What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?

When a girl is comfortable around you she can do and say a lot of things that might make you question your relationship with her. In this article, I will share what it means when a girl is comfortable around you.


If she is comfortable around you there are several things you should know about her.


A girl will be comfortable around you if you are on good terms with her.


The way you treat her is what will either make her comfortable around you or not.


She is comfortable around you because you are good to her. This is not the only reason why she is comfortable around you.


Without wasting time, let me share what you should know when a girl is comfortable around you.


What does it mean when a girl is comfortable around you?

When a girl is comfortable around you it means she is free around you; she doesn’t feel restricted, she can be herself around you, she feels safe with you and she is happy with how you handle her.


The way a girl feels about you is going to be displayed by how she will handle herself around you.


So, when a girl is comfortable around you, she is going to behave differently compared to when is uncomfortable with you.


It’s important you know the meaning and understand it before you jump to conclusions.


When a girl is comfortable around you she will let her energy flow without restrictions.


She will say and do what she feels like around you. In some cases, you might even think she is disrespecting you.


The moment a girl is comfortable around you she will be too friendly to you.


She will handle you differently compared to the guys she isn’t comfortable with.


For you to understand deeply what it means when a girl is comfortable around you, this is what you should focus on.


This is why she is comfortable around you;

1. You have been a good friend/boyfriend to her.

When a girl is comfortable around you it’s because of your relationship with her.


when she feels comfortable around you

You have a good standing relationship with her and that is why she feels comfortable around you.


She feels at ease around you because she is happy with how you handle her.


There is no negative tension between the two of you and nothing that creates a barrier to communication.


You have been treating her nicely and that is why she feels comfortable around you.


When a girl feels comfortable around you it means you are on good terms and she is not worried about anything when she is with you.


You are a good person to her, you make her happy and make her feel good about herself.


She is comfortable around you because you have been there for her whenever she needs you to be.


The truth is that if you were not on good terms she wouldn’t have been comfortable around you.


For a girl to feel comfortable around you, she has to feel safe first.


She has to be sure that if anything bad happens, you will be the first person who will come to her rescue.


You will be there to help her whenever anything goes sideways.


This won’t happen unless you have an outstanding relationship with her.


She trusts you, and she feels safe with you; these are some of the traits from your relationship with her that make her feel comfortable around you.


2. You allow her to be herself around you.

A girl will be at ease around you when you let her spread her wings.


She is comfortable around you because you don’t question how she behaves around you.


There is no day you told her that she should change the way she handles herself before you.


You are the guy who appreciates how she is and how she handles herself in front of you.


When a girl is comfortable it means she doesn’t feel that she needs to hide her identity to please someone.


She can do and say anything before you and there are no risks of anything bad happening to her.


This is what it truly means to be comfortable around someone.


You always allow her to be herself whether she is mad or happy around you.


You allow her to speak her mind through actions and words; she is not worried that you are going to use what she tells you to corner her.


The part about you allowing her to be her true self before you is one of the reasons why she is comfortable around you.


3. You open up to her about your issues.

She is comfortable around you because of how you communicate.


You open up to her about your issues and that is why she feels comfortable around you.


When you open up to someone about your problems, the two of you will get closer.


The more you open up to someone close to you, he or she will feel the need to open up too.


He or she will do this to show empathy. The act of you opening up to each other is what will create a strong bond between the two of you.


You have been opening up to her about your highs and lows to an extent she feels that you have shown her every side of your life.


The two people who open up to each other about the issues they are going through tend to get closer to each other.


She got closer to you and that is why she feels comfortable around you.


This girl feels she knows everything about you; this gives her a sense of security and a reason to feel at ease around you. Which is very different from when she doesn’t know anything about your issues.


4. You don’t judge her.

She feels comfortable around you because you don’t judge her.


You are the kind of guy who lets her do and say anything without getting in between what she believes.


The moment she does something, you don’t conclude that she is wrong or right unless you have to.


You always listen to what she has to say before you give out your verdict.


When you don’t judge someone he or she will feel free around you. This person will feel at ease because she will feel she is entitled to her opinions.


If someone knows you will always judge what they do or say when they are around you; what they will do is restrict themselves not to say or do anything that might make you judge them.


No one likes to be judged. It’s not a good thing for someone to judge you based on something slim that you did or say.


How do you feel when someone concludes you are a lair yet they have no idea of how the story turned out to be?


Or someone claims that you don’t know how to connect the TV cables when you haven’t even started inserting one of them?


You will never be free around someone who keeps on judging you. The only thing you will try to do is not do or say anything that will make that person comment.


I guess you understand what it means.


You don’t judge what she does and say and that is why she is comfortable around you.


5. You show her your flaws.

If you have been open enough to someone, you show them your strengths and weaknesses it will make them realize that you have nothing to hide.


what does it mean when a girl feels comfortable around you

It’s one of the reasons to make someone trust you and feel safe around you.


So, if you share your weaknesses with her, and talk about your failures and good fortunes with her, it’s one of the reasons why she feels comfortable with you.


When you show your weaknesses to someone, they will feel that you are not a threat to them.


They will conclude you are honest and trust them.


This is enough to make someone comfortable around you.


Would you feel comfortable around someone who never shows his or her weaknesses?


When you make yourself vulnerable to someone they will start feeling at ease around you because they believe you will never hurt them.


This is the reason behind the girl being comfortable around you.




When a girl is comfortable around you, it shows that you have a great relationship.


Your relationship with her is on good terms, she feels safe around you and she knows you will always let her be herself.


If she is comfortable around you and you have a crush on her, you can use this to your advantage.


It will be easier for you to make her fall for you because she trusts you and you give her a sense of security.


This is enough to lure her in.


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