How To Make A Girl Chase You By Ignoring Her [10 Psychological Tricks]

You can make a girl chase you by just ignoring her. But it’s not as easy as you think! Maybe you may be telling yourself all you have to do is just ignore her and she is going to fall for you.


I know you heard many guys saying that you can ignore a woman and she will start chasing you.


That is not how it works. In this article, I will share how to use this trick on a woman who you are super interested in.


Ignoring a woman to get her to chase you is not a good thing. You might end up losing her by just ignoring her.


When you decide to use this trick to make a woman chase you be ready for anything.


She might not give in to what you do, you may ignore her and end up losing her completely.


What you need to know is that a woman might end up hating you for ignoring her especially when you start ignoring her.


Without wasting time, let me start sharing the secrets with you that nobody ever told you about.


This is how to make a girl chase you by ignoring her;

1. Don’t respond to her texts immediately.

If you want a girl to chase you by ignoring her the first thing you should do is this.


how to make a girl chase you by ignoring her

You aren’t supposed to respond to her texts immediately. The main intention of doing this is to grab her attention.


When you don’t respond to her texts immediately, it’s something she is not used to, she will have so many questions.


She will want to know why you don’t always respond immediately when she texts you.


The first thing that this will do is get her attention even if she doesn’t want to and you will even keep her texting you even more.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Texts You First?


If you don’t respond immediately to her texts this means that you won’t be sharing too much information with her.


She will know that you are a busy guy which will portray to her that you are a man of value.


The moment she sits down and wants to chat with you just to get to know more about you, she won’t find it enough.


For her to get to know more about you she will have to meet you in person. She might even end up coming over to your place just to get to know you more and spend more time with you.


Read also; What To Do When A Girl Comes Over To Your House


What this will do is that it will make her eager to talk to you more.


You are not the normal type of guy she chats with. She will want to know what is so special about you.


And she will have to keep on texting even when you aren’t responding on time so that when you get back to her you share with her what she wants to know.


Normally, guys usually reply quickly to texts that are from girls that they are interested in.


The moment you respond immediately you will show her that you are so into her and you have nothing important to do other than chatting with her.


This will make her conclude that you are not a high value you man and she will easily lose interest in you.


And when she loses interest in you, she won’t chase you at all, you will have to do the chasing if you want to win her.


2. Don’t pick up her calls when you are busy.

If you want her to chase you this is another thing you should do.


Your goal here is to make her chase you by ignoring her. This means that you should limit your conversation with her.


Don’t give her too much of you if you want her to chase you.


When she calls once in a while, don’t just answer her calls anytime she calls you.


You have to ignore her calls sometimes when you are too busy.


Don’t pick up her calls when you are in the middle of something important at all.


Ignore her calls when you know that she will be taking much of your time when you are busy.


Don’t completely ignore her calls every time she calls. Pick up other calls when you are not busy and be short of words.


If she is checking on you just let her know that you are doing great and don’t add anything to that.


When she keeps talking about other things just let her know that you are supposed to handle a task that you were working on.


The moment you handle her like this she won’t know much about you, she won’t have much to share with you and this will make her want to know more about you.


She will want to talk more with you to get to know what is always keeping you committed. You will be showing her that you are a man of value and you have important things going on in your life.


This is enough to make her start chasing you.


Once in a while make a point of calling her so that she doesn’t think that you aren’t interested in her.


She will only chase you when she knows you are interested in her not when she doesn’t want anything to do with you.


Ignore her once in a while but also make a point of reaching out to her when she least expects it.


This will keep spicing things up with a little bit of mystery.


3. Keep your conversations with her short and sweet.

If you want a woman to chase you have to know how to talk to her.


When you are around her don’t talk it all out. You need to keep some things for yourself.


You need to make her think of what you mean, she needs to search for clues about how you feel about her and let her wonder why you don’t speak about everything.


It’s the mystery that will make her chase you when you ignore her. If she knows everything about you, how you handle yourself and talk to her when you are around her, she won’t chase you.


You need to behave differently. Most men usually talk about everything when they are around women they are interested in. Some even end up rumbling thinking that they are pleasing the woman but that is not the case.


They think that talking about everything and having longer conversations with them will make them more interested in them.


When you have longer conversations with a woman she will end up being bored listening to you. Next time when you ask her to hang out with you she will just make excuses not to meet you.


Read also; How To Tell If A Girl Is Making Excuses 


That is why it’s always better to keep your conversation short and sweet.


Let every conversation you have with her be purposeful. I am not telling you that you should not have fun with her.


You are allowed to make jokes with her so that you keep her more interested in you. But don’t overdo it.


Every time she is around you make it incredibly amazing for her.


So, don’t when you aren’t available she will start searching for you. This is what chasing is all about.


