Why Do Guys Sext When They Have Girlfriends [7 Reasons]

I know you have come across guys sexting you when they have their girlfriends, and you ask yourself, why don’t they sext with their women? Some guys will Sext with you when they are in a relationship and it won’t even bother them.


They will just perceive it as a normal thing. Some usually convince themselves that they aren’t cheating on their girlfriends.


What they do is just have fun. And when they sext with you it doesn’t necessarily mean they like you.


A guy talking sexually doesn’t mean that he likes you. This is something you should note.


Read also; If A Guy Talks Sexually Does He Like You?


So, why would a guy sex chat with you when he has a girlfriend?


The answer to the above question is what I’m going to answer in this article.


This is why guys sext when they have girlfriends;

1. It is someone’s habit.

You may be surprised why guys sext while they are in a relationship, this is the first thing you should know.


when a guy sext with you when he has a girlfriend

The truth is that they are just used to sex chatting with any woman they find sexually attractive.


When a guy is used to sex chatting with any woman he finds attractive, this habit won’t stop.


It’s just like an addiction. It usually starts with something small, taking a sip now and then until it reaches a point where one can no longer survive without a glass of wine.


We have those guys that it’s in their nature to sext with other girls even when they are in a relationship.


It’s something they have been doing for long to the extent that it entered their system.


So, when have any girl that they find attractive and she gets along with them well they use this as an opportunity.


And sometimes it is not that they are even interested in the women they are sexting.


It is just something they are used to. This is what they only think of talking about with women they are attracted to.


Some guys can’t control themselves because it’s like an addiction to them.


He may be a guy you respect so much and you know for sure that his girlfriend is your friend, but this guy will sex chat with you.


You are wondering, isn’t he worried that you will end up telling his girlfriend about it?


When you find a guy sexting with you it may be that you are not the only girl he does that with.


Also, if a guy always pushes you to talk dirty with him now and then even when he is in a relationship just know that it’s his habit.


He can’t control himself.


2. They don’t perceive it as cheating.

We all have different perspectives when it comes to cheating.


Maybe you only consider cheating when your partner gets intimate with another person.


We have guys who don’t think it is cheating when they sex chat with other girls while they are in a relationship.


A guy who doesn’t think that sexting is cheating will always do it because he doesn’t think it’s wrong.


You may ask a guy who is sexting you about what his girlfriend will think about what he does, but it won’t bother him.


This is another reason why guys sext while they are in a relationship.


When a guy considers sexting as cheating he won’t do it when he is in a relationship.


He will feel guilty when he thinks of doing it.


This guy will always try his best to control what he texts to any girl who is not his girlfriend.


He will always avoid flirting with just anyone girl he chats with.


But when you find a guy who is in a relationship and doesn’t care to think of what he texts to any girl who is not his girlfriend, he doesn’t think it goes against his relationship.


Guys who don’t find it a big deal to sex chat with other girls even when they are in a relationship won’t care about anything.


They won’t even care about their relationship and what their girlfriends will end up thinking of what they do.


3. They sext with girls when they are bored.

Some guys sex chat with other girls while they are in a relationship when they are bored.


A guy doesn’t have anything important going on, he has a Wi-Fi connection and many women’s contacts on his phone.


He is idle and bored. The only thing he thinks of is sexting with any woman who is online.


These are the kind of guys who will sext with you when they are bored and idle.


When their girlfriends are busy with them they won’t even bother texting you.


Why sext with you when their girlfriends are giving them the attention they want?


Some guys sext with other girls when they are in a relationship just because they are bored.


Their girlfriends aren’t available at the moment, they use their time to keep themselves occupied by other girls who will be willing to sex chat with them.


They just sext with other girls just to push time because their girlfriends aren’t available.


This is just the same as guys using you for your attention and time.


They only talk to you when they have nothing going on. But they will never bother getting in touch with you when they having fun.


4. They sext with other girls because they find it exciting.

I heard several guys who were in a relationship saying that it’s always exciting to romance and experience sexual tension with someone who isn’t your partner.


From their statement; it’s usually exciting and the feeling is intense when you get intimate with someone who isn’t your partner.


Some guys find it exciting to sext with other girls while they are in a relationship because they get a new perspective on how other girls respond.


Since they have been with their girlfriends for a while, they have shared every intimate detail, it feels like they are used to each other and everything seems normal. It’s boring.


It doesn’t seem tense the way it was when they first met.


The mystery is no longer there, no change and it is always the usual routine they have with their girlfriends.


