Why Your Boyfriend Kicks You Out When You Fight

Your Boyfriend always kicks you out when you fight because of how he feels about you. He may be kicking you out when you fight since he is just tired of you and trying to make you walk away from him.


What you need to know is that kicking you out is not the only way to solve misunderstandings between the two of you.


If the only thing he thinks of when the two of you are in a conflict is kicking you out, this says a lot about how he feels for you.


In this article, I will share with you some of the possible reasons why he always kicks you out when you fight.


This is why your boyfriend kicks you out when you fight;

1. He doesn’t care about you.

I have been in so many relationships; successful and unsuccessful ones.


he kicks me out when we fight

Conflicts are bound to happen in a relationship whether one likes it or not.


You will always argue and fight with your partner when don’t understand each other.


These conflicts are an important part of a relationship since they help you determine how you should move about different issues in your relationship.


If the only thing your boyfriend thinks about when you fight is to kick you out, this says a lot about how he feels about you.


When a fight emerges between couples, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the relationship is a mess and it can’t be fixed.


A man who cares about you will never just kick you out simply because you argued.


This man will hold on to you even if you annoy him.


He will be mad at you but he wouldn’t want to see you walking away from him.


You will be mad at each other but he won’t think of uttering a word that will give you an impression that he wants to kick you out.


But this is a different case when it comes to your boyfriend. He thinks that throwing you out will solve issues, which is absurd.


Your boyfriend doesn’t care about you as deeply as you thought he did.


Don’t make excuses for him that he only kicks you out when you fight simply because he is mad at you.


A man being mad at you for something you did doesn’t give him the right to kick you out.


Especially if it’s a petty argument that you both fell into.


The way your boyfriend behaves when he is mad at you for something you did says a lot about how he feels for you.


He kicks you out whenever you fight without even thinking of how that will affect you, where you will go after he kicks you out, and what you might even come across when you are stressed and depressed out there.


Don’t make excuses for him that he kicks you out when you fight simply because he knows you will go to your family or friends.


This clearly shows that he doesn’t care about you and that is why he always kicks you out when you fight.


2. He doesn’t want to fix things between the two of you.

Your boyfriend always kicks you out instead of working out things between the two of you since he doesn’t want to resolve the conflict.


I am in a relationship and I would never kick my girlfriend out when she does something wrong.


When a conflict between us emerges the first thing I will think about is working things out.


I do that because I still want my girlfriend around it doesn’t matter what the fight is all about.


If the only thing your boyfriend thinks about is kicking you out when you get into a conflict, it’s clear he doesn’t want to fix things with you.


A man who wants to work out misunderstandings with his partner will never kick her out.


How will you even work out your differences when he kicks you out?


Will you have a chance to express what you feel about what you are fighting about?


There’s no way you will come to a common ground when you are far from him after the conflict.


The fact that he always kicks you out when you get into an argument shows that he doesn’t care about opinion.


Your boyfriend thinks that he is always right and you will always be wrong and there is nothing you can do about that.


He kicks you out because he feels there is nothing to talk about between the two of you.


You are the only person on the wrong side here and he wants to make you feel so bad about yourself.


Read also; My Partner Makes Me Feel Like A Bad Person: Do This


This only shows one thing about your boyfriend, he doesn’t want to work out your misunderstandings and that is why he kicks you out.


What I can say about this is that he is only thinking of what I am about to share with you in the next section of this article.


3. He wants to end the relationship.

If your boyfriend always kicks you out when you fight it’s because he wants to end the relationship.


Why would he kick you out immediately when an argument erupts?

What is he thinking when he throws you out of the house immediately when you are in a conflict?


It doesn’t matter if you are always on the wrong side or not, if the first thing he can think of when you are in an argument is to kick you out, it’s because he wants to end the relationship.


Right now he is kicking you out when you fight but soon enough he will end the relationship with you.


I told you earlier that he doesn’t care about you at all and that is why he does all these things.


He doesn’t care if you end up walking away and end up finding shelter in another man’s house.


Your boyfriend doesn’t care if you choose to walk out and never come back because that is what he is hoping to achieve.


A man who loves you and wants to build a future with you will never just kick you out the moment you have misunderstandings.


What your boyfriend is doing is just a sign that he wants to end the relationship with you.


Soon or later he will end the relationship with you completely unless you work out the issues between the two of you.


This is a sign that his love for you has a very big question mark. What he feels for you is no longer a barrier for him to do what he does when you are in an argument.


