Why Your Boyfriend Told Another Girl He Was Single

Your boyfriend told another girl he was single. Why did he say he has nobody when you are dating? Does it mean your boyfriend doesn’t consider you as his girlfriend? You have so many questions about this topic, you will get all the answers you need.


You expected your boyfriend to tell any girl he comes across that he is in a relationship.


He has to make it clear to his friends and people he comes across that you are dating.


Your boyfriend told another girl he was single because there was something fishy going on.


It can be that your boyfriend doesn’t want people to know that he is in a relationship.


He may be hiding his relationship status for either good or bad intentions.


Let me share why he told another girl he was single while you were in a relationship with him.


This is why your boyfriend told another girl he was single;

1. He was interested in the girl he was talking to.

If your boyfriend told another girl he was single this is the first thing you should know.


He told another girl he was single

He was interested in her and that is why he had to lie to her about his relationship status.


Your boyfriend knew that if he told her the truth that he was in a relationship with you, it could have driven her away.


He told her that he was single so that he could keep her around and even cheat on you with her.


When a girl realizes a guy is single, she will base there and try everything she can to win that guy if she is interested in him.


Your boyfriend wanted the girl to stay around and keep on flirting with her and that is why he had to lie to her about her relationship status.


If he told her that he was in a relationship it could have been harder for him to get what he wanted from her.


The moment a guy tells you that he is in a relationship, will you bother fighting for him?


You will keep your distance from him and focus on another guy who is single and might be interested in you.


Your boyfriend was interested in her and that is why he told her that he was single yet he was in a relationship with you.


If your boyfriend was so close to this girl, it’s possible that something fishy was going on.


Don’t be surprised if you end up finding out that your boyfriend is cheating on you with her.


2. He is embarrassed by you.

Another reason why your boyfriend told another girl he was single is that he was embarrassed by you.


If you were around when he told another girl he was single it’s because he was ashamed and embarrassed by you.


Your boyfriend isn’t proud to be with you and that is why he didn’t want the other girl to know that he was in a relationship with you.


This should also tell you that he doesn’t care about what you feel at all.


You are not someone he will gladly introduce to his friends and family. He is only with you because it’s convenient for him at the moment.


Read also; He Introduced Me To His Family As A Friend: Why?


It can be that he is embarrassed by you because of how you look, the kind of clothes you wear, and the way you interact with other people.


He is not happy to be with you, he is not proud to have you in his life and that is why he told another girl he was single.


If you were around a group of friends and he told another girl he was single this should tell clearly how he perceives you.


You are a girl he is with because you are available for him not because he is in love with you.


Don’t think that he will end up introducing you to important people in his life.


He doesn’t think you are good enough for him and that is why he told another girl he was single.


Your boyfriend is searching for someone better than you and that is why he lied to another girl about his relationship status.


If you were good enough for him and he was proud to have you in his life, he wouldn’t have told the girl that he was single.


3. He didn’t want her to know he was dating you.

Your boyfriend told another girl he was single because he didn’t want her to know he was dating you.


It can be that he didn’t have bad intentions when he told another girl he was single.


He just wasn’t comfortable letting her know that he was dating you.


There could be so many reasons why your boyfriend decided to lie to her about his relationship status.


Maybe your boyfriend knows that when she knows you are in a relationship, she will do everything she can to ruin the relationship.


He told her that he was single because he was protecting the relationship.


If your boyfriend is not close to the woman he lied to about his relationship status, you don’t need to question it.


He only did that because he didn’t want to put your relationship in jeopardy or put you under pressure.


It can be that the girl that your boyfriend lied to about his relationship status is a bad one.


She is someone who always messes up with other people’s relationships and that is why he didn’t want her to know about you and him.


Also, it can be that he told her he was single because he was someone close to him.


Maybe his ex. His ex is a psychopath. The moment she knew that you were dating him, she would have started hunting you down.


This might be something that your boyfriend wanted to hide from her because he knows this woman better than you do.


