Should I Block Someone Who Blocked Me? (+When You Should)

When someone blocks you should you block them too? Or should you just ignore that they blocked you? If someone blocks you it shows that they don’t want to be in touch with you.


They don’t want you to see their online activities that’s why they blocked you.


When you block someone who blocked you, what are you hoping to achieve?


Someone you care about blocked you because he or she was mad at you.


Read also; Why Your Girlfriend Blocked You (+What To Do)


Blocking him or her won’t make any sense because he or she didn’t do anything to hurt your feelings for you to reach the extent of blocking him or her.


You are the reason why she or he blocked you!


Some situations will force you to block someone who blocked you but some will require you to just chill.


In this article, I will be sharing when you should block someone who blocked you and when you shouldn’t.


The question you asked doesn’t have a straight answer because it mainly depends on the relationship you have with the person who blocked you.


Should I block someone who blocked me?

You should block someone who blocked you when you don’t have the intention of trying to reach out to them. You shouldn’t block them if you want to resolve the conflict between the two of you.


should i block someone who blocked me

The first thing you should think about when someone blocks you; is what you want to do after that.


If he or she blocked you because he or she was mad at you, what do you want to do next?


Do you want to resolve the conflict and find a way to convince him or her to unblock you?


If you still want to be in touch with him or her again after he or she has blocked you, don’t block him or her back.


There’s no way you are going to find a chance to solve your disputes if you block him or her simply because he or she blocked you.


What if he or she tries to get in touch with you after he or she is calm and wants to fix the issues?


The moment he or she unblocks you and tries to contact you he or she will find out that you have also blocked him or her.


Read also; She Blocked Me And Then Unblocked Me On WhatsApp: Why?


This will keep igniting the fight between the two of you since he or she will continue being mad at you when he or she finds out that you have blocked him or her.


If you were on the wrong side and you ended up blocking him or her after he or she blocked you, this will show that you don’t have remorse.


This will only show that you don’t care about him or her even after you did something wrong.


You blocked him or her without even thinking that he or she would try to get back to you.


When you block someone it might raise different feelings. Before you think of blocking someone who blocked you think of the context of what happened.


Read also; 7 Things That Will Happen When You Block A Girl


You may think that blocking someone who blocked you isn’t a big deal but it will end up blowing up on your face.


This is when you should block someone who blocked you;

1. When you are sure you won’t need to be in touch with them.

You should block someone who blocked you only when you are sure that you don’t want to be in touch with them.


If he or she has blocked you and you have concluded that it’s the end of your conversation with him or her it won’t be a problem when you block him or her back.


You don’t want to talk to him or her again after he or she blocked you, so what is the point of hanging on to them?


It’s better if you block someone who blocked you when you don’t need to talk about anything with him or her.


Leaving their contacts unblocked on your phone will just push you to find a way to reach out to them.


Especially if it’s someone you care about, it will be harder for you to just accept that he or she blocked you and there’s no way you can convince him or her to unblock you.


You will start simping to the extent of you degrading yourself in front of someone who doesn’t even want to talk to you.


So, if you are sure you won’t need to be in touch with him or her again after he or she blocks you, you should also block him or her back.


2. When you no longer want them contacting you.

If someone blocked you and you know for sure that he or she has the habit of blocking and unblocking you, and you no longer want them to reach out to you blocking them will do the trick.


When he or she blocks you, he or she will eventually end up unblocking you.


If he or she blocked you because he or she was angry as time goes by he or she will calm down and will want to reach out to you.


When you know that the person who blocked you will try reaching out to you after a while and you don’t want him or her to, blocking him or her will do the trick.


Since you want to put a stopper on them the next time they try to reach out to you, the best thing to do is to block them.


You need to block them so that when they try to get back at your profile they see nothing.


When you block someone who blocked you it will just show them that you are strong and you will do everything to survive anywhere.


If you don’t want him or her contacting you after he or she has blocked you, block him or her, and don’t think twice about it.


Let him or her be surprised when he or she sees darkness on your profile.


3. When you want to prove a point.

This is also when you should block someone who blocked you.


If you want to prove a point to someone make them understand that you can also get rid of him or her if he or she takes you for granted.


It can be that he or she thinks that you can’t block him or her since you are so into him or her.


This person takes you for granted and doesn’t value you at all.


You get into an argument with him or her and ends up blocking you thinking that you will be desperate enough to get back to him or her.


He or she thinks that you will beg for his or her attention and ask him or her to unblock you.


When you want to prove them wrong the only thing you should do is block them when they block you.


This is when he or she will understand that you are not to be taken for granted. If they don’t handle you the way you want, you can also get rid of them from your life.


4. When they don’t mean anything to you.

Someone blocked you but you don’t have any special connection with him or her.


she blocked me should i block her too

You have nothing to lose if this person decides to walk away from you.


Maybe he or she is someone you just met and you were in the process of getting to know each other.


Read also; When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?


If he or she blocks you, it doesn’t affect you in any way at all. You don’t feel that they hurt you at all.


He or she was just someone you knew and didn’t hold any important position in your life.


You should block him or her when she or he blocks you. If they don’t mean anything to you, indeed, you won’t be bothered if they walk away from your life.


5. When you want to find an easy way to move on from them.

If someone you care about blocked you because your relationship ended on bad terms, you should block him or her too when you want to move on from him or her.


It will be easier for you to move on from him or her when you don’t think of them getting back to you in any way.


When someone blocks you and decides to walk away from you it’s true to say it will hurt you.


If you are so much in love with him or her you will try everything to get this person’s attention.


