Should Couples Tell Each Other Where They Are Going?

In this article, I will share whether couples should tell each other where they are going or not. If you are wondering whether you should always tell your boyfriend or girlfriend where you are going, in this article you will find the right answer.


Before I share with you whether you should tell your partner where you are going or not, note this.


Couples should always share everything that is going to keep building the foundation of trust in the relationship.


When your girlfriend or boyfriend doesn’t share with you some things you will start doubting her or him.


These doubts are what will develop into mistrust in the relationship.


You won’t trust your partner the way you are used to because he or she doesn’t always tell you everything.


It’s a must you share with your partner what is going on if you want your partner to trust you.


Going on the side of sharing your whereabouts; how will you feel when your partner goes out to the club without telling you about it?


Read also; Should I Let My Boyfriend Go Clubbing? And Is It Okay To Let Your Girlfriend Go Clubbing? 


What will you think of your boyfriend or girlfriend when he or she starts leaving without telling you where he or she is going?


This will start raising question marks which is not good for a relationship.


From the short explanation I have shared above you now know whether you should tell your partner where you are going or not.


Should couples tell each other where they are going?

Couples should tell each other where they are going to build trust in the relationship, for safety reasons, and also to practice the aspect of sharing everything that is going on in the relationship.


If you want to build trust in your relationship with your partner you will have to share with him or her everything.


You need to be an open book to your partner so that he or she doesn’t feel that you have been keeping things from him or her.


The moment your partner starts suspecting that you have been keeping things away from him or her it might ignite a serious issue.


It is a good thing for your partner and you to know each other’s whereabouts to not worry about anything.


When your partner is late you will know where he or she is. If you are too worried about their safety you will go where they told you they were.


This usually reduces the worries when you know where your boyfriend or girlfriend is.


In case of anything you will know where to trace your partner.


Couples should open up to each other about everything that is going on in the relationship and their lives.


If you won’t open up to your partner don’t expect him or her to open up to you.


When you start dating you won’t find it easier to share everything unless one of you starts doing that.


The moment you start sharing with your partner everything that excites and worries you, he or she will also start doing the same.


This is why couples should tell each other where they are going;

1. To build trust in each other in the relationship.

This is the first reason why couples should tell each other where they are going.


should i tell my partner where i am going

If you want to build trust in your relationship you should be open to each other about everything.


Don’t hide anything from your partner. This is what will build trust in your relationship.


If your partner thinks that you are not telling him or her anything that is going on out there or what is happening in your relationship, he or she will start doubting you.


When the doubts go beyond uncontrollable units it will end up turning into mistrust.


Will you trust your partner if you think that he or she is hiding something from you?


This will break the trust in the relationship and as time goes by its effect will start showing up.


Whenever there is an argument about something, your partner will bring up the issue of you leaving without even telling him or her where you go.


Your partner may not tell you that he or she thinks you are hiding something, but when there is an issue that makes him or her mad, it will be a reason for him or her to spill everything.


“Lately you have been leaving without even telling me where you are going!”

“Do I truly know where you go when you leave my house and who you hang out with?”

“You don’t tell me anything about your whereabouts, what do you want me to think about you?”


These are some of the phrases you will hear when your partner is mad at you.


He or she will say all this because the issue of you not telling him or her where you are going bothers him or her but he or she has been holding down on it.


So, couples should tell each other where they are going to build trust in the relationship and eliminate any shred of doubt.


Also, if you want to gain each other’s trust you always have to tell each other where you are going.


If you have any doubts about each other this will eliminate it.


2. For safety purposes.

You should take care of each other in a relationship.


This forces you to be accountable for each other’s safety in a relationship.


Telling each other where you are going is a must.


In case, your partner gets into an accident somewhere you will be able to know where you can find him or her.


If your partner is late you won’t have anything to worry about because you have an idea where he or she is.


How do you feel when your partner leaves without telling you where he or she is going and it turns up that you can’t get even in touch with him or her for hours?


This will keep you worried about him or her. You won’t be at peace until you know where he or she is at the moment and what he or she is doing.


So, if you don’t want to be worried about each other it is always best you tell each other where you are going.


And when you reach where you were going you are supposed to let your partner know that you arrived safely.


This is to ensure that you don’t make your partner worry about you.


