What To Do When A Girl Comes Over To Your House

You wanted her to come over to your house so bad. She rescheduled until today she is telling you that she is coming over.


The only thing you have to do is prepare yourself for her. You want to know what you should do when she comes over to your house so that you don’t blow things up.


You have come to the right place, I will share step-by-step what you should do to enable her to enjoy her time at your house.


What I see is that you have a thing for her and you don’t want to blow up your shot with her.


When she comes over to your house, two things might happen; you might either give her an amazing experience that will keep on growing your bond with her or push her away further.


So, what you will do when she comes over to your house is something crucial if you want to keep her.


Without wasting time, let me share what you should do when she comes over to your house.


This is what you should do when she comes over to your house;

1. You have to make her comfortable first.

You are super excited that she is coming over to your house. Your dream is coming true because you are getting exactly what you hoped for.


what to do when she comes over to your house

What you need to understand is that it’s her first time to come over to your house.


Don’t just get over your head and do things that might push her away from you.


The first thing you should do when she comes over to your house is try to make her as comfortable as you can.


There is no way she will enjoy her stay at your place if she doesn’t feel at ease.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


She needs to feel at ease. This is what will make it easier for her to spread her wings out.


When she feels restricted at your house there is no way she will interact with you freely.


She has to feel at home at your place if you want her to vibe with you.


You can make her comfortable by showing her around your place.


The washroom, the kitchen, where she can get what she needs for the moment, and anything extra that your house holds.


You also have to talk to her and assure her that she is in a safe space.


Let her know that she can do what she feels like when she is around at your place.


Make her feel at home by finding a comfortable spot to sit on while she is waiting for you to get other things in place.


Also, you have to ensure that you don’t scare her. Don’t make her feel like she is in the slaughterhouse.


Dress nicely, don’t take your shirt or t-shirt off when she comes over. I know guys we will do this.


Don’t do this because you have no idea what is in her mind when steps in front of your door.


These are some of the things you can do to make her comfortable at your house.


She needs to feel at ease and safe. What you will do when she comes over for the first time plays a big role.


2. Get her something to eat or drink.

This is something you should do when she comes over to your house.


Don’t assume anything. You have to be the gentleman when she comes over.


The jokes you used to throw at her when you were out there put them aside and show her another side of you.


The way you used to handle her outside there should be different when she comes over to your house.


It’s sensitive for her considering it’s her first time coming over to your house.


Ask her what she would like to drink or eat.


Even if you know what she always drinks or eats, just take the initiative of asking her.


She will feel that you care about her choices and opinions. This is something that will give her the impression that you will listen to what she wants and expects from you.


It’s something that will make her feel even more safe and comfortable at your place.


But if you show that she has no choice but she has to eat or drink what you will bring her without even asking her, it might make her feel uncomfortable.


You have to make her feel at home at your place.


This is the main intention of asking her what she would like to try when she comes over to your house.


You can also give her several options of drinks or meals she can have at your place.


This is one point that will lighten up conversation making her feel comfortable around you in that space.


You are dragging things slowly, she will be able to cope with the pace you will be taking her on.


3. Don’t pressure yourself at all, take it easy on yourself.

When she comes over to your house you don’t have to think so hard about everything you will do.


I know you will be trying harder to make everything look perfect.


You will be worried about how you have arranged your place, how the shoes and clothes are placed, and even what your house looks like.


This might tempt you to try everything you can to fix the house fast before she comes in.


What you have to know is that you won’t make it all perfect. The truth is that she won’t like everything at your place.


Maybe she doesn’t need to like everything after all.


You may be thinking so hard about what you will do with her when she comes over to your house.


The point of you figuring out a perfect schedule so that she doesn’t get bored when she is at your place.


You are into her. The only thing you want is to make her happy so that next time she feels more comfortable coming back to your place.


What I can tell you is that you have to keep things simple. Try your best to keep your house clean.


She won’t be comfortable in a room that smells rotten. So clean up the dishes that you left for days and arrange your room.


Make it decent and tidy.


Stop overthinking about everything, she is coming over for you not for your house.


Don’t write up a big to-do list of what you are going to do when she comes over to your place.


It will feel unreal and this might turn her off.


Keep things simple. The best way you are going to give her the best time at your place is if you communicate with her.


Talk to her, listen to what she wants, and add your creativity to pull her close.


You have to take it easy on yourself and know that everything is going to work out exactly how you want it to.


You can’t make her comfortable at your place when you are not comfortable around her.


