Boyfriend Gets Mad When I Don’t Give Him Money: Do This

If your boyfriend gets mad at you when you don’t give him money you need to do something about this. This shows that your boyfriend is dependent on you financially and he doesn’t have a means of earning money.


You are the only person he expects to help him with the money to buy the things he needs and clear his bills.


This kind of dependence is bad and it can end up ruining your relationship, for that reason you have to find a way to make your boyfriend understand what he is putting you through.


If he gets mad at you simply because you can’t give him the cash he needs, this is a red flag.


This is not a guy you can rely on to give you the future you are hoping for.


It can be that he is using you financially and that is what this is all about.


The question is, what should you do when your boyfriend gets mad at you when you don’t give him money?


Should you let him be angry at you?

Should you tell him that he is not supposed to depend on you financially?


Maybe, ignore him and pretend you don’t even notice he is angry at you?


Ignoring won’t be the right thing for you to do. What you need to do is stop your boyfriend from depending on you financially and make him understand that you don’t have to give him anything.


You will only give him money on your terms and when you want to. Not when he pushes you to give him.


From this situation we are talking about, it seems you have been giving him money most of the time.


And when you tell him that you don’t have money or you can’t give him because your budget is tight, he gets mad at you.


This is what to do when your boyfriend gets mad at you for not giving him money;

1. Be honest with him about why you can’t give him money.

If your boyfriend always asks for money from you and you have been giving it to him all along, he is probably used to that.


my boyfriend always get mad when i don't give him money

He knows that you will always give him money when he wants it.


And that is why he is mad at you right now for not giving him the cash he needs.


If you want your boyfriend to stop being dependent on you be honest with him. He won’t be mad at you when he understands what you feel about what he wants.


You have been giving him money, right?


You always have been supporting him to pay his bills, right?


Now, if you can’t give him the money because your budget doesn’t allow it and if you are just tired of him depending on you financially, let him know about it.


It’s not his money for him to be angry at you when don’t give it to him. You aren’t his bank account.


The part of him getting mad at you because today you don’t give him money, is overrated.


This is not how your boyfriend should handle you. What he does is not what other guys put their girlfriends through.


It doesn’t matter how you feel about him, you don’t have to give him money whenever he wants you to.


Be brave and face him. Tell him the truth about why you don’t want to give him the money.


If he always takes money from you just to go and get wasted with his friends, just let him know that you won’t be doing that again.


This is the worst thing your boyfriend can be asking you money for.


Let him know that you won’t be giving him money to do things that aren’t even important and don’t help him in any way.


You shouldn’t be giving him money to go and get drunk with his friends.


On the other hand, if you have been giving him money for a long time and now you are just tired of him depending on you financially, you will have no choice but to be honest with him.


Tell your boyfriend that you won’t be supporting him financially because you are just tired of him depending on you financially.


He should get a job!


When you tell your boyfriend the truth about why you can no longer give him money, he will even get furious at you but it will make him understand how you feel about his dependence.


If you keep it to yourself, he will keep on forcing you to give him money and use several ways just to manipulate you.


Since he knows you are into him, you will give him money when he starts manipulating you psychologically.


The part of him being angry at you for not giving him money is just to get you to open your wallet for him.


Don’t give in to his manipulative behavior. Just be honest with him about why you can no longer give him money.


2. Let him know how you feel about his situation and what he does.

If you have told your boyfriend why you can no longer give him money, it’s time for you to be honest with him about how you feel.


Do you like that he is always asking for money from you?

When he takes the cash that you have planned for other expenses does it make you happy?


If you don’t like what he does, or how he handles himself when it comes to your money, tell him the truth.


The truth might make him more mad at you but it will stick into his head that you don’t like what he does.


Your boyfriend will understand that what he does annoys you and you are now tired.


If he used to ask for money from you thinking that you enjoy giving him money since you love him, that will change.


This will make your boyfriend understand that you don’t enjoy it when you keep giving him money because you also have to pay your bills and taxes.


