12 Signs Your Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Like You (+To Do)

In this article, I will share sure signs that your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you. When you come across them be certain that they will try everything to end your relationship with your boyfriend.


If your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you, you need to know about it. What you should know is that your relationship with your boyfriend’s family becomes more important the more your relationship grows.


You will be around his family, you will need to interact with them and get on their good sides. When you know that they don’t like you, it will give you an idea of how you can win their hearts if there is anything you can do about it.


If your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you and you do not know, they might wreck your relationship easily.


His family will end up ruining your relationship simply because you have no idea of what is going on.


Your boyfriend’s family might set you up on things you thought they would never try just to make your boyfriend mad at you.


To avoid all these things and finding yourself in situations where your boyfriend will start hating you because of them, you need to know if his family is on your side or against you.


The signs I will share with you in this article will help you know if his family doesn’t like you or not.


At the end of this article, I will also be sharing with you what you should do when your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you.


Signs your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you;

1. They talk bad about you.

You have been introduced to your boyfriend’s family, you are excited about it. “The relationship is taking a turn now,” you tell yourself while smiling.


signs his family doesn't like you

The way your boyfriend’s family looks at you is just awful. They don’t look at you with joy in their eyes.


All they do is murmur when you are far from them. When you get closer to them they keep quiet.


They pretend that they are not talking about anything. When you turn your back on them they start talking again.


This only shows one thing; they are talking bad about you. If they were saying something nicer about you, they would want you and your boyfriend to hear about it.


The moment you try to sit around them and listen to what they say, they say nothing and everyone from that group walks away.


You are left alone there without knowing what is going on.


If your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you the first thing you will come across is that they will be talking bad about you.


They make bad and hurtful comments about everything that concerns you.


When you come across this habit from your boyfriend’s family, that is the first sure sign that they don’t like you.


Read also; Boyfriend’s Family Talks Bad About Me: Do This


2. They withhold information from you when there is a special occasion.

This is another sign you will come across when your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you. They will never share with you any special occasions that they will hold.


You will just hear from other people and your boyfriend that his family had a huge gathering. They had a wedding for your boyfriend’s sister; a girl you were so friendly with.


But they never told you about it.


They don’t share with you the calendar of any special events that happen during the year. All they do is hide everything to the extent you feel like there is something they don’t want you to know about.


Your boyfriend’s family talk to your boyfriend only when there is something important going on. You will realize that you are never in their circles.


It’s always up to your boyfriend to notify you about anything about to happen.


The moment you realize that your boyfriend’s family always hide important pieces of information from you about their special occasions just know that they don’t like you.


It doesn’t matter whether you aren’t from their traditions or not. You have the right to know about every event that usually takes place in your boyfriend’s family.


When you come across what I am talking about here, this is a sign that your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you at all.


3. They incite your boyfriend to break up with you.

This is another sign you will come across that will enable you to know that your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you.


When your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you they will do everything they can to ruin your relationship.


Your boyfriend might not be aware of this, but you will know for sure that they want to ruin the relationship by observing the things they do and say when they are next to you.


The moment you notice that your boyfriend’s family is trying so hard to end your relationship to the extent of inciting him to break up with you, this is a sign that they don’t like you.


Sometimes they will do and say things to make your boyfriend feel that he didn’t make the right choice when he took you in his life.


They will talk about how great his ex-girlfriend was and even ask your boyfriend about her.


Whenever you make a small error, they start telling your boyfriend to get another girlfriend because you are good for nothing.


Once in a while they bring other girls when your boyfriend is around and introduce him to these girls. They talk greatly about these girls to make your boyfriend fall for them.


They secretly fill your boyfriend with lies about you, they make false accusations about you to your boyfriend just to make him angry with you.


Sometimes they set you up with other guys for your boyfriend to just come and see you in an awkward situation.


When you come across all these things from your boyfriend’s family, this is a sign that they don’t like you. They are doing this for your boyfriend to break up with you.


Read also; My Boyfriend’s Parents Don’t Want Us Together: Do This


4. They don’t allow your boyfriend to spend money on you.

Another sign you will come across when your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you is that they won’t allow him to spend money on you.


You will hear them talking about how spendthrift you are and pushing your boyfriend to save money other than helping you out with your projects.


They will try everything to make your boyfriend forget you in his budget. When your boyfriend wants to spend money on you, they will bring up their financial issues, some that don’t even make sense at all.


This is all to get your boyfriend to spend money on them and leave you out. The truth is that if your boyfriend believes that his family is struggling financially he will always choose to help them first.


Read also; Boyfriend Says Family Comes First: It Means?


Since your boyfriend doesn’t know what is going on between you and his family. He will always keep you aside and help his family first.


Your boyfriend will do that thinking that he will then come and help you out, but the number of problems that his family shares with him exhausts all his money.


You are left with your financial problems while your boyfriend’s family is drinking champagne.


