Will A Girl Reject Me To Test Me?

Did you know that some girls will reject you just to test you? They will reject you to make you fight harder for them.


You are here asking yourself if a girl will reject you to test you, yes! A girl can reject you just to see how you will react.


What you need to know is that a girl can change her mind after rejecting you.


So, if she can change her mind about you, she can reject you to just see what you will do after that.


In this article, I will share some of the reasons why a girl might reject you to test you.


But first, before I go too deep, let me tell you something you should know about this topic.


Will a girl reject me to test me?

A girl will reject you to test you to see what you will do after that. She will want to see if you were truly in love with her or when you approached her you were just practicing playing around.


will a girl reject you to test you

A girl may reject you just to see what you will do after that.


After she has rejected you, will you give up on her on her?

Will you ghost her after she has rejected you?


Will you keep on pursuing her?


Read also:  Ghosting A Girl Who Rejected You: Is It Okay?


A girl will reject you just to see if you are going to put in more effort. Some girls will not reject you just because they don’t have feelings for you.


A girl can reject you even though she is super interested in you.


Some girls believe that when they accept a guy right away when they propose to them will make them look cheaper.


So, some girls will play hard to get, to make you keep on fighting for them and putting in more effort when they say yes to you, it will make you realize that they are not cheap.


They wouldn’t just say yes to anyone who says he has feelings for them.


There are several reasons why a girl will reject you to test you. Let me list them and explain you to why that happens now that you have known it’s possible.


This is why a girl rejects you to test you;

1. She wants to know if you are serious about her.

You have known that a girl can reject you just to test you.


This is something else you should put your head around. You need to understand why this happens.


A girl will reject you to test you because she just wants to know if you are serious about what you said.


It can be that you said you wanted to be with her but your actions say otherwise.


So, when a girl is not sure about how you feel for her when you approach her, she will not yes even if she has feelings for you.


She will tell you that she doesn’t want to be with you at all.


If you are truly into her and she said that she doesn’t want to be with you, what you will do is try to find out why she said that.


This will make you put more effort into winning her over.


This is what will make her notice that you are serious about her and you were not joking around when you said you wanted to be with her.


When a girl is not sure about how you feel for her, she will do things to test you just to see how serious you are about her.


She may even do things to hurt your feelings just to see how you will react.


A girl will reject you to test you to see how serious you are about her.


When you said you wanted to be with her, was it true or you were just practicing how to seduce?

When you said you feel something for her, were you high or it’s something that truly exists?


Some girls will not just believe you right away when you tell them that you have feelings for them even when you have been so close to them.


It can be that she doesn’t think she is good enough for you to propose to her or it can be that the way you have handled yourself in front of her doesn’t show that you have feelings for her.


2. She wants to make you realize that she is not cheap.

A girl will reject you to test you for this reason.


Some girls will reject you not because they don’t want to be with you. They will reject you to show you that they aren’t cheap.


It can be that she thinks you consider that she will just say yes when you express your feelings to her.


This can be influenced by the things you do and say whenever you are around her.


All the things you do and say make her think that she is someone you are going to win over easily.


She wants to prove you wrong and that is why she rejects you.


A girl will reject you just to make a point. She wants you to realize that she is not as easy as you think.


She will reject you to test your patience and make you realize that she can’t just say yes when you express what you feel for her even if she seems so much into you.


When she rejects you to show you that she is not an easy go, she just wants to see what you will do next.


Now that you have realized she is not cheap how will you handle her?

Will you express your feelings the way you did before or you will change your tactics?


3. She wants to know the extent you can go fighting for her.

A girl will reject you to test if you can fight for her. It can be that she has feelings for you and she is interested in having you.


will she reject me to test me

But she isn’t sure if you can put up a fight to win her. Some girls want guys who can fight for them.


When guys put extra effort into winning them in their lives that is what makes them feel special and wanted.


She feels when she doesn’t put you in a test to see how far you can go if you want to get her, it won’t make her feel she has done enough.


To be honest, women enjoy it when they see men struggling so much to win them over.


They get the extra attention that they have never been given before. It makes them feel so special and wanted.


This kind of feeling is what makes them reject guys just to see how far they are willing to go to win them over.


A girl will reject you to test you to see what you are willing to do to win her in your life.


This is what you need to know.


If she rejects you and you suddenly give up on her, it will make her realize that you were not serious about her.


You did not want anything to do with her at all but you were just testing your pickup lines.




A girl, who will reject you to test you, will not push you away harder. She will reject you and act like she is still interested in you to keep on motivating you to pursue her.


You will even notice that she is not keeping any distance even after she rejects you.


When you notice this, it’s a sign that she rejected you to see how far you can go for her.


She just wants to see how hard you can fight for her and that is why she is still pretty close to you even after she said she doesn’t want to be with you.


But if a girl rejects you, distances herself from you, and even pushes you away when you get closer, she doesn’t reject you to test you. She rejected you because she doesn’t feel a thing for you.


So, if you are asking yourself if a girl rejected you to test you, the first thing you should observe is how she handles you.


If she is not pushing you away and she is giving you signs that she wants you to keep on trying to express your feelings to her, it’s possible that she rejected you to make you put more effort into winning her.


This is what you should know.


Related reads;

  1. Ghosting A Girl Who Rejected You: Is It Okay?
  2. 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly
  3. 6 Reasons Why She Wants To Be Friends After Rejecting You
  4. If She Says She Misses Me Does She Like Me?
  5. When A Girl Says She Just Wants To Have Fun: It Means?

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