I Have Many Female Friends But No Girlfriend: Why?

If you have so many friends but you don’t have a girlfriend, this is an article that you should read carefully.


I will share some of the reasons why you have so many female friends but you can’t even make a girlfriend out of these friends.


The first thing you need to know is that you can change this situation if you want to.


You don’t have a girlfriend because you don’t need a girlfriend. As you continue reading you will understand what I mean.


The female friends you have one of them can be your girlfriend but there is something you are doing wrong.


You vibe with your female friends, they get closer to you and even some of them come over to your place.


Read also; What To Do When A Girl Comes Over To Your House


Why is it that you don’t have a girlfriend?

Is it because you don’t take any initiative to pull them closer?


Are you afraid of rejection?


Take your time to answer these few questions before you go deeper into this article.


This is why you have many female friends but no girlfriend;

1. You are too close to them.

You have many female friends but no girlfriend because you are too close to these girls.


i have many female friends but no girlfriend

Your friendship with them is what makes you lose your chance with any of these girls.


The moment you are too close to a girl, it will be very hard for you to get her in your box.


I am not saying that you shouldn’t be close to a girl, but when you are too close it will limit the way you express yourself and interact with her.


There are other things you won’t be able to do and say when you are with her thus giving you a hard time to lure her into your heart.


You also may be too comfortable with each other to the extent that she doesn’t see anything more from you but just a simple guy friend.


The lack of a veil between the two of you might make a girl consider putting you in a friend zone no matter how you feel about her.


If you have so many female friends, take a moment and observe your relationship with them.


Your relationship with a girl will either make it easier for you to win her or lose her.


The friendship you build with a girl can either make it easier for you to get her into your life or not.


You aren’t supposed to be too close to a woman you have feelings for. Keep a distance a little bit so that she doesn’t completely know everything about you.


You have to keep her guessing the kind of a guy you are.


Don’t think that when you are too close to her, it will be easier for you to pull her into your life.


When you get too comfortable with each other, the girl is completely used to you, she knows almost everything about you, and it will be hard for you to tell her otherwise.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


The moment you try to seduce her and express your feelings for her, she will just conclude you are not serious about it.


She will never take you seriously because you guys are too close to each other.


You might be surprised when another guy who wasn’t even close to her pulls her to his side.


Your title remains as a friend, while another guy is winning her over and over.


You don’t have a girlfriend but you have many female friends because you have been so close to them.


They only see you as a good friend and a brother to them. The moment a girl concludes that you are a brother to her, there is no way you will get out of that bracket.


This is one of the reasons why you don’t have a girlfriend right now when you have so many female friends.


2. You allow them to put you into the friend zone.

If you allow any girl you are interested in to put you in a friend zone there is no way you will end up with a girlfriend.


Read also; Should I Be Friends With Someone Who Rejected Me?


You will have so many female friends who will be so close to you but they will never be your girlfriends.


The moment you get close to a girl, you befriend her and you give her the impression that you are okay being friends with her, that is where she will put you.


You have been showing these girls that you want nothing more from them than just a simple friendship.


And that is why you have no girlfriend at all.


If you show a girl that you want nothing more from her, even if she is interested in you, she will be open to any guys who want to be with her.


You have been friends with these girls but you don’t talk about romantic relationships with them, you don’t ask them out on dates and you are always too respectful to them.


Thinking that if you are too nice to them they are going to fall in love with you.


That is where you are losing out. You remain in a friend zone while they end up dating other guys.


You are left single. That is why you are single right now yet you have so many girls’ contact in your phone.


This is happening because you allow it. When you change that, you will have a girlfriend.


Some of these girls you call friends, they are interested in you, but you show them you aren’t into a romantic relationship with them.


And this is where you mess things up.


3. You don’t take the initiative to change the relationship.

If you want a girlfriend you need to put an effort into getting one. There is no day a girl will just come out of nowhere and ask you to be hers.


You are not in a movie bro… Girls don’t come easier. I know you think that the female friends you have will come and express what they feel for you.


And that is when you will respond to them and ask them to be in your life. That is not how things work in real life.


If you don’t make an effort to get someone into your life there is no way you will get one in your life.


You need to show someone you are interested in her for her to also show you that she is also into you.


You don’t express your feelings to these girls you call friends and that is why you are single.


Do you want a girlfriend? If you do, you need to go the extra mile to pull one of these friends into your life.


