Should I Leave My Girlfriend For Being Too Friendly?

You want to know if you should leave your girlfriend for being too friendly to other guys, which is what I am going to answer in this article.


Your girlfriend being too friendly to other guys may cause negative feelings.


You might start thinking that your girlfriend is doing something fishy with these guys.


I am not saying that it’s great for your girlfriend to be too friendly to other guys.


There should be a limit on how your girlfriend interacts with other guys.


If she is too friendly to other guys she might start paying more attention to them than you.


Read also; My Girlfriend Pays More Attention To Other Guys: Do This


When this happens it can end up ruining your relationship.


The solution here is not to leave your girlfriend simply because she is too friendly to other guys.


You should not leave your girlfriend because she is too friendly to other guys, you will be acting immaturely. First, you should talk to her about this issue and see how she will respond before doing anything else.


There is no evidence that your girlfriend is being unfaithful by being too friendly to other guys.


It’s just your instincts telling you that your girlfriend is doing something fishy and that is why you are asking if you should leave her or not.


Anyway, let me share with you a list of things you should do when your girlfriend is too friendly to other guys before you think of breaking up with her.


This is what you should do if your girlfriend is too friendly to other guys;

1. Find out why your girlfriend is being too friendly with these guys.

If your girlfriend is being too friendly to other guys this is the first thing you should do.


should i leave my girlfriend for being too friendly

You have to find out why your girlfriend is closer to these guys.


When you know why she is too friendly to these guys, you will be able to come up with a solid way of how you can handle this issue.


It can be that your girlfriend is too friendly to these guys because of how you treat her.

Your girlfriend should be your lover and your friend too.


She should be able to confide in you, share anything with you, and be the first guy she will open up to when things are not going the way she expects.


If she is too friendly to other guys, this means that she is not that close to you.


Sit down and ask yourself some of the things that you did to make her be closer to other guys and not you.


Did you do something to make her be too friendly to other guys or it’s something she used to do since you started dating?


You know her better.


If there is an issue between the two of you, this can also be one of the reasons why she is being too friendly to other guys.


You are not on good terms and that is why she is connecting to other guys to get the attention she needs.


Women need attention, it’s like water to them, and they can’t live without it.


A woman will never be friendly to you when there is a bad vibe between the two of you.


Also, you can also ask her why she is being too friendly to other guys if you have not figured out why she does that.


The answers you might get from her will give you a clue on how you can start working out this issue.


2. Fix any issues in your relationship.

This is something else you can do if your girlfriend is too friendly to other guys.


As I said earlier, if there is a problem between the two of you, this could be the main reason why your girlfriend pays more attention to other guys.


And the only way to stop your girlfriend from being too friendly to other guys is by fixing the issues between the two of you.


You are the guy that she used to be too friendly with. Now that your bond is broken, she doesn’t find a good energy between the two of you.


She is seeking a connection that can satisfy her but not from you.


What you have to do if she is being too friendly to other guys, is to resolve the problems.


Work your issues in that relationship instead of keeping silent about them.


It can be that you both know that your relationship is not on good terms, but you do nothing about it.

Thinking that with time things will get back to normal without working your issues out.

That is not the case with relationships.


The only way to make your girlfriend stop being too friendly to other guys if your relationship is in jeopardy is to fix it.


3. Let your girlfriend know that you notice her.

Your girlfriend will be too friendly to other guys if you don’t give her the attention she wants.


As I told you earlier, women love attention.


She is being too friendly to other guys because she wants attention and validation from them.


So, if she doesn’t get it from you, these guys probably give it to her plenty and that is why she is closer to them.


You need to let your girlfriend know that you notice her by doing things that will make her realize that there is no need for her to seek attention somewhere else.


Pay attention to your girlfriend by complimenting her, noticing the tiny changes she makes on her body, and saying something positive about her work and other things that she cares about.


Make time for her, talk about your issues with her, and have so much fun with her outside of the bedroom.


When you do all these things with her it will be hard for her to find time to go out there and befriend other guys as she does now.


You haven’t occupied her and that is why she is doing what she does.

So, put an effort into your relationship and make her realize that you notice everything she does.


If this is something that will not change her then you will have to do the last thing about to share with you.


4. Talk to her about boundaries in your relationship.

If you have done everything I have shared with you in this article yet there is no change, you will have no choice but to talk to your girlfriend about this issue.


my girlfriend is too friendly to other guys

You will have to let her know how you feel about what she does.


Don’t just decide to break up with her simply because she is being too friendly to other guys.


Let her know that there are boundaries in your relationship she should respect.


I know when you tell her about boundaries, you might come out as jealous and insecure to her.

But that is not something that should bother you at all.


Let her know that you are not comfortable with her being so close to other guys.

It’s not wrong for her to have male friends but she should know when to cut them off sometimes.


You are in a  relationship and she should prioritize you over other guys.


Make that clear to her. Ask her how she would feel if you were too friendly to other girls.


Would she be okay with that?


The way your girlfriend will respond after opening up about her relationship with other guys is what will decide the course of your relationship.




If your girlfriend cares about you and the relationship at large, she will understand that she is doing the wrong thing and she will change.


But if your girlfriend is being too friendly to other guys because she does it intentionally to hurt your feelings, she will never care about what you do or say to her.


She will keep it going.


The moment you notice that she doesn’t care about what you feel because of what she does, you will have no choice but to leave her.


This is the point you will have to leave her because she is disrespecting you.


Don’t break up with her before you do the things I have shared in this article.


I hope I have provided you with an insight about how you can handle this problem.


Related articles to read;

  1. My Girlfriend Pays More Attention To Other Guys: Do This
  2. Is Dating Easier After College? + Make It Easier
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