7 Things That Will Happen When You Block A Girl

When you block a girl the first thing that will happen is that she will pull away from you. Do you know why she will pull away? She will pull away from you and distance herself because she will conclude that you don’t want to talk to her.


That’s just one of the things that will happen when you block a girl.


So, before you think of blocking her this is the first thing you should know.


Blocking her might either be a reason for her to give you more attention or walk away from you.


You know that blocking a girl is one way of cutting your communication line with her.


In the world of social media right now, everyone cares so much about his or her online presence.


If a girl is in touch with you via any social media account and you choose to block her, she will take that as a big deal.


As hundreds of guys are struggling to get her attention in her DMs you choose to block her.


She will have many questions running in her mind, depending on your relationship with her, she will either want to know why you blocked her, or she will just ignore you and move on with her life.


This is what happens when you block a girl;

1. She will get angry at you.

This is the first thing that will happen when you block a girl.


what happens when you block a girl

If she is someone you have been talking to for a while, she got comfortable around you and it reached a point she where ended up initiating conversations with you, she will get angry at you.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


She will be angry because you have decided to cut off the line of communication with her.


It doesn’t matter whether you guys were in the talking stage and you were getting to know each other or you were just friends.


She will be mad at you for blocking her because it will make her feel like you don’t think she is important to you.


This will make her think you don’t value what you have been building and the good conversations you have been having lately.


When you block her, this might be a reason for her to push you away and never to talk to you again.


What you need to know is that when a girl is attached to you, she likes spending time with you and talking to you, this is enough for her to be mad at you when you do anything that goes against what she believes.


The two of you have been texting and calling each other for a while, she believes that you have been creating a good relationship with her.


It doesn’t matter whether she is just a friend or your girlfriend.


If it’s your girlfriend; it will be much worse when you block her. She will have so much to talk about and she might even hate you just for blocking her. Your girlfriend will perceive this as a sign of disrespect.


Why would you block her when you know that she has always been talking with you through that line of communication?


This might raise more issues; she might even end up concluding that you were cheating on her.


All this will happen because you have blocked her and she is mad at you for doing that.


When you block a girl expect her to be furious at you and she might choose to ignore you for a few days even before she starts asking you why you blocked her.


2. She will give you more attention.

When you block a girl, she will either choose to ignore you because she will assume you no longer want to talk to her or she will give you more attention.


One technique to get a woman to pay attention to you is making yourself unavailable to her. The moment you ignore a woman, she will want you more.


It is just like when you choose to chase money and your dreams instead of chasing her, she will want you more.


Read also; Chase Money Not Women: This Is Why


Some guys use this method to make women chase them.


Let me share with you how this will happen when you block a woman.


If she was a girl you were trying so hard to get her attention, she probably knows that.


You have been texting, calling her, and even trying everything you can to meet her in person.


All these efforts you have been putting in to get closer to her and make her notice you have been in vain.


Trust me, she knows that you have been sending a bunch of texts to get her to listen to you.


When you decide, “Damn! It’s enough now, I have been simpin’ a lot lately.”


You decide to stop texting and calling as you usually do.


Read also; She Never Calls I Always Call Her: Here’s Why


She will immediately notice that you have stopped trying harder. This is when she will want to know why you have stopped all of a sudden.


“Why did he stop texting and calling me?”


She will want to know why you no longer care about getting her attention.


In this process of her wanting to know why you stopped texting and calling, she will start reaching out to you.


And in that case, if you chose to block her after you stopped texting and calling her, she will come harder at you.


She will do everything she can to know why you stopped trying and blocked her after that.


Instead of you now trying harder to pull her close to you, she will be giving you the attention you have been fighting for all along.


Without her knowing that you gave up on her and that is why you blocked her, she will just conclude you are over her.


Women love being given attention. They are used to that. The moment you stop pursuing her or get rid of her she will want to know why you did that.


As she does that she will be giving you the attention you craved so badly.


When you block a girl who is also interested in you but is playing hard to get, she will give you the attention.


Since she is interested in you and she doesn’t want to see you walk away from her, she will loosen up just to get you to give her the attention you used to.


This time she won’t play hard to get because she knows she is on the verge of losing you.


3. You will destroy her ego.

We have women who feel like they are super attractive and can string men along.


when you block a girl this happens

Use them for attention, time, and money.


If you have been chatting to a girl who you wanted so badly but she kept you on a low; she sometimes responded to your texts and sometimes chose to ignore you, when you change how you perceive her it will crash her.


Deep down when you start texting a girl you are interested in, she usually catches that in the first few texts you send her.


