Why Do I Act Like A Child Around My Boyfriend?

If you find yourself acting like a child around your boyfriend just know that you feel comfortable around him. The way you feel around your boyfriend is what determines how you will handle yourself.


When you are afraid of your boyfriend; you will feel restricted and always walking on an eggshell.


There are more reasons why you act like a child around your boyfriend, you will know them as you keep reading the article.


The moment you feel free around your boyfriend, you will always be yourself around him.


You will show him other sides of you that you have never even shown to the people who are closest to you (parents or relatives).


What does it mean I act like a kid around my boyfriend?

When you act like a kid around your boyfriend it means you are comfortable around him, you are so happy to be around him, he brings the best out of you and it just feels so right to be around him.


Your relationship with your boyfriend is on good terms. When you are around him you let yourself loose because you know he will always take care of you.


You are excited to be around him and spend more time with him.


Deep down you know he will never judge or restrict you whenever you behave in any way around him.


You know your boyfriend loves you for who you are, it makes you feel free and yourself whenever you are around him.


This is why you act like a little kid around your boyfriend.


The way you handle yourself around your boyfriend says a lot about how you feel about him.


The feeling of safety, comfort, cared for, and love are what will always bring the best out of you when you are around someone who cares about you.


You should know the rest of the reasons why you behave the way you do around your boyfriend.


This is why you act like a child around your boyfriend;

1. You are so happy to be around him.

This is the first reason why you behave like a child around your boyfriend; you are so happy to be around him.


when you act like a kid around your boyfriend

Whenever your guy is around you it makes you super excited to the extent that you can’t hold your feelings down.


The feeling of excitement just erupts whenever you are around him.


He makes you so much happy. This can be because of how he handles you, talks to you, and what he does when he is around you.


The way you act when you are around your boyfriend says how you feel about him.


If this is the way you feel around him, I bet when he is far away from you it makes you sad, you miss him so much, and makes you want him more.


You act like a little kid around your boyfriend since he is also happy to see you that way.


The truth is that if your boyfriend wasn’t happy with you behaving like a kid around him you would have noticed it.


Kids are usually joyful around adults who are always chicky to them. They will make jokes and play around with adults who also do the same thing with them.


This clearly shows your boyfriend makes you happy, whenever you are around him you can’t just hold yourself.


You find yourself joyful and playful whenever he is with you.


Your boyfriend is also happy seeing you playful and joyful; he reciprocates your energy and that is why you never stop acting like a child around him.


2. You are acting like a child to make your boyfriend happy.

Another reason why you act like a little kid around your boyfriend is this; you do all this to make him happy too.


Your subconscious makes you behave like a kid whenever you are around him because you want to make him smile and laugh.


You realize that your boyfriend is always happy and excited whenever he sees you behave like a kid.


If deep down you knew that he hated it when you behaved like a little kid you wouldn’t be acting that way.


You would have restricted yourself not to say or do things that would seem childish to him.


Your boyfriend likes the way you handle yourself and behave when he is around you and that is why you find yourself acting like a little kid.


It can be that you even try to control yourself not to behave like a little kid when he is around you, but it just happens out of nowhere.


The need to make your boyfriend smile and be happy just overtakes you.


3. Your boyfriend brings the best out of you.

Whenever you find yourself acting like a child around your boyfriend just know that he brings the best out of you.


The moment you are around him it makes you feel so energetic.


You feel yourself. He treats you nicely, you connect and the vibe is always at the top.


Your boyfriend likes the same things you do, you enjoy doing them together and this makes it easier for you to let yourself loose when you are around him.


What your boyfriend talks about when he is around you resonates with everything you stand for.


You feel that he understands you better than anyone else, he gives you the attention you have always wanted and appreciates your energy.


He doesn’t make you feel lesser than the woman you are, he makes you feel good about yourself and shows you that you can do anything whenever you are around him.


All these things make you feel joyful and excited whenever you are around him. It ends up bringing out the best of you.


The way your boyfriend treats you seems so right. It is always on point.


This makes you feel energetic and free to act the way you feel around him.


If you felt that your boyfriend doesn’t appreciate the energy you give him, he doesn’t make you feel good about yourself and always be little you, you wouldn’t have been acting like a child around him.


