Will He Ask Me Out Again After I Rejected Him? 

You rejected him and you are wondering if he will ask you out again after the rejection. 


What I can tell you is that men are different. Not all men will take rejection lightly. 


We have those who will decide to ghost you immediately after you have rejected them. 


They won’t be friend with you or be close to you for any reason because you want nothing to do with them. 


This is especially true if the guy wanted to be with you romantically and nothing more. 


But we have those guys who will stick around even after you have rejected them. 


They will keep on trying to pursue you even after you have told them you have someone in your life. 


You told them that you don’t want to be in a relationship but they will still come hard at you. 


They are hoping that you are going to change your mind and let them in. 


Now that you have known these kinds of men, let’s answer your question before we go deeper into this topic. 


Will he ask me out again after I rejected him? 

For him to ask you out again after you have rejected him it depends on how badly he wanted to be with you. If he is a guy who doesn’t give up even after being rejected he will ask you out again but if it’s a guy who values his time and energy, he won’t ask you out again.


will he ask me out again if i rejected him

We have those guys who don’t give up on the first attempt at rejection. 


These guys will keep on texting and calling you asking you to meet and hang out with them as friends even though you don’t want to be with them. 


They will try everything to get your attention, be nicer to you, and do anything for you just to change your mind. 


A guy who thinks that you rejected him just to test him, will keep on trying to pull you into his box. 


He won’t let the rejection you gave him at the first attempt stop him from winning you over. 


This is the kind of guy who will ask you out again after you have rejected him. 


He will use the angle of friendship to ask you out since he knows you won’t accept to go out on a date with him as your boyfriend. 


Also, we have those guys who will want to be around you even after you have rejected them because they like you. 


You are someone who they want to be around because you are fun and amazing. 


The rejection won’t stop them at all, they will ask you out on a date just to hang out with you with less expectations that you are going to change your mind about them. 


If a guy likes you and it’s not only that he wants you to be his girlfriend but also a friend he can talk to and be around, this guy will ask you out on a date again even after you have rejected him. 


Some guys are obsessed and they will stop at nothing even after you have rejected them. 


A guy who is obsessed with you; which is unhealthy, will keep on asking you out on dates even after you have rejected him. 


When you manage to get closer to him, don’t think that he will act cool. He will keep on persuading you to let him in. 


He will behave like you have never heard him expressing his feelings to you and you have never rejected him before. 


This guy will start expressing what he feels for you again with a new tactic hoping that you will let him in. 


If you reject him again, he will keep on coming hard at you as long as you are giving him a chance to be around you or be in touch with you. 


This is the kind of guy who will keep on asking you out on dates even after you have rejected him. 


There is another kind of guy who will ask you out again after you have rejected him. 

He will ask you out again after you have rejected him not to pursue you further but to find closure. 


You have rejected him, he loved you so much but he realized that you are not on the same page. 


He is a guy who respects your decisions, he knows you are mature enough to make solid choices in your life. 


So, he won’t want to make things harder for himself by being rejected so many times. 


This is a man who will try his best to move on from you and save himself from humiliation. 


He will ask you out again after you have rejected him just to find closure. It will be an amazing date whereby he will be free with you and just try to have as much fun with you as possible. He won’t even bother to talk about his feelings with you. 


This will be the moment when he will be trying to let go of all his feelings for you and start a new chapter. 


If a guy was observant when he was expressing his feelings for you and he noticed that you rejected him out of fear but he thinks you have feelings for him, he will ask you out again after you have rejected him. 


He will conclude maybe he went too fast and he scared you and you didn’t give him your honest response when he said that he wanted to be with you. 


For a guy to ask you out again after you have rejected him it also depends on how you handle yourself before him. 


If you rejected him but you are still in touch with him, you give him attention, you say hi when you come across him, and even get closer to him when he is around. 


You will be giving him the impression that you are still interested in him. A guy who is smart and sees all these signs will ask you out on a date again after you have rejected him because he will conclude that you are likely to change your mind about him. 


I think we are done with the guys who will ask you out after you have rejected them. 


Now let us talk about guys who will never ask you out after you have rejected them. 


A guy who wasn’t so much into you but he expressed his feelings just to try to see how you are going to respond, he will never ask you out again after you have rejected him because he wasn’t that serious about you. 


He tried to seduce you just to see your reaction and see whether you would want to date a guy like him or not. 


i rejected him, will he ask me out again

This is the guy who will just cut you off easily and just move on with his life like he has never met you. 


His feelings for you weren’t genuine, so there won’t be anything bringing him back at your feet. 


A guy who values his energy, time, and money, will never ask you out again after you have rejected him. He will understand that you don’t want him in your life and he will just try his best to move on from you even if he was so much in love with you. 



A guy who loves you unconditionally will keep on pursuing you even after you have rejected him. He won’t accept the first rejection and he will always be trying to get closer to you to show you how much you mean to him. 


This is the kind of guy who will ask you out again after you rejected him thinking that you might change your mind about him. 


If a guy likes you and he is still cool with you being his friend even after you rejected him, he will ask you out again but this time with less expectations from you. 


It will be just a friendly gesture he will portray so that he doesn’t push you away. 


A guy wasn’t that serious about you and he was just tasting the waters when he expressed his feelings for you, he will not ask you out again after you have rejected him. 


Some guys will stick with their principles and will walk away from you immediately when you reject them. They will never bother asking you out again after you have rejected them. 


Their story with you will be over. 


 Related reads;

  1. Guys Get Mad When You Don’t Give Them Attention: Why? 
  2. When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?
  3. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 
  4. What Does It Mean When A Guy Wants To Cook You Dinner?
  5. What Does It Mean When A Guy Invites You To His House?

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