When you know that you don’t have anything important to talk about with her the best thing you should do is just get away from her.


She will notice that you are different from other guys and she will want to know more about what you are always hiding.


Since you don’t talk much with her she will just assume there is more to you than what you reveal.


This is what will make her start chasing you without you putting much effort.


4. Pay minimal attention to her.

Another way to make a girl chase you by ignoring her is by making sure you pay minimal attention to her.


make her chase you by ignoring her

What you need to know about women is that they love it when they are given so much attention.


That is why some women even end up using guys for their attention.


I know you are interested in her, she is amazing and the vibe is another level. Don’t let her beauty trap you.


Don’t spend hours with her every day telling yourself that you will make her fall for you.


You have to remember she is not your girlfriend yet. You don’t need to spend much of your time with her.


The truth is that you don’t know if she is going to take you in or throw you out. You have no idea if she is going to chase you or not.


So, why pay so much attention to someone you don’t know if she will give you a chance or not?


When you pay minimal attention she will end up wanting more as long as you are an interesting guy.


The moment you are around her make every second with her matter so that when you aren’t around her, she starts missing you.


If you give her less of your attention and she enjoys it she will want to know how it will feel like when you choose to spend over 5 hours next to her.


This means she will start asking you out on dates, she will want to hang out with you more and this will force her to chase you.


Instead of you begging her to come over to your house, she will be inviting herself.


This is what you are aiming to achieve. It’s how you can make her chase you by ignoring her.


5. Don’t show her that you are super interested in her.

She will only chase you when she is interested in you. As you are ignoring her to make her chase you, you need to also pull her closer to you.


You have to express your feelings for her. Let her know that you are interested in her and that is why you want her around.


Don’t hold back if you feel like kissing her when she is so close to you.


Randomly touch her sexually and pull away. Don’t let yourself go fully in when expressing what you feel for her.


Don’t show her that you are so interested in her to the extent that you can’t get your eyes off her.


Show her minimal signs that you are interested in her and let her find out the rest.


She needs to hustle if she has to know what you truly want from her.


When a girl knows what you want from her just in the first encounter you have with her, she will start playing hard to get. This will only get you to start chasing her around.


But when you show her that you aren’t super interested in her and sometimes you flirt with her and sometimes you handle her like your sister, she will be curious.


She will want to know what you want and expect from her. And she won’t know anything about that unless she gets closer to you.


This will force her to chase you even when she doesn’t want to.


If you express too much of your feelings to her she might pull away from you because she might find it uncomfortable or you will be too much for her to handle.


But when she just gets the smell of what you feel for her she will have no choice but to lean on you to find out the taste.


6. Don’t open up too much to her.

If you want her to chase you this is another thing you should do.


Why open up too much to her when she is not your girlfriend? She doesn’t deserve to know everything about you within a very short period.


You need to maintain a little bit of mystery if you want her to chase you. That is why I am telling you that you should not just open up to her about everything when you start talking to her.


The mystery is what will make her keep chasing you. And remember I told you that you have to keep your conversations short and sweet.


Don’t give her your whole life story thinking that she will be more interested in you.


If you don’t want to bore her, don’t tell her about things that won’t help you. You need to make her chase you, and not know everything about your life.


Don’t just start talking about your past relationships with her when she hasn’t asked you to.


Keep unnecessary things to yourself if you want her to chase you. She is not your girlfriend remember.


She is someone you are trying to win. And you should be smart not to tell her everything about you because it might even change how she looks at you.


You will open up to her when she is finally in your life but not now. Do the necessary and let the rest follow later when she is your woman.


7. Don’t play games with her.

She might play games with you. Don’t fall into this trap. She might play hard to get, don’t fall into her trap.


how to make a woman chase you by ignoring her

Women are smart enough to realize what you want from them even despite everything you will be doing.


The moment she realizes that you are trying to win her, she might want to make things harder for you.


This is what women do to make men put all their effort and reveal their true intentions.


Telling a woman everything you want doesn’t make her interested in you.


Expressing your feelings and even pointing out what you want won’t make her fall in love with you.


A woman will never fall for you because of your words but it’s by the way you treat her. If they were words then every man would have the woman of his or her life.


Women look at the man and how he handles himself in front of her. If you treat her the way no guy has ever treated her she will fall for you over and over.


When she plays hard to get don’t change how you handle her. Don’t start begging her to let you in.


Continue the way you have been handling her and show her that you aren’t bothered even when she chooses to walk away from you.


Don’t show her that you are desperate for her.


Of course that is not true, you want her to chase you. It will hurt you when she walks away.


But she doesn’t need to know that. If she stops talking to you don’t fall into the trap of triple texting her and calling frequently even when she ignores your calls.


