My Boyfriend Doesn’t Like Me Wearing Makeup: Why?

If your boyfriend doesn’t like it when you wear makeup there is something you should know. There are several reasons why he doesn’t like it. Sometimes he might even ask you not to apply makeup on your face at all.


If you know why he doesn’t like it, you can easily find a way to handle this issue.


What you have to know is that every guy likes his girlfriend to be in a certain way.


We have those who prefer their girlfriends to make themselves pretty and what they will do is compliment them and make them feel good about the effort they are putting to make their bodies amazing.


On the other side, we have those men who don’t like when their girlfriends apply makeup on their bodies.


They usually find it awkward and they prefer their girlfriends not to apply makeup at all.


Without wasting time, let me share why your boyfriend doesn’t like when you wear makeup.


This is why your boyfriend doesn’t like you wear makeup;

1. Your boyfriend wants you to be natural.

Your boyfriend doesn’t like it when you wear makeup because he wants you to be the way you are.


he doesn't allow me to wear make up why

He doesn’t like it when you do multiple things on your face and body just to look pretty for him.


Your boyfriend is the kind of man who prefers you to be just the way you are.


If he doesn’t like you wearing makeup it’s because he thinks it makes you look ridiculous.


The way he sees you when you wear makeup doesn’t impress him at all and that is why he wants you to stop using it.


He loves your body the way it looks.


The natural feel of your skin is what he wants to feel not what you apply on your skin.


Something else you have to know is that he doesn’t like you wearing makeup because he wants you to know that you look amazing the way you are.


He will do that when he thinks that you feel so insecure about how you look.


You can’t even go outside without applying makeup.


The moment your boyfriend notices this he will conclude that you don’t think you look pretty.


So, your boyfriend wants you to stop wearing makeup just to make you feel that you look pretty even without the makeup you wear.


2. The makeup gives you a different look that he doesn’t like.

Your boyfriend doesn’t like when you wear makeup because it gives you a different look that he doesn’t like.


You have to understand that makeup makes people look different in a kinda way.


It can be that when you wear makeup your boyfriend only sees a different person.


He doesn’t see the person he fell in love with, and that is why he doesn’t like it when you wear makeup.


If your boyfriend doesn’t like when you wear makeup, it’s because the different look that it gives you doesn’t impress him at all.


The truth is that if it gave you a look that made him want to be around you always, fancy how you look, and put him on heat, he wouldn’t have wanted you to stop applying makeup.


When you wear makeup you look like a different person. You completely change and that is why he wants you to be just the way you are.


This is another reason why he doesn’t like you wearing makeup.


3. He feels insecure when you look too pretty.

Your boyfriend doesn’t like when you wear makeup because he is insecure.


It can be that when you wear makeup you look so pretty and he can’t handle it.


He thinks that when you go out with the makeup on, a lot of guys are going to hit on you.


This is what he is worried about. You are going to get attention from other guys in the street and you might end up forgetting about him.


He thinks that he might end up losing you to someone else and that is why he doesn’t like it when you wear makeup.


The prettier you look, the more insecure he gets.


So, if you have ever noticed your boyfriend acting so protective around you, jealous and insecure; this completely fulfills my theory of what I am talking about.


He wants you to be just rough when you go out. When you don’t have makeup on he is sure that no one will have his eyes on you.


The risk of him losing you to someone else will be slim.


Your boyfriend thinks that when you realize that with the makeup you are so pretty, you will end up forgetting about him.


You will prefer getting much attention from the other guys in the streets and finally, you will realize that he is not good for you.


You are too beautiful to be with him, and this is what might make you leave him for another guy.


4. He wants you to know that he loves the way you are.

When your boyfriend doesn’t want you to do something on your body, just know that it makes him uncomfortable.


He doesn’t like you wearing makeup because it pisses him off when he is around you.


We have guys that don’t like their girlfriends to have tattoos on their bodies.


We have other men who don’t like it when their girlfriends have lots of piercings on their ears and noses.


Every guy has his preferences. Your boyfriend doesn’t like it when you wear makeup.


Your boyfriend wants you to know that he loves you the way you are.


It can be that your boyfriend thinks you always feel that he is not interested in you when you don’t have makeup on.


The moment you make yourself look pretty for him he is usually so busy on something else and he doesn’t have a chance to look at you and compliment you.


He wants you to stop wearing makeup because he wants you to know that he just loves you the way you are.


You don’t need to put much effort into your body making yourself look pretty for him.


He doesn’t like it when you wear makeup because it just makes him feel that you are trying harder to please him with a different look yet he likes the way you are.


5. He wants you to be unique from the other girls.

This is another reason why your boyfriend doesn’t like you wearing makeup.


my boyfriend doesn't like when i wear make up

He wants you to look unique from the other girls he sees in the streets.


It can be that when you apply makeup you are not different to the other girls he sees out there.


So, when he finds that you are exactly like the girls out there that he doesn’t like, it just turns him off.


He wants you to stop applying makeup to be different from them.


And that is what makes him more attracted to you.


My boyfriend says I look pretty without makeup

If your boyfriend says you look pretty without makeup it’s because he wants you to know that he loves you the way you are. He doesn’t encourage you to apply makeup.


He wants you to know that you don’t need to put extra effort into your body to make yourself pretty for him.


Also, when your boyfriend says that you look pretty without makeup, he is just complimenting you. It’s not that you look ugly with makeup on.


This is a phrase guys use to compliment their girlfriends to make them feel good about their bodies.




If your boyfriend doesn’t like you wearing makeup you have to find out why that is the case.


You can ask your boyfriend why he doesn’t like it when you wear makeup.


If it’s because he thinks he will lose you to other guys when you look so pretty, you have a job of giving him reassurance.


Let him know that nothing is going to take you away from him no matter how many guys knock in your dms or give you attention in the streets.


But if it’s for other reasons that don’t make sense to you, talk to him about it.


You both have to find a common ground for this issue to make sense at all.


It’s your body, you can do anything to it. Don’t let your boyfriend control you even when it comes to how you want your body to be.


If you are comfortable with not applying makeup on your body just to please him, you should stop, but if you are not comfortable with his request.


Be honest about it and do what will make you feel great about your body.


Read also;

  1. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants To Cook You Dinner?
  2. When He Lets You Stay At His Place Alone: It Means?
  3. When A Guy Acts Childish Around You: It Means? 

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