When Your Boyfriend Deletes Messages From Another Girl: It Means?

When your boyfriend deletes messages from another girl this shows that he is hiding something from you. You can’t conclude that he is cheating on you with another girl if you have no proof.


The only thing you can conclude now is that he is hiding something from and if it goes far much worse, he may be cheating on you with the other girl he deleted her messages.


Does it only mean that your boyfriend is hiding something from and that is why he deleted the messages?


There are so many reasons why he deleted the messages from the other girl but you will know them as you keep reading this article.


In this article, I will share some reasons why he deleted the messages from another girl and what you can do about it.


What does it mean when your boyfriend deletes messages from another girl?

When your boyfriend deletes messages from another girl it means that he doesn’t want you to see messages because they may contain information that he doesn’t want you to see. He may be hiding something from you or he just doesn’t want you to conclude something else when you see his texts with her.


If your boyfriend deletes messages from another girl don’t start with the thought he is cheating on you with her.


When you start by thinking that he is cheating on you with someone else, it will be hard for you to find the truth about what is truly going on.


You will lose yourself and start to handle this situation without thinking straight.


Instead of trying to fix your relationship, you will end up wrecking it into pieces.


Unless there are distinctive signs that he is cheating on you that is when you should conclude he is cheating on you.


If he has been secretive lately, he doesn’t want you to touch his phone, he is never available, doesn’t make time for you, and now the issue of deleting messages from another girl shows that something fishy is going on.


This is why your boyfriend deletes messages from another girl;

1. He is hiding something from you.

The first thing you should know about why he is deleting messages from another girl is that he is hiding something from you.


he deleted messages from another girl

He doesn’t want you to know anything that is going on between him and the girl he was chatting with.


It can be that they are sharing information that he doesn’t want you to know about.


They have a secret that they don’t want you to know.


What your boyfriend is hiding might be a piece of sensitive information and that is why he didn’t want you to see the texts.


The nature of the conversations he was having with the other girl is not something for you to know about.


What you should know is that something fishy is going on between your boyfriend and the girl she was talking to.


It’s even possible that the girl he was talking to via text is someone you know.


Maybe it’s your best friend and he deleted the messages for you not to realize that.


Read also; Best Friend Talking To Your Boyfriend Behind Your Back: Why


What you should know is that he deleted the messages from another girl to hide something from you; it can be about the conversation or the person he was talking to.


2. He may be cheating on you.

If your boyfriend is deleting messages from another girl this shows that he is hiding something worse from you.


The truth is that he doesn’t want you to know what is going on between him and the other girl.


It may be that your boyfriend is cheating on you with her, if that is not happening right now maybe it’s about to happen.


He feels guilty and that is why he deleted the messages. If nothing is going on between him and the other girl he wouldn’t have deleted the messages.


If your boyfriend has been acting strange lately, he is not the guy you used to know and he seems off this is because something is going on.


Has he been hiding his phone from you?

Does he pick up calls when he is around you?

Did he start using passwords on his phone?


If your boyfriend doesn’t allow you to touch his phone nowadays, he is cheating on you.


Maybe he is sexting with another girl and he doesn’t want you to see the texts.


Read also; Why Do Guys Sext When They Have Girlfriends [7 Reasons]


If you find out that he has been talking dirty with another girl you would bring about a conflict.


You might end up breaking up because of that. He still wants you around and that is why he doesn’t want you to read the messages from the other girl.


The messages he deleted contain proof that he is cheating on you. He didn’t want you to see them because it could have been easier for you to point out what he was doing without him denying it.


3. He doesn’t want you to start suggesting things.

Maybe your boyfriend is not cheating on you or trying to hide something from you.


He deleted the messages he received from another girl because he just doesn’t want you to start suggesting things.


Your boyfriend wants to protect the relationship. He doesn’t want to stain it and make you start thinking worse of him.


When a guy deletes messages from another girl it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is hiding something or cheating on you.


Sometimes a guy will do it just to protect you and the relationship.


He knows you better than I do. If you are always the kind of woman who jumps to conclusions and he doesn’t want that to affect you he won’t just leave messages from someone else on his phone.


When you see the messages from another girl you may start suggesting that he doesn’t give you his attention because he is busy texting her.


It may be that he is busy with other issues and that is why he no longer gives you the attention you wanted.


But when you see the messages from another it might be hard for you to control what you will think about him.


He doesn’t want to put doubts in your head about the relationship since you might start thinking and suggesting the worst about him.


You need to understand that he deleted the messages from another girl just to protect your feelings.


The messages would have made you feel bad and start thinking the worst of him.


And maybe that is not the case at all. A man will not only chat with you. He talks to so many girls that you know and that you don’t.


That is something you need to understand. If he tells you that you are the only person he is texting, he is lying to you.


At one point or another other girls will text him or he will text them.


And he won’t just deny chatting and catching up with them simply because he is in a relationship.


He knows that when you see the messages on his phone from the other girl you might start suggesting things that aren’t there.


It’s not that he thinks you don’t trust him, but he is just protecting you from yourself and things you would say or do that might harm your connection with him.