Your boyfriend’s family gives you the impression that they are controlling your boyfriend’s money, this is a clear sign they don’t like you at all.


They are doing this to make you suffer to the extent that you think of letting him go because he can’t help you in any way.


If your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you because he is focusing on his family, you will conclude that he doesn’t love and care about you.


This is enough for you to make an option of breaking up with him.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You


5. They try to control everything you want to do for your boyfriend.

You have big plans for your boyfriend. The support you give him is huge. You do all this because you want to see him succeed and be happy.


What your boyfriend’s family does is control everything you do. And what you will notice is that they do all these things to stop you from making him happy.


Instead, they use your ideas to do things so that your boyfriend gets the impression that everything he is experiencing is because of his family.


Whenever you plan to surprise your boyfriend during his birthday, they jump on your set-up just to make your boyfriend believe that they are the ones who did it.


They want to take all the compliments for themselves while they make you look like a bad person.


If there is anything you are trying to work on to make your boyfriend happy and you need their help, all they do is go against your back and change the event to their liking so that your boyfriend doesn’t realize you did those things.


The only thing they don’t control is the moment when you are with him in bed. And that is only because you have closed the doors.


If they could, they could even control the way you sleep with your boyfriend. When you come across this sign from your boyfriend’s family, just know that they don’t like you.


6. They give you tough conditions that you can’t manage.

This is another sign you will come across when your boyfriend’s family don’t like you.


They will be super happy to see you fail in everything you do so they keep telling your boyfriend how unfit you are for him.


Whenever they are around they will always give you tasks and conditions that they know you won’t manage to deal with.


They will be setting you up for failure. If you try to explain yourself to them about the task they have given you and how it challenges you, they ignore you.


They expect you to work on that task perfectly without even having help from any family member.


When you notice that your boyfriend’s family is giving you tough conditions whenever they are working on something important, just know that they don’t like you.


They want to point the blame at you when something doesn’t work out exactly the way they want.


All they do is push you to work on it but they don’t give you any clear ways of handling what they have asked you to.


When you come across this issue from your boyfriend’s family it’s a sign that they don’t like you.


7. They don’t put effort into knowing more about you.

After your boyfriend introduced you to his family you thought they would be super excited to get to know you.


signs your boyfriend's family doesn't like you

You thought that they would line up and ask you so many questions about where you are from and what you do.


They didn’t bother talking to you or asking you any questions. What they do is look at you with a weird look and just walk away from you.


Some of them even don’t pronounce your name well and they don’t care to learn how to pronounce it correctly.


You try your best to make conversations with them so that they can ask you questions but when you get closer they go silent.


The only thing they know about you is your name and it’s because your boyfriend told them.


Your boyfriend’s family doesn’t even bother to want to know anything about your family.


The moment you notice that your boyfriend’s family doesn’t put any effort into knowing anything about you, this is a sign that they don’t like you.


If they liked you they would sit around you and ask you so many questions about your life, what you do and where you are from.


But if you don’t see anyone from your boyfriend’s family trying to get to know you this shows that they aren’t interested in knowing you.


They don’t like anything about you, why would they bother themselves by asking you a bunch of questions that mean nothing to them?


8. They talk bad about your family.

If by any chance they know your family simply because your boyfriend told them, they will make negative comments about your family.


They will talk badly about your family’s background and everything that they stand for.


Even if your family has been doing great things in your community and has an incredible name, they won’t recognize that.


If there is a tiny mistake that your family made, they will stick to that and they might even use that to define you as an individual.


They will call you names related to the bad things that your family is known for without even caring what you feel about it.


When you realize that your boyfriend’s family talks bad about your family this is a sign that they don’t like you.


It’s not that your family did something bad to your boyfriend’s family, it’s just the hatred they have for you that makes them talk bad things about them.


This is another sign that you will come across when your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you.


They will say nothing positive about you or your family and any people that you are connected with.


9. They blame you for everything bad your boyfriend goes through.

This is another issue you come across when your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you.


They will always blame you for anything wrong that happens in your relationship.


If your boyfriend accidentally loses his job they will point all the blame at you. They will start saying you are the reason he got fired.


When your boyfriend’s financial status keeps declining, they also say you are using his money on things that aren’t important.


The moment you realize that when anything negative befalls your boyfriend his family starts blaming you this is a sign that they don’t like you.


The surprising thing is that they will never acknowledge the effort you are putting into making your boyfriend happy and successful.


They will never recognize the support you have given your boyfriend to be where he is right now. All they will point at are the losses and declines that your boyfriend is going through because of you.


This is what they use to incite your boyfriend to break up with you.


“She is the reason why your life is hard right now, she is spending all your money on things that don’t make sense”

“You should leave her if you want your life to become better.”

“If you stick with her it will be your downfall.”


All these are words coming out of their mouths whenever your boyfriend is going through a tough time.


If this is what you are going through in the hands of your boyfriend’s family, it’s a sign that they don’t like you at all.


They would do anything to end the relationship with your man.


