I Stopped Talking To Him And He Doesn’t Care: Why

If you stopped talking to him and he doesn’t care this shows how he feels about you. On the other hand, it can be that he is not bothered when you stop talking to him because he concluded that you didn’t want anything to do with him.


In this article, I will share several reasons why he doesn’t care even after you stopped talking to him.


Before I go deep into this article, you need to know that when a guy realizes you don’t want anything to do with him even after trying harder to show you that he is interested in you, the moment you stop talking to him, he will choose to walk away.


The first thing that will make a man choose to walk away after you have stopped talking to him is what he feels about you.


If he loves you so much the moment you stop talking to him this will bother him.


He will want to know why you stopped talking to him so that if there is anything wrong between the two of you he can start working on it.


This man will be ready to fix things with you. If you stop talking to him simply because he did something wrong, he will apologize and admit his mistakes.


This is why he doesn’t care after you stopped talking to him;

1. He was not interested in you even before you stopped talking to him.

If you stopped talking to him and he doesn’t care this is the first thing you should know.


he doesn't care after i stopped talking to him

The truth is that he is not interested in you and that is why he doesn’t even care that you stopped talking to him.


This guy wasn’t interested in you even before you stopped talking to him.


You were the only one who initiated conversations; you texted and called him every time but he never bothered to do the same.


So, when you stopped calling and texting him, the line of communication between the two of you just ended.


You kept it alive as long as you could but it’s not that he was interested in talking to you.


The effort you were putting into maintaining the conversation with him is what made him keep talking to you.


So, if what I am saying right now about you texting and calling every time is true, this is just a sign that he wasn’t interested in you.


You didn’t want to see it that he wasn’t into you. Since you were into him, you kept initiating the conversations and you never stopped and asked yourself what he felt about you.


If you were the reason why he talked to you and when you stopped talking to him he didn’t bother reaching out to you, this is a clear sign that he wasn’t interested in you.


The moment you stopped talking to him he didn’t bother finding you to know what was wrong because you are not on his radar.


When a man is interested in you, he will always keep on initiating conversations with you.


If he realizes that you don’t call or text and it’s not something usually, he will call you or even come over to your place to see what is going on.


This brings me to the next reason why he doesn’t care after you stopped talking to him.


2. He doesn’t care about you at all.

He doesn’t care after you stopped talking to him because he doesn’t give a f*ck about you.


You are just someone he used to talk to when he was bored and lonely.


The only time he made an effort to reach out to you was when he wanted something.


He was only talking to you because you were giving him what he wanted for that moment.


This is the kind of guy who pretends to love and care about you when you are around.


The moment you aren’t around, nothing about you means anything to him.


So, if you were talking to him and made you feel that he cares about you, he wanted you around but when you stopped talking to him he decided not to check out on you, he doesn’t care about you.


A guy who genuinely cares about you won’t go days without talking to you especially when he notices that you have gone silent suddenly.


He will want to know what is going on with you, he will call, text and even want to see you in person.


If he won’t get hold of you he will try to talk to your friends or people she knows are connected to you just to find out why you went silent all of a sudden.


A man who cares about you won’t just give up on you when you stop talking to him it doesn’t matter the reason that made you stop.


Furthermore, if you stopped talking to him simply because you were angry at him, he would have disturbed you until you forgive him.


He won’t just stop talking to you too since you stopped.


If he is not reaching out to you after you stopped talking to him just know that he doesn’t care about you.


You are just someone he knows and it’s not that you mean anything to him.


3. He thinks you don’t want to talk to him.

This is another reason why he doesn’t care when you stop talking to him.


You gave him the impression that you are mad at him and that is why he doesn’t care.


He knows that if he tries to reach out to you, you won’t bother responding to him and that is why he reach out to you.


He thinks you don’t want to talk to him. Why waste his time on you if he thinks you don’t want to say anything to him?


It can be the vibe you gave him when you stopped talking to him.


