She is interested in you and she wants to choose between you and him. Sometimes it can be just that you have put her in the position to differentiate between you and him.


She is comparing you to her boyfriend because she wants to see if you are better than her boyfriend.


In most cases, when a woman compares you to the man she is dating it’s usually to find out the best between the two of you.


If you have expressed your feelings to her but she has a boyfriend and she starts comparing you to him this shows that she wants to consider you.


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The truth is that if she never considered you, she wouldn’t have been weighing between you and him.


But the moment a girl wants to decide choosing between her boyfriend and you she will put you to the test.


Read also; 13 Signs She Wants To Leave Her Boyfriend For You


When you do or say something to make a girl think between you and her boyfriend, she will start comparing you to him.


If you said something that forced her to consider between her boyfriend and you she will have no choice but to compare the two of you.


This is why she compares you to her boyfriend;

1. She is thinking of leaving her boyfriend for you.

The first thing you should know when a woman wants to leave her boyfriend for you is this; she will want to know who is better than the other.


when a girl compares you to her boyfriend

No one should lie to you that a woman can just date anyone without looking at their qualities.


A woman will observe you enough before she decides whether she is going to be with you or not.


If she compares you to her boyfriend after you have expressed to her what you feel for her, this shows that she is thinking of leaving her boyfriend.


It’s not that she wants to, she is thinking about it.


Before a girl decides she has to think of which side she will benefit more from.


It can be that you have expressed your feelings to her and showed her that you want something more with her, but she is still in a dilemma.


She doesn’t know if she should leave her boyfriend for you or not. It’s a hard decision for her to make.


It can be that she is interested in you and she loves her boyfriend too. She can’t date two guys at a time, she has to choose who she will drop.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


That is why she is comparing you to her boyfriend.


If it turns out that her boyfriend is better than you she won’t bother letting you in. She will just choose to stick with her boyfriend.


You will be lucky enough if her relationship with her boyfriend is a mess. After comparing you to her boyfriend she will end up coming to you because her guy has already shown her the bad side of him.


When a girl compares you to her boyfriend after you have told her that you want to be with her, she is thinking of leaving him for you.


2. She wants to know if you are better than her boyfriend.

When a girl compares you to her boyfriend it means that she wants to know who is better than the other.


Girls do a lot of comparisons when it comes to finding out the better guy.


You might be dating a girl and she will end up telling you about how her ex used to handle her.


This shows that she is not happy with how you handle her. Especially when she tells you that her ex used to handle her better than you do.


This comparison is just to show you that you aren’t where you are supposed to be when it comes to treating her.


So, when a girl starts comparing you to her boyfriend, it’s just a way of finding out who is better than the other.


If she compares you to her boyfriend it doesn’t mean that she is interested in you and she is considering being with you.


There is this satisfaction that she is searching for. The thought of her boyfriend being better than you is what she is searching for.


It’s what will make her feel satisfied and happy.


You may be just her friend, you hang out with her and you handle her in a way that makes her think about what her boyfriend does for her.


She wants to know if you are better than her boyfriend for her to calm down.


Thousands of thoughts are racing in her mind about who is better than the other. Is it you or her boyfriend?


If you handle her better than her boyfriend because you are better than him in every way, she will make peace with that.


She will just accept that fact her boyfriend isn’t better than you and that is why he doesn’t handle her like you do.


This girl just wants to know who is better than the other and that is all. That’s the satisfaction she wants. It’s her curiosity. This is why she is comparing you to her boyfriend.


But if her boyfriend is better than you, it will just make her happy and at peace that she has the best guy. It will make her feel good about the guy she decided to be with.


3. Your qualities amaze her.

Women can compliment you in so many ways. Some women won’t straight ahead tell you that you are amazing.


what does it mean when a girl compares you to her boyfriend

What you should know about women is that they are shy. That is why it’s rare to find a woman approaching a man first.


In most cases, men do most of the approaching and making the first romantic move.


