If A Girl Cares About You Does She Like You?(How To Know)

She cares about you and you are asking yourself if she is interested in you or not. If she cares about you does it even mean she likes you? In this article, I will share what you should know when it comes to a girl who cares about you and you don’t know if she likes you or she is being friendly to you.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


You need to know if she thinks more of you as a friend or if you are just a good friend to her and that is why she shows you that she cares.


Something funny about girls is that they are so caring. It’s usually hard to know if she sees you more than a friend or if she is just being friendly to you.


I know how you feel the way she perceives you. Since you want to know how she feels about you it’s clear you are into her.


It’s a good thing you want to know what she thinks and feels about you before you do or say anything that might push her away further.


Before I spill everything, you need first to understand what it means when a girl cares for you.


What does it mean when a girl cares for you?

When a girl cares for you it means you are a good person to her, she is being kind to you, she is friendly to you, it can be that she adores you and you hold a good piece of her heart.


what does it mean when a girl cares for you

When a girl cares about you as a friend and sees more of who you are to her, the way she will handle you might be the same depending on how you handle her.


If a girl cares about you but you haven’t expressed your feelings to her, she doesn’t know if you want something more from her or not, she will handle you like a friend.


Since you haven’t given her the impression that you want something more from her, she might handle you the way she handles other guys.


She will talk nicely to you, she will say good things about you, help you out when you are stranded, and even bring you food.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Brings You Food?


As long as your relationship (friendship) is on good terms.


Sometimes when a girl shows you that she cares about you she is doing this to push you to make your move on her if you feel the same way about her.


You should know that it’s very hard for women to express their feelings directly to a man. Most of them will never approach a man first and tell him that they are interested.


What you will only see from them are the signs.


If a girl cares about you does she like you?

When a girl cares about you but only handles you like a friend (she doesn’t show you any romantic signs) this shows that she cares about you as a friend, but if she portrays romantic gestures, she likes you!


If a girl cares about you; she is nice to you, she keeps checking up on you when you are not available, and even comes over to your place when you are sick, this shows that you hold important in her life.


Read also; What To Do When A Girl Comes Over To Your House


You have occupied her life and that is why she cares about you. But when a girl cares about you it doesn’t necessarily mean that she wants to be with you romantically.


A girl may care about you even when she has a boyfriend. She will call you and ask about your day and if you have eaten anything yet.


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This doesn’t mean that she wants to be in a romantic relationship with you. She only cares about you because you are a good friend to her.


You are always there for her when she is stranded and she is also doing the same.


Don’t just make conclusions that she is in love with you because she often checks out on you, wants to hang out with and helps you when you are stranded.


Before you make conclusions that she cares about you because she likes you and wants you to be more than friends, you need to observe how she handles you.


You need to check more than just one thing from her if you want to conclude that she wants to be with you.


It can be that she cares about you but she is not entirely thinking of being with you.


You are just like a brother to her and that is why she cares about you.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


Especially if you have been so close to her, you have helped her through so many of her problems and you have always been there when she needed you, she just handles you like a super important person, best friend, and a brother.


If a girl has never shown you any romantic gestures that she wants to be more than friends with you, don’t just conclude that she cares about you because she wants you romantically.


But if she cares about you and also portrays to you that she doesn’t want to be just friends with you but also something more; she invites you to her place, asks you to sleep over, jokes about dating you, and even lets you make romantic moves on her, this shows that she wants you to date.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Asks You To Sleep Over  and What To Do When A Girl Wants You To Visit Her


She cares about you because you mean something more to her, you are not just a normal friend to her. You are something more to her.


When a girl wants something more from you she won’t just stop at caring about you. She won’t allow you to entertain other girls and she will mark her territory.


This will happen even when you haven’t expressed your feelings for her.


But if she doesn’t care if you talk to other girls, she doesn’t touch you randomly, she doesn’t ask you to go to her place and she doesn’t open up to you about her past relationship issues, you are just a friend to her and that is why she cares about you.


What to do if you don’t know if she likes you when she cares about you

1. Ask her how she feels about you.

When a girl cares about you to the extent that you are confused about how she feels about you, this is the first thing you need to do.


You need to ask her how she feels about you. Maybe you have tried to read the signs but nothing makes sense.


Take your time and seriously ask her how she feels about you.


If you need her to open up about why she cares so much about you, this is the only way you will find out.


You will be sure that she likes you the moment she cares about you when she tells you about how she feels for you.


Don’t be afraid to ask her what she feels about you.


These are some of the questions you can use to ask her how she feels about you;

  • “You are so caring! What do you think of me?”
  • “Do you just consider me as a friend or there is more?”
  • “Which impression do I make when I am around you?”
  • “What do you feel about me?”
  • “Would you allow me to handle you just like a sister?”
  • “Do you have feelings for me?”


These are some of the questions you can ask her and end up making her open up to you about what she feels for you.


If she wants something more from you she will tell you about it. But if she only cares for you as a friend, she will also tell you about it.


You should ask her these questions if you aren’t sure about how she feels about you.


So, if she cares about you but you don’t know how she feels for you, strike her with these questions if you want to find out what she feels for you.


2. Express what you feel for her.

When she cares about you and you have no idea if she likes you or not, this is something else you will have to do.


when a girl cares about you does she like you

If she doesn’t express her feelings and you don’t understand what she feels for you or what she wants from you, you will have no choice but to express your feelings to her.


The other way you will get her to open up to you about what she feels about you when she is so caring is by expressing what you feel for her.


If you are interested in her you will have to let her know about it. Let her know that you want her to be more than just your friend.


Let her know that you would like her to be your girlfriend because she has shown you she can be more than who she is to you.


You can start by telling what pulled you to express your feelings to her. Don’t forget to mention how she takes care of you.


If she cares about you just as a friend and doesn’t want anything more from you she will tell you the truth.


But if she cares about you because she was pulling you to her side so that you get to express what you feel for her, she will respond positively.


The above are the two things you should do when a girl cares about you but you don’t know if she likes you or not.


You can’t be certain from just the signs she shows you. This is the only way you will be sure if she wants something more from you or not.



If a girl cares about you it doesn’t necessarily mean she wants you to be her boyfriend.


You are a good person to her, you are friendly to her, she is comfortable around you and you are always there when she needs you and that is why she cares about you.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


She is being friendly to you and that is why she cares about you.


When a girl cares about you and shows you romantic gestures; she touches you randomly, wants to hang out with you a lot, opens up to you about her life, invites you to her place, she introduces you to her friends and family, this shows that she likes you.


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She doesn’t only care about you simply because you are good to her. It’s not only because you are friendly to her; you mean more to her and that is why she handles you the way she does.


If you want to know how she feels about you when she cares so much about you, observe how she handles around you, what she talks about, and what she pushes you to do.


You will know if she cares about you only because she likes you or if she is just being friendly to you.


Related reads;

  1. What Does It Mean When A Girl Bring Her Sister On A Date?
  2. If She Says She Misses Me Does She Like Me?
  3. What Does It Mean When A Girl Texts You First?
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