My Ex Blocked Me And Unblocked Me On WhatsApp: Why

Your ex blocked you and unblocked you on WhatsApp because of what I am about to share with you. There is always a reason why your ex does things, and the main one is always to get your attention.


It’s also possible that your ex blocked and unblocked you just to see how your life is going on.


In this article, I will share with you the possible reasons why your ex blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp.


When you know why your ex blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp, it will give you an idea of what you should do.


If he or she ends up texting you after unblocking you will also know what to say to him or her.


But for now, let me tell you why your ex blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp.


This is why your ex blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp;

1. Your ex is trying to get your attention.

If your ex blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp he or she is trying to get your attention.


my ex blocks and unblocks me on whatsapp

He or she knows that the moment you notice he or she has unblocked you will want to know why she or he did that.


The process of you wanting to know why your ex blocked and unblocked you will force you to pay attention to him or her.


This means that you will be constantly checking out his or her WhatsApp profile so that when he or she unblocks you immediately you get the chance to text him or her.


You will also be curious to know if your ex wants to reach out to you or not.


This will happen especially if you have not been in touch for a while and all of a sudden he or she unblocks you.


Your ex is hoping that with the trick that he or she is pulling right now, you will have no choice but to get in touch with him or her.


The curious part of you will give him or her the attention. The moment your ex knows that he or she has your attention, that is why he or she will show you what she or he wants you to see.


Your ex might text or call you through WhatsApp because he or she knows she has your attention.


And you will end up responding because you will be curious why he or she unblocked you after all that time.


This is the reason why your ex blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp.


2. Your ex wants you to show you something.

It can be that your ex wants to show you his or her new partner. You will only be able to see him or her on his or her profile picture.


If you are blocked there is no way you will be able to see him or her in his or her profile picture.


Read also; If A Girl Has A Guy In Her Profile Picture: It Means?


Your ex blocks and unblocks you just for you to get a notification that he or she is still available online.


When your ex unblocks you on WhatsApp the first thing you will check out is his or her profile picture.


You will want to see if it’s truly your ex or someone else who is using his or her number.


Especially if you ended the relationship on bad terms. You will want to know why he or she unblocks you.


This will force you to check out his or her profile.


The trap that he or she set for you will eventually end up catching up with you.


You will do exactly what your ex wanted you to do; looking at his or her profile.


The main intention of your ex pushing you to check out his or her profile may be just for you to see the person he or she is dating right now and make you feel jealous.


It’s also possible that your ex unblocked you on WhatsApp just to show you how his or her life is progressing.


When someone unblocks you on WhatsApp and you still have their number saved on your phone, you will see what they post on their status.


This is what your ex is pushing you to see. Your ex blocked and unblocked you just to show you something about his or her life.


If you carefully check out his or her status you will notice that he or she will post something just meant for you to see.


It may be something to annoy you or push you to get back with him or her.


This is also another possible reason why your ex blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp.


3. Your ex wants to reach out to you.

Your ex blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp because he or she wants to reach out to you.


It can be that your ex misses you and just wants to say hi and that is why he or she decided to unblock you in the first place.


Your ex misses the amazing conversations you used to have. He or she hasn’t moved on from you at all.


If you did not break up on bad terms it can be that your ex doesn’t find it a big deal to unblock you and say hi to you.


People end up missing their exes after a while especially if the relationship they are in doesn’t fully make them happy.


So, if your ex blocked and unblocked you on WhatsApp this is a sign that he or she wants to reach out to you.


It can be that he or she is undecided about it. He or she doesn’t know if he or she should text you or not, your ex doesn’t know if you are going to respond to him or her and that is why he or she is stuck at blocking you and unblocking you.


Your ex is overthinking everything right now and that is why he or she hasn’t texted you after unblocking you.


Your ex wants to talk to you. If he doesn’t have the courage to reach out to you, he or she is hoping that you will end up reaching out to him or her first and that is why this is happening right now.


4. Your ex wants you to start chasing him or her.

Your ex knows you better; he or she knows your weaknesses and what you love the most about him or her.


What is happening here you might not notice it right now. You realize that your ex is blocking and unblocking you on WhatsApp.


How did you know that he or she is blocking and unblocking you on WhatsApp?


The truth is that you are still stuck on him or her. You haven’t moved on from him or her and that is why you are here.


If you had moved on from your ex you wouldn’t be having his or her contact on your WhatsApp contact list.


You would have deleted it a long time ago.