Always keep your intentions open and just maintain a distance from her.


Let her know what you want from her. If you want her to hang out with you say it directly. If you don’t like what she does when she is around you, be honest with her.


The moment she notices you are not playing games and you are always precise she will get tired of the games she is pulling.


She will realize that you are a mature guy and you don’t want any games. This will make her feel guilty and she will try to do things to make you more interested in her.


This is when she will start chasing you. She will do all these things because she is afraid that you will end up losing interest in her after you have noticed she is playing games with you.


8. Lead her on and don’t follow up on it.

It’s hard to lead a girl on and just ignore her. Most guys fail on this. The moment a woman shows them that she is into it, they tend to go for it.


The moment you show a woman that you aren’t different from the other guys she has been hanging out with, she will never chase you.


She will just conclude that you are like the rest of the guys she has been ignoring in her DMs and there is nothing special about you.


Turn her on when she is getting comfortable around you. When you know that she is interested since she is encouraging you to go on, you should just pull away.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


Be like, “I have somewhere to be can we meet next time?” This is you now telling her that after you know she is completely drenched.


When she wants you to keep going that is when you should pull out. The moment you keep leading her on and leave her hanging you will make her yearn for more from you.


She will want to have all of you and this will be a reason for her to chase you. You have something she wants but she can’t get it.


This is what you should do if you want her to chase you.


Sometimes start sexual conversations with her just to get her reaction. And don’t go on with it.


She will want you to keep going but don’t be convinced because she might just be observing you and learning a few things from you.


Every woman you will come across will always compare you to other guys who hit on her.


The moment you show her that you aren’t the normal type of guy she is used to, it will attract her to want to get to know more about you.


This will be a reason for her to start chasing you.


When she wants you to make a move on her or keep on going with what she likes the most, just ignore her.


Come up with any excuse just to distance yourself from her.


9. Don’t always be open to any plans she makes.

She will ask you out. since you don’t always give her that much attention, she will want to have you for herself.


This is when she will want to meet you and spend some time with you. She will make plans and ask you how you feel about them.


You shouldn’t always be open to what she wants you to do. If she makes plans and asks you to go out with her, sometimes just ignore her.


Once in a while, go out with her and hang out with her just to show her that you are also interested in her.


Don’t always say yes to everything she says. Other days just ignore her and don’t show up on the dates she asks you on.


If you have issues you are dealing with at the moment, don’t squeeze yourself to please her.


When you are open to everything she wants you to do, you won’t be any different from the hundreds of guys who are in her inbox begging to open up for them.


This is when she will realize you are different and she will want you more.


If she makes up plans about the weekend without telling you about it and asks you to meet up suddenly, just say no to her.


Let her know that she should always tell you early in advance if she is about to make any plans to meet you up.


This is what will make her realize that you are a man of value and you don’t just do anything without putting it on your schedule.


When you refuse to meet up with her yet hundreds of guys are begging her for a date, she will be more attracted to you.


She will know that spending her time with you will be worth it than spending time with guys who always beg to meet up with her.


10. Don’t let her understand what you are doing.

If you are trying to make her chase you, don’t let her understand what you are doing.


when you ignore her she will start chasing you

Be unpredictable if you want her to chase you. The mystery is what will push her to want to be around you.


The moment she notes your pattern, she will know that you are just playing games with her. This might be the reason for her to even avoid you.


She won’t chase you because she will know you are not genuine in what you do. So, don’t let her understand anything you are doing if you want her to chase you.


Sometimes you should just handle her like your friend. Don’t even make a romantic move on her when you are out with her.


Other times be wild with her and show you the other side of you she has never seen. Don’t talk much when you are around her, observe her and learn as much as you can from her.


You need to understand the type of woman she is, what she truly wants from a guy, and how you can keep her chasing you.


This is what you should do if you want her to chase you.



What you need to know is that doing all these things might not work with a woman who isn’t interested in you. If she doesn’t see anything worth chasing in you, she will never bother herself.


She will just ignore you the moment you do. If you show her that you don’t want anything more to do with her simply because you have been ignoring her, she will also let go of you.


So, before you think of ignoring a woman to make her chase you, be sure that she is interested in you.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


A woman will only chase you when she is interested in you. When you notice that she is not entirely into you, instead of you ignoring her, you should find a way to make her be attached to you first.


When you notice that her vibe is calling and she wants to be around you most of the time, this is when you should start pulling the tricks I have shared with you to make her start chasing you.


As you are ignoring her to make her chase you, observe how she reacts. Not all women can handle the chase. If she gets tired of chasing you she might lose interest in you.


Don’t overdo it! Be careful not to hurt her feelings when you do all these things. Be reasonable and always check out the situation you choose to ignore her before you even think of doing it.


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