My Boyfriend’s Parents Don’t Want Us Together: Do This

If your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you together the only thing you may be thinking about right now is to end the relationship.


In this article, I will share what you should do if your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you to date.


You love him and he loves you back. This is what you should focus on right now.


There is no way you can change what your boyfriend’s parents feel about you.


It can be that they don’t like you and that is why they don’t approve of you dating him at all.


There could be so many reasons why they don’t want you to date him; some might be reasons that you can fix while others not.


If your boyfriend’s parents don’t approve of your relationship with him, don’t think of ending the relationship without going through all these steps I will share with you.


This is what to do if your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you to date;

1. Find out why his parents don’t want you to date.

If your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you to be in a relationship this is the first thing you have to do.


boyfriend's parents don't want us to date

You first have to find out why they don’t want you to date. Maybe there is something you can do to turn things around.


Right now you can’t ignore this at all if you haven’t tried to solve it.


I know there are cases where it will be hard for you to do anything about his parents.


You will only have to focus on your relationship.


If they don’t want you to date, is there something behind their disapproval?


Does it have something to do with you or your family?


Is it because of what you do?


Does your boyfriend’s parents want you to be in a certain way for them to accept you dating him?


These are some of the questions you should ask yourself before you decide to do anything.


This is something that is giving you a hard time. It is taking all your energy and focus.


I know it’s hard to focus on your relationship when his parents are doing everything to destroy it.


You aren’t happy because deep down you know things between the two of you will be hard considering how his parents feel about you.


If you have an idea why your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you to date, you can easily find a way to navigate this situation.


You can ask your boyfriend why his parents don’t approve of your relationship.


Your boyfriend might have an idea why his parents don’t want you around.


If he once introduced you to them, you may have an impression of what made them disapprove of you.


Maybe it can be the way you presented yourself before them when he first introduced you to them.


The way you handled yourself when you were around them.


2. Resolve any conflicts between you and his parents.

If your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you to date and it’s all because of something that happened in the past, the first thing you should do is work on that issue.


You will have to find a way to make peace with your boyfriend’s parents if you want them to approve you.


It’s possible that they don’t want you to date him because of what happened.


If you find a way to get rid of the tension that is there between you and his parents, you might end up changing their minds about how they feel about you.


You will have to swallow your pride and apologize to them if you did or said something that hurt their feelings.


Maybe your boyfriend is always prioritizing them and you gave them the impression that you aren’t happy about it.


They took it to heart and that is why they don’t find you a good woman for their kid.


You will have no choice but to face them and apologize to them for what you did or said if you want to make peace with them.


But if there is nothing wrong that happened between you and his parents, they just don’t want you to date him because they don’t like you, there is nothing much you can do about that.


Unless they like you, they won’t be happy with you dating their kid.


Read also; My Boyfriend’s Parents Are Dependent On Him: What To Do


3. Create a good relationship with his parents.

If your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you to date don’t think of ending the relationship.


You didn’t choose his parents, you chose him. Nothing or no one should take you away from your relationship.


The moment you face a challenge like this and your first instinct is to end the relationship, you will always find yourself lonely.


Truth be told, every relationship has its challenges. For a relationship to prosper, you have to work harder on it.


It’s just like when you are working so hard to get something you want dearly in your life.


If your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you to be together, this shouldn’t be the reason for you to hate them.


Your boyfriend’s parents don’t know you the way your boyfriend does.


It can be that they misjudged you and that is why they don’t want you to be with him.


This is something that can happen. “Mistaken identity”


Try to get close to them and create a good relationship with them. Open up to them and let them know who you are.


When they know you better because of how close you are to them, it might change their minds.


You have to try to create a good relationship with them even when they talk bad about you.


Read also; Boyfriend’s Family Talks Bad About Me: Do This


4. Talk about this issue with your boyfriend.

If your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you to date and you have done everything I have shared above, this is the second last resort you will have to take.


You will have to talk to your boyfriend about this issue. Let him know what you have done and how hard you are trying to make things right with his parents.


It can be that your boyfriend has an easy way of working things out.


He can talk to them and work this issue out without breaking a sweat. They are his parents. He understands them better than you do.


Also, if there is no way that your boyfriend can change their mind about how they feel about you, he will give you a way forward on how to live around his parents.


He can also decide to take you far away from them.


This won’t happen unless you talk with your boyfriend and get a common ground about this issue.


If your boyfriend cares about what his parents think about you then it will be the end of the relationship because he won’t go against his parents’ wish.


When it reaches that point it will be hard for you to work out this issue.


But if he is on your side, it will be easier to find a way to fix this problem once and for all.


Your boyfriend will make sure things between you and his parents and you work out.


5, If you can’t change his parents’ minds, ignore them.

If you can’t change your boyfriend’s parents’ mind about how they feel for you, there is no way you can solve this.


my boyfriend's parents don't want us to date.

For instance, if your boyfriend’s parents don’t like you because of who you are there is no way you are going to change that.


You can’t change who you are for your boyfriend’s parents. When it comes to changing your personality to please them, you will have to give up on that.


They don’t want you together, if there is something you can do to change their minds you have to do it, but if it involves something that is going to hurt you or make your life miserable, you shouldn’t bother doing it.


You will have to ignore them and focus on your relationship. As long as your boyfriend is on your side, the relationship will keep on going.



If your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you to be together and you have tried everything to change their minds, and nothing is working, you will have no choice but to ignore them.


It is impossible for them to like you if they don’t appreciate you as an individual.


You will have no choice but to focus on your relationship.


As long as your boyfriend is on your side, he will always be there for you no matter how his parents feel about you.


If there is a way to make peace with his parents to change their minds about how they feel about you, take a chance.


To be honest, you will have it hard if you don’t work things out with your boyfriend’s parents.


At one point you will have to face them to make things official. If you will end up marrying, you will have to always be around his parents during special occasions.


This will force you to work things out, create peace, and find a way to make them approve of your relationship.


If your boyfriend’s parents don’t want you to be together, focus on your relationship and make it even stronger.


You will have to end the relationship if your boyfriend also supports his parents in this.


There is no way this relationship will go on for long if he always listens to his parents when it comes to relationships.


Related reads;

  1. Boyfriend Says Family Comes First: It Means?
  2. Boyfriend Chooses His Mother Over Me: Do This
  3. He Introduced Me To His Family As A Friend: Why?
  4. My Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Talk To Me: Do This 
  5. He Introduced Me To His Family And Then Broke Up With Me

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