5 Ways To Say Goodbye To Someone Who Ghosted You

When someone ghosts you the first thing you should think of is walking away from them. You need to say goodbye to them because there is nothing great you will gain by trying to pull them closer again.


He or she ghosted you on purpose. It doesn’t matter the excuses he or she will say to you. When he or she decided to turn off the switch on you he or she knew what they were doing.


You need to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you and be done with their era in your life.


Someone who ghosted you doesn’t deserve a place in your heart or past. It doesn’t matter how important they were to you. If they ghosted you it is clear that you weren’t important to them.


Why should you say goodbye to someone who ghosted you?

Saying goodbye to someone who ghosted you will help you find closure and walk away from them without having anything to pull you back into where you were. This will help you find peace and accept the fact that the relationship between you and the ghoster wasn’t meant to be.


The moment you get such a closure it will help you move on with your life easily and nothing will bring you down simply because they ghosted you and walked out of your life.


Now that you know why you need to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you let’s dive deeper into it.


This is how to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you;

1. Accept the fact that they left your life.

Someone ghosted you and you want to keep on holding onto them? This will only hurt you and you will never be happy.


say goodbye to someone who ghosted you

If he or she ghosted you the first thing you should do if you want to say your goodbyes is to accept the fact that they left your life.


“He or she left you”


The part of him or her ghosting you was her or his decision. They looked at you and found out that you are no longer important in their lives.


And that is why they decided to ghost you.


Maybe they found someone else better than you and that is why they went off on you.


They stopped texting, calling, and checking out on you in person because you didn’t matter to them.


You need to accept that they left your life and that is why they took that route.


When you make peace with the fact that they walked out of your life, you won’t hold yourself hoping that they will stumble again in your life.


This will make it easier for you to move on and build the life that you want without them making any negative impact on your life.


Someone left your life by just turning the switch off on you, not even a text to tell you why they won’t be talking to you again.


People like these deserve to be locked out of your life and that will be possible when you accept that they were not meant to be in your life.


Accepting that they left your life and taking yourself off the denial will be the first step of you saying goodbye to someone who ghosted you.


2. Get rid of anything that will hold you onto them.

If someone ghosted you they don’t deserve any part of your life. You don’t even have to keep anything that will remind you of them.


ways to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you

The moment someone decides to ghost you he or she has disrespected you.


It is a sad thing when someone you care about just walks away from you without saying a word.


He or she just assumes you no longer exist. It’s like you don’t even deserve to know why they decided to leave you in the first place.


What they did is not something light and you should just find a way to bury them out of your memory.


It doesn’t matter the good times you had with them, it’s kinda like those memories meant nothing to them.


If those memories meant something they wouldn’t have just walked away from you and ghosted you the way they did.


They took you out of their memories. There was nothing left for you to hold on to you and that is why they ghosted you in the first place.


If they eliminated everything that made them hold dearly onto you and got the chance to ghost you, why should you hold onto anything that reminds you of them?


You need to rid of anything that will remind you of what used to be between the two of you.


Holding onto the good times and anything tangible they left you is only going to make it harder for you to say goodbye.


How can you say goodbye to someone who ghosted you when you still have things and memories that connect you to them?


You will have no choice but to get rid of those good memories you had with them and get rid of those things they left you.


I know it might be hard to throw or burn them away but that’s the right thing to do if you want to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you.


When you get rid of anything that holds you onto them it will be easier to make peace with their departure from your life.


Nothing will hold you down and remind you of what used to be between the two of you.


Holding on to the memories and the present they left you it’s going to make it harder to say your farewell.


This is one way that will pull you closer to saying goodbye to someone who ghosted you.


3. Don’t try to find a solid reason why they ghosted you.

When someone ghosts you this is usually the first thing you think of doing.


ways to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you

We all usually try everything to find out why something happened.


When someone cheats on you, you spend hours trying to figure out what you did wrong.


You are wasting your time trying to find fault in yourself but what you don’t know is that they decided to do what they had to.


It was their choice to ghost you in the first place. No one told them to.


They made that decision by themselves without even thinking about how it would end up affecting you.


He or she ghosted you because he or she wanted to. It happened because they wanted it to happen.


Don’t spend hours trying to figure out why ghosted you in the first place.


This will not do you any good other than make you feel bad about yourself and reopen the healed wounds.


It will wreck you down when you start going back to what happened.


All the reasons you could find about why they block you will all point to the worst things about you.


You won’t end up finding out that they ghosted you because they loved and cared about you.


So, there is no need for you to try to find out why they ghosted you if you want to say your farewell to them.


