5 Reasons Why He Keeps Rescheduling Dates

When a guy keeps rescheduling dates, he keeps pushing them further and he doesn’t seem to have the intention of meeting you at all, there are things you need to know.


In this article, I will share why he keeps rescheduling dates and what you can do about it.


There are always reasons why a guy may keep on rescheduling dates.


For you to make to take the right approach to this issue you have to know why he does that.


What does it mean when a guy keeps rescheduling dates?

When a guy keeps on rescheduling dates it means he is not ready to meet you. He is stalling by pushing the dates further. It can be that he is not confident enough to meet you or he has changed his mind but he doesn’t want to tell you.


As I told you earlier there are many reasons why he keeps rescheduling dates.


A simple explanation about what it means can’t cover everything, so let me explain deeply why he keeps rescheduling dates.


This is why he keeps rescheduling dates;

1. He is not ready to meet you yet.

He is not ready to meet you yet and that is why he keeps postponing the dates.


he keeps rescheduling dates

This is the first thing you should know about him. A guy who is ready to meet up with you will never keep on rescheduling.


If he tells you that you will meet up in the coming weekend, he will make sure he shows up.


He won’t make any excuses because he wants to be around you.


So, if a guy keeps on rescheduling dates, he is not ready to meet you but doesn’t want to tell you.


The truth is that he is not ready to take you out on that date.


There are a couple of reasons why he is not ready to meet you and you will know them as you keep reading the article.


If a guy wants to meet you up, he will never do the games that this guy is playing now.


Read the next article to know why he keeps rescheduling the dates.


2. He is not confident enough.

He is not confident enough and that is why he keeps rescheduling the dates.


When a guy keeps on pushing dates further, this shows that he is not well prepared to meet you.


If he is confident enough he wouldn’t have been stalling by cancelling and rescheduling them.


He doesn’t know how to tell you. Also, he knows opening up to you why he keeps on rescheduling them, will only push you away.


You will realize that he is not someone you want to hang out with if he is not confident enough.


He wants you to think that he has everything in control but the truth is that he is overthinking everything.


And this is why he keeps on rescheduling the dates.


If he was confident enough, he would have met you when he first planned the date with you.


You should conclude that he is not confident enough if he is someone who finds it hard to express a statement when he is around you.


If you have known each other for a while, he is someone you know is shy and struggles to get hold of himself when he is around you; everything about the confidence issues is true.


Don’t worry, I  will share with you what you should do about this at the end of this article.


3. He changed his mind about meeting you.

This is something else you should know if a guy keeps on rescheduling dates.


If he has been rescheduling your dates for a while, more than twice, this should let you know that he has changed his mind about meeting you.


He just doesn’t want to tell you that he has changed his mind because he may end up hurting you.


The truth is that if he was straight up that he wanted to take you out on a date he would have made it happen.


Guys change their minds for several reasons; don’t be surprised that he has someone else in mind and that is why he doesn’t want to meet up with you.


He doesn’t want to say it, he keeps on rescheduling the dates thinking that you will end up giving up on him.


And you will stop asking him about meeting up.


Another case can be that he has lost interest in you; you are no longer the woman who excites him and that is why keeps rescheduling the dates.


If he was interested in you, all these things wouldn’t have been happening.


He changed his mind about meeting you and that is why he keeps taking you around in circles.


4. He is not serious about you.

Apart from him changing his mind about the date; he is not serious about you and that is why he keeps rescheduling the dates.


He is the kind of guy who takes you for granted and that is why he doesn’t make any effort to show up for the dates.


When a guy is serious about you, no matter how busy he may be, he will always make a point of showing up on the dates you plan.


We are all busy, and everyone is busy, for someone to spend time with you, it’s all about priority.


You are not a priority right now and that is why he keeps on rescheduling the dates.


Take your time and ask yourself if he is interested in you or just playing with your mind.


A guy can pretend to love you and care about you, but he can never pretend to spend time with you.


Time is something valuable, it can’t be recovered once it’s gone.


You don’t matter to him and that is why he keeps on pushing the dates further.


If he has been rescheduling them more than twice, take this to your head and know that he is not at all serious about you.


Find someone else who will take you seriously and care about your feelings.


5. He is too busy to meet up with you.

It can be that he wants to meet up with you but things always get harder for him.


he keeps postponing dates

If he never wanted to meet you at all, he wouldn’t have been rescheduling the dates.


He keeps rescheduling them because he knows that one of the days he will get the time to meet you.


If he has rescheduled the dates twice, give him the benefit of the doubt and know that he is busy.


It’s likely that he is going to show up on the third date that he will reschedule.


You should conclude that what I am sharing with you in this section of this article is true if he has a busy schedule.


But if he doesn’t have anything important going on in his life, it’s only because he doesn’t want to meet you and that is why he keeps rescheduling the dates.


He is not ready to meet you, he shouldn’t tell you that he is too busy with work.


A guy cancelled a date but rescheduled

If a guy canceled a date but rescheduled it means that he still wants to see you. Something important came up and that is why he had to cancel the date. He rescheduled to a later date because he believes he will be available.


If he didn’t want to meet up he wouldn’t have rescheduled the date at all.


What to do when he keeps on rescheduling dates

When a guy keeps on rescheduling dates more than twice, the only thing you should do is stop persuading him to keep on rescheduling them. Let him know that you are tired of his games and you won’t be part of it.


The moment you tell him the truth about this issue, he is going to realize that you are hurt and not ready to entertain his games.


If you tell him the truth about how you feel, he will open up to you if there is something bothering him as to why he keeps rescheduling the dates.


But if he keeps on rescheduling the dates because of how he feels about you, that will also be revealed by the response he will give you.


The moment you keep on going with his flow of rescheduling the dates now and then, you will only be wasting your time with him.


A guy who wants to meet you up will never waste your time.




When a guy keeps rescheduling dates more than twice, just know that he is not ready to meet you up.


Instead of spending your precious time getting back to him and asking him about the date, just use your time to focus on yourself.


There is no need for you to keep on asking him about the date, he keeps on postponing them, yet you still ask him when he is going to meet up with you.


This will only show him that you are desperate and he might start taking advantage of you.


You are not a kid, he shouldn’t handle you like one.


Related reads;

  1. Why He Doesn’t Want You To Leave Your Stuff At His Place
  2. 4 Reasons Why He Didn’t Compliment Your Picture
  3. When A Guy Acts Childish Around You: It Means? 

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