Most women don’t compliment men directly because they don’t want them to conclude that they are interested in them.


This is also one of the reasons why girls give out mixed signals to men.


When a woman finds out that you are amazing she will just start using strange phrases like these;

“You look like a player.”

“Many girls must be after you?”

“You can’t be better than my Boyfriend.”


The moment you get some phrases like these from a girl this shows that she finds you to be an amazing guy.


This is one way of her complimenting you.


So, if she says words or does things to compare you to her boyfriend this shows that she is amazed by you.


You have better qualities than the guy she is dating. The part of her comparing you to him is just letting you that you are amazing.


Her guy isn’t close to the man you are, the skills you have, and the status you have make you a top-notch dude.


If you are waiting for her to tell you that you are better than her man and compliment you, keep waiting.


She won’t directly say to your face that you amaze her.


When a girl starts comparing you to her boyfriend just know that you match her expectations or you are better than her man.


This is a way of her saying that you are an amazing guy.


4. She wants you to know what she thinks of you.

A woman will start comparing you to her boyfriend when she wants you to know what she thinks about you.


If a woman wants you to know what she thinks about you she will start comparing you to someone else.


In this case, she is comparing you to her boyfriend, she wants you to know what she thinks about you when it comes to her boyfriend and you.


When she talks bad about her boyfriend and complains about him and she puts you in between just know that she is saying that you are better than her man.


“My boyfriend doesn’t have time for me, but you are always there when I need you.”

“You never criticize and yell at me when I do something wrong but that is not the same case with my boyfriend.”

“He hurt me and said mean things to me but you never did that to your girlfriend.”


The above are examples of phrases you will come across when a girl wants you to know what she thinks about you.


In most cases, she will start comparing you to her boyfriend when you tell her that you don’t think you are better than the guy she is dating.


Also, when she notices that you have low self-esteem, she will just start comparing you to her boyfriend to make you realize that she thinks that you are better than her man.


The part of her comparing you to her boyfriend (talking bad about him and adding the positive side of you) is to show you that she thinks you are better than him.


It doesn’t matter the weaknesses you have, she thinks you are better than the man she is with.


This is another reason why a girl is comparing you to her boyfriend.


5. She wants to find ways she can help her boyfriend be a better man.

It can be that her man is not better than you. She knows the way you handle yourself when you are around her.


she compares me to her boyfriend why

Also, she knows what you do and the things you do to achieve everything you want in your life.


What she doesn’t understand is how you get everything right.


You are better than her boyfriend. She knows that after she has compared you to him.


All she does is try to find a way to help her boyfriend be better just like you are.


She is using the comparisons between you and her boyfriend to find out what her guy is not doing right.


The truth is that if she looks at how you handle yourself and the things you do she will know how to advise her boyfriend to work on himself to be the way you are or better than you.


She is using you as a guide to take her boyfriend to the level where she wants him to be.


So, when you find out that she is asking you so many questions about how you do your things and compares you to her boyfriend just know that she wants to know how you make it happen.


She will share with her boyfriend how you do what you do to be where you are right now.


The truth is that she might not tell you why she is comparing you to him, but this is the reality.


You are better than her man. This shows you have skills to share with her man and help him be where you are right now.


It’s surprising the lengths women can go to help the men they love.



When a girl compares you to her boyfriend it means she wants to know who is better than the other, she is thinking of leaving her boyfriend for you, she wants you to know what she thinks of you and she just wants to help her man be better like you.


If you expressed your feelings to her while she is in a relationship just know that when she compares you to her boyfriend she is weighing between you and him.


She doesn’t know who she should choose between you and her boyfriend and that is why she is comparing you to him.


Also, when you put a girl in a position to choose anything between you and her guy, she will start comparing you to him.


If you tell a girl that her man is better than you in so many ways, and she thinks it’s the opposite, she will start comparing you to her.


The part of her comparing you to her man is to show you that she thinks you are better than her boyfriend.


These are some of the reasons why a girl would compare you to her boyfriend.


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