Should I Be Friends With Someone Who Rejected Me?

Should you be friends with someone who rejected you? Is it a good idea to be friends with a girl who doesn’t want to be with you?


In this article, I will answer these questions for you to understand whether it’s okay or not.


I will give you my honest opinion about this topic. You have to understand that we might not meet eye to eye.


So, being friends with someone who rejected you, do you think it’s a good idea? Think about it, take time to contemplate before you go deep into this article.


Ask yourself these questions;

Why do you want to be friends with someone who rejected you?

Do you intend to gain anything from the friendship? 


Can you handle being friends with someone you want to date?


Should I be friends with someone who rejected me?

You should not be friends with someone who rejected you because it’s only going to hurt you more. When you spot that person giving attention to someone else it will keep reminding you of what you will never have.


There is a point where you might pretend that you don’t feel a thing for him or her, but the truth is that you will always feel that person.


When it reaches a point where you face someone and express your feelings to them, it shows that you have reached the end.


There is nothing you can do about what you feel for them. You are vulnerable and you need this person in your life.


It takes courage to express what you feel for someone. The moment you do that and someone just breaks your heart it’s usually so horrible.


If you are not strong enough, it can affect you in so many ways.


Instead of trying to befriend someone who doesn’t want you in his or her life, you should be trying hard to move on from that person.


Find another path, there are still people out there who would be interested in having you in their lives.


It’s only that you haven’t found them.


There are so many reasons why you should not be friends with someone who rejected you. Let me list them down for you.


This is why you should not be friends with someone who rejected you;

1. You will be hurt more as long as you are around them.

This is the first reason why you should never be friends with someone who rejected you.


Should I be friends with someone who rejected me

When you are in love with someone, it will be hard for you to let them go. You can’t get over someone within a day.


It will take time for you to forget about them. When you manage to forget them and you see them with someone else, it will still hurt you.


So, I don’t recommend you be friends with someone who rejected you because you will get hurt.


What you have to understand is that they rejected you, but they may be still interested in other people rather than you.


If you are friends with someone who rejected you, it will be easier for you to see the people they interact with.


They will hang out more with the people they are interested in. Don’t expect that they will give you more attention compared to the people they are interested in.


These encounters won’t be easy for you. Seeing someone you were so deep in love kissing someone else in front of you.


You will only be hurt more when you are friends with someone who rejected you.


Every single day, you will be reminded of what you wanted so badly, but you can’t have it no matter what you do.


So, why put yourself through such a punishment?


There is no need to hurt yourself for this.


This is one of the reasons why you should not be friends with someone who rejected you.


2. It will be hard for you to move on.

When someone rejects you, it hurts more than heartbreak, especially if you had lots of expectations.


You are in pain. The only thing you should try to do is to move on.


Being friends with someone who rejected you will only put you through the pain for longer. Moving on from this person who rejected you will be hard.


You have to remember that you have a life. There is no time to cry over someone who doesn’t want to be with you.


For you to shape your life, and work on improving yourself to be the person you want to be in the future, you have to move on.


When you move on from the pain of rejection that is the moment you will be able to focus on what matters.


So, being friends with someone who doesn’t want to be with you will only keep hurting you.


And this will only prevent you from moving on. It’s crucial to move on from someone who wants nothing to do with you.


For the growth you are working on, this is a step you have to take.


3. You won’t open your heart to other people.

There is a notion we always have about the people we are in love with.


should i become friends with someone who doesn't love me

We always try to be optimistic that our relationship with them will work out the way we expect. And that is why even those who are stuck with toxic partners, are hoping that some days they will change.


So, when you are friends with someone who rejected you, this is the same notion you have within you.


You keep thinking that they rejected you today but they will let you in tomorrow.


“I know he or she will change her mind about me” 

“Maybe she or he will regret making the terrible decision of rejecting me and he or she will want to be with me”


This is what will actually prevent you from opening your heart to other people.


You keep telling yourself that he or she will change his or her mind and let you in. Being around him or her will make you want to do things to please him or her.


You will avoid interacting with other people just to show them that you are still into them.


The part of you trying to show them that you still haven’t moved on from them.


This is what will prevent you from trying out new connections with the people you will come across.


There is no need to be friends with someone who wants nothing to do with you in his or her life.


Start pursuing other people who might be interested in you and build a new relationship. Stop crying over the spilled milk.


4. He or she might take advantage of you.

The moment someone tells you he or she doesn’t want anything to do with you, walk away from them.


friends with someone who doesn't want you

If you keep begging them to let you in, they will only take advantage of you even when they do not intend to.


When you beg someone to be with you, he or she will realize that you are desperate. You don’t have any other options and that is why you are working so hard for them to let you in.


So, you should not get closer to people who don’t want anything to do with you.


If you want them so bad, you will keep begging them to let you in. Even when someone is not intending to use you, he or she might think of doing it.


You make yourself available for them, you do anything they want, you give them things to make them feel special and so many other things.


The moment he or she hits the corner, there is no way he or she can get the things that he or she cares about, the only thing he or she will think of is using you.


This person you want to be with so bad, he or she can end up using you for attention, for money, and manipulating you to do even worse things beyond what you can imagine.


He or she can get in bed with you and then leave you and you won’t do anything about it.


This is because he or she knows that you are available for him or her and you will do anything to please him or her. And that is why it’s a bad idea to be friends with someone who rejected you.


5. You won’t learn something new about yourself.

This is another reason why I say you shouldn’t be friends with someone who rejected you.


When you are in pain, you will go through lots of challenges. You will try everything you can to get over the pain.


The pain I am talking about is the rejection you got from him or her. You need to work your way out of this pain.


You need the pain to pass through you to be able to learn something new about yourself.


The moment you are friends with someone who rejected you, this will only keep you comfortable and safe for a while.


You are in denial. He or she is rejected and you have to learn ways to manage the pain.


Being around the person who rejected you will limit your growth. You won’t need to deal with the pain you are going through.


The ways of handling this pain are learned through experience. You will get to discover the kind of person you are during difficult situations.


Don’t be afraid to face the pain you are going through, face it and learn how to go through it.


Through this pain, you will learn something new about yourself.




I have been honest with you about why I think it’s a bad idea to be friends with someone who rejected you.


Don’t get hurt and degrade yourself around someone who doesn’t want anything to do with you.


You still have the chance to meet other amazing people in your life, don’t limit that by trying to win someone who doesn’t even focus on you.


If you want to hurt yourself and cry yourself to sleep every single day, be friends with someone who rejected you.


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  1. What Does It Mean When A Girl Texts You First?
  2. 6 Reasons Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You
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