So when they sext with someone else who isn’t their girlfriends the sexual tension is usually high and it makes it more exciting.


The guys get to hear things they have never heard from their girlfriends. When they find that it’s exciting to sext with other women, they start exploring more.


This pushes them to sext with any woman who will seem interested and gives them the vibe that they like nasty texting.


If you wanted to know why guys sex chat with other girls when they are in a relationship now you have a clear picture of what goes on.


5. They sext with other girls since their girlfriends don’t like it.

If you always want your boyfriend to go down on you but he doesn’t do it, when you think about it, your ex used to do it pretty well.


What will you always be thinking about when you miss what your ex used to do for you?


Some guys enjoy sexting so much. This is the only way they get to connect with their girlfriends intimately, especially when they are far from each other.


When the girl doesn’t like sexting and the guy does this will affect their communication.


It’s just like being in a long-distance relationship with someone and you don’t connect intimately online.


The romantic connection will end up fading and the relationship won’t even be exciting at all.


This might be the first reason for the long-distance relationship breaking apart.


What I’m trying to say here is that when guys find out that their girlfriends can’t give them what they want they search for that from another girl who can offer it to them.


The moment you can’t give a man what he wants, don’t expect him to stick with you.


Read also; A Guy Says I Can’t Give Him What He Wants: It Means?


When a guy is in a relationship and sex chats with you it’s because his girlfriend doesn’t enjoy that kind of conversation.


His girlfriend doesn’t sext with him and that is why he does it with other girls.


As I told you earlier, sexting can be an addiction. When it enters a guy’s system it is hard to get rid of.


The guy will feel the need to find this service from another woman when his girlfriend can’t offer it to him.


This is why guys sext while they are in a relationship.


6. Some sext just show you that they want you sexually.

To some guys sexting isn’t just a waste of time and enjoyment.


Some guys will start sexting with you just to start making you feel comfortable with the idea of them being with you intimately.


When a guy is attracted to you sexually, he will want to get you in his bed it doesn’t matter if he is in a relationship or not.


He will start sexting with you just to express what he feels for you. It won’t just be plain sex chat.


As you progress he will start asking you to meet him in person to make it happen in the real world. He will be willing to cheat on his girlfriend with you to make it happen.


They will suggest that you meet secretly to get intimate with them despite them being in a relationship with someone else.


When a guy starts sex chatting with you, this shows that he is attracted to you sexually.


You are exactly the type of woman he would like to get in his bed.


He wants you sexually. The truth is that if he wasn’t interested sexually in you he wouldn’t have started sexting with you.


The part of these guys sexting with you is just to turn you on and make you think of being with them in person.


They know that when you get high, you won’t even think that they are in a relationship.


You will want them for the pleasure.


What you should know is that a guy will only want you sexually when he has a girlfriend when he wants to use you for sex.


Unless he is planning to leave his girlfriend for you, which will be another case.


But if he just wants to get you in his bed when he has a girlfriend it shows that he just wants to use you. The sex chat is the first stage of him getting you on his bed.


7. They sext with other girls just for fun.

Some guys will talk dirty to you via text just for fun.


why guys sext with you when they have girlfriends

It is not that they are interested in you sexually, they just do it for fun.


When you meet up with them in person they won’t even think of talking about what you were texting.


They only talk sexually to you via text.


When you call them they don’t talk about it at all.


They sext with you when they have their girlfriends because you are available for the moment and they just want to enjoy it.


Sexting is fun to some guys. It’s just like watching po*n for some guys.


They watch it because it’s fun and it’s not because they want to do anything.


So when you find guys sexting you when they are in a relationship they find it fun.



Guys sext while they are in a relationship because they just don’t care.


Some do it because they don’t respect their girlfriends. A man who truly respects his girlfriend and cares about his relationship wouldn’t even think of doing something like this.


When a guy sex chats with you while he has a girlfriend just know that he just wants to use you for sex.


If he wanted to be with you, he would have expressed what he feels for you, and what he wanted from you, and made everything open to you instead of sexting with you.


When a guy talks sexually to you and you don’t entertain what he does, you should be honest with him.


If he doesn’t stop block him.


Related reads;

  1. When A Guy Wants To Get To Know You Better: It Means?
  2. When A Guy Tells You Everything He Does: It Means?
  3. When A Guy Says You Are More Than Friends: It Means?
  4. When A Guy Wants To Spend Time With You Alone: It Means?
  5. What Does It Mean When a Guy Stares At Your Body? 

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