You stopped talking to him and the last conversation he had with you was completely off.


This made him think that you are not interested in sharing with him anything and that is why he doesn’t care about reaching out to you.


If you did or said anything when you last stopped talking to him and it made him conclude that you don’t want to talk to him, this is why he doesn’t care.


He doesn’t care about reaching out to you, he just doesn’t say anything even when he sees you because what you did or said gave him another impression.


Read also; 7 Reasons Why He Saw You But Didn’t Say Hi


The moment a guy realizes that you don’t want to talk to him the first thing he will do is distance himself from you.


He won’t say anything to you simply because he knows for sure that you will end up ignoring him.


One thing you should know about guys is that they hate it when they are ignored.


It hurts them so badly.


Read also; Guys Get Mad When You Don’t Give Them Attention: Why? 


If you departed ways when you last stopped talking to him while you were mad, this made him conclude that you wouldn’t want to talk to him again.


This is another reason why he doesn’t care after you have stopped talking to him.


4. He doesn’t want to be seen desperate.

When you stop talking to a guy for any reason, and he is pursuing you, the first thing he will do is consider himself first.


It doesn’t matter how he feels about you. If he has been expressing his feelings for you and you have been taking him in circles, at one point he will just give up on you.


He won’t make an effort to talk to you about anything simply because he will just conclude you don’t want anything to do with him.


The moment he thinks of coming back to you after you have stopped talking to him it will seem like begging to him.


Read also; Will He Ask Me Out Again After I Rejected Him? 


We have guys who think so highly of themselves. If you stop talking to them without a solid reason and you know that they are truly interested in you, they will never reach out to you again.


If you won’t text them or try to get in touch with them they will just ghost you.


Read also; When You Ignore A Guy Who Ghosts You What Is He Thinking?


A guy will not come back to you after you have stopped talking to him and start asking you questions because he will seem desperate.


He doesn’t want to simp and be seen as a desperate guy. Desperate guys are considered weak.


It is not that he doesn’t care that you stopped talking to him. He wants to talk to you but the thought of him getting back to you is what scares him.


He doesn’t want you to think that he is too desperate for you and that is why even after you stopped talking to him he kept on coming back to you.


This guy knows that once you consider him to be weak and desperate for you, you will end up losing the respect you had for him.


And that is why he doesn’t care about reaching out to you after you stopped talking to him.


5. You are not the only woman he is talking to.

Another reason why he stopped reaching out to you after you stopped talking to him was that you were not the only woman he was talking to.


he doesn't care after i stopped talking to him

He has a list of women who he is interested in and that is why he doesn’t care about you.


You stopped talking to him but other girls still text him and call him more than you used to do.


He doesn’t see the need to reach out to you because you are not the only fish in the ocean.


You thought that he would try his best to reach out to you the moment you stopped talking to him.


He is busy with other women who are into him and still talk to him.


The truth is that if you were the only woman he was talking to, the only one he was interested in, the moment you stopped talking to him it would have bothered him.


He would have tried everything to get you to talk to him again because you are the only girl he wants around.


If he doesn’t care about you after you have stopped talking to him know that he is not interested in you.


You decided to take yourself off the list, now he only has to deal with the women who are still talking to him.



When you stop talking to a guy who cares about you, is interested in you and wants more from you he won’t just stop talking to you too.


He will try everything to get back to you and try to find out why you stopped talking to him.


This will make him try everything he can to be around you just to know what is going on.


But if you stopped talking to him but he doesn’t care just know that he is not interested in you.


There are so many women he talks to and if you decide to walk away from he won’t lose anything.


You are not that important to him and that is why he is not bothered at all.


If you stopped talking to him without a solid reason, it can also be that he thought you were no longer interested in him and that is why you ghosted him.


When a guy thinks that you are no longer interested in him he will not bother reaching out to you when you stop talking to him.


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  1. Kinds Of Questions Guys Ask When Interested In You
  2. If A Guy Talks Sexually Does He Like You?
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