She will know if you are interested in her the moment you contact her.


It can be that she even knew it the moment you approached her for the first time and asked for her number.


Read also; She Gave Me Her Number But Has A Boyfriend: Why?


When you block a girl who thought she was better than you; she thought she was out of your league and you will always be trying harder to please her than being on her wrong side, this will destroy her ego.


The way she thought about herself and how she perceived you will change.


She will conclude that you weren’t that attracted to her and that is why you blocked her.


Ahh! She never meant anything to you despite how gorgeous she was.


If she was truly beautiful and she knows it; because of the praise and endless texts in her DMs from guys who are down for her, it will humble her down when you block her.


She won’t feel that she is better for you because you chose to get rid of her.


This will affect how she feels about herself when she is next to you.


This is what will happen when you block a girl.


4. She will pull away from you.

A woman will pull away from you when you block her.


Get this from another perspective; if she is a woman who has been close to you for a while, cares about you, and always initiates conversations with you, she will pull away when you block her.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Texts You First?


She will just assume you aren’t interested in her anymore and that is why you blocked her.


When you block her, it will hurt her but she won’t be busy trying to get back to you.


Instead, she will just distance herself from you because she doesn’t see the point of being closer to someone who wants nothing to do with her.


The worst side; she will conclude you have someone else better than her in your life and that is why you blocked her.


You did that because you no longer wanted her around.


This is enough for a girl to pull away from you.


So, if you want to block a girl who is closer to you this is what you should think about.


It’s a possibility that she won’t be close to you again after you have blocked her.


If she is just a friend, she might even choose not to be friends with you again because of what you did.


I told you, girls care so much about what you do when it comes to their social media accounts.


You will need a very good reason to convince her to stay around after you have blocked her.


5. She will block you back.

Another thing that will happen when you block a girl is that she will block you back.


Tit for tat is a fair game. If you block her, she will also do the same.


Do you know why a girl will block you back when block her?

A girl will block you back when you block her because she will conclude you don’t want to talk to her. She will block you too so that when you try to reach out to her it won’t be possible.


You gave her the impression you no longer want to be in touch with her, she will also do the same.


Women are different depending on how they feel about you.


Another thing that you should expect to happen when you block a girl is this; she will block you the moment she notices you have blocked her.


If you are thinking of blocking her then later on you try your way to get back to her through the same channel you blocked her from, be advised.


6. She will delete your number.

After she has blocked you back when did it, she will also delete your number.


She will delete your number when you block her because she will assume you are out of her life.


Deleting your number will be one way for her to accept the fact that she won’t see your messages on her phone again.


So, when you block her this is something else she will do.


You might think that it’s not a big deal when a girl deletes your number.


What you should know is that it says a lot about how she perceives you.


When a woman considers you an important person to her, she will save your phone number on her phone with a cute name and an emoji.


But when she chooses to delete it, just know that you don’t hold the same position you used to.


When you block her and she decides to delete your number, know that she is mad at you, she has decided to eliminate you from her life and she won’t be the friendly girl you knew once.


This is another thing that may happen when you block a girl who once considered you as an important person in her life.


7. She will rarely talk to you in person when she sees you.

When you block a girl she might try harder to get back to you.


this is what will happen when you block a girl

Some women will just pull away from you and not bother you at all.


As I said earlier, she might pull away from you and distance herself after you have blocked her.


When she is distancing herself from you because you have given her the impression that you don’t want to talk to her, don’t expect she will be friendly when she sees you in person.


You blocked her! Don’t expect her to smile and call your names when she sees you in person.


It’s the unfriendly vibe that you will receive when you block a girl.


She might choose not to talk to you ever again simply because you just blocked her.


When you block a girl she will rarely talk to you when you meet her in person because she will conclude you don’t want to talk to her again and due to that she might also call off the relationship between the two of you.



When you block a girl these are things that can happen. So, before you think of blocking her for any reason, this is what you need to be open to.


Be open to these possibilities and prepare yourself for them.


If you want to block her simply because you are trying to get her to pay attention to you and pull you closer after that, observe how she feels about you first.


Is she interested in you or she is just stringing you along?


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


You will have a good chance of getting her to give you what you want when she is in your zone.


But if she doesn’t notice you, it won’t make a difference when you block her.


Related reads;

  1. When a Girl Wants You To Sit Next To Her: It Means?
  2. Ghosting A Girl Who Rejected You: Is It Okay?
  3. She Blocked Me And Then Unblocked Me On WhatsApp: Why?
  4. How Does A Girl Feel When You Block Her?
  5. Is It Okay To Ask Your Partner To Block Someone?

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