Also, when you do this kind of follow-up to each other whenever you are going places it makes you feel that you all care about each other.


It might not be a big deal to you but to your partner, it means a lot.


This will end up strengthening your relationship which is a bonus.


This is why couples need to tell each other where they are going.


3. For couples to start sharing everything.

The aspect of sharing everything that is going on in a relationship won’t start unless one of you indulges in it.


Your partner won’t start sharing with you everything when you are a closed book.


When you are in a relationship you have to be an open book to each other.


You must share everything that makes you happy, sad, stressed, or overwhelmed.


If you have anything that bothers you let it out for your partner to know it.


This will enable you to understand each other deeply when you start opening up to each other about everything that makes you tick.


If you want to start sharing anything deep with your partner, you must start with the shallow details.


As you continue sharing the shallow details about how everything is progressing in your life and the relationship at large, you will start letting it all out.


The part of you opening up to each other doesn’t just happen in an instant. It’s a process.


You have to be comfortable around each other and ready to be vulnerable to each other.


Read also; What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Comfortable Around You?


The shallow details you can start sharing are like these; where you are going, what you are doing, how your day was out there, and what you ate for breakfast.


So, if you want to start opening up to each other about everything that is going on you have to start small; tell each other where you are going and your entire activities.


4. Couples should tell each other where they are going to avoid misunderstandings.

Misunderstandings are bound to happen in a relationship.


One way of avoiding them in a relationship is by couples communicating with each other.


When you don’t tell your partner where you are going it might bring about conflicts whenever anything doesn’t go the way you want.


What if your partner thinks that you have been going somewhere he or she doesn’t want you to be?


This will just turn out to be a conflict. And this will happen because you haven’t told your partner where you are going.


For instance, you leave his or her place without telling him or her where you are going, you pass via the grocery shop and a minute later you find yourself at a coffee shop.


You went to the coffee shop because you saw your ex and you were surprised.


The main thing that took you there was just to say “Hi” and head back to his or her place.


What happens when your partner sees you talking to your ex at the coffee shop when you didn’t tell him or her where you were going?


He or she won’t understand that you just passed by the coffee shop because you saw your ex and wanted to say “Hi”.


Your partner will just conclude that you left his place without even telling him or her where you were going because you wanted to meet your ex at the coffee shop.


It will be hard for him or her to think that you went to the grocery shop and you had to make a stop at the coffee shop to just say “hi” to your ex.


This misunderstanding will happen because you didn’t tell him or her where you were going in the first place.


But if you told your partner that you were going to the grocery shop, he or she would understand that you had to stop by the coffee shop since it’s on the way to his place.


He or she won’t just conclude you left his or her place to meet up with your ex.


Couples need to tell each other where they are going to avoid such kinds of conflicts which will bring about unnecessary fights.


5. It opens an important line of communication in a relationship.

Couples should tell each other where they are going because it opens the line of communication.


should couples tell each other where they are going

You should communicate with your partner about anything that you want to do.


If you are thinking of going out this weekend to enjoy yourself let him or her know about it early in advance.


Telling your partner about your plans doesn’t only make you gain his or her trust but also keeps the conversation between the two of you going.


You need to communicate with each other for the relationship to survive.


So, when you tell each other where you are going it won’t only stop there.


You will also start talking about what you want to do when you get to where you are going.


This will keep your conversation longer even when you don’t talk to each other after that you will feel that you had a solid talk.


This strengthens the relationship. By now you know that a relationship can’t survive without communication.


But if you don’t share where you are going, you won’t share the other things too.


This will keep your conversation short and it will end up feeling like you aren’t close to each other because of how you communicate.



Couples should tell each other where they are going because it builds trust in the relationship, eliminates misunderstandings, and enables them to open up to each other.


So, if you are going somewhere ensure that your partner knows about it.


It also eliminates any doubts and worries that your partner may have when you are going somewhere.


If you just dress amazingly and leave the house without telling your boyfriend or girlfriend where you are going, what do you expect him or her to think of you?


It doesn’t matter if he or she trusts you or not, it will raise negative feelings and comments.


Don’t put your partner in a position to doubt you and think the worst of you when you can lay everything open to him or her.


So, always share where you are going and do a follow-up.


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