My Partner Makes Me Feel Like A Bad Person: Do This

The way your partner makes you feel plays a big role when it comes to how you will connect. If your partner makes you feel like a bad person in one way or another this is going to ruin your relationship.


You won’t be happy in that relationship because you will be finding fault in yourself which will be accompanied by so many doubts.


When you are in a situation like this it will be so hard for you to focus on building your relationship.


You will eventually develop low self-esteem which will wreck you down when it comes to holding yourself and the relationship together.


If your partner makes you feel like you are the one person who always ruins everything in that relationship, he or she blames everything on you and makes you feel useless you need to do something about it.


Holding that relationship into pieces will require you to be happy about yourself and the things you do in that relationship.


If at one point you feel like what you are doing in that relationship isn’t great for your partner, you will end up losing the morale to work on your relationship.


This means you won’t be putting effort into the relationship at all.


And this might be the first reason for your relationship to fall apart.


You need to do something about it if you want to hold onto yourself and the relationship.


This is what to do when your partner makes you feel like a bad person;

1. Find out why your partner makes you feel that way.

When your partner makes you feel like a bad person in your relationship the first thing you have to do is find out why he or she does that.


my boyfriend makes me feel like a bad person

You need to know why your boyfriend or girlfriend makes you feel like you are a wrongdoer in that relationship.


When you know why he or she makes you feel like a bad person it will be easier for you to focus on working on yourself and the relationship at large.


If you have no idea why he or she makes you feel that way it will be harder to come up with a way to fix this issue.


Your partner will not just want to make you suffer and wreck you down for no reason.


He or she loves and cares about you and he or she would never do anything to hurt your feelings.


If your partner does and says things to make you feel worthless in that relationship there is a reason for it.


What she or he is trying to do has a reason behind it and you need to figure that out.


How will you know why your partner makes you feel like a bad person?


You will get to know why he or she makes you feel like a bad person when you find the faults in your relationship, yourself, and in your partner too.


These are the three sides you should focus on if you want to know why he or she always blames you for everything wrong that happens in that relationship.


The first thing you can do is to think of any possible conflict between you and your partner.


If there is a conflict that you have never resolved this might be the reason why he or she makes you feel like you are the person to be blamed for everything wrong that is happening in this relationship.


On the other side, you should also look at yourself the way you handle your partner.


It can be that you are busy searching for a cause elsewhere but you are the reason for everything that is happening in your relationship.


Are you doing the right thing for your partner?


Do you treat him or her right?

Is there something that makes your partner blame you for everything that is happening in your relationship?


Answer the questions above to find out if you are the reason why your partner makes you feel like a bad person.


Another thing you can do is to check your partner out.


Is he or she okay?

Is your partner dealing with anything that drives him or her off the edge?


Is your partner stressed or depressed about anything?

Is your partner going through tough times because of what is happening in his or her life?


It can be that your partner is dealing with some things and that is why he or she keeps doing what he or she does.


If that is the case you won’t need to find somewhere else for the problem that is facing you right now in the relationship.


Start finding a way to help your partner out, you will learn more about it as you continue reading the next section of this article.


Is it because you don’t give him or her the attention she or he wants?


Read also; What To Do When Your Girlfriend Wants Constant Attention and Guys Get Mad When You Don’t Give Them Attention: Why? 


2. Work on resolving any misunderstandings between the two of you.

If you have found out that your partner is behaving the way he or she does because of the conflict between the two of you this is what you will have to do.


The only way your partner will stop making you feel like a bad person is if you work out the problems between the two of you.


The first thing you should understand is that your partner is doing this because he or she is not happy.


It can be due to the negative tension that exists between the two of you or how he or she feels about you after what happened.


If you had a conflict or something happened and he or she blames you for it, he or she will always make you feel like you are the bad person in the story.


Your partner will always conclude you are the reason for every bad thing that is happening in your relationship.


But if it turns out that he or she will be happy with how you treat him or her and there’s no conflict between the two of you, he or she will work on making you see the best in yourself.


So, if there is anything you did in the past that makes your partner make you feel like the bad person in everything that is happening you need to create peace with him or her.


