7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You

Your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you and you are wondering why that is the case. 


You expected him to take care of you financially when you are down, help you pay your bills, and treat you, but he doesn’t do any of that.


In this article, I will share some of the reasons why he doesn’t spend money on you. 


What you need to know is that there might be several reasons why he doesn’t spend a dime on you. 


Some of these reasons may be influenced by how you handle yourself before him or his financial situation. 


Without wasting time, let me list down the reasons for you to understand why he doesn’t spend money on you. 


This is why your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you; 

1. He doesn’t have the money to spend on you. 

If your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you, the first common reason is that he doesn’t have the money to spend on you. 


he doesn't spend money on me

Most guys always want to be there for their girlfriends and support them financially. 


When a man feels helpless before someone he cares about it usually crashes him down. 


Every man wants to feel that he is in control of any situation that befalls him. 


If he is helpless, it makes him feel inferior. 


So, if your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you, it’s because he doesn’t have the money. 


He is struggling financially and that is why he doesn’t spend money on you. 


The amount of money he has all goes to his expenses and he is left with nothing more. 


It can be that he has to take care of his family with the little amount of money he has. 


His budget is really tight and that is why he doesn’t think of spending money on you. 


So, if you have observed that your boyfriend is struggling to clear his bills and his life is weighing him down financially, it’s because he doesn’t make enough money. 


He doesn’t have the money to spend on you and that is why he doesn’t think of buying you anything or treating you. 


You are asking yourself why he doesn’t spend money on you because you don’t understand his situation. 


It can be that he doesn’t tell you about his financial constraints and that is why you are trying to understand why he doesn’t spend money on you. 


If he doesn’t open up to you about his financial status it’s because he is struggling financially and he doesn’t want you to know about it. 


2. He is stingy. 

Another reason why your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you it’s because he is stingy. 


He is the kind of guy who doesn’t like to give out his money to anyone. 


You have to observe him carefully.  


Have you ever seen him helping someone financially?

Maybe giving money or anything of value to the needy he meets on the streets? 


Does he help his friends or his family when they are in need of his financial aid? 


If you have never seen your boyfriend helping anyone financially it’s because it’s very hard for him to give out. 


He is stingy and that is why he doesn’t even spend money on you. 


A stingy person will never think of helping anyone financially.  


So, if you have been dating for a while and he always seems so tight about giving money to you or even buying you something yet he has the money, it’s because he is stingy. 


It’s very hard for him to give out. When he gives out his money it has to be for a very crucial reason. 


This is the kind of guy who values the money he has.  


When he spends it on someone else, he feels like he is losing it all. This is the description of a stingy person. 


If your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you, this is one of the reasons why he doesn’t do that. 


Read also; 12 Genius Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Give You Money


3. He doesn’t think you need financial aid from him. 

Your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you because he thinks you are financially stable. 


You have a job, you buy yourself the things you want and even take yourself out for small trips. 


The way your boyfriend sees you is that you are thriving financially and he doesn’t think he has to help you with anything. 


You have the money to spend on yourself.  


When your boyfriend observes that you can take care of yourself financially because you seem well off, he will not bother spending money on you. 


Why should he help you financially when you have it all covered? 


To some extent, he might even be thinking that spending money on you will be like disrespecting you because he can’t get you what you really need. 


This is true especially if he is struggling financially and he knows that you earn more money than he does. 


He doesn’t think you need him to spend money on you because you got it all covered. 


Also, it can be that he doesn’t think you need him to spend money on you because you have never asked him to buy you anything. 


You always buy things for yourself and take care of the bills when you go out on a date. 


So, if you have never given a reason for your boyfriend to spend money on you, don’t be surprised if he thinks this way. 


You are well off, you take care of yourself financially than he can, why should he spend money on you? 


If your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you, it’s because he doesn’t think you need him to. 


You always get things done even without his financial aid. 


4. He doesn’t want to settle down with you. 

You may be surprised by this. Your boyfriend doesn’t want to settle down with you? 


How is spending money on you connected to him settling down with you? 


What you need to know is that when a man has made up his mind that he wants to settle down with you, he will always make the effort to support you financially. 


He will spend money on you even when you don’t want him to because he feels he should invest in you. 


A man will invest somewhere he knows it will bring him profits. 


So, if your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you, it shows that he doesn’t want to invest in you. 


If he doesn’t want to invest in you, it’s probably true that he doesn’t think of settling down with you. 


