If A Girl Has A Guy In Her Profile Picture: It Means?

You look at her profile picture and you see a handsome guy there and you are even thinking of just giving up already. A lot of questions are running through your head about whether you should shoot your shot or not.


Maybe the guy she has in her profile picture is her boyfriend or not.


You have no idea at all. The moment you asked for her number she gave it to you willingly.


Read also; She Gave Me Her Number But Has A Boyfriend: Why?


This made you think that she is single and it will be easier for you to pull her to your side.


Now that you are seeing a guy on her profile picture you are having cold feet.


Let me tell you something; don’t make assumptions about anything if you have no idea who the guy is.


Don’t just be afraid to try to express what you feel for her simply because you think the person in her profile picture is her boyfriend.


If she has never told you about her having a guy, don’t just assume that she has a boyfriend.


Maybe you know that she has a boyfriend, don’t let that guy in her profile picture prevent you from making a move on her.


Maybe the guy who is in her profile picture is just a distraction and a stopper for guys to hit on her.


Only the confident guys are allowed to hit on her and not the shy ones.


When a girl has a guy in her profile picture

If a girl has a guy in her profile picture don’t just assume it’s her boyfriend if you don’t know about it.


when a girl has a guy in her profile picture

Don’t just conclude that you don’t have a shot at her because the guy in her profile picture looks better than you in so many ways.


If you are interested in her don’t be afraid to text her and express your feelings for her.


The guy who is in her profile picture may be just his friend and you are stressing yourself about it for nothing.


What you should do when you notice there is a guy in her profile picture is just to get on with it. Don’t ever bother asking her about who the guy is.


You are interested in her and not the guy who is in her profile picture.


So, go for what you want and not what you are making assumptions about.


The moment you express your feelings for her and she tells you that the guy you see in her profile picture is her guy that’s when you will be sure about it.


You will know for sure she is in a relationship and the guy in her profile picture is just to make guys like you realize early in advance that she is taken.


As a man you will always be put in situations in which you will be forced to choose between your doubts and what you want.


Are you interested in her?

Do you want her to let go of the guy she has in her profile picture?


If that is the answer is yes then just keep taking your shots at her.


Nowadays, women are complicated. You might think that she is in a serious relationship and that is why she displays her guy in her profile picture, but the truth is that she is just in an open relationship.


If all you want is to smash her, get the right angle and you will do it.


I have been stuck on this for a while. Looking at a girl’s profile picture, I see a guy and I’m like, “She has a man!”


That should not be a reason for you to stop expressing what you feel for her.


She might make it easier for you or not at all.


When a girl tries to show you that she is in a relationship and she pretends that she is so happy, take it slow.


Don’t show her that you are so desperate for her if you don’t want to make her grow horns.


The way you will handle her is what determines whether she will be willing to let you in or not.


Don’t let the picture she has in her profile picture be the reason you pull away so quickly.


Anyway, two things can happen when you throw your shot at her; she will either let you in her life or she will completely push you away.


There’s nothing far worse than this.


If she has a guy in her profile picture does it mean she is in a relationship?

When a girl has a guy in her profile it doesn’t necessarily mean that she is in a relationship. Unless you know for sure the guy she has in her profile picture is her boyfriend that shouldn’t bother you.


she has a guy in her profile picture

If you are interested in her express your feelings for her and don’t bother asking her about the guy at all.


It could be that she doesn’t even know if she made that guy her profile picture.


Maybe her relationship with the guy she has in her profile picture is just a mess. She is searching for a confident man who will approach her even when he knows that she might be in a relationship.


A girl having a guy in her profile picture doesn’t need to be a reason for you to pull away from her.


Say what you want to say to her and let her decide.


If she wants to leave her boyfriend for you that will happen if her relationship with him has weaknesses.


Read also; 13 Signs She Wants To Leave Her Boyfriend For You


Why would girls put another guy in their profile picture?

Some girls put guys in their profile picture just to scare other guys from pursuing them, when it’s just a guy friend they like, it may be the guy they are in a relationship with, and when they like how good-looking the guy is.


When a girl gets comfortable around you and likes how you look physically she might even end up making you her profile picture.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


If she puts you on her profile picture it doesn’t mean that she wants to be in a relationship with you.


It doesn’t mean that she wants more from you. Maybe she just wants her friends that she has in her contacts to notice you.


Maybe she just wants to make them jealous and make them start asking her about you.


Girls do this just for clout sometimes and it doesn’t mean that they are truly into the guys they put on their profile pictures.


A girl who is protective and jealous, won’t just make his guy profile picture because she doesn’t want him to get many eyeballs.


Sometimes when a girl makes a guy who she is dating her profile picture is just to get some validation from other people.


It doesn’t mean that their relationship is in perfect shape. A girl who is happy in her relationship won’t need to share that with everyone.


She will keep things to herself and enjoy life without displaying who she is in a relationship with.


So, when you see a girl has made a guy her profile picture and she is claiming she is happy that is just a way for her to get some validation.


Her relationship is not exactly the way she talks about it.



When a girl has a guy in her profile picture don’t just assume that she is in a relationship.


You don’t know anything unless she tells you that she is in a relationship.


If she is interested in you she might even tell you not to mind the guy she has in her profile picture.


This is a clear sign if it’s her boyfriend, she will end up leaving him for him.


Read also; 13 Signs She Wants To Leave Her Boyfriend For You


Say what you want and if she thinks you are fit for her, she will let you have it all.


Some girls just put guys in their profile pictures just to scare other guys away.


Just like when you put a scarecrow in the wheat field!


If you are interested in her shoot your shot and let her decide.


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