My Boyfriend Wants To Break Up But I Love Him: Do This

If your boyfriend wants to break up with you but you still love him these are some of the things you should try before you let him go. The truth is that you can’t prevent him from ending the relationship if he doesn’t want to be with you.


But there are some things you can do that might change your boyfriend’s mind.


What you need to know is that relationships end every day. You can’t hold on to someone who doesn’t want to stay.


That is the sad thing about relationships. So, if he wants to break up with you and you still love him, you should do this.


This is what to do when your boyfriend wants to break with you but you still love him;

1. Find out why he wants to break up with you.

If your boyfriend wants to break up with you but still loves don’t just accept it.


He wants to break up with me but i still love him

You need to find a way to convince him to stay if you know that he is truly into you.


If you have been dating for a while, you know how he feels about you. You can use that to keep him around.


But you won’t know how to convince him to stay if you don’t know why he wants to break up with you.


When your boyfriend wants to break up with you the first thing you should do is find out what is wrong.


You have to know why he wants to break up with you if you want to change his mind.


When you know the problem, it will be easier for you to find the solution.


How can you know why your boyfriend wants to break up with you?


If you want to know why your boyfriend wants to break up with you the first thing you should do is observe the situation of your relationship.


Is your relationship with him in good standing?

Are you happy with each other?


Are there unresolved conflicts between the two of you?

Is it because of his family?


Read also; 12 Signs Your Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Like You (+To Do)


All these are questions you should find answers to for you to have an idea of how you can convince him to stay.


If your boyfriend wants to break up with you because of something you can work on, don’t accept to let him go.


On the other hand, if he wants to break up with you because you are the problem, you will have to find a way to fix yourself if you want to convince him to stay.


You will have to change and show him that you are a different woman and you are ready to submit to him.


The next thing you can do to find out why your boyfriend wants to break up with you is to ask him.


If you have no idea why he wants to break up with you, sit down with him and ask him why he wants to pull out the plug.


He is your boyfriend; he will still open up to you about why he wants to end the relationship with you.


The response he will give you is what you will use to work out the problem between the two of you.


As long as he wants to break up with you because of something you can fix, you can change his mind about breaking up with you.


2. Try to fix any misunderstandings between the two of you.

Now that you know why your boyfriend wants to break up with you, this is what you should do next.


You need to fix the misunderstandings between the two of you if you want your boyfriend to stay.


If you still love him don’t just give up on him yet. Show him that you are ready to be with him no matter the cost.


When your boyfriend wants to break up with you because of a conflict between the two of you; you need to find a way to fix the issues between the two of you.


If you did something to hurt his feelings you will have no choice but to swallow your ego and apologize to him.


Let him know that you are sorry for everything you did, admit all the mistakes you made, and show him that you are ready to work things out.


The moment your boyfriend sees that you are ready to fix the relationship, if he truly loves you and just wants to end the relationship with you because of the issues you are trying to fix, he will stick to you.


So, you need to be honest. If you did something to disappoint him and that is why he wants to break up, find a way to make it up to him.


First, you need to fix any misunderstandings between the two of you if you want him to stay.


Eliminate any reasons that want to make your boyfriend break up with you.


If you are the reason why he wants to work away, you need to change for him.


Let him know that you are ready to be the woman he wants you to be and you will never disappoint him.


If you still love him you should be ready to do anything for him. When he gets what he wants from you he is likely to change his mind and stay with you.


As long as it’s something that will hurt you in any way, you should do it for him.


3. Express what you feel for him.

If your boyfriend wants to break up with you but you still love him don’t just let him go.


What do you feel for him?

Why do you need him in your life?


Does he mean anything to you?


All these answers to these questions are what you should say to your boyfriend.


Don’t shy away from expressing what you feel for him. He wants to break up with you but you can still convince him to stay.


If you love him let him know it. Let him know that if he leaves your life won’t be the same.


The truth is that you can’t force him to stay. But if you express what you feel for him this might convince him to work his issues with you and be with you.


Don’t only use words to express what you feel for him but also use actions.


If your love language is giving out and you know that he has always appreciated it, get him some gifts, buy him the things he loves the most, and ask him out on a date and surprise him.


These are the things you should do if you want him to stay.


Take your time with him do the things he always enjoys doing with you and just be yourself.


Be real with him the way you were when you first started dating.


It will remind your boyfriend of the good memories you had together and it will remind him why he took you into his life.