4. Get her in activities that she enjoys.

When she comes over to your house you have to get her into activities that she is going to enjoy.


what to do when a girl comes over to your house

Before you invite her to your house, I hope you had time to learn a few things about her.


What she likes to do and what she wants to try.


It won’t be exciting if she comes over to your house and does nothing but look at you.


She will be bored and I don’t think she will accept your invitation when you want her to come over again.


You shouldn’t be bothered about this if she is a one-time thing. You hit and let her leave.


But if she is someone you are planning to spend more time with and create a strong bond and eventually an amazing relationship, you have to know how to handle her.


What does she enjoy doing? What can you do to make her happy when she comes to your place?

Do you think she would be interested to try some new things?


Does she like cooking?

Can she play chess or video games?


These are some of the questions you should ask yourself for you to have an idea of what you should do when she comes over to your house.


These are the activities that will make her consider staying longer at your place which will give you a big shot at her.


If you wanted to express what you feel for her it would be so easy for you when she decides to stick around.


On the other hand, if you want to make a move on her in bed, you will have the chance to do it.


But if she is bored, she won’t stay longer because there is nothing she can do.


She’d rather spend her time at her place where she focuses on herself and other things than be around you and be bored.


If she enjoys something get on it with her.


Do things with her at your place. Anyway, this will depend on her energy.


You know her better than I do. So, use the knowledge you have about her to involve her in things that she is going to enjoy when she is at your place.


5. Initiate romantic moves and see her response.

Why did you invite her to your place? Was it to check out her outfit and makeup and let her leave?


Did you invite her to your house just to show her how you have decorated it?

Why do you want her around?


You want her at your place so that you can have a good time with her.


The thing is that you want her around because you are interested in her.


It will be so lame of you if she comes over and you don’t even initiate a romantic move.


What you should know is that before a woman comes over to your place, she has an idea of what might happen.


If you have been close to each other for a while and there is a spark, she would expect you to make a move on her.


Even if she is not interested in you, she would still expect you to make a move on her.


That is if she is coming over to your house. And that is why she will do everything she can to look great and smell amazing.


She won’t come to your place like she is from her bedroom early in the morning.


When she comes over to your place and you are having fun don’t forget that she is not your sister.


You should make a romantic move on her and see how she is going to respond.


Slowly make a move on her by touching her hands. Look at her lips and smile.


Touch her hair intentionally and pull away.


Find excuses to be so close to her. You are in a safe space with her so don’t be afraid to show her what you feel for her.


If you initiate romantic moves and she seems to want you to keep on going, that is when you should take it to the next level.


When you hold her and she holds you back, when you look at her lips and she gets closer, when you throw a nasty joke and she replies it back, this should give you a clue that she wants you to keep on going.


But if she pulls away whenever you make a move on her, don’t push it.


The more you keep on pushing it, the more uncomfortable she will feel around you.


If that is the case, I don’t think she will be willing to come over again to your place.


It’s possible that she won’t want to do anything more with you especially if it’s her first time at your place.


She will be trying so hard to show you that she is not cheap. The thing women do is to show you that they value their dignity.


The moment you initiate a move and she compliments it, you will have to keep it going unless she tells you to stop.


This is what you should do when she comes over to your house.


6. Get on it if she wants it too.

If you are at a point where she keeps on motivating you to get her in bed you shouldn’t hold back if you want to.


But if you feel that you need to take things slow, there is nothing wrong when you hold yourself back.


It’s up to you to decide how you want things to flow. She is at your place remember that.


You should keep in mind that moving things too fast might end up wrecking your relationship.


You might move too fast and end up scaring her. She might be okay with you getting on her when she is at your place because she can’t control her feelings for you.


But when she leaves your place, she sits down and thinks about how you handled her, this might make her pull herself away from you.


You try to get in touch with her she ignores you, you ask her out on a date she flakes on you and eventually she cuts communication with you.


This is something that can happen. So, you have to be careful with how you pull your moves on her.


What you should do is communicate with her and make sure that she is okay with you getting on with it.


As I told you, it’s your choice and how she responds.




When a girl comes over to your house don’t always conclude that she wants you to get her in bed.


What you should do is make her comfortable, communicate with her, and try to give her the best time she can have at your place.


There is no perfect schedule of what you should do when a girl comes over to your house.


You might plan what you will do when she comes over and she completely rides everything at your place.


So, there is no need to put yourself under pressure because she is coming over.


Take it easy on yourself and move with the vibe that she will lay in front of you


I hope I have enlightened you on what you should do when she comes over to your house.


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