Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend Because Of His Mom?

Your boyfriend’s mother is making your relationship hard to the extent that you are thinking about breaking up with him. Should you just end the relationship with him simply because his mother is making it tough for you?


Before you think of either breaking up with him or staying with him despite what his mom does you need to know this.


Your boyfriend’s mother is too much and you can no longer take it. The things she says and does make you feel like you are just dating the wrong man.


Your boyfriend’s mom doesn’t want the two of you to be together, she doesn’t like you and she is doing everything she can to end your relationship.


Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend Because Of His Mom?

You shouldn’t break up with your boyfriend because of his mom since she is making your relationship hard, she doesn’t want you to be with your man and she doesn’t like you, yet your boyfriend is there with you every step of the way to help you out.


should i leave my boyfriend because of his mom

There’s no need for you to end your relationship simply because of the challenges his mother puts you through.


If your boyfriend is on your side, no matter what his mother does, he will always be there to help you out.


You decided to date him because you were in love with him, so don’t break up with him because of his mom.


You shouldn’t just give up on him just because his mother is putting you through a tough time.


Every relationship will be tested. The course of a true relationship will never run smoothly.


You have to accept that if you want to have the energy to keep fighting what your boyfriend’s mom is putting you through.


If you have the means to counterattack everything negative that your boyfriend’s mother is throwing at you peacefully, don’t break up with your man because of her.


Keep on fighting for your relationship no matter what happens. She will at one point get tired of fighting you to end the relationship when she notices that it keeps making the two of you stronger.


His mother will do everything to see your relationship with your boyfriend failing simply because she doesn’t like you.


Read also; My Boyfriend’s Parents Don’t Want Us Together: Do This


If you let your relationship slip through your hands simply because your boyfriend’s mother is harsh on you then you are giving her what she wants for sure.


Let me summarise everything I just typed above in this article before I go to another section.


If your boyfriend’s mom is making your relationship hard to stand still and you still have a fighting chance because your boyfriend is on your side, don’t give up on it. Keep on fighting for him as long as you can.


This is when you should break up with your boyfriend because of his mom;

1. When your boyfriend supports his mother on what she wants.

You should break up with your boyfriend because of his mom when he supports his mother in everything she does and says.


If your boyfriend is on his mother’s side there is no way you have a chance of winning.


You will only have a fighting chance when your boyfriend is on your side helping you deal with everything that his mother throws at you.


Read also; Boyfriend Chooses His Mother Over Me: Do This


But if your boyfriend is okay with everything she says and does to you there is no way you can win this fight.


No matter how much you love your man, you will have no choice but to break up with him.


If your boyfriend can’t protect you from his mother who will?


Your boyfriend is supposed to be there for you when his mom does or says anything that hurts your feelings.


He should be there to oppose and prevent his mother from hurting you.


But if he doesn’t have a say in anything that his mother does yet he sees that you are in a tough situation because of his mom, run away quickly out of that relationship.


Don’t think of walking away because you might get pulled back!


You are in danger in that relationship and no matter what you do, nothing is going to change and your boyfriend’s mom will get what she wants.


If it’s for the relationship to end, it will.


2. When your boyfriend’s mom is toxic and he can’t do anything about it.

The rule of thumb in any relationship, you should never be in a toxic relationship.


should i break up with my boyfriend because of his mother

I know you are not in a relationship with his mom. But your boyfriend’s mom is making the relationship toxic for you.


It doesn’t matter when your boyfriend doesn’t take a turn in hurting you but if he supports his mother in what she does that relationship qualifies as a toxic one.


You love your boyfriend so much and that is why you are trying everything you can to solve this issue.


Your boyfriend’s mother talks bad about you, she hurts you physically and mentally and you don’t have peace of mind at all unless when she is out for some groceries.


Read also; Boyfriend’s Family Talks Bad About Me: Do This


If your boyfriend’s mom does anything to hurt you physically or emotionally and yet your boyfriend supports her in that you should end that relationship.


End that relationship because it might be the death of you. You can’t hold it any longer because his mother will ensure you get drawn.


There is nothing you can do about this. The more you fight to keep the relationship going the more you will get hurt because no one will be there to help you but yourself.


If your man can’t do anything to stop his mother from hurting you, do you think he will stop her when she comes physically to you?


Maybe you can manage her physically, if you have hurt her instead all the blame will be on you.


His entire family will come hard at you and nothing will stop them from putting you in a rough situation.


Why bother sticking to him if his mother is toxic?


End the relationship immediately no matter what your boyfriend will say about it.