Read also; My Partner Makes Me Feel Like A Bad Person: Do This


Your mood would have changed completely whenever you would be around him.


This is just to close yourself not to do anything that will make him criticize you or start an argument about it.


4. You enjoy spending your time with him.

Apart from you being so happy to be around your boyfriend, you also enjoy spending time with him and that is why you behave like a child around him.


Your time with him is always enjoyable. You aren’t stressed whenever you are with him.


If you had your worries all fade away the moment he is just around you.


The joy of being around him makes it easier for you to let yourself behave the way you do.


You enjoy spending time with him and he also feels the same.


When he is around you, you hold tight to him. You don’t want him to leave so soon.


The way your partner makes you feel whenever he is around makes you let yourself loose and act like a kid.


Your time with him seems magical, you love it when he is around and you act like a kid to make him spend more time with you.


The truth is that if you never enjoyed spending time with him, you would have held yourself tight.


You wouldn’t be doing things to show him that you are excited.


What you would have been thinking about is just an excuse to make him leave or you walking away from him.


But if you find yourself letting loose and acting like a little kid this shows that you enjoy spending your time with him.


Even if you convince yourself that you don’t like spending time with him but you get yourself behaving like a child around him, this is a sign you enjoy his company.


5. You aren’t worried about how your boyfriend perceives you.

You act like a child around your boyfriend because you aren’t worried about how he perceives you.


This shows that you are so comfortable around him.


He is the kind of guy who lets you be yourself. You are never restricted whenever you are around him because he gives you that freedom.


He doesn’t criticize or talk harshly to you whenever you do or say anything silly.


You do and say things that other people would have commented negatively about them but your boyfriend is not the type of a guy to judge anything.


He makes you feel that you can talk and do anything that you feel without him judging you.


You are so comfortable around him and you are never worried about how he would end up perceiving you.


This makes you feel free to do and say anything around him and that is why you behave like a little kid around him.


Your boyfriend gives you a safe space to express yourself and let out anything that bothers you without him jumping to conclusions about any of these things.


You have never been worried about how he would end up perceiving you at all.


If your boyfriend always judged you on what you do or say whenever you are around him, this is how you wouldn’t have been acting around him.


You would have been behaving the way you would expect your boyfriend to see you to avoid any negative comments from him.


You are worried about what he thinks about you because you know he will always see the best in you no matter how other people perceive you.


This is why you behave like a kid around your boyfriend.


6. You are both so much in love with each other.

The way you behave around each other says a lot about how you feel about each other.


what does it mean when i act like a little kid around my boyfriend

If you vibe with someone in a way you don’t do with other people it shows how you feel about them.


It’s easier to connect to someone with whom your feelings connect.


When you want to know how you feel about each just look at how you behave when you are around each other.


If you behave like a kid and that is how you usually handle yourself whenever you are someone you feel so comfortable with this shows that you are in love with him.


You don’t need to think of what you should do or say when you are around him because everything will always seem right to him.


If it feels right to behave the way you want around someone it shows you are in love with them.


When you behave like a kid and your boyfriend reciprocates your energy it shows it shows how you both feel about each other.


Read also; When A Guy Acts Childish Around You: It Means? 


You love each other and that is why you behave like a kid whenever you are around him.


If you have to think of how to act around someone you are in love with this clearly shows you don’t connect.


You don’t vibe at all. All you do is force the vibes.


Being around someone like this can easily turn upside down whenever any misunderstandings emerge.



If you behave like a kid around your boyfriend it means you are comfortable with him, you are excited to be around him, you enjoy spending your time with him and you are so much in love with him.


The way you behave around your boyfriend expresses how you feel about him.


He treats you nicely, he doesn’t control you, and makes you feel safe and happy.


The way he handles you brings the best out of you.


You are joyful and playful because you love how he treats you.


Your time with him is always amazing and that is why you let yourself loose.


If you don’t love how he treats you and thinks about you, you would have felt restricted around him. This feeling would have taken away your freedom.


And this would have made you cautious of anything you would say or do when you were around him.


If this is how you behave around someone you are in love with, you have a problem!


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