My Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Talk To Me: Do This 

Your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you, this is driving you nuts. In this article, I will share what you should do about this problem. 


What you should understand is that your relationship with your boyfriend’s family is important to the foundation of your relationship. 


If you are aiming to build something that is going to turn into a marriage, you need to fix your relationship with your boyfriend’s family. 


Your boyfriend cares about his family. It will be hard for him to ditch his family no matter how bad it’s just to be with you. 


When your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you this can be a barrier whenever anything happens. 


This means it will be hard for you to make the relationship official.  


You won’t attend your boyfriend’s family gatherings, ceremonies, or burials. 


It will wreck you. If you don’t care about your boyfriend’s family because you feel that you should only focus on your relationship, you are wrong. 


Whether you like it or not, at one point you will need to connect with your boyfriend’s family. 


If your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you, some issues will stop. 


Your boyfriend won’t be able to talk to you about his family issues because there is no way you will get between him and his family to help him out solve several problems. 


It will be hard for your boyfriend to share with you any challenges that your boyfriend is going through with his family. 


This will create a distance between you in a kinda way. He will need to find someone whom he can share with what is happening in with family. 


You will be left out and this might end up ruining your relationship if you don’t fix your relationship with your boyfriend’s family. 


Without wasting time, let me share what you should do when your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you. 


What to do when your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you; 

1. Find out why his family doesn’t talk to you. 

If your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you the first thing you have to do is find out the root of the cause. 


boyfriend's family doesn't talk to me

You need to know why your boyfriend’s family doesn’t want to talk to you. 


Is there something you did in the past that wrecked your relationship with your boyfriend’s family? 


Did you do or say something that made your boyfriend’s family resent you? 


The only way you will be able to solve this issue and make your boyfriend’s family talk to you is if you find out why they don’t talk to you. 


There could be hundreds of reasons why your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you. 


The quickest way to solve this problem is to find the main source of the problem. 


I think you have an idea why your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you. 


You see clearly where some things between the two of you don’t align. 


It can be something about you or them. 


Have you met your boyfriend’s family before?

If you met your boyfriend’s family and something between the two of you didn’t click that could be the reason why they don’t talk to you. 


If they are religious and the way you dressed didn’t impress them it can be the reason why they don’t want to talk to you. 


They think that you don’t respect their culture at all and that is why they don’t want to talk to you. 


You didn’t present yourself before them the way they wanted and that is why they don’t want to involve themselves with you. 


On the other side, if your boyfriend’s family doesn’t want to talk to you yet your guy never introduced you to them, it can be that they don’t approve of you. 


Your boyfriend’s family doesn’t want you to be with their relative and that is why they don’t want to talk to you. 


They don’t approve of you dating your boyfriend and that is why they don’t talk to you. 


It can be that your boyfriend told them about you and they told him to let you go but he is still with you. 


He didn’t want to tell you the truth because he thought it would make you unhappy. 


Your boyfriend has been hiding the truth from you and that is why you have no idea of what is happening. 


This may be also one of the theories as to why your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you. 


Furthermore, if you have ever interacted with your boyfriend’s family it could be that you did something that they didn’t like. 


You never apologized because you had no idea that you did something wrong at that moment. 


There could be so many reasons why your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you. 


What I share with you could be some of the potential reasons but you have to dig deeper to know why they don’t talk to you. 


At some point, you will have no choice but to talk to your boyfriend about this issue. 


It will be hard for you to solve this problem on your own if it’s harder to get closer to your boyfriend’s family. 


2. Resolve any misunderstandings that exist between the two of you. 

Once you find out why your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you it’s time for you to fix the issues. 


If you know why your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you and you have an idea why that is so, put your work on it. 


What you need to do is to find a way to resolve your misunderstandings and fix your relationship with his family. 


For instance, if you know that your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you because you said or did something that goes against what they value, you will have no choice but to face his family and apologize. 


You will have to face his family and tell them how sorry you are for what you did. 


There is no way your boyfriend will help you out here.  


On the other hand, if you find out that your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you and it’s because of something you can solve with the help of your boyfriend or without it, work on fixing the relationship. 


To be honest, there are other issues that you can’t fix. For example, if your boyfriend’s family doesn’t want to talk to you because they don’t accept you dating him. 


The only way you will be able to solve this problem is if you decide to walk away from the relationship. 


What I’m trying to let you know here is that if you want your boyfriend’s family to talk to you and there is something you can do about it, then you should do it. 


As long as what you will do won’t hurt you or your boyfriend in any way. 


But if you know that it’s something that can’t be solved or you can’t do it on your own, you will need your boyfriend to help you out. 


Sit down with your boyfriend and share with him what is going on. 


If he already knows about this problem, ask him to help you solve this problem. 


He will do everything he can to make sure that the situation between you and his family is resolved. 


That is if it’s something that can be fixed and it has nothing to do with your personality or who you are in general. 


If your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you just for who you are or what you believe in, it will be hard for you to solve this situation. 


You will have no choice but to be with your boyfriend and accept the fact that his family will never talk to you as long as you are holding on to what you believe in. 


As I told you earlier, some somethings can be solved while others do not. 


Access the situation and see which side you are on before you start breaking your heart pleasing people who want nothing to do with you. 


3. Strive to create a good relationship with your boyfriend’s family. 

After you have worked out the issues that made your boyfriend’s family not talk to you, there is something else you need to keep on doing. 


boyfriend's family doesn't talk to me

Your relationship with your boyfriend’s family is not on good terms at all. 


You need to work on it. This is the only way you will be able to coexist harmoniously with your boyfriend’s family. 


The only way you will be able to forge a strong relationship with your boyfriend’s family is to learn more about the kind of people they are. 


Find out what they like and resent.  


When you know how to make them happy, it will be easier for them to like you and get closer to you. 


If they want you to present yourself in their ways when you are around them just do it to make them happy for the time being. 


You don’t have to carry their belief and dwell on what they believe in. 


Just do it for the moment to make them happy if that is what they want you to do. 


Don’t bring arguments about it because it will only keep making things worse between the two of you. 


If there was a conflict between you and your boyfriend’s family you should work on building the broken relationship if you want them to talk to you. 


You will have to get closer to them and show them that you are interested in forging the relationship again. 


You have to be nice to them, help them out when they are stranded, and take good care of your boyfriend. 


If you do things that will make them happy they might change their minds about you and talk to you again. 


Which will eventually improve the relationship between you and your boyfriend’s family. 


Another thing you can do is to talk to your boyfriend about this issue. 


If he loves you, care about you and he knows that this is something that hurts you, he will try his best to help you out. 


He will have to talk to them and express how the issues are affecting your relationship. 




If your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you because of a conflict, you will have no choice but to resolve the misunderstandings. 


You should put yourself out there and face his family to work things out. 


Don’t expect your boyfriend to do this for you if you know you are the reason why his family doesn’t talk to you. 


But if your boyfriend’s family doesn’t talk to you because they don’t just like you, they don’t approve of your relationship with him and the only thing they want you to do is end the relationship with him, you will have no choice but ignore them. 


You will have to focus on your relationship with your boyfriend. There is nothing you can do here. You can’t make his family love you by force. 


That can’t happen. It will be up to your boyfriend to admit the fact that you will never get closer to his family unless they change their minds about you. 


I hope I have helped you to figure out a way you are going to work on this issue. 


Related reads;

  1. Boyfriend Always Wants To Know What I’m Doing: Why? 
  2. When Your Boyfriend Compliments Another Girl: It Means? 
  3. 6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Wants Everything His Way

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