When a Girl Wants You To Sit Next To Her: It Means?

She wants you to sit next to her, you are trying to understand what she means but you have no idea at all. In this article, I will share what it means when a girl wants you to sit next to her.


You need to know why she wants you to sit next to her if you want to understand what she feels about you.


Knowing what a woman wants from you will make it easier for you to sniff anything out of her.


A girl will want you to sit next to her when she wants to share something with you.


Maybe it can be a conversation about a certain topic that you left hanging or she just wants your company.


There is more you will know as we go deeper into this article figuring out why she wants you to sit next to her.


What does it mean when a girl wants you to sit next to her?

When a girl wants you to sit next to her it means she wants your company. She either wants to talk about something important important with you or she just feels great when you are sitting next to her.


The first thing you should know is what it means when a woman wants you to sit next to her, she wants your company.


She wants you around and that is why she wants you to sit next to her.


What will happen later after that mainly depends on how she feels about you.


If she is someone you have known for a while and she wants you to sit next to her, it’s only because she finds you a friendly guy and she just wants to chat with you.


She wants you to sit next to her so that you can talk about the good and bad times you have had since the year began.


You don’t need to ask yourself so many questions if she is so friendly to you.


The only time you will have to ask yourself lots of questions when a girl wants you to sit next to her is when it’s someone you rarely talk to or you have never met before.


It’s your first time coming across her and she offers you a seat next to her.


Would be comfortable asking a stranger to sit next to you?


You wouldn’t ask a stranger to sit next to you if you don’t like her and you don’t have anything you want to share with her.


So, does it mean that a girl has a hidden agenda simply because she wants you to sit next to her?


You will find out as we keep going deeper into this article.


This is why a girl wants you to sit next to her;

1. She wants your company.

She wants you to sit next to her because she just wants your company.


what does it mean when a girl wants you to sit next to her

When a woman wants you to sit next to her the first thing that should come into your mind is that she wants your company.


It can be that she is bored and she wants you to sit next to her knowing you will start interacting with her.


She may be a girl you don’t know that much or she may be your friend.


When a girl wants your company she won’t shy away from asking you to sit next to her.


If she is your friend, she wants you to sit next to her because she knows you always have something interesting to share.


You have been a guy who always keeps her occupied when she has nothing to do but just sit and look at the people passing around.


When a woman who knows you better and you have been talking for a while and it’s not when you have just met, wants you to sit next to her, it shows that she is comfortable around you.


She feels safe and at ease when you are sitting next to her.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


She can open up easily to you and talk to you about anything that is bothering her.


You are always the guy she finds easier to connect to because of how you handle her and yourself when sitting next to her.


She wants you to sit next to her and enjoy your company because you always listen to her, you don’t judge what she says and you make her smile.


When a woman can get all these from you simply because you have been a good friend to her, she will always want you to sit next to her.


It doesn’t have only to be a woman you know, even a woman who doesn’t know you may end up asking you to sit next to her.


This is just to create a connection with you and get the two of you to know each other.


And why would a girl who doesn’t know you better want to connect and get to know you better?


You will find that as we continue talking about why she wants you to sit next to her.


2. She wants to start a conversation with you.

When a girl wants you to sit next to her it’s because she wants to start a conversation with you.


She wants to initiate a chat so that you keep talking as you push time together.


The girl doesn’t have to be your friend, any girl can initiate a conversation with you as long as she wants to.


When a girl looks at you and realizes that you are someone she can talk to just by your appearance, she will ask you to sit next to her.


It’s through deep conversations and small talk that two people can get to connect.


Maybe she looked at you and realized you have so many interesting stories to share.


Allowing you to sit next to her would give her the chance to hear everything you need to share with her.


She seems the kind of an interactive woman and she likes meeting new people.


It’s a girl who is social and will want random strangers to sit next to her and start a random conversation with them.


The conversation she wants to start with you might be the reason why the two of you would end up connecting.


Maybe she got out today intending to meet someone and have a beautiful conversation with them about life.


Now that she has come across you, she is using this as an opportunity to invite you to sit next to her.


Before a girl asks you to sit next to her, she has observed you and realized that you are someone she can talk to.


You are presentable and amazing to her.


The two of you may end up connecting when you decide to get to know each other.


3. She is being nice and kind to you.

There are some situations when a girl offers you to sit next to her it’s because she is being nice and kind to you.


It’s not because she wants something more from you or she is into you.


You look like a guy who could use a seat and the only available space is next to her.


Maybe she has looked at you and realized that you seem super tired and there is nowhere else you could sit down.


You looked around trying to find an empty chair but all of them were occupied.


She wants you to sit next to her because she wants to help you out.


For instance, if you are in a bus and you miss a space to sit on she will ask you to sit next to her.


She is doing this not because she knows you or she wants something from you, she is being kind to you.


When a girl is being kind to you it doesn’t always have to be that there is a hidden agenda.


If you are in a situation that forces her to be nice to you as a human being, she will want you to sit next to her.


So, if a girl wants you to sit next to her because it’s the only space left for you to occupy, just know that she is being nice to you and it’s not she is interested in you.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


4. She enjoys having you next to her.

She wants you to sit next to her because she enjoys having you next to her.


You can’t conclude that she enjoys having you around if she is just a stranger.


This has to be your friend. You have known each other for a while, you have been talking and connecting.


She is a good friend to you.


If she is your friend and she always wants you to sit next to her, she usually enjoys your company.


You are someone who makes her laugh when you are next to her, you have amazing ideas and stories to share.


She knows that when you are next to her even if she is sad that will all change.


This is because you know how to entertain her when she is down.


Something like this makes her enjoy having you next to her. So, when you find that she is always super active with you are sitting next to her, this shows that she enjoys your company.