He is thinking of leaving you so soon and that is why he doesn’t even bother spending money on you. 


Your boyfriend is not thinking about the future with you. And that is why he doesn’t spend money on you. 


You should conclude this if your boyfriend never talks about his future with you, shares his plans with you, and doesn’t bother to introduce you to his family. 


If you have noticed the things I am talking about, your boyfriend is not ready to settle down with you. He is just passing by. 


And this is one of the reasons why he doesn’t want to invest in you. 


A guy who is ready to settle down with you and build a future will never stop spending money on you. 


He will want you to be at your best, he will take care of you financially in every way because he wants you to know that he is responsible enough. 


Also, he will spend money on you to give you a sense of financial security so that you aren’t worried about anything in the future. 


But if a guy is just passing by, he won’t think of spending money on you, he might even be thinking of exploiting you. 


5. You never spend money on him. 

Don’t be surprised at all if your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you. 


he doesn't spend money on me at all

Take a moment and ask yourself these questions before you conclude anything. 


Have you ever spent money on your boyfriend?

Do you support your boyfriend financially? 


Do you help your boyfriend to pay his bills when he is stranded?

Do you buy him gifts and things he wants so badly? 


The answers to those questions will give you an idea of why your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you. 


Every man has a different way of how he observes a relationship.  


It can be that your boyfriend is the kind of man who believes in a tit-for-tat game. 


He doesn’t spend money on you because you never spend money on him. 


So, if you have never made any effort to spend money on your boyfriend this could be one of the reasons why doesn’t do it. 


If you don’t spend money on him, why should he spend it on you? 


But if you made the effort to spend money on him, he would have been embarrassed not to spend a thing on you. 


6. He doesn’t care about you. 

Your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you because he doesn’t care about you. 


Someone who cares about you will do everything he can to make you happy and comfortable. 


Your boyfriend doesn’t care about you, he only pretends to care about you. 


You will know when someone cares about you, it’s not just empty words. 


If your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you, he is not someone who thinks so often about your needs. 


He doesn’t think of the things you need to buy that will help you make your daily life better. 


The only thing he thinks of is himself and the things and people he cares about but not you. 


Do you want to tell me your boyfriend doesn’t know that you need his financial help? 


Your boyfriend knows it all but he chooses not to do a thing about it. 


He just doesn’t care how you pay your bills, buy the things you need, and get yourself the amazing dresses you have. 


When you make your hair and nails to impress him, do you think it doesn’t hit his head how you got all that done? 


Your boyfriend sees it all but he just doesn’t care and that is why he doesn’t spend money on you. 


A guy who cares about you will observe you and look at what you need from him. 


He will be ready to take care of some of the things that matter so much to you without even thinking twice. 


So, if your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you, it’s because he doesn’t care about you at all. 


7. He wants you to be an independent woman. 

Your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you because he wants you to be your own boss.  


He wants you to be an independent woman and that is why he doesn’t go out of his way to help you financially. 


The more he helps you financially, the less independent you will be. That is what he is thinking. 


So, he doesn’t give you money or buy you anything because he wants you to work for what you need. 


When he gives you money or buys you something, it’s only when you have earned it. 


Your boyfriend thinks that when he doesn’t spend money on you, it will hit you hard. 


You will be furious at him and you will want to do something about it. 


This means you will start working hard to make your money so that you don’t bother waiting for him to buy you something. 


Your boyfriend sees it all, he knows the things you need and the money you need from him. 


He doesn’t spend money on you because he wants you to learn to take care of yourself. 


It can be that he used to spend money on you but he noticed it was changing you for the worst. 


He decided not to spend money on you again because he thinks it’s the best way to mold you into an independent woman. 




I have shared some of the reasons why your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you. 


Take your time to observe the ones that resonate with your boyfriend and find a way to fix them. 


If you have realized that your boyfriend doesn’t spend money on you because you don’t spend money on him, try to change that and see how things will go. 


Also, don’t be afraid to talk to your boyfriend about your financial issues. 


It can be that he doesn’t spend money on you because he is sure that you have it all covered. 


The conversation you will have with him about your financial problems might give you the answers you are searching for. 


Related reads;

  1. 6 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Wants Everything His Way
  2. Boyfriend Gets Mad When I Don’t Give Him Money: Do This
  3. My Boyfriend Doesn’t Like Me Wearing Makeup: Why?
  4. My Boyfriend’s Parents Are Dependent On Him: What To Do
  5. My Boyfriend Is Dependent On His Parents: Do This

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