You will beg him or her to unblock you to talk and fix your issues.


It doesn’t matter if they won’t text you back immediately, you still have their contacts unblocked on your phone. You will hold on to the hope that they will end up reaching out to you one day.


This hope of them reaching out to you after they have blocked you and walked away from your life is what will make it harder for you to move on.


But when you block them after they have blocked you, this will get rid of the hope that at one point they will get back to you since you got rid of the only way they could reach out to you.


The moment you don’t have hope that someone might try to get back to you, this will make it easier for you to accept that they are no longer part of your life.


Moving on from them will be easier that way.


So, you should block someone who blocked you if you want to move on from them.


This is when you should not block someone who blocked you;

1. When you are on the reason for them blocking you.

He or she is someone you are so close to. This person ended up blocking you because you did or said something to make him or her mad.


You annoyed him or her and he had no choice but to block you everywhere.


The first thing you should think of when someone you care about blocks you is to find a way to make things right.


You should try your level best to get hold of them and try to fix the misunderstandings between the two of you.


But if you decide to block him or her after he or she blocked you while you are the reason why he or she is angry at you there’s no way you are going to fix this conflict.


He or she will just assume you don’t care about him or her at all. Trying to fix a problem will be impossible when they notice you don’t give a damn about them.


So, if you are the reason why he or she blocked you then you should not think of blocking him or her.


It will seem rather rude and disrespectful to this person.


2. When you want to fix your misunderstandings with them.

If someone blocked you but still you want to fix your misunderstandings with them you should not block them back.


should i block him if he blocked me

How will you find a way to talk with them and resolve what happened between the two of you?


It won’t be easier when you block them after they have blocked you.


Apart from finding a way to be in touch with them, how will they perceive you when you block them?


He or she will just conclude you also don’t give a f*ck about him or her and that is why when he or she blocked you also did the same.


It’s just like when you break up with someone because of a petty issue, deep down you know when he or she isn’t mad you will try to talk to find a common ground.


You intend to pull him or her back to your life because you know when he or she isn’t mad it will be easier for you to convince him or her to come back to you.


Just after the short fight you had with him or her when you go over to his or her place to talk about your issues, you find him or her with someone else!


It has not been even a week and he or she is dating someone after you broke up because of a petty issue.


What you will conclude about him or her is that he didn’t want to fix anything with you.


He or she intentionally broke up with you because he or she didn’t want to have you in his life. Someone else occupied your space even before the breakup.


This is the same issue with blocking someone who blocked you.


If you block him or her because he or she did it, he or she will conclude that you don’t want to fix the relationship.


And it will be a reason for him or her to get far away from you.


So, you should not block someone who blocked you if you still want to fix your misunderstandings with them.


3. When they mean something to you.

If someone means something to you don’t block them after they have blocked you.


You should admit that you care about him or her. Don’t just get rid of him or her because he or she did it.


Most issues in a relationship are usually not solved by tit-for-tat games.


Sometimes when there is an argument one of you should be willing to swallow his or her pride to work things out.


There’s no way you will solve your issues if both of you cling to the fact that you didn’t do anything wrong.


One of you should be willing to calm down and apologize to make things right.


If you are debating about who should make the first move to solve the misunderstandings between the two of you, it will take years for you to make up.


When someone who means a lot to you does something to hurt your feelings, you don’t go and do something to hurt them too.


You will just have to let them be who they are and focus on what will change them.


You should just do nothing when he or she hurts you to make him or her feel guilty for what he or she did.


This person will have so many questions about why you chose not to block him or her after he or she blocked you.


Maybe it will be a reason for him or her to get back to you because of the guilt and also wanting to know why you didn’t take your revenge on them.


It will also make them realize that you are in love with them and no matter how much they hurt you, you will never bother doing the same thing to them.


So, don’t block someone who blocked you if they mean a lot to you.


This will leave an impression to them that you are still in love with them and you care about them.


Also, it will be the reason they know that you are still in love with them.

4. When you want them to still get their way to you.

If someone blocks you and decides to walk out of your life, don’t block them back if you want them to find their way to you again.


he blocked me should i block him too

He or she has blocked you but will end up unblocking you and try to get hold of you.


When he or she unblocks you and wants to talk to you it won’t be possible if you blocked them too.


How will he or she be in touch with you after you have blocked him or her too?


It will be impossible for them to contact you if you also block them.


Trust me, when someone blocks you and you guys care about each other, at one point he or she will end up unblocking you.


And some might even try to reach out to you just to find a way to get back into your life.


So, if you want him or her to get away to be in touch with you again after he or she has blocked you, don’t block him or her back.



If someone blocks you don’t block them back if you are still hoping that they will end up unblocking you and try to reach out to you.


There’s no way they will reach out to you if you decide to block them back immediately after they have done it.


They usually unblock after a while. You just need to be patient and he or she will get back to you.


If you care about fixing your issues don’t even think of blocking him or her after he or she blocked you.


The moment he or she finds out too that you have blocked him or her this will make it harder for you to work your issues out.


He or she will also conclude you don’t care about him or her and you can immediately walk away from him or her the moment he or she turns his or her back on you.


And that’s not how love works.


But if someone blocks you and you don’t want anything to do with them, you should block them too to get rid of your connection with them.


Related reads;

  1. He Blocked Me But Still Talks To Me: Here’s Why
  2. Why He Blocked You After Sleeping With You
  3. Is It Okay To Ask Your Partner To Block Someone?
  4. How Does A Girl Feel When You Block Her?
  5. 7 Things That Will Happen When You Block A Girl

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