Girlfriend Lied To Me About Hanging Out With Another Guy: Why

If your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another guy the first thing you should know is that it’s a red flag! She lied to you about hanging out with another guy simply because something was going on.


Why would she lie to you if nothing is going on between her and the guy she lied about hanging out with?


In this article, I will share some of the reasons why she lied to you about hanging out with another and what you can do about it.


Why your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another guy;

1. Your girlfriend is cheating on you.

The first thing you should know is that your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another guy because she is cheating on you.


She lied to me about hanging out with another guy

Why would she lie to you about hanging out with him if nothing is going on between the two of them?


She doesn’t want you to know that she was hanging out with him because of how connected they are.


Your girlfriend is guilty. Even if you don’t know what your girlfriend does with the guy out there, this is the first thing you should keep in mind.


When your girlfriend lies to you about hanging out with another guy it shows that she wants to keep you in the dark about what is going on.


She doesn’t want you to know that she is slowly pulling away from you.


Maybe she hasn’t reached the point of cheating on you but she is heading there.


This is a big red flag! The possibility of her going against you is huge.


She lied to you because she knows for sure if you know about what she does you will get an idea of what she is doing out there.


If nothing was going on between her and the guy she lied to you about, she wouldn’t have lied to you.


The part of her lying to you about it shows something fishy is going on.


When someone doesn’t have anything to hide about what they do out there they won’t have a reason to lie to you about anything.


Your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another guy because she is either cheating on you with him or she is about to do it.


If you have noticed that she has been unavailable for you, she rarely spends time with you, she doesn’t give you attention and she makes lots of excuses not to see you, just know that she may be cheating on you.


Read also; My Girlfriend Keeps Making Excuses Not To See Me: Why?


I know deep down you feel that your girlfriend is going against what you stand for.


If she lied to you about hanging out with another guy, she will also lie to you about something bigger than that.


2. Your girlfriend is hiding something from you.

Maybe your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another guy because she is hiding something from you.


If she is not cheating on you, she doesn’t want you to know something that is going on.


Your girlfriend is doing something out there with another guy that she doesn’t want you to know about and that is why she lied to you about spending time with him.


You told your girlfriend not to hang out with that guy because of what they do when they are together.


Your girlfriend drinks and smokes. You don’t do that and you don’t want her to be doing those things.


You know that when she hangs out with another guy that is what she will be doing with him.


The truth is that she can’t do those things with you. The only thing you do is give her restrictions.


She can’t get high when she is with you since you can’t allow that to happen.


Your girlfriend feels restricted when she is with you.


She promised that she won’t smoke and get high but sometimes she misses doing those things.


Your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another because you will figure out that she is doing the things you told her not to.


She doesn’t want you to know that she is still drinking and smoking with another guy.


If what I am talking about relates to your issues with your girlfriend it may be that she lied to you just to hide what is going on.


Your girlfriend knows that if you know about what is going on with the other guy she hangs out with it will bring up an issue.


Maybe your girlfriend doesn’t get high or drink. It can be that she is hiding something else far much worse than that.


Maybe she talks about issues with another guy that she doesn’t want you to know about.


She shares with him things that she shouldn’t and she doesn’t want you to know the nature of their conversations and that is why she lied to you about hanging out with him.


If she tells you that she was hanging out with him, she will be forced to tell you about what they were doing together.


3. Your girlfriend is avoiding unnecessary fights with you.

Your girlfriend knows that you are so jealous and overprotective.


She knows that the moment you know that she is hanging out with another guy you will start an argument with her.


You will start asking her about why she went out and spent her time with someone else who was not you.


This is the kind of conversation that will eventually lead to a conflict between the two of you and that is why she lied to you.


It’s not that your girlfriend is cheating on you with the guy she was hanging out with.


She had to lie to just avoid unnecessary fights because she decided to spend her time with another man.


Your girlfriend knows you well that you are short-tempered and jealous and you wouldn’t understand why she was hanging out with another guy.


The only thing you will conclude is the worst. Your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another guy just to avoid the questions from you and any potential fights.


She knows that you don’t like it when she hangs out with another guy. You even ask her not to be around her guy friends that much, if she opens up to you that she was hanging out with another guy that will turn into a fight.


If you are truly overprotective and you start a fight with her when you know that she has been hanging out with another guy, this is why she lied to you.


4. Your girlfriend doesn’t want you to start suggesting other things.

When your girlfriend tells you the truth that she was hanging out with another guy you will start suggesting things.


She doesn’t want you to start thinking that she is going against what your relationship stands for.


If you know the truth that she has been hanging out with another guy, she thinks you might tell her that she should also let you hang out with other girls.


You might even end up suggesting that the relationship should be an open one.


She was hanging out with another guy just to get away from you and get another perspective and not that she wants you to have a different kind of a relationship.


If you have been talking about making your relationship an open one, this is the topic your girlfriend is avoiding and that is why she lied to you about hanging out with another guy.


Maybe your girlfriend lied to you because you will start suggesting that she is losing interest in you.


It can be that your relationship has been through some issues, and you are still struggling to work things out and that is why she is avoiding filling your head with doubts.


Your trust foundation in the relationship has been weakening for a while. You no longer trust each other the way you used to.


So, she knows that if she brings about hanging out or talking to another guy you will only conclude that something else was going on.


She wants to avoid you making conclusions and suggesting things that aren’t there and that is why she had to lie to you about hanging out with another guy.


Your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another guy because she didn’t want to continue breaking the little faith you have in her.


5. Your girlfriend enjoys it when she lies to you.

If it’s not the first time that your girlfriend has lied to you about anything, it’s possible that she just enjoys lying to you.


when your girlfriend lies to you about hanging out with another guy

She likes it when you don’t know about what she is doing out there.


Keeping you in the dark is what she enjoys the most and that is why she lied to you.


She lied to you without even feeling guilty about it because she wants you to be always in the dark.


Your girlfriend enjoys it when you don’t know the truth about what is going on.


She just likes lying to you.


What to do if your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another guy.

If your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another guy and you have proof that she was out with him, show it to her. When you give her the proof and she doesn’t want to talk to you about why she was hanging out with him, just know that she is cheating on you with him.


She wouldn’t have lied to you about hanging out with him if nothing was going on between the two of them.


If you are certain that she lied to you about hanging out with another guy and she has been hiding it, the best thing you should do is distance yourself from her. Don’t entertain her if she is lying to you. Show her that you don’t like that she lied to you.


If she wants to fix things with you, she should confess and tell you everything she is hiding. But if she won’t bother telling you the truth about it yet you are sure that she lied to you about it, you will have to let her go.


This shows that she is going against the pledge of your relationship.


The trust between the two of you will never be the same now that you know she has been lying to you.



If your girlfriend lied to you about hanging out with another guy this shows that something fishy is going on.


Your girlfriend may be cheating on you with the guy she lied about hanging out with.


It doesn’t matter the reason why she lied to you about hanging out with him. That doesn’t justify what she did.


Couples shouldn’t lie to each other especially when it comes to something very sensitive that can end up breaking your relationship into pieces.


If she lied to you straight into your face about hanging out with him, it may be that she has been lying to you about so many things.


What you should do about this issue is; sit down with her and ask her to confess what she has been lying to you about.


If she truly cares about you and the relationship surviving, she will tell you the truth but if she hiding something far much worse she won’t tell you a thing.


When your girlfriend lies to you about something like this and she isn’t willing to be honest about it, she isn’t someone you can trust.


She might end up breaking your heart into pieces.


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