When A Girl Says She Just Wants To Have Fun: It Means?

When a girl says she just wants to have fun, there is something she is implying. In this article, I will share what it means when she says she just wants to have fun and why she said that.


It can be that she is close to you, you hang out together and spend more time together.


She gave you the impression that she wants something serious with you.


Now she is telling you that she just wants to have fun! What does she mean?


Don’t worry about that, I will explain everything you need to know about what she said.


What does it mean when a girl says she just wants to have fun?

When a girl says she just wants to have fun it means she wants a casual relationship. What she is telling you is that she just wants to enjoy what you have right now and don’t think of commitment issues.


The moment a girl tells you she just wants to have fun, it should let you know that she doesn’t want to commit to you.


She doesn’t want a serious relationship with you. Right now, she only wants to have a good time together without attachments and rules existing on what you have right now.


Have you ever heard of friends with benefits? Friends with benefits is the kind of relationship you develop with someone with only one goal in mind; you do sex and nothing else.


You get in touch when you need each other in bed and that is all.


So, when a girl tells you that she just wants to have fun, she just wants you for sex and that is all.


It’s like she is telling you to be careful not to get attached to her because she might end up hurting you.


She is not thinking of something long-term with you and that is why she says she just wants to have fun.


There are so many reasons why a girl may end up telling you that she just wants a casual relationship.


Let me share with you some of the reasons why she told you she just wants to have fun.


This is why she says she just wants to have fun;

1. She doesn’t want to commit to a relationship.

When a girl tells you that she just wants to have fun it’s because she doesn’t want to commit to a relationship.


she says she just wants to have fun with me

What you have to know is that commitment in a relationship is not a simple thing.


There is so much to be done when commitment is set into a relationship.


When you commit to a relationship it means you will have to focus on a single person and do everything you can to build the relationship.


There is the part of maintaining communication, being there when your partner needs you, and working the foundation of trust.


Being committed to someone is not that easy and that is why some people prefer to be in casual relationships.


So, if she told you that she just wants to have fun, it’s because she doesn’t to commit to anyone right now.


She wants to be free; to do what she wants and be with whom she feels like.


The moment a girl tells you that she just wants to have fun, ensure that you don’t have your goal of making her your main chick.


She wants to have fun with you so you should not think that she will change her mind and focus on you.


2. She is not ready for a relationship.

When a girl says she just wants to have fun it should let you know that she is not ready for a serious relationship with you.


The truth is that she likes you, she likes being around you and it can be that you handle her well.


She treasures the time you have together and that is why she is close to you though you aren’t in a relationship.


She says she just wants to have fun with you because she doesn’t want to date.


You can do what couples do, but you will not be a couple.


She told you that she wants to have fun to make sure you understand her intention behind everything she does with you.


This girl is not ready for a serious relationship, she just wants to boom! boom!


Don’t think that she wants to be with you until death do you part.


She is on the other angle.


If she wanted a relationship with you, she wouldn’t have told you about having fun with you.


And why is she not ready to be in a serious relationship with you?


Continue reading, you might find out why that is the case.


3. She doesn’t think you are the right guy for her.

She wants to have fun with you because you are not the guy she wants to stick with.


You are not the guy she wants to be with for the rest of her life.


The truth is that you are good for the fun she wants. She knows you can give her the fun she needs and that is why she told you she is just after the fun and nothing else more.


She doesn’t think you are the right guy for her.


It can be that she wants someone ambitious who she can build a life with, she wants someone who can shape her into someone she wants to be; the only thing you can offer is fun and that is why she is basing there.


When a girl realizes that you can’t offer anything more than she expects yet she wants to be around you for the moment, she will ask you to give her what you can offer her.


You are the guy she will have fun with, but not the guy she will think of a future with.


If she noticed that you are a guy who can give her more than the fun she talked about, she wouldn’t have told you she wants to have fun with you.


She would have changed the approach to how she handles you and what she talks about with you.


The truth is that you can’t give her anything more other than the fun and that is why she is basing there.


4. She wants just wants to push time with you.

We all want to have fun and enjoy our time. If she told you that she just wants to have fun, it’s because she wants to push time with you.


what does it mean when a girl says she just wants to have fun

She hasn’t found the right guy to be with right now. And this is why she wants to have fun with you.


You are the guy she wants to waste time with as she is waiting for her prince charming.


There is nothing serious between the two of you that will develop here.


When it reaches a point where a girl tells you that she just wants something casual with you, it’s because she has thought about it so hard.


She thought of what she wanted from you. After all the time she spent thinking about it, she thought that it would be best if she told you about it.


And that is why she said it loud to you that she just wants to have fun with you and nothing more.


You should know that she is using you for attention and the fun she is talking about.


She is pushing time with you as she is waiting for that incredible guy that will appear.


When that happens, she will end up leaving you for the charming prince.


5. She enjoys casual relationships.

The truth is that if she is telling you that she just wants to have fun, you are not the first guy she has tried this with.


She has been in several casual relationships and it’s something that she enjoys.


She may hide it from you but the truth is that she tried and enjoyed it and that is why she wants to keep it going with you.


This girl enjoys the thrill of being with someone for fun and not thinking about the commitment and attachments.


It’s going to be hard for her to change her mind about what she wants because she is happy with what she gets with the fun she wants from you.


After all, relationships are hard to maintain and build. She is saving herself from all the troubles by being in a casual relationship with you.




When a girl tells you that she wants to have fun; just know that she doesn’t want to be a in relationship.


She doesn’t want commitment and attachment with you. The only thing she wants from you is sex and that is all.


The moment a girl tells you that she just wants to have fun you should take yourself out of the brackets of attachments and pure love.


You will get hurt when you fall in love and completely get attached.


There is no way she will want to date you. This is something you should keep in your mind.


When a girl says she just wants to have fun and that is something that you also can do without getting hurt in the process and you want to do it, go ahead and do it.


But if you are someone who is easily attached I advise you not to agree to what she says no matter how much you are into her because it will hurt you so badly.


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