10. They don’t compliment you when you are the reason for his success.

Your boyfriend’s family blame you for every negative situation that befalls your boyfriend. But they don’t compliment you for the success that he attains through your support and help.


The successful projects that your boyfriend has managed to secure, the deals that he got and the amazing lifestyle you are living in it’s all because you were there for him.


You supported him and helped him throughout the journey. You were patient with him, you believed him and even gave him all your savings to ensure that his businesses worked out fine.


They don’t see the sleepless nights you had just to help your boyfriend prepare for the big presentation that got him huge deals.


You are unrecognizable when they talk of this success.


If this is what you are experiencing from your boyfriend’s family, you don’t need to ask yourself so many questions. The truth is that they don’t like you.


You are just someone they know and your effort in your boyfriend’s success doesn’t add up to anything.


Don’t wait for compliments and many congratulations from them because you will never hear them.


11. They don’t give you friendly vibes when you are around.

This is another sign you will come across when your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you.


When you are around them they don’t even look at you straight in the eyes. All you get are their backs. They are busy talking bad about you.


All they do is criticize how you walk, talk and dress. They look at you like you are someone from another planet.


They give you weird vibes and smiles.


Your boyfriend’s family just walk past you like you are a pillar. They don’t recognize anything about you.


The moment you notice that your boyfriend’s family is giving you an unfriendly vibe this is a sign that they don’t like you.


You are not welcomed and that is why they handle you the way they do.


It’s like you just crushed the party when other people were having a good time. You came to ruin it all.


12. They clearly say to you that they don’t like you.

Apart from the signs I have shared with you in this article, another thing that will enable you to know that your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you is this.


They will tell you straight to your face that they don’t like you. That is if they have given you signs but you didn’t understand what they meant.


When it reaches a point where your boyfriend’s family tells you that they don’t like you, this is enough for you to know that you aren’t welcome.


They don’t approve of you dating him and all they want you to do is break up with him and walk out of their lives.


If they tell you that they don’t like you, don’t ask yourself so many questions about why they don’t.


You are different from the kind of woman they expected their relatives to bring; maybe it’s because of where you are from, your race, what you believe in or what you do in your life.


What you should know is that you can never change people who don’t like you.


Don’t start taking it hard on yourself that they don’t like you because you are a worse individual. If you were a bad person your boyfriend wouldn’t have chosen you.


Your boyfriend knows that you are an incredible woman and that is why he chose to even introduce you to his family, but they didn’t have the same impression he had about you.


Don’t blame it on yourself or your boyfriend, take it the way it is and find a way you can work on your relationship and grow it to where you want it to be.


Your boyfriend’s family doesn’t have the power to snatch your man away from you, it doesn’t matter how much they dislike you, your man will always be yours.


What to do when your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you

If your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you don’t blame it on yourself. Try your best to create a good relationship with his family despite what they feel about you. Be kind to them and help them out when they are stranded. Show them the positive side of you they have never seen before.


what to do when your boyfriend's family doesn't like you

Maybe if they get to know you better and how incredible you are, they might change how they feel about you.



If you have tried everything to change how your boyfriend’s family feel about you but all your efforts are in vain, you will have no choice but to accept the fact that they will never like you.


You should only focus on your relationship and yourself. The rest shouldn’t take so much of your time and energy.


As long as they dislike you but they don’t hurt you, just focus on what you care about and leave the rest. But if your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you and hurts you at the same time (they are toxic) you will have to talk to your boyfriend about it and find a way to be far away from them.


Read also; What To Do When Your Boyfriend’s Family Is Toxic


When you are far from his family you will be safer because it will be hard for them to do anything to hurt you without your boyfriend noticing.


This is what you should do if your boyfriend’s family doesn’t like you.



The signs I have shared with you are enough to let you know what your boyfriend’s family feel about you.


Don’t just find one sign from this article and just conclude that his family doesn’t like you. You need to gather enough signs for you to be sure about how your boyfriend’s family feel about you.


Before you conclude that your boyfriend’s family dislike you, find out if there is anything wrong you did to them.


Have you done anything that goes against what they stand for? Did you say anything to make them angry when your boyfriend first introduced you to them?


It can be that you started on the wrong foot when you came to your boyfriend’s family and that is why they don’t like you. You never apologize for what you did or said because you didn’t think that you made a mistake.


They thought that you disrespected them and their culture and that is why they don’t like you. If there is anything you did that makes your boyfriend’s family dislike you, swallow your pride and apologize to them.


Let them know that you admit the mistakes you made and you are sorry for anything bad you did or said to make them dislike you that much. This might be what you need to fix the relationship between you and your boyfriend’s family.


Related reads;

  1. My Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Talk To Me: Do This 
  2. Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend Because Of His Mom?
  3. My Boyfriend Tells His Mom About Our Fights: Do This
  4. My Boyfriend’s Parents Don’t Want Us Together: Do This
  5. Why Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Want To Meet Your Family

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