This will only leave you with scars that won’t easily fade away from your heart.


Your entire life will all be about working on the wrong things instead of building yourself to become the person you want to be.


Just tell yourself that they ghosted you because they didn’t want anything to do with you.


They left your life because they wanted to. It was their choice to walk away from you because they didn’t deserve you.


He or she ghosted you to open the door for someone else you should pay attention to, someone else who will see your value and hold tight onto you.


This will help you say goodbye to them without even looking back on what used to be between the two of you.


If you are stuck trying to find out why someone ghosted you it will be harder for you to say your farewell.


You will be stuck on a chase that will never end because you won’t find an opportunity to ask them why they ghosted you in the first place.


The best way to say goodbye to them is just by not trying to dig into the past about why they chose to ghost you.


4. Say it all in the last message you will send to them.

Before I share with you the last thing you should do to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you, this is what you should do.


how to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you

It won’t be a goodbye if you don’t find closure. And you will not find closure unless you say what you want to.


Trust me, they ghosted you but they will still read your texts.


He or she is probably checking your social media account just to see how you are doing without them in your life.


Trust me, they are still checking you out though you don’t know anything about it.


Anyway, it doesn’t matter whether they are still checking you out or they won’t read the last words you will send to them.


Your goal is to say it all and close their chapter once and for all.


It’s just like writing a farewell text to someone who died. He or she won’t read the message but it will make you feel that you have left all your feelings and attachments to that message.


This is the same thing you are hoping to achieve when you send a goodbye text to someone who ghosted you.


It doesn’t have to be a big *as of text. It can be a short message that carries the entire weight of what you feel after they ghosted you.


Send a goodbye message to someone who ghosted you wishing him or her the best in his or her next endeavor.


It doesn’t have to be a positive one. Maybe all you have within you is fire burning.


Let it all out because you will never bother yourself again trying to get hold of someone who ghosted you.


After this you are a different person, leaving it all behind and making a new chapter of your life.


This is how the goodbye text to someone who ghosted you should be like;

“You walked out of my life without even telling me why you did it, don’t ever come back telling me why you want space in my life again”

“You degraded me to the extent that you felt I didn’t deserve to know why you walked out of my life, I just hope nothing pulls you down to where you were again”


“You ghosted me thinking it’s the best way to walk out of my life, I thank you for teaching me to live without you because I’m about to start a new chapter of my life. “

“Maybe I never meant much to you, I wasn’t important to you to start with, you ghosted me and threw me aside. It hurts but it won’t hurt much than when you will come crying back to me again. Goodbye, Ghoster! “


“I was wrong to think that you would prove me right, I thought we had something incredible going on, but I was wrong. This is my goodbye to you and I hope you don’t ghost your parents too!”

“The conversations in the middle of the night never meant anything to you? You got me fooled that you were so much into us but you left anyway, I hope you find what you are searching for Ghoster, goodbye.”


“I won’t push you to get back to me, I won’t force you to start getting in touch with me, I know I never mattered to you. Goodbye, and I wish you the best out there.”


These are just examples of texts you can send to someone who ghosted you to say goodbye.


What I am trying to show you here is that the texts should carry all your feelings for you to find closure.


This is how to say goodbye to someone who ghosted you.


5. Block them and remove them from your contact list.

If someone ghosted you there is no need for you to keep their contacts in your phone.


After you have said your goodbye to him or her, it’s time for you to get rid of any connections you have with them.


Don’t allow the ghoster to get back to you after you have closed your chapter with them.


You have to block and delete their contacts from your phone because they don’t deserve to be remembered.


This is the only way you will eliminate them from your life for good after you have done what I have shared with you in the above section of this article.


They no longer talk to you, why should you have their contacts on your phone?


This will only drag you to start begging them to get back to you which you will only be degrading yourself.


You deserve better.



When someone ghosts you find a way to say goodbye to find closure and start your next chapter.


After you have found closure, don’t be stuck in the past thinking that everyone you will come across in your life will end up ghosting you.


This will hinder you from making connections with people who mean well to you and want to build a life with you.


The only thing you will have to do is to be careful and filter out red flags early enough before you decide to take someone deep into your heart.


It will get easier with time. Don’t let someone who left your life ruin your future too.


Related reads;

  1. Ghosting A Girl Who Rejected You: Is It Okay?
  2. When You Ignore A Guy Who Ghosts You What Is He Thinking?
  3. My Partner Makes Me Feel Like A Bad Person: Do This
  4. Should I Be Friends With Someone Who Rejected Me?
  5. Is It Okay To Ask Your Partner To Block Someone?

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