This is what you should do if you want your boyfriend to stay when he wants to break up with you.


Be yourself when you are expressing your feelings for him. Don’t do anything that won’t reflect on your personality. He knows you better.


4. Find out what he wants from you.

Your boyfriend wants to break up with you, now you know why he wants to end the relationship, do you know what he wants from you?


my boyfriend wants to break up with me but i still love him

What did he expect from you?

What does he want you to do?

Is there anything specific that your boyfriend wants from you?


These are some of the questions you should find answers to if you want your boyfriend to stick with you.


You need to find out what he wants from you before you let him go.


Ask him, “What do you want?” this is a question that might make him open up about what were his expectations when he started dating you.


If your boyfriend wants something from you that you can offer him then you should let him have it.


As long as it is not something that will hurt you or make your life harder.


Maybe he wanted an open relationship with you and it’s not something that you wanted to engage yourself in, maybe you can turn a blind eye to it and let your boyfriend have it.


It will hurt you for some time but you will get better as time goes by. As long as he will still be your guy, don’t let it affect you in any way.


You need to consider what he needs if you want him to stay.


Get your boyfriend what he wants or find a way you can be on the same page when it comes to what he needs from you and the relationship at large.


Maybe your boyfriend wants you to support him in something he wants to explore. It seems scary and strange to you. You will have no choice but to let him go ahead with it if that is what will keep him with you.


If you know that it won’t affect you and it’s one way of him sticking with you then you should let him do it.


But if he tells you that he doesn’t want anything from you other than ending the relationship, you will have nothing to do if this is the case.


You will have to let him go if he doesn’t want to be with you. Maybe he fell out of love with you and he no longer sees you the way he used to.


It can be that letting go of him is what will make him happy, let him go.


Sometimes you have to sacrifice a few things for the people you love.


5. Give him a break to figure things out.

If your boyfriend wants to break up and you have tried the things I have shared in this article but nothing seems to be working, you need to give him a break.


It doesn’t matter even if you spend years convincing him to stay, he will leave if he wants to.


You need to give him a break of about 2 weeks before you allow him to go. After the two weeks are done reach out to him and ask how he feels about the two of you.


When he spends some time away from you he will get a clear picture of what he feels for you.


If he wanted to break up with you because he was only overwhelmed, the space will help him recover.


Try to minimize your contact with him during this break so that you give him time to think about what he truly wants.


If he wants to be with you, you will know about it. But if he made up his mind that he wants to break up with you, you will have no choice but to let him go.


6. If you can’t change his mind let him go.

If you have tried everything but he still wants to break up with you, you will have no choice but to let him go.


boyfriend wants to break up with me but i still love him

It can be that he made up his mind that he wants to break up with you and nothing is going to stop him.


Maybe he found someone else and he is no longer in love with you and that is why he wants to walk away from your life.


You have to accept that he doesn’t want to be in your life at all. You love him but he doesn’t feel the same for you.


People fall in and out of love, he fell out of love a long time ago and that is why he wants to walk away.


Maybe you did something that broke his heart into pieces and he can’t withstand the pain at all.


He will only heal if he is far away from you.


Sadly, he wants to break up with you. Relationships start and end, you have to accept that and let him go.


You never know maybe after a few months away from you he will realize that you are the best woman he has ever had in his entire life.


They never know what they have until it’s gone.



If your boyfriend wants to break up with you but you still love him try everything you can to fix your issues.


Work out any problem that you know might be the reason why he wants to walk out of your life.


This might be what will convince him to stay.


But if he wants to break up with you because he is no longer in love with you or he has someone else in his life, the only thing you will have to do is let him go.


You can’t force him to stay with you when he wants to leave. Forcing yourself to someone who is not in love with you will only hurt you.


Let him go and focus on building your life and working on your career. He is not the last person you will come across in your life.


You will end up meeting another guy who is going to love you more than he did.


Before that happens you have to accept that he is no longer in your life. It doesn’t matter how you feel about him.


You love him but he doesn’t feel the same for you, let him go!


Related reads;

  1. Boyfriend Gets Mad When I Don’t Give Him Money: Do This
  2. Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend Because Of His Mom?
  3. Why Your Boyfriend Kicks You Out When You Fight
  4. My Boyfriend Avoids Me When I’m Sick: Why
  5. I Stopped Talking To Him And He Doesn’t Care: Why

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