Maybe you have moved on too, you only have your ex’s contact because you had a kid together or a business and you still should share the progress of how everything is going.


If you only have his or her contact on your WhatsApp contact list because you are still in love with him or her, your ex knows about it.


Your ex is using how you still feel about him or her to make you chase him or her.


The truth is that you check out his or her profile and that is why you know that he or she blocks and unblocks you once in a while on WhatsApp.


The pictures your ex puts on her profile enable you to see how amazing he or she is.


Since you are still hung over your ex and you haven’t managed to move on, or you might be in a relationship but you are not happy like when you were with him or her, this makes you start considering reaching out to him or her.


The moment you text your ex after he or she has unblocked you on WhatsApp this will make him or her realize that you are still in love with him or her or you are willing to test things out again with him or her.


For you, there will be no going back anymore. If you are still into him or her you will just keep texting him or her.


You will start asking him or her about his or her relationship. Your ex will be super nice to you just to give you the impression that he or she still cares about you.


When you conclude that your ex still cares about you and wants to keep the conversation going, you will find yourself having the urge to keep talking to him or her.


It will be too late when you realize that you have been chasing your ex and that was his or her attention all along.


If your ex unblocks you and you still want to talk to him or her you will find it hard to resist talking to him or her.


Especially when you see his or her cute face on his or her profile picture.


This will just bring about the good times you had with him or her and you will find yourself pursuing him or her again for the second time.


You will be on a chase that will never end if you start pursuing your ex again.


5. Your ex is stalking you.

Another possible reason why your ex keeps blocking and unblocking you on WhatsApp is to get you to see how your life is progressing.


ex blocked and unblocked me on whatsapp

Your ex knows for sure that when he or she unblocks you and you still have his or her number saved on your phone he or she will be able to see the status and your profile picture.


If you post a lot about your life and how everything is taking you on your WhatsApp status, your ex will get a glimpse of how your life is going.


Your ex will also be able to know if you are happy or sad now that you are living without him or her.


Your ex is checking you out and that is why he blocks and unblocks you on WhatsApp.


Maybe he wants to know your progress so that he or she can conclude how your life is without him or her.


It will be his or her joy when your ex realizes that you are suffering without him or her especially if you broke up on bad terms.


A stalker is just a stalker, he or she doesn’t need a reason to stalk you.


Your ex enjoys stalking you and that is why he or she does it.


If you don’t want him or her to stalk you just block him or her and delete his or her contact from your phone.


When you do that there is no way your ex will ever see your WhatsApp profile and your WhatsApp status again.


Why has my ex unblocked me after 6 months?

Your ex has unblocked you after six months because he or she wants to know if you have found someone else or not. He or she knows that he or she will be able to see everything about you on your social media profile and he or she will get everything he or she needs to know.


Should I text my ex when he or she unblocks me?

When your ex unblocks you don’t bother texting him or her if you don’t want anything to do with him or her. You don’t need to know why he or she unblocked you in the first place. If you aren’t interested in him or her anymore you should block and delete his or her contact.


But if you still want to get along with your ex since you are still into him or her and you want to pull him to your side, he or she may want the same thing and that is why he or she unblocked you.


That is if he or she didn’t unblock you just to stalk you and see how you are handling your life without him or her.


You should reach out to him or her if that is what you want.



If your ex blocks and unblocks on WhatsApp constantly, just know that he or she is seeking your attention. He or she knows that you will want to know why he or she keeps blocking and unblocking you.


The only thing you will think of doing for you to know why he or she does that is by reaching out to him or her.


This is what your ex wants you to do and that is why he or she is doing whatever he or she is doing now.


It’s also possible that your ex misses you and just wants to reach out to you and say hi because it has been a while. Also, if he wants to talk to you for the last time just to find closure.


If you did not break up on bad terms, it can be that he or she just wants to catch up and that is why he or she unblocked you.


When your ex unblocks you and you don’t want anything to do with him or her just don’t bother asking yourself why he or she blocked and unblocked you.


Forget about him or her, by either deleting his or her number on your WhatsApp contacts. If it’s possible block him or her too and you won’t have to deal with what you are dealing with again.


Related reads;

  1. Should I Block Someone Who Blocked Me? (+When You Should)
  2. 8 Reasons Why Your Girlfriend Blocked You (+What To Do)
  3. 7 Things That Will Happen When You Block A Girl
  4. Why He Blocked You After Sleeping With You
  5. She Blocked Me And Then Unblocked Me On WhatsApp: Why?

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