If A Guy Talks Sexually Does He Like You?

When a guy talks sexually to you it doesn’t necessarily mean he likes you, some guys will just do this because they are just flirting with you. And when a guy flirts with you it doesn’t mean that he likes you either.


In this article, I will share with you why a guy would talk sexually and what it means.


One thing you should know about guys is that they are attracted to what they see.


A guy will be super excited to be around you, talk dirty to and even give you the impression that he wants something more from you.


Read also; When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?


This is all because he looked at your body and saw how amazing you are, started fantasizing and he can no longer hold himself up.


Sometimes it is very hard to know what a guy feels for you by just what he says to you in person or through texts.


When a guy is physically attracted to you he will give you the vibe that he wants to you.


Also, when he is truly in love with you he will give you the impression that he wants to be with you.


This can be confusing to know if a guy truly likes you or if he just wants you for your body.


What does it mean when a guy talks sexually to you?

When a guy talks sexually to you it means he is trying to give you the impression that he wants you sexually. He wants you to know that he wants more from you and your response will either keep him going or not.


when a guy talks sexually what does it mean

The moment a guy starts texting you dirty this shows that he wants you sexually.


This is the first thing you should note. If this conversation keeps on going simply because you are interested in him or the topic, at one point he will want to see you in person.


He will want to hang out with you in person if you have been texting and talking sexually to each other.


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The main intention of a guy talking sexually to you is to get you in the mood too.


Guys know that when they start talking dirty to a woman she will be turned on.


So, when a guy starts texting you and talks dirty to you this means that he wants to get you in the mood of what will come next.


Some girls get excited and interested when guys talk dirty to them. If you give this guy the impression that you enjoy texting and talking dirty he will keep it going.


When a guy talks sexually to you it can also be a way of finding out what you feel and think about him.


Maybe he wants to know if you are interested in him and if you can give him a chance and get intimate. He will start texting dirty.


A guy knows well that the response you will give him will account for what you feel for him.


If you aren’t interested in him, you will immediately ask him to stop talking dirty, if he is texting you the block will follow or even stop replying to his texts.


When you respond positively to him when he is talking sexually to you this will keep him going.


He will use this as a sign that you are interested in what he is bringing to the table.


Don’t be fooled, some guys will talk sexually even when they aren’t interested in you.


A guy may talk sexually to you just to spend time with you, he’s bored and wants someone to keep him busy, and when he is on heat and you are the only available person he can entertain.


Don’t let what a guy says or texts you conclude that he wants more from you.


If the only thing he talks to you about is sex when he texts or calls you this is just a sign that he is only using you for the moment.


He probably wants sex from you and after that, he will just block you or ghost you.


Read also; Why He Blocked You After Sleeping With You


If a guy talks sexually to you does he like you?

When a guy directly starts talking sexually to you without having expressed what he feels for you, showing you that he is interested in you in any way and he hasn’t been pursuing you at all, he doesn’t like you.


He is only talking sexually to you simply because he got the chance to do it.


You gave him the time and connection to do that.


If a guy is truly interested in you he won’t lead with sex talk. This is because guys know that you will depict what they want from you when they start their conversations at such an angle.


A guy talking sexually to you out of nowhere doesn’t like you. It doesn’t matter how you feel about him don’t give in simply because he wants something more from you.


Some guys will start talking sexually when they are comfortable around you, you have given them the impression that you want them to turn the conversation to that angle and they find you attractive.


They look at your body and they can’t help themselves but talk about what is running in their heads.


Read also; What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 


You need to know to difference between love and lust. Don’t confuse the two.


If a guy approaches you and starts talking dirty without even knowing you better or giving you any vibe that he wants to be around you this is just lust talking.


He can’t be in love with you out of the blue.


There are some situations when a guy starts talking sexually to you, it will give you the impression that he likes you.


If he’s a guy who is so close to you, once in a while he shows you that he wants you to be more than friends, he respects you and cares about you, when he talks dirty to you this clearly shows that he likes you.


Read also; When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?


He talks sexually because he wants you to know that he wants something more from you.


The way he feels about you and perceives you is what pushes him to talk dirty to you.


The part of him talking sexually is just to show you that he’s attracted to you sexually and he wants you to consider letting him in.


If he never had feelings for you he wouldn’t have been talking about this especially if he’s a guy who truly respects you.


It can be that he realized you didn’t notice how he feels about you and he had to start talking dirty and flirting with you so that you get the clear picture.


What to do when a guy starts talking sexually/dirty;

1. If you don’t like it let him know about it.

When a guy talks dirty and you don’t like it the first thing you should do is ask him to stop.


It can be that you like him and you want something more with him but you can’t handle the texts or words he says when he talks sexually.


It doesn’t make you comfortable when he talks sexually other than upsetting you.


The moment you notice that you don’t enjoy it when a guy talks dirty to you just let him know about it.


There is no need for you to pretend that you are in the zone when you aren’t even comfortable listening to him or reading the messages he sent.


Don’t pretend to like what he says just to please him when you don’t truly enjoy it.


Sex chats are to be enjoyed and help you connect with the guy you are talking to intimately.


If the words or texts make you feel the opposite of that just be honest with him about it.


This is the only way you will get him to stop talking dirty.


He will understand that you don’t enjoy what he brings to the table and will change the topic.


Don’t just start going mad at him for sending you dirty texts or talking sexually.


Be polite in what you say to make him understand that you aren’t comfortable, especially if he is a guy you are interested in.


2. If you are interested in him and you like it encourage him to keep going.

A guy talks sexually and you seem to enjoy it and at the same time you are interested in him, this is a golden opportunity for you.


if a guy talks sexually does he like you

Encourage him to keep the conversation going and even find ways to get him deeper in the zone.


If you have to send him some of your photos to keep him super excited for it then keep it going.


Respond with words or texts that will give him the impression that you like it and you want this to keep on going.


This will connect the two of you, it will increase the sexual attraction between the two of you and it will strengthen your relationship bond.


When a guy talks sexually to you it shows that he fancies you and wants more of you.


If he is a guy you would like to pull to your side, show him the dirty game.


Make him obsessed with you and pull him closer to you.


3. If you aren’t in the mood ask him to stop.

He may be a guy you are interested in. Today he talks sexually to you because he’s in the mood.


You don’t feel like talking and texting dirty.


If you aren’t in the mood let him know about it. And you can suggest the time and date you can keep it going.


If you are interested in him be polite to him when you tell him about what you feel.


Don’t make him feel like you hate what he says or texts you.


He will understand you if he cares about you and he is not talking or texting you sexually just to fulfill his desires.


4. If you aren’t interested in him just block him.

When a guy texts or talks to you dirty and you aren’t interested just block him if he doesn’t want to stop.


If you let him keep going with this conversation he will get too comfortable with you.


The only way to stop him if he keeps texting you dirty is to block him. You have nothing to lose here.


Don’t feel guilty for blocking him since he brought it to himself.



When a guy talks sexually and he has never shown you that he is interested in you before, don’t just conclude that he likes you.


He may want you sexually but it doesn’t mean that he needs you.


If he is someone you know, he has been pursuing you for a while, he respects you and cares about you, when he talks sexually this shows that he’s into you.


He is sexually attracted to you, he wants more than just what you are right now.


Anyway, when a guy talks sexually to you and you aren’t interested in that talk. Be honest with him about it and ask him to stop.


If he keeps going you will have no choice but to block him or distance yourself from him if he’s next to you.


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  1. Kinds Of Questions Guys Ask When Interested In You
  2. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?
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