Swallow your pride and apologize to your partner to make him or her understand that you admit that you are to be blamed for everything.


Show your partner that you admit the mistakes he or she points out to you and focus on creating peace between the two of you.


This is what will stop your partner from making you feel like the bad person in that relationship.


But if you keep denying that you aren’t the reason for what happened between the two of you and yet that isn’t the case, he or she will always keep pushing it towards you until you accept your mistakes.


He or she won’t be happy that you don’t admit you are to be blamed for anything bad that is going down in that relationship.


And that is why he or she always makes you feel like you are the bad person in this story.


Resolve your misunderstandings between the two of you.


If there is something you need to share with him or her about why you did what you did also share it with him or her.


You need to make him or her understand why you did what you had to.


The moment he or she understands why you did what you had to, it will stop your partner from blaming you for everything that is happening in that relationship.


You should also take a moment to listen to your partner.


It can be that you feel like you are the victim here but he or she is.


You may be hurting your partner and that is why he or she does what he or she does right now.


Maybe you are the problem and indeed he or she has the right to point it out to you for everything wrong that is happening in the relationship on you.


Take your time to see where you are going wrong and what changed when it comes to how you handle him or her.


This might also give you a solution to what is happening.


If your partner has issues and he or she is dealing with things outside the relationship that make him or her behave the way she does, figure out a way to help him or her out.


Your partner makes you feel like a bad person because he or she is going through a tough time and you aren’t there to help him or her out.


It can be that what is happening outside of the relationship is breaking your partner into pieces, he or she feels stressed and no one is there to support her or him in what he or she is going through.


Trust me, what is happening outside of the relationship has a big role to play when it comes to how your partner handles you in a relationship.


Work on these issues I have shared with you in this section of this article and it might be the only way to stop your partner from blaming everything on you that is going wrong in that relationship.


3. Let your partner know how you feel about what he or she does.

You need to talk to your partner and let him or her know how feel about what he or she does.


This should be after you have tried to work out any problems between the two of you.


If there is still a negative tension between the two of you it will be hard for your partner to listen to what you have to say.


Your partner may be doing this because he or she doesn’t know how it affects you as an individual.


To him or her, it may be a simple thing and a way to make you give in to what he or she wants from you.


What he or she doesn’t know is how this affects you and the relationship at large.


The moment your partner realizes how this is affecting you as an individual it will be easier for him or her to do the right thing.


Maybe your partner makes you feel like a bad person in that relationship just to manipulate you into giving him or her what he or she wants.


Your partner only sees it as a way to rip you off.


He or she may be doing this for your attention, money, or making solid decisions in that relationship.


The only way he or she feels that he or she can get what he or she wants from you is by making you feel like you are on the wrong side.


He or she wants to make you feel like you are the person who is oppressing him or her in that relationship and that is why he or she isn’t happy.


When you realize you are the person doing everything wrong in a relationship because of the decisions you make in that relationship, you will at one point let your partner decide on everything.


You will do that because you want to make him or her happy even when there is nothing wrong with what you do in that relationship.


Without you knowing that you are ruining your relationship and yourself too.


So, you need to let your partner know that what he or she does affects you as an individual and the relationship too.


Talk to him or her about how it affects you as a person and what you have to do to hold yourself together.


If what your partner does affects you in any way don’t shy away from talking about it.


Your partner needs to know the wrong turn of what he or she does if he or she is to stop what he or she is doing.


If it ruins your self-esteem you need to tell him or her about it.


On the other hand, if it makes you unhappy and feel incompetent (not good enough for your partner) let him or her know about it.


When your partner hears what you have to say about the negative effects of what he or she does and how you feel about it, your partner will stop making you feel like a bad person.


Instead of him or her blaming you for everything that is happening he or she will always try to figure out how to address you when he or she feels like something is wrong.


This is one way of stopping your partner from making you feel like you are the bad person in the picture.


Knowing how this affects you may be a reason for him or her to stop what he or she doing right now.


4. To hold the relationship together, focus on the positive parts of yourself.

The way your partner makes you feel about yourself determines whether you will hold yourself and the relationship together.


my girlfriend makes me feel like a bad person

What I can tell you is that no one is responsible for how you feel about yourself.