This is the same reason why she wanted you to sit next to her.


The truth is that if she never enjoyed your company she wouldn’t have offered you a seat next to her.


She would have done everything possible to be far away. No girl would want to be sitting next to a guy who always makes her angry.


When a girl enjoys your company, she is always happy when you are next to her, you guys vibe. You can easily make her yours.


It’s only for you to express what you feel for her if you truly like her.


If she can spend hours talking to you it’s a good sign that she will always enjoy your company any time of the day.


5. She wants to make someone else jealous.

She wants you to sit next to her because she just wants to use you to make someone else jealous.



when a girl wants you to sit next to her

This is another possibility that you should open your eyes to.


Maybe there is someone around there looking at her. He is someone she wants to get his attention.


The guy might be on the opposite side of the table she is sitting on.


She saw you coming around, you have no idea what is happening.


This girl hasn’t been so close to you, you rarely talk to each other and today she wants you to sit next to her.


She has never been nice to you until today.


You notice that she is super nice to you when she hasn’t been that way before.


Since you are interested in her, and you like how she looks and smells, you decide to sit next to her.


Her game plan is just to use you to get someone else.


For instance, if she is a girl in your class, she has never shown any interest in you and suddenly today she wants you to sit next to her, you should know that she is just using you.


I mean why would she want you to sit next to her today while she has never even been so close to you?


She rarely initiates conversations with you and now today she wants you to sit next to her.


She knows that when you sit next to her and she starts talking to you while smiling, another guy around is going to be jealous.


And if she wanted to get his attention, you being next to her would have helped her achieve what she wanted.


So, if she is a girl who hasn’t been so close to you when she asks you to sit next to her, just know she might be using you to get to someone else.


She wants to make another guy jealous and you are the perfect guy to do that and that is why she is offering you a seat next to her.


6. She wants your attention.

She wants you to sit next to her because she wants your attention.


Any girl can want your attention when she knows it will be for her benefit.


It can be your friend or just a girl you came across while strolling in the park.


Why would a girl want your attention anyway? A girl will want your attention when she just wants you to notice her and eventually end up making a move on her.


Also, you have to know that a woman can use you for your attention when she feels like doing it.


What you need to know about women is that they like being given attention.


When they don’t get any attention this might end up wrecking their self-esteem.


Some will even use guys for their attention just to feel good about themselves.


It’s just like when a girl does her makeup just to show off guys in the streets and it happens that no one is even paying attention to her.


This is something that can end up destroying her self-esteem. She will end up thinking that she is not good enough for guys to even notice her.


She wants you to sit next to her so you to notice her and even start a conversation with her.


She knows that having you next to her will force you to interact with her.


You will want to know if she is okay, why she is sitting alone at that place, and if there is a way you can help her out.


This is what will force the two of you to start interacting with each other which will end up giving her a chance to show you who she is.


You will be giving her the attention she wanted so badly.


If she is interested in you, she will use this as an opportunity to show you how incredible she is for you to make a move on her.


This is another reason why she wants you to sit next to her.


7. She wants you to get fond of her.

When a girl notices that you aren’t fond of her, she will want to find a way to pull you closer to her.


Some women just feel good when guys get to know them. She wants you to sit next to her because she wants you to connect with her.


It can be that she is someone you rarely talk to. She sees you are distanced from her and she doesn’t like that.


She wants to be the girl you always say hi and talk to when she is around.


Women feel good when guys recognize and talk to them often. It’s not that she wants you to like her because she likes you too.


She just wants you to feel free to talk to her and sit next to her when you see her.


Women like this and it usually makes them feel good about themselves.


She knows that the only way she will get you to notice and like her is when you are sitting next to her.


And for a guy, if you find her attractive and she has offered you a seat next to her when you see her next time you will always say hi to her.


You will always remember her because she asked you to sit beside her.


So, if she is someone you always come across, you meet often here and there, it’s possible she just wants you to recognize and like her.


I am sure you are not the only guy she offered a seat to.


When a girl offers you a seat next to her you will no longer see her the same way you used to.


If you never cared about her, never talked to her when you came across her, this will change things.


You will look at her like someone you know and you won’t ignore her like you used to.


This is what she is hoping to achieve.


8. She is interested in you.

When a girl is interested in you she will find a way to get close to you.

what does it mean when a girl wants you to sit next to her

She will be super nice and kind to you more than anyone else has ever been.


The way she will handle you will not be the same as other girls do.


The part of her asking you to sit next to her is only to get you to be around her, to connect with her, and get to know you better.


It’s hard to realize if she wants something more from you until you notice the way she talks and handles herself in front of you.


When a girl wants you to sit next to her and she does more than just talk to you, you should know she likes you.


These are some of the things she will do when she is interested in you and she has offered you a seat next to her;

  1. She will open up to you about her life.
  2. She will maintain eye contact with you.
  3. She will start flirting with you.
  4. She will giggle at anything you say even if it’s not that funny.
  5. She will want to hang out with you later after that.
  6. She will want you to notice how amazing she looks.


When a girl wants you to sit next to her and do all these things I am sharing with you, she is interested in you.


If you are interested in her you should also open up to her about it.


Read also; 17 Signs She Is Interested In You And Not Being Friendly


If you are not interested just let her know the truth. I am sure next time she won’t ask you to sit next to her if you tell her that you don’t like her at all.



When a girl wants you to sit next to her and she starts interacting with you actively without giving you signs that she wants something more from you, she just wants your company.


She wanted you to talk to her and that is why she wanted you to sit next to her.


If she is your friend, she is comfortable around you and she just wants to share everything with you.


She enjoys your company and that is why you are here right now.


But if she is a girl you barely know, she just wants to connect with you and get to know you better.


It’s possible that she likes something about you and that is why she chose you to sit next to her.


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