How To Tell If A Girl Is Making Excuses 

Several things will enable you to know that she is making excuses. It’s not that she is busy or something important is holding her back, she is making excuses just to avoid you. 


When a girl makes excuses it’s just to avoid hanging out with you or just a reason for her not to give you what you want so badly from her. 


Maybe you have requested something from her but she keeps on coming up with a lot of issues you have never even heard of just to keep you pending. 


You need to know when a girl is making excuses so that you can know how to manage the situation. 


Sometimes when a girl keeps on making excuses, it’s just to avoid you or waste your time. 


The moment you know that she is making excuses to keep you stranded you will come up with the approach to solve this issue once and for all. 


But if you have no idea if she is making excuses, you will be stuck pursuing her which will eventually cost you. 


Without wasting time, let me share things that will make you realize that she is making excuses. 


How to tell if a girl is making excuses; 

1. She says and does things to push you away. 

This is the first sign that will let you know that she is making excuses not to give you what you want. 


how can i know if she is making excuses

It’s simple for you to realize when a girl is making excuses.  


For instance, if you have asked her out or requested something from her that she doesn’t want to give you, she will do something just to make you angry. 


Let us say you have asked her out on a date, and she does or says things to make you angry for you to cancel the date. 


You won’t be happy to go out on a date with a girl you are angry at. 


This is a perfect way of pushing you away just not to give you what you want. 


You may not realize it but she is just doing it intentionally.  


Furthermore, when she does something to make you angry or push you away, you will end up blaming yourself for it. 


You will think that you are the reason she can’t give you what you want but that is not the case. 


She is just making excuses not to give you what you want. 


The relationship is what she is using to manipulate you.


If the relationship is not on good terms, it will be harder for you to request something from her. 


This is because communication will be limited and you will also be distant from each other. 


If the same thing keeps on happening every time you request something from her; that is when she does something to make you angry or push you away, this is a clear sign that she is making excuses. 


It can’t be real that you guys always get into a conflict whenever you ask her to go out on a date with you. 


It doesn’t even make sense at all. She is making excuses not to give you what you want. 


2. She always uses the same tactic not to give you what you want. 

This is another way you can use to know that a girl is making excuses. 


She always does or says the same thing just not to give you what you want from her. 


In most cases; she will always use one single thing to just not give you what you requested from her. 


It can be a date, it can be something you want from her, or anything that matters to you but she doesn’t want you to have it. 


She will use something that she knows you are familiar with to manipulate you. 


Something that you will reason and find out that she is telling you the truth and you will just have to let her be. 


She will use the knowledge you have about her to manipulate you. 


Let us say you know that she has siblings at home. She is the big sister around there. 


So, she is always taking care of the kids when her parents are not around. 


You have been asking her out on a date, but she always tells you that she is busy taking care of the kids. 


It’s not just once that she told you something about this. Whenever you ask her out on a date, she doesn’t tell you anything else. 


She doesn’t say she will think about it or find time to see you, she only tells you that she is babysitting the kids because no one is at home. 


Does it make any sense?

Why is she always the one taking care of the kids? 


Do you mean her parents are usually gone for 24 hours?  


When you notice something like this, a girl using the same thing that you have an idea about just not to give you what you want, this is a sign that she is making excuses. 


She can use her work, career, or anything that you know that she is always involved in. 


The moment you notice that she keeps on pulling away from your requests because of something similar she keeps on saying or doing just know that she is making excuses not to give you what you want. 


3. She gives you lame explanations as to why she can’t do something. 

You have logic. I mean you understand whether something is right or wrong. 


When a girl tells you something that doesn’t make sense you will just understand that she is making excuses. 


Unless you have no idea of what she is talking about, but in most cases a girl will give you an explanation you are familiar with so that you don’t feel like she doesn’t want to respond to your request. 


The moment a girl gives you a lame explanation as to why she can’t do something for you, it’s clear that she is making excuses. 


If you have asked her out on a date and she keeps telling you that she doesn’t have clothes to wear, this is clear that she doesn’t want to go out with you. 


I mean does it even make sense?

Does she walk naked in the streets? 


She is just playing with your head. 


The truth is that she is making excuses not to go out on a date with you and that is why she keeps telling you that she doesn’t have clothes to wear for the date.


I am pretty sure when you buy her clothes, next time she will keep on telling you that they are always wet because she washed them. 


This is what girls do not to give you what you have requested from them. 