When your boyfriend knows that your situation is tough and that you need to squeeze your expenses to get what you want, he will understand the situation he is putting you in.


He needs to know how you feel about what he does.


If he will get angrier at you for showering him with the truth let him burst!


He should be a man. If he won’t even support you financially, he should be able to support himself and pay his bills at least.


He shouldn’t be asking you to give him money to clear his bills and other uses that don’t even concern you.


Your boyfriend will keep on draining you financially if you won’t be honest about what he does and stand up to him.


If he hears the truth and decides to break up with you, well! Let him go. He was only with you because he was using you for money.


This shows that he never loved you, he only loved your money.


And that is why he gets mad at you and he doesn’t want to understand when you can’t give him money.


After you have told your boyfriend the truth about what he does, the response he will give you will give you an idea of what you should do next.


3. Ask your boyfriend to find a means to be financially independent.

If your boyfriend has been asking for money from you for a while because he is struggling financially, you need to ask him to find a means to support himself.


Let him know that you won’t always be giving him money because you also have your bills to pay.


You need to pay rent, buy food, keep emergency funds, and even help your family out.


It’s not easier for you to keep giving him money.


It can be that your boyfriend thinks you have lots of cash and that is why he is financially dependent on you.


You need to let him know that you aren’t financially stable and he shouldn’t be depending on you for any financial aid.


Tell him to find a job or a side hustle that will enable him to make some cash and support himself.


If he doesn’t know how to go about it, you need to teach him and show him how he can start making money.


That is if you have connections and you know someone who might help him find a job connect him to that person.


Ask him to think of a side hustle that he can start working on to make money.


If your boyfriend is ambitious and motivated to change his life and start depending on himself financially, he will listen to you and start working on ways to make money.


Let him know that being financially dependent is what will enable him to get the money to buy everything he needs.


He doesn’t have to depend on you because he is the man and he has to be responsible for himself and you too in some situations.


4. If he doesn’t want to change you will have to let him go.

If you have done everything I have shared with you and you don’t see a sign of your boyfriend changing, you will have no choice but to let him go.


my boyfriend gets mad when i don't give him money

Your boyfriend should stand up for himself. You shouldn’t be the one giving him money every time he wants to buy something.


It’s not wrong to support your boyfriend but when it becomes to the point that you are the only one giving him money, it is now exploitation.


He may be using you for money. Your man knows for sure that you will give him money when he gets angry.


It’s one way of manipulating you into giving him what he wants.


This is not the guy you want to spend your life with. If he is always dependent on you and when you fail to help him out he gets angry at you instead of finding a way to support himself, he is likely to let you suffer in the future.


When it’s his turn to stand up and help you I don’t think he will do that.


What kind of a man gets angry at his girlfriend simply because he hasn’t given him money? He is not someone you should look up to.


Your boyfriend is unambitious and lazy.



If your boyfriend gets mad at you simply because you don’t give him money to get what he needs, you should not give in to his manipulation.


You should be honest with him that you won’t always be giving him money unless it’s something urgent and he doesn’t have the means to support himself.


Let your boyfriend know that what he does isn’t right and he should find a way to support himself and you financially and it’s not the other way around.


If you are truly tired since he has been draining you financially, just say it to him. Tell him that you are tired and you won’t entertain what he does.


The response he will give you when you tell him the truth will enable you to know what he feels about what he does.


If he is using you for money and that is what has been going on for a long time, you will know about it. But if he is only asking for money simply because he has hit a dead end, he will also tell you about it.


You know it better if he is just making things up or if he is true to his words.


All in all, your boyfriend should start finding means to work and be financially independent. He shouldn’t be relying on you financially.


If he makes a big deal out of this, just cut him off because it’s clear that he has been using you for money.


Related reads;

  1. My Boyfriend Is Dependent On His Parents: Do This
  2. 7 Reasons Why Boyfriend Doesn’t Spend Money On You
  3. 5 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Gives You Money
  4. What To Do When Your Boyfriend Is Too Attached To His Mom
  5. Why Your Boyfriend Kicks You Out When You Fight

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