What your boyfriend is doing here just shows that he is just tired of you.


4. He is pushing you away.

Another reason why your boyfriend kicks you out when you fight is that he is pushing you away.


It’s true that when you conflict with someone there will always be negative tension.


This negative tension between the two of you is what will push the two of you away from each other.


You need to understand that he is mad at you and that is why he kicks you away when you fight.


The part of him always kicking you out when you fight is a mechanism he is applying to create a distance between the two of you.


This shows that your boyfriend has been pushing you away even before you started falling into these fights.


He kicks you out whenever you fight because the vibe between the two of you was not calling even before the fights began.


If you go back in time and see how he has been handling you, you will get to understand why he does what he wants.


Your boyfriend has been pushing you away for a while the conflict between the two of you is just a vivid reason to push you away even further.


He doesn’t want to be around you at all and that is why he does what he does.


Kicking you out will only be a good thing for him because all he wanted all along was to create this big gap between the two of you.


Being around you will only force him to fix things with you, but when he kicks you out it will always play to his favour.


He wants you out so that he can have the chance to be by himself.


Think about it, your boyfriend has always wanted a distance between the two of you even before the fights started.


He is now getting what he wants.


With you out of the house, he has all the distance and space for himself.


This suggests that there are issues in your relationships that you need to work on.


It’s not only about the fights that erupt between the two of you.


5. Your boyfriend doesn’t respect you.

Another reason why your boyfriend kicks you out when you fight is that he doesn’t respect you.


There’s no shred of respect left for you in his heart.


Your boyfriend looks down upon you and does what he feels like because you have no power over him.


He looks at you and concludes that you will always be under him and there is nothing you can do to change that.


If you think about it, he hasn’t been the guy you thought he was.


The way he has been handling you and talking to you showed how he perceives you.


You didn’t want to conclude that you were right about him because you didn’t want it to be true.


He always belittles you and makes you feel worthless whenever you are around him.


Your boyfriend always makes you feel you have no say over what he wants to decide.


The moment a conflict between the two of you emerges he kicks you out, out of a lack of respect for you and it’s not because he is mad at you.


It can be that you moved into his house because you couldn’t manage to pay your rent.


He takes care of you and ensures that you have a roof over your head.


You are struggling financially, you have nowhere else to go and he feels like you aren’t contributing anything to pay for everything that you all need in that house.


This makes him look down upon you and completely lose the respect he has for you.


It’s the same reason why he kicks you out when you fight.


Let us say you were doing an amazing job of taking care of him, paying the rent, and budgeting for almost everything in that house, do you think he would always be kicking you out when you fight?


You know the answer.


Your Boyfriend is kicking you out because he doesn’t respect you at all.


If he looked at you as a woman of a higher caliber, someone with great things going on in life and you have places to be, he wouldn’t have been chasing you out of the house the moment a fight emerged between the two of you.


This shows that you need to start working on yourself and be the woman who he is always going to respect.


6. He can’t control his temper.

This is an obvious reason why he always kicks you out when you fight.


my boyfriend kicks me out when we argue

He can’t control his temper and that is why he always kicks you out when you get into a conflict.


Your boyfriend may be a short-tempered guy and that is why this happens.


He kicks you out when you annoy him because he knows if you argue and continue to be around him something far much worse might happen.


The part of him kicking you out is just a way to create a distance between the two of you so that he doesn’t do something that he might regret later on.


If he always kicks you out when you fight and ends up finding you after he is calm, this shows his anger levels are usually worse.


He does what he does because he can’t control his temper and the best way for him to get past what is happening is if you are away.


The moment you are around and yet he is still mad at you he might say or do things to hurt you.


Things that he knows he won’t be able to walk away from or take them back and that is why he kicks you out when you get into an argument.



If your boyfriend always kicks you out when you fight the first thing you should do is find a way to work out your issues.


This is happening because the two of you are always in conflict.


It doesn’t matter why he kicks you out, if you won’t find a way to create peace between the two of you he will always kick you out.


After you have worked out creating good standing between the two of you, you need to talk to your boyfriend about what he does.


Be honest with him about what he does when he kicks you out. Come up with ways of working out your misunderstandings.


This is the only way you will get him to change how he handles you when the two of you are in a conflict.


Communication is the key to resolving your differences.


If he won’t care about fixing this mess that is going on right now then it’s clear that he just wants to end the relationship.


He no longer loves you and you are just forcing yourself onto him.


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