The moment a girl keeps giving you lame explanations as to why she can’t give you something or respond to your request, it’s clear that she is making excuses. 


When you think deeply about what she told you as to why she can’t go out with you, it doesn’t even make sense at all. 


But she seems pretty serious about it. She is making excuses. Take this deep into your mind. 


4. She always cancels things at the last minute. 

This is another sign that a girl is making excuses. 


signs she is making excuses

When a girl keeps on canceling at the last minute it shows that she is making excuses not to give you what you want. 


You always agree with her when you want to do something. You sit down together and even make plans about it. 


The date and time are set, but when it reaches that day, it’s just one hour for you guys to meet up, she calls or texts you to tell you that something has come up. 


And it’s always the same thing over and over again.  


The moment you notice a girl keeps on pulling out the plug every time something is about to happen, just know that she is making excuses. 


It can’t be real that she is always the one pulling out the plug when you are about to meet up or give you something you requested from her. 


I know it clicked in your head several times that she is making excuses. 


The truth is that she doesn’t want to meet you at all and that is why she keeps on cancelling at the last minute. 


Something else that will give you a clear clue that she is making excuses is that she cancels at the last minute and she doesn’t bother rescheduling unless you put an effort into it. 


She tells you that she can’t give you what you want right now because of something that has popped up but she doesn’t bother to tell you when she will give it to you. 


When you notice something like this, it’s clear that she is making excuses not to give you what you want. 


She only talks about another chance of giving you what you want when you talk about it with her. 


That is when she is like “Yeah sure, we should make it next time” She is making excuses, it’s time for you to realize that. 


She doesn’t want to give you what you want. 


5. She lies to you about something obvious. 

This is another sign you will come across when a girl is making excuses not to give you what you want. 


She will lie to you about something so obvious. You have an idea about what she is lying to you about. 


For instance, if you have asked her out, she lies to you about something that you know of. 


She tells you that she is in her PMS but when you think about it, she told you the same thing last week when you wanted to meet her. 


The moment a girl lies to you about something that is obvious and it’s easier for you to depict that she is lying, it’s clear that she is making excuses. 


This type of girl who will use lies not to give you what you want is not someone you can trust. 


It does not only show that she doesn’t want to give you what you want but also shows you that she doesn’t care about you or want you around. 


She doesn’t care about the relationship. Lying to you about something just not to give you what you want is something sketchy and dangerous. 


If she keeps on lying to you about something obvious every time you ask her out to make you understand that she can’t make it, it’s clear that she is making excuses not to give you what you want. 


This is something you shouldn’t entertain because she is just looking at you like you have no value to her. 


6. She always keeps you on wait. 

This is another thing you will come across when a girl is making excuses. 


She will always keep you waiting when she knows that you have requested something from her. 


For instance, if you ask her out, she won’t say no or yes, she will keep on stalling. 


She will say things to give you the impression that she isn’t sure whether she should meet you or not. 


Also, she will tell you something for you to keep on waiting for her. 


“let me check out my schedule and then I will get back to you and tell you when we can meet up” 


She goes silent after that, she doesn’t call or text you to let you know about her schedule. 


Next time, she tells you that there is something she has to finish up and she will let you know when you can meet her. 


She ghosts you. You don’t hear from her until you text or call her again to ask her how she is doing. 


If you have come across something like this from her it’s clear that she is making excuses. 


She doesn’t want to meet you. What she is doing here is wasting your time and hoping that you will end up giving up on her. 


When you notice something like this, it’s clear that she doesn’t want to go out with you or give you what you want from her. 


She is making excuses. 



When you notice that a girl is making excuses not to give you what you want, it’s either she doesn’t want to give you or she is unsure whether to give you or not. 


The worst part is lying to you not to give you what you want. She keeps on doing it over and over without caring how you feel about it. 


This is not a girl to keep on pursuing. Just walk away because she doesn’t value you. 


If you have noticed that she has been making excuses more than twice, there is no need for you to stick around no matter how much you want to be around her. 


Find something to keep yourself busy and leave her alone. 


If she wants to go out on a date with you, she will eventually reach out to you. 


And if she doesn’t it will also let you know that she never intended to. 


Related reads;

  1. What To Do When A Girl Comes Over To Your House
  2. What Does It Mean When A Girl Asks You To Sleep Over
  3. Ghosting A Girl Who Rejected You: Is It Okay?
  4. When A Girl Says She Will Think About It: Do This
  5. When A Girl Says She Just Wants To Have Fun: It Means?

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