What To Do When Your Boyfriend Is Too Attached To His Mom

If your boyfriend is too attached to his mom there is something you can do to make him lose those attachments. You want your boyfriend to be attached to you, pay attention and listen to you.


If you let him be too attached to his mom so many things could go wrong in that relationship.


Some of the problems that you will come across when your boyfriend is too attached to his mother are these;

  1. Your boyfriend will tell his mother about your fights.
  2. He will let his mother control his life and the relationship.
  3. Your boyfriend’s mother will come between you and your boyfriend.
  4. She might end up ruining your relationship with him if she doesn’t like you.
  5. Your boyfriend will rarely open up to you when issues are bothering him.
  6. It will decrease your relationship bond instead of strengthening it.
  7. Your boyfriend will always prioritize his mom even in events when you need him the most than his mom does.


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If your boyfriend is too attached to his mom there is still a chance you can pull him towards you.


Having your boyfriend more attached to you will save you from a lot of issues.


He will have your back when there’s a problem. Your boyfriend will always support you and oppose his mother in case she wants to hurt you.


So, if your boyfriend is too attached to his mom you need to be more of what your he needs.


This is what to do when your boyfriend is too attached to his mom;

1. Find out what pushes him to his mother.

If your boyfriend is too attached to his mother there is always something pushing him to her more.


my boyfriend is too attached to his mom

Your boyfriend should be more attached to you than his mother. You are more to him.


The things he shares with you, and the intimate connection you have with him should create a big impact on who he chooses to be attached to.


If your boyfriend is too attached to his mom it’s because you let it be that way.


You still have a chance to change things if you find out why he is so attached to his mom.


Take your time to find out why he is so attached to his mother.


What does he say about his mother?


How does his mother connect to his life currently?

Is there anything that pushes your boyfriend to want to be around his mother more than you?


These are some of the questions you should find answers to if you want to make your boyfriend be attached more to you than his mother.


Listen to what he says about his mother, and try to see in which way you can do more than what his mom does for him.


You have more power to pull him closer to you because you always have him by your side.


I am not telling you that you can completely disconnect the attachments he has with his mother.


What you can do is pull him more to your side than his mother’s.


You will only be able to do that when you know what pushes him more to his mother than you.


This is the first thing you should figure out if your boyfriend is too attached to his mom and you want to change that.


2. Give him your attention.

I will be frank with you about one thing. Your boyfriend gets more attention from his mother than you.


You are not giving your boyfriend the attention he wants and that is why he is too attached to his mother.


His mother is always there for him, she talks to him when he is down and she makes him feel loved and cared for.


The attention you give to someone you care about has the potential to change how someone perceives you.


If he doesn’t get the attention he wants from you but gets it from his mom, he will always lean on her.


The first person your boyfriend will talk to when things aren’t going right is his mom because she is always giving him the attention he wants.


When you don’t give your boyfriend the attention he needs it will be hard for you to recognize when he has issues.


You won’t even realize what he needs.


If his mother always knows what he is going through even before you do, who do you think your boyfriend will be more attached to?


Your boyfriend will always be attached to his mom and not you since you don’t even know what he is going through when you are so close to him.


Start giving your boyfriend more attention; observe him and notice what he needs, ask him about his progress on what he is working on, always reach out to him first, get closer to him even when there’s no need to and be the woman he fell in love with.


These are some of the things you can do to give him more attention. In short, put more effort just like you are pursuing him for the first time.


Let him know that you notice him, start doing things he enjoys and spend more time with him.


The more of you he notices in front of him, it will make him more attached to you than his mother.


Make him feel the way he felt when he first fell in love with you.


If there are things you stopped doing it’s time for you to start implementing them again.


When your boyfriend realizes that you are what he needs even more than his mother, this will pull him closer to you.


You will be the person he turns to first when there is a problem even before reaching out to his mom.


3. Maintain effective communication with him.

If your boyfriend is too attached to his mom it’s true to say he talks to her more than he talks to you.


You rarely talk to him but if you talk to him often it’s not at a level that will connect the two of you.


You need to start talking to your boyfriend more. Get deeper in your conversations, share things with him and maintain that communication.


Communication is a very important key to connecting with your boyfriend.


If you don’t communicate with him this might be the reason why he is too attached to his mom and not you.


His mother talks to him often more than you, he shares all his burdens with his mother while you are busy ignoring him when he needs you the most.


The excuse you make is that you are busy with work and the only time you talk to your boyfriend is on the weekends.


Even on the weekends you are so distracted by so many things to give your boyfriend the attention he wants.


You no longer spend hours talking to your boyfriend the way you used to do.


Trust me, when a guy realizes that you seem so distracted with other things and you seem to have your plate full, he won’t share anything with you that will add to what you are dealing with.


A guy will not say this to you but this is the reality of things in any relationship.


He cares about you, when he notices you have your plate full he won’t add anything that will add to what you handling already.