It doesn’t matter what your boyfriend or girlfriend says about you.


You will only feel bad about yourself when you allow yourself to sink into what your partner claims about you.


The question is, do you have to ignore everything your partner does and says about you?


As long as you are sure that you aren’t the bad guy here, there’s no need to blame yourself for everything that is happening here.


You don’t need to hold yourself accountable for every bad thing that your partner claims you did.


If your partner makes you feel like a bad person because of the things and mistakes you did in the past you will have to stop holding onto it.


What happened in the past doesn’t define who you are right now.


What your partner says and does to make you feel like a bad person doesn’t truly make you a bad guy in this relationship.


Do you want to tell me that the only part you have is the worst side of you that he or she is talking about?


If you were a bad person the way he or she makes you be he or she would have gone by now.


No one would want to be with a person who always wrecking things.


Your partner makes you feel like a bad person but he or she is always with you.


He or she should have walked away from you, why doesn’t he or she do that if you are truly the ghost in the story?


This can only mean one thing. Your partner wants to wreck you down into pieces.


If you want to hold yourself together and the relationship too you will have to hold on to the positive parts of yourself.


Don’t let what your partner does and says about you make you feel that you are worthless.


You are an incredible person and that is why he or she is still with you right now.


If you have anything that makes you feel a good guy in that relationship just hold onto that.


Stick with your virtues and let him or her rumble about everything else he or she wants to.


Your partner won’t make you feel like you are the bad guy when you hold yourself together.


He or she doesn’t have permission to make you feel worse about yourself.


You are the only one who decides what you want to feel about yourself in that relationship.


5. Assure yourself that you are better than how your partner sees you.

The next thing that will help you to hold yourself in place is assuring yourself that you are better than how your partner perceives you.


If you assure yourself by words and actions that you are better than what your partner thinks of you it will help you hold onto yourself and the relationship too.


The moment you conclude that you are the worst in that relationship, there’s no way you will manage to hold yourself and the relationship together.


I know you love and care about your partner and that is why you are here trying to find a way to handle this situation.


If you want your partner to stop making you feel like you are a bad person in this relationship go against what he or she thinks about you.


The moment your partner makes you feel like you are to be blamed for everything that happened in your relationship, assure yourself that you are the one person who made everything okay.


If your partner throws a negative vibe at you, respond with a positive one.


Counterattack the bad with the good ones and hold yourself on a high bar that he or she won’t be able to pull you down from.


This is what will help you cope with what your partner is throwing at you.


You need to hold onto yourself and don’t let your partner go away with the beautiful side of yourself.


If you let your partner convince you that you are the bad guy in this relationship, yet that isn’t the case, you will never get out of that.


This will wreck you as an individual and your relationship too.


Your partner may use this as an opportunity to exploit you and handle you like trash, don’t allow yourself to feel this way.


6. Ignore your partner’s words and deeds.

Another thing you can do when your partner makes you feel like a bad person is to ignore what he or she does and says to you.


my partner makes me feel like i am the bad person

Something that doesn’t hit you won’t hurt you.


Ignoring your partner may not be the best option for you to take but it will surely serve its purpose.


If you can’t do the things I have shared above this will be the only best solution for you to take to handle what is going on right now.


When your partner makes you feel like a bad person ignore what he or she does or says.


Ignore every negative comment your partner makes to make you feel worthless.


Don’t pay attention to anything that will wreck your feelings and lower your self-esteem.


Ignore the negative parts that your partner raises against you and focus on the best part about yourself.


This is what will help you counterattack what your partner does and says to make you feel like the bad person in the picture.



When your partner makes you feel like a bad person the first thing you have to do is find out why he or she does that.


If there is a reason why he or she makes you feel like a bad person work out on it.


Don’t just conclude you are truly the villain in the story when you try your best to uphold the best part of that relationship.


You should also take your time to observe how you handle him or her, it can be that he or she does that because of how he or she feels about how you handle her.


Look at both sides of the coin if you want to work out this problem.


Don’t be afraid to share what you feel about what your partner does.


Talk to him or her and share how you would like him or her to handle anything that emerges between the two of you instead of throwing blame at you.


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