There could be thousands of reasons why your boyfriend didn’t want her to know about his relationship status.


The best thing you should do if you don’t understand what your boyfriend means is to talk to him about it.


Confront him and ask him why he told another girl he was single to clear out any doubts you had about him.


4. He wanted to hide his relationship status.

He told another girl he was single because he just wanted to hide his relationship status from her.


There are some cases a guy will be forced to hide his relationship status from all the people he knows.


If your boyfriend is not ready to let anyone know that he is in a relationship, this could be a good reason to hide that from anyone.


He told her he was single because he didn’t want her to know the reality of things.


If your relationship with him is new, it can be that he thinks the relationship is too young to be in the open.


He is still figuring out if he should tell anyone about his relationship with you or not.


You can’t start dating someone for a few weeks and conclude that they will be ready to keep everything open to anyone they meet.


People have to be comfortable in that relationship before making it public. One has to be certain that the relationship is serious and a healthy one.


What if you tell someone you are dating someone and the next day you end up breaking up?


So, if your relationship is new and your boyfriend told another girl he was single, don’t question him.


You have to understand that he is getting the hang of it and figuring out if what you are building is a legitimate thing or a scam.


5. He doesn’t take you seriously.

If your boyfriend told another girl he was single yet you have been dating for a while, it’s clear that he doesn’t take you seriously.


my boyfriend told another girl he was single

He is not serious about you, the relationship you hoped you were building is just a joke for him.


If he was serious about you he wouldn’t have told another girl he was single.


You are available for him to use when he wants to. He doesn’t consider you someone important in his life.


It can be that he is just using you for sex, money, or attention. You think you are in a relationship with him, you give him everything you got but he is taking you for granted.


You love him too much than he loves you, he doesn’t care about you and he doesn’t even love you.


If he told you that he wanted you to be his girlfriend, what he said was a lie just to get to use you.


He is taking you for granted and don’t think he will take you seriously anytime soon.


If he doesn’t make it clear to other people that he is with you, it shows he doesn’t care about your existence in his life.


You are there because you want to but not because he wants you to.


And that is why he told another girl he was single since he doesn’t consider you to be someone in his life.


6. He doesn’t consider you as his girlfriend.

He told another girl he was single because he doesn’t consider you as his girlfriend.


You haven’t reached a point where he considers you as his girlfriend yet.


It can be that you have been close to him but you never made anything clear.


You didn’t make your intentions clear about what you wanted from him or what you were building.


It can be that you handle each other like a boyfriend and a girlfriend but you never talked about dating.


Maybe you are just friends with benefits or what you have is just a casual thing.


He doesn’t consider it as a relationship at all. You are together to have fun and push time and it’s not that there is another special you are building together.


The guy you call your boyfriend considers you like a friend and not someone he is in a relationship with.


Also, the way you have been handling him could have influenced how he perceives you.


If you are dating and someone just handles you like a friend; he doesn’t initiate romantic touch, he doesn’t commit to the relationship and he does nothing that makes you feel that you have someone, would you consider him as your boyfriend?


You will only call someone your partner when he does things to show you that you are his person.


But if he doesn’t do anything to give you the perspective of what you are working on, you will end up concluding he doesn’t want something more from you.


So, if you have been handling your boyfriend like a friend, this could be a reason why he told another girl he was single.



If your boyfriend told another girl he was single it’s possible that your boyfriend was interested in her.


He lied to her about his relationship status so that he could have a shot with her.


Your boyfriend knew lying to her would make her open to suggestions and that is why he did it.


If he told her that he was in a relationship, it would have been harder for him to pursue her and that is why he had to lie about everything that was going on between the two of you.


Anyway, you shouldn’t ask yourself so many questions if you don’t understand why your boyfriend told another girl he was single.


You should confront him and ask him why he lied to another girl about his relationship status.


If there is something he is hiding from you, you will eventually know about it. Nothing stays hidden forever.


And if it has something to do with how you handle each other, you should fix that before you lose him to another girl.


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