If you don’t show your boyfriend that you are willing to sit down and talk to him because you are too distracted, he won’t be sharing things with you.


Call your boyfriend and get to know what he feels and how everything is taking him.


Don’t let the communication between the two of you fade away no matter how busy you are.


This is what will improve the connection between the two of you and make him more attached to you than his mother.


4. Encourage him to open up to you about anything.

Your boyfriend is connected more to his mother because he opens up more to her than you.


what to do if he is too attached to his mom

When you open up to someone about your issues it usually connects the two of you.


He doesn’t open up to you like he used to nowadays.


Do you know why he opens up more to his mother than you?


If you are too busy to listen to him, give him the attention he needs and even check out on him do you think he will have the chance to open up to you?


For someone to open up to you, they need to see that you are ready to listen and give them the attention they need.


You need to listen more to your boyfriend if you want to make him more attached to you than his mother.


If you want him to open up to you give him the platform and show him that you are ready to listen to him.


Your attention should be undivided, and make him feel comfortable talking to you about anything, this is what will encourage him to open up more to you.


Additionally, you also have to open up more to your boyfriend. Share with him anything that you are going through.


Be an open book to him and he will also do the same. The more he opens up to you about what he is dealing with the more connected he will be to you.


This means that he will be more attached to you than his mother. He will always feel free to share anything with you.


You are the first person he will think of talking to when anything happens out there.


If your boyfriend feels that he has to talk with someone else about his problems and not you, this might be the reason why he isn’t attached to you.


Be vulnerable to your man and he will do the same. This is what will connect the two of you.


This is what you should do if you want your boyfriend to be more attached to you than his mother.


5. Support your boyfriend in anything he wants to work on.

If your boyfriend doesn’t get the support he wants from you don’t expect that he will be attached to you.


He will be attached to the person who always supports him in anything he is working on.


You need to support your boyfriend in what he is working on, what he wants to do and when he needs your advice on things.


Always show him that you are ready to listen to him and help him with anything he wants you to.


Don’t give him excuses when he needs your help on anything no matter how silly it may seem to you.


Always be there to help him out, listen to what he has to say about what he wants to do and give him your opinion on what he should do to make it better.


If you are this kind of a woman to him, do you think he will even need his mother the way he does now?


When you are the only person he can rely on he will always come to you the moment he needs your help.


But if he gets all his support from his mother and you are there just looking at him, don’t be surprised if he is too attached to his mom.


Be everything he needs, he won’t need his mother more than you.


This is what you should do if your boyfriend is too attached to his mom.


Don’t ignore your boyfriend when he needs something from you just because you are too busy.


Always be the first person to help him when he needs something and show him that he can depend on you for anything he wants.


Take care of him more than his mother does, this will make him be attached to you more than his mom.


6. Talk to him about how you feel about him being too attached to his mother.

After you have done everything I have shared with you in the above section of the article, you need to talk to him about it.


he is too attached to his mother

You need to let him know how you feel about him being so attached to his mother.


Talking to him might be the solution you need to fix what is going on right now.


Don’t shy away from telling him the truth about what you think of how attached he is to his mother.


If there is anything wrong between the two of you that pushes him to his mother he will tell you about it.


It can be that you did something wrong that pushed him to be more attached to his mom than you.


There’s a negative tension between the two of you that makes it harder for him to get closer to you and this is why he always talks to his mom.


If that is the case, you will have an idea of how to work out this problem once and for all.


On the other side, when you open up to your boyfriend about what you feel about him being so close to his mom, he will understand what you feel about it.


If he does things to make you feel left out of his life, he will start involving you more in what he does.


He will understand that what he does brings a negative impression on how you feel about who he is more connected to.


Since he cares about you and doesn’t want you to feel neglected, he will push himself more towards you than his mother.


It can be that he is not aware of what he is doing. He doesn’t know that what he does hurts you.


Once he realizes what you feel about his relationship with his mom, he will change things not to make you feel left out.



If your boyfriend is too attached to his mom because there is a conflict between the two of you, start working out on resolving it.


He is too attached to his mother because he can’t get closer to you.


Start working out on your issues, fix your relationship and pull him closer to you by increasing the relationship bond.


Work on the foundation of your relationship and be everything that your man needs.


Once the issues between the two of you are resolved he will always come to you when anything is going on.


One thing you should know is that the love he has for you will never outdo the love he has for his mom.


The attachments he has with you are completely different from the ones he has with his mother.


If you feel that he doesn’t open up to you more than he does to his mother, there’s a problem between the two of you.


Follow the tips I have shared with you in this article and it will pull your boyfriend more closer to you than his mom.


Related reads;

  1. Signs Your Boyfriend’s Family Doesn’t Like You (+To Do)
  2. What To Do When Your Boyfriend’s Family Is Toxic
  3. Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend Because Of His Mom?
  4. My Boyfriend’s Parents Don’t Want Us Together: Do This
  5. My Boyfriend’s Parents Are Dependent On Him: What To Do

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