4. He doesn’t want unnecessary fights with you.

If you are the kind of girl who always starts arguments with him whenever something bothers you or you don’t understand it, this is why he deleted the messages from another girl.


He deleted the messages from another girl because he knew it might end up resulting in a conflict.


It’s not that he deleted the messages because they were incriminating. He just did it to avoid any conflicts with you.


He is not in the mood to start answering thousands of questions about why he was texting with another girl.


Especially if your relationship is going through some issues, it won’t help you when you notice that he has been texting with another girl.


Instead of focusing on fixing the issues that are going on in your relationship, you will start another one.


Your boyfriend deleted the messages to avoid any conflicts for now. He is giving you ample time to deal with what is happening in your relationship right now.


This is why he deleted the messages from his phone.


When a relationship is not on good terms, anything questionable might end up wrecking it down into pieces.


He doesn’t want that relationship to continue falling apart.


The trust in the relationship is not how it used to be. The faith you have in him isn’t that strong enough and that is why he deleted the messages.


But if the relationship with you was on a good term, you trusted him the way he wanted you to and he wasn’t worried about anything, he wouldn’t have deleted the messages.


This is because he knows you will always see the best in him and nothing like texts from another girl would make you start a conflict with him.


5. He thinks you are overprotective and insecure.

When your boyfriend thinks you are overprotective and insecure he will always avoid bringing about issues that might affect you.


when your boyfriend deletes messages from another girl

If he knows you are super insecure he won’t just talk to another girl in front of you.


He won’t pay attention to someone else when you are around him. Your boyfriend will do this because he understands you and he is coping with you.


The best way to handle your partner is to understand them better. Your boyfriend knows that texts from another girl might just ignite you up.


He knows that you will start thinking of so many possibilities that aren’t even there.


Your state isn’t the stable one and that is why he doesn’t want to put you to tests.


It’s not that he thinks you don’t trust him. He is just trying to handle you the way he understands you.


If you see the texts from another girl it would only mess things up. It will disturb your thinking capacity.


And since you have the issue of being insecure, it will wreck you down into pieces and he doesn’t want that to happen.


He doesn’t want you to start thinking that you aren’t good enough for him and he might leave you soon for someone else better than you.


All these are thoughts he is trying to prevent by deleting the messages from another girl.


When your boyfriend thinks you are overprotective and insecure he will always try his best not to do anything or say something that will put you in a position to ruin your perspective about him.


6. He just deleted the messages to clear some space on his phone.

You may be thinking so much about everything that is going on right now.


What if he deleted the messages from another girl because he was seducing her?

What if he deleted them because he was talking about me and he didn’t want me to realize?


You have many “ifs” in your head about why he deleted the messages from another girl.


Your boyfriend might have deleted the messages just to clear up some space from his phone.


It’s not that he is hiding something or cheating on you with the other girl he was chatting with.


Don’t start asking yourself too many questions about why he did what he did.


If your boyfriend is not the type of guy who would go against what you stand for in that relationship and you trust him you shouldn’t be worried about anything.


Just continue perceiving him the way you do and don’t let anything mess your head up.


If he doesn’t give you a reason to start thinking that he is doing something fishy or going behind your back don’t let endless questions run in your head.


He deleted the messages to clear out some space on his phone and it’s not that the messages contained something worse.


What to do when your boyfriend deletes messages from another girl

If your boyfriend deletes messages from another the first thing you should do is just confront him and ask him why he deleted them. He might lie to you or tell you the truth. If he is cheating on you with her soon enough you will realize it. Today you have caught him deleting the messages from the other girl, tomorrow you might find him doing something that will give you a clear picture of what he has been doing.


You don’t need to concern yourself with so many questions about why he deleted the messages if you trust him.


Don’t even think about why he deleted the messages because it might start bringing about doubts in that relationship which might end up affecting how you feel about each other.


But if your boyfriend has been acting strangely nowadays, he doesn’t have time for you, he doesn’t treat you nicely, he talks of breaking up with you and now he is deleting messages from another girl, this shows that he is cheating on you.



If your boyfriend deletes messages from another girl don’t start thinking the worst about him if he hasn’t done anything to show you that he is going against what you all stand for.


Don’t even question him because it might bring about weird feelings and awkwardness.


Your boyfriend might start thinking that you no longer trust him. He might not tell you about it but it will be engraved deep into his heart.


This alone can end up affecting how you feel for each other.


So don’t raise some questions about issues that you know might end up ruining your relationship.


But if you have suspected that lately things with him aren’t the same and now he is deleting messages from another girl, you need to face him.


Ask him what is going on and where the relationship is going now.


Talk to him and if something is cooking up he will tell you about it. But if he cares about you and doesn’t want to stain the relationship with negative thoughts and suggestions, he will open up to you about why he deleted the messages from the other girl.


Note this; when your boyfriend deletes messages from another girl it doesn’t only mean that he is hiding something from you or cheating on you with her.


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  1. Why Your Boyfriend Told Another Girl He Was Single
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  4. My Boyfriend Wants Me To Block Someone: Should I Do It?
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