If he truly cares for you and needs you to be with him, he wouldn’t have left his mother to do things to hurt you yet he could have done something to stop her.


3. When there’s no way to turn your relationship the way it was.

I know you are thinking of ending the relationship since things are really tough for you to handle.


Your boyfriend’s mother doesn’t like you at all and you have been fighting her since she knew the two of you were together.


The relationship right now is a mess and there is nothing you can do about it.


Trust issues have emerged because of your boyfriend’s mom setting you up in situations you can’t handle.


Your boyfriend no longer looks at you the same way because of the friction you always create with his mother.


No matter how hard you try, things are always the same; they calm down and erupt again when his mom comes between your relationship with your boyfriend.


The moment your relationship with your boyfriend reaches this point and you have no power to fix it the best thing you can do is to end it.


Break up with your boyfriend but before you do that let him know why you are doing it.


When your relationship is beyond a fixing point since your boyfriend’s mother has ruined its foundation, you will have to accept that you can’t change anything.


Don’t put yourself in a relationship that keeps taking much of your time to fix to the extent of you not having time for yourself and the life you are fighting so hard to build.


If you are at the point of giving up on your career just to work on your relationship or yourself, this is not worth it for you to go through.


The relationship is beyond the fixing point. End the relationship, take time to work on yourself, and heal.


It’s not worth it for you to let go of everything you have been working on simply because of a relationship that doesn’t have a chance of turning around.


If the relationship is beyond the fixing point just let it go.


4. When you can no longer focus on anything other than the fight you have with his mother.

Maybe you have a shot at keeping the relationship alive, maybe you don’t.


Your boyfriend’s mother is making the relationship a living hell for you.


He is there to help you handle his mother but still, you have to do the large handling because he doesn’t go through what you do.


Maybe he will tell his mother to stop doing this and that and then he will walk out of the house to hustle.


You are left with his mother in the house and the guard you must put on to survive automatically turns on.


This doesn’t make you focus on anything else other than being happy and safe around your boyfriend’s mother.


You walk in armor in your own house because your boyfriend’s mother is around.


Everything you do in that relationship is controlled by his mother.


You can’t do anything peaceful when she is around.


She is always looking for faults in you in anything you do so she starts lashing out at you.


This goes on every single day when your boyfriend’s mother is around. Since you stay with her and you have no choice you always have to put up with her.


This continuous fight you have with his mother makes it harder for you to breathe and focus on anything else other than the relationship.


When it reaches a point where you can no longer focus on anything else other than fighting your boyfriend’s mother you will have to end the relationship.


Break up with him because as long as you are with him this fight will always keep going.


5. When your relationship is a mess and he blames you for it.

If you are busy fighting his mother every single day, it will be hard for you to focus on building your relationship.


should i break up with my boyfriend because of his mom

You won’t focus on making your boyfriend happy when you know that the moment you let your gut down you might end up losing him.


This will keep you in fear; the fear of losing your man because of the fight his mother puts you through.


When you are in a situation like this it will be hard for you to give the attention your boyfriend wants.


The relationship won’t be as sweet as it used to be when you first started dating.


Due to a lack of focus on making the relationship better simply because of what you are going through in the hands of your boyfriend’s mother, it’s a mess.


Instead of your boyfriend understanding that you have to put up with his mother every day, he starts blaming you for everything happening.


He makes you feel like you are the bad person in this story.


Read also; My Partner Makes Me Feel Like A Bad Person: Do This


What he doesn’t know is that you have been trying your best to change the situation.


If he doesn’t appreciate the fight you are in just to maintain the relationship you will have no choice but to end the relationship.


You deserve to rest and another guy whose mom won’t make your life difficult.


If your boyfriend puts you in a hot seat and his mother does the same, you have no choice but to walk away.



You should break up with your boyfriend because of his mother when you have no means to change anything.


If you look at the situation and you find out that your boyfriend is also helping his mother to wreck the relationship in pieces you will have no choice but to walk away.


End the relationship and find yourself another guy.


But if you have a chance to handle what your boyfriend’s mother is putting you through since your boyfriend is on your side, keep fighting.


Let your boyfriend know what you are going through and suggest ways to ease the tension that exists between you and his mom.


If he cares about you and wants the relationship to survive, he will never let you suffer at the hands of his mom.


Related reads;

  1. What To Do When Your Boyfriend’s Family Is Toxic
  2. Why Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Want To Meet Your Family
  3. Boyfriend Says Family Comes First: It Means?
  4. My Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Talk To Me: Do This 
  5. He Introduced Me To His Family And Then Broke Up With Me

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