If you like a girl, don’t lead with a friendship proposal, don’t wait for her to approach you, and don’t expect she will just jump onto you because she is into you.


Some girls will indeed approach guys they are interested in.


It happens but it’s very rare.


Face the girl you are interested in and express what you feel for her. This is what taking the initiative to change your relationship status is all about.


Make an effort to change how you look, learn how to handle them, and be the guy they will think and dream about.


This is going the extra mile to pull them into your life. I think this is something you don’t do.


4. You are afraid of being hurt.

You are afraid of being hurt and that is why you have so many female friends but no girlfriend.


These female friends are amazing to you. You feel like they occupy an important part of your life.


The thought of you expressing your feelings to them makes you feel that you are going to lose them.


You think that if you express your feelings to her and she says no, you will be hurt beyond healing.


Read also; Will A Girl Reject Me To Test Me?


I know you don’t want to admit it but this is the case. You are afraid of rejection and that is why you don’t have a girlfriend.


The fear of rejection is what makes you find it easier to have so many female friends and yet it’s so hard for you to express what you feel for them.


It’s also possible that you care so much about the platonic relationship you have with these girls.


You are afraid of changing what is going on right now and that is why you don’t put any effort into expressing what you feel for them.


The thought of these girls saying no to you is what haunts you right now and that is why you don’t want to make a step forward to change what is there.


You are afraid of being rejected, you are afraid of being hurt and you are afraid of making any kind of change that will take you out of your comfort zone.


Relationships are hard, commitment are scary this might be one of the reasons why you have so many female friends but no girlfriend.


5. You overthink about committing to a relationship.

You don’t have a girlfriend but you have so many female friends, have you asked yourself why are you in this situation?


I have many friends but no girlfriend

What is your perspective about relationships?


What do you think about committing to a relationship?


If you have questions about why you should be in a romantic relationship with these girls, this could be one of the reasons why you are single right now.


You are overthinking about everything when it comes to dating and that is why you are single right now.


The part of you maintaining communication and being responsible for someone’s feelings is what is driving you nuts right now.


You don’t want to dive too deep into something that is going to pull you out of your comfort zone.


What I see here is that you are afraid of commitment and romantic relationships at large.


The truth is that you don’t want to change this situation and that is why you are single.


You don’t want to commit to relationships, you don’t want to belong and be connected to someone and that is why you are single.


If you wanted to have a girlfriend, you aren’t afraid of a relationship and the commitment that comes with it, you would have been in a relationship right now.


I know you look at your female friend and ask yourself what it could have been if you made a different choice, but you are overthinking about it.


Stop overthinking about the commitment before you even get into the relationship.


There is nothing scary that you should be worried about. It’s nothing hard that you can’t handle.


You can have a girlfriend if you want to.



6. You are choosy.

You have many female friends but no girlfriend because you are choosy. I was in this situation a long time ago.


I am an extrovert, it is easier for me to interact with girls and even pull them closer to me.


The issue I had is that I used to be picky. I wanted a certain type of girlfriend.


I had a type you can say. Any girl that wasn’t in the bracket of the kind of person I wanted to have in my life, I would end up friend-zoning her.


I got so many female friends because I thought they couldn’t be my girlfriends.


I wanted them to be exactly the way I imagined the girl I wanted to be with.


As a man you have to understand that women are different. You will never find a girl who is going to be exactly the way you want her to be.


She might be the kind of person you want to be with, but she has a tiny problem that disturbs you.


You will never find the perfect match you are searching for. You need to pick a girl you are interested in, get to know her, and find your way closer to her.


If she has a behavior that doesn’t please you, try to find a way to change her.


But if you keep leaving every girl out of the bracket because she is not the type of girl you would like to date, you will always be single.


If you are too picky when it comes to the girls you want to date, this is one of the reasons why you have so many female friends but no girlfriends.



You have so many female friends but no girlfriend because you don’t want to change that situation.


Take the initiative and find one good girl who is going to be the person you will hold so tight into your life.


It’s possible that you don’t pursue harder the girls you are interested in and that is why you are single.


If you need a girlfriend you need to find one. When you find it hard to make your female friend a chick you would stick with in your life, get out of the box.


Find a girl somewhere far from where you stay. You can also try online dating and this time make your intentions known to these girls.


It’s not hard to find a girlfriend, you just have